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Everything posted by DaveP

  1. Hi GKrabach, and welcome. Is it possible to see what is causing sendmail to be invoked? Normally, an admin login doesn't send an email. Is there a specific module (usually in /site/modules/) installed that is doing this? You seem quite comfortable with all this stuff, so it might be worth installing Tracy Debugger as it can be enormously useful.
  2. It looks like some of the unparsed code is from the file compiler, and that you are using the new 'regions' markup thingy(?). What is in your code immediately before {$page->body}?
  3. Considering how costly and time consuming installing a security cert was up to only quite recently, it is so much better now. On my blog, I use a CloudFlare free account which comes with free https as well, which is one way of doing it. Recently I signed up with the same hoster that I use for the blog, to host an intranet I'm building for my current employer, and it turns out they now offer 1-click Let's Encrypt certificates. And it really is that easy - one click, wait a few seconds, and it just works. Not been live long enough to see how renewing the cert goes, but I don't anticipate any issues. FYI the host is Vidahost, with their 'cloud hosting' packages. (They also offer one-click PHP version change - the intranet is running on this week's latest PW version under PHP 7.1, and it all works great!)
  4. Just to confirm that @TomasDev's answer does, indeed, work. Thanks, Tomas!
  5. ... or you could try the Cloudflare rule I mentioned in my blog post to exclude the PW backend.
  6. As best I can work out, looking at Admin > Setup > Logs > System-updater, I upgraded to 2.6.13 dev (which it is still on) about 20 minutes before I wrote that blog post, which I can only assume triggered the need for the post in the first place.
  7. Yes, and I wrote about it here - https://dpreston.com/posts/processwire-cloudflare/
  8. I think you can actually do it with Git submodules. See http://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/72750/git-project-dependencies-on-github. But Composer is probably easier.
  9. We did discuss a UK meetup some considerable time ago. (Wow, 2012, not far off 5 years ago!) There were probably only half a dozen UK based active forum participants back then, and it's something I would be happy to revisit.
  10. That fixed it. (I was getting the same error.) Works great!
  11. Ryan gave an example of how to do this in a blog post recently.
  12. Guessing, but this sounds like a permissions issue. /cache/ & children writeable?
  13. Hmmm, not to be too sceptical about server admin competence, but it might be worth enquiring about the mySQL slow query log. It is my understanding that they should be able to identify the source of this kind of problem.
  14. Crummy old PC at work - on-board GeForce 6150SE graphics, which does crash occasionally, not just on your WebGL, @heldercervantes.
  15. If there will only ever be exactly one image per page, then page = image and image = page, certainly on image pages (there may be 'About Me' type pages as well). If that is the case, you could simplify your naming conventions a little. Much of the functionality you need can be found in the PW core and a couple of modules. Check out http://modules.processwire.com/modules/image-exif/ and http://modules.processwire.com/modules/image-extra/, as a starting point. Do some experimenting, and come back with any questions.
  16. This is such a cool idea, which hasn't (so far as I am aware) been done before. UIKit has been mentioned as a preferred framework by a few forum members in the past and I for one have used it as well, and spent time on figuring out component dependencies. I look forward to giving it a try.
  17. Actually crashed my on-board graphics. And I'm not even joking.
  18. Yep, me too. I'm guessing that maybe half a dozen people know PW well enough to be familiar with all the clever stuff available. And that is in no way a criticism - it's just that there are so many cool features (and more added almost weekly) that us mere mortals (me anyway) struggle to keep up. But it's an absolute joy to see threads like this.
  19. I use text fields for eg Stripe responses. The only thing to watch is that PW puts a default size on text fields which may not be long enough, and will truncate data silently.
  20. in my case the two templates are 'blog' and 'blog-post'. 'blog' is the parent and only used once, while blog-post is the child and used many times. In the 'Family' tab on the template page for 'blog-post', I have things set up as in the attached image. This template cannot have children, but can be used for new pages. Its only allowable parent is 'blog'. If you go on the 'blog' template, the dropdown for allowed chidren will have a tick (checkmark) against 'blog-post'. This relationship between templates only needs to be set from one side to work, and I usually do it from the child template since it is when I am editing that that both sides of the relationship exist.
  21. Hi SamC and welcome. is used to get either headline or title, depending whether both or only title are populated. If headline has a value it is returned, or else title. In PW, $page->field returns one value, which may be null. $page->get('selector') returns one value from multiple possible values (like 'headline|title' above). $page->find('selector') will return zero or more values in an array. Typical cases where headline and title may be different would be a short entry in navigation (eg Home) and a longer heading for the page (eg Welcome to Our Site).
  22. This works for me. <?php $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'mytemplate'; $p->parent = $pages->get('/parent/'); $p->title = 'temp'; $p->save(); // $p now has an id $p->title = $p->id; // possibly with a prefix or suffix $p->save(); The important bit is to save the page so that PW can assign it an id.
  23. Are you sure you have <?=$config->urls->templates;?> and not <?=$config->paths->templates;?>?
  24. I didn't know that, but yeh, that works too.
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