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Everything posted by elabx

  1. I kind of had this problem, and solve it using a "NOT" selector when retrieving the array. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12798-remove-multiple-items-from-pagearray/ Though I know this is not exactly what you are asking since it's not dealing exactly with the array, but thought it could help.
  2. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-twitter-feed/ This module works fine, though you will have to generate the markup to achieve the "looks" of the Wordpress plugin you are puttin as example. Although, thanks to Processwire, nothing will get in your way to accomplish this Check this part of the module documentation: You might also want to to take a look at: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/tweets To know how the tweet objects are organized in the array returned by the module. (take a look at how $item variable is accesed when echoing the string)
  3. Actually this was all I had in mind I guess it could be the same as just having a site profile for yourself? Though one simple json file seems very convenient.
  4. Hi! I installed directly from Processwire. I was actually talking about this line: https://github.com/outflux3/PrevNextTabs/blob/master/PrevNextTabs.module#L84 My guess is it returns false because if hidden without the "include=all" selector it won't find any pages.
  5. Is this for your InputfieldChosenSelect module? I've been using it a lot and found myself wishing for fuzzy matching.
  6. Then I request a kongondo module release subforum!
  7. Hi Macrura! Thanks for this module! It's very cool! It really enhances using pages as a "data container". Though, I just tried selecting a template that contains hidden pages and it didn't seem to work. EDIT: I added "include=all" where you check for siblings of the page and it worked. My guess is that it should work even if pages are hidden? Thanks again!
  8. RT @processwire: New post: Composer, Google, Calendars & ProcessWire: Using Composer with PW 3.0.11, Google Client API & more– https://t.co…

  9. So, in the near future it will be possible to have a composer.json file that allows to bootstrap Processwire with all the extra module awesomeness?
  10. Thanks! I didn't out that just outputting the field as it is returned a string of the pages IDs divided by pipes. Very educational! It ended up looking like this, no need for not() $selector ="sort=title,template=featured-service|caso-exito, start=" . (int)$input->post->pagination . ", limit=6, id!=" . $page->featured_product_link;
  11. I am pulling content through ajax to display a grid of images, but, the initial set of images that load when starting the site are selectable through a page field. (Each grid item is a page that works only as container). So, in my $config->ajax I have something like this: $selector ='sort=title,template=featured-service|caso-exito, start=' . (int)$input->post->pagination . ', limit=6'; $ajaxProducts = $pages->find($selector); Now, is there a way I can filter with not() PageArray method using data from said page field??
  12. Looks very nice! Love the drawings over the lines. That´s also my strategy to output one page sites, iterate children and just $page->render($params), what a bliss! Just a doubt, how do you handle the "/home/children" url path? I mean, even if there is now link to that actual url, is it recommended to remove it or redirect to home with a kind of auto scroll to the section?
  13. RT @ThePracticalDev: The last programming book you'll ever need https://t.co/cnObD8GYGZ

  14. I have the vague impression that database migrations are better supported in other types of frameworks/languages (Rails/Ruby)? Or is Processwire simply not intended to have this type of implementation? Or am I misinterpreting something here? I can only guess from my experience, that database sync is not trivial. It just sparks my curiosity that currently there are two threads asking about this, and also have read about a lot of people rather using static CMS due the "databaseless" way these apps work.
  15. RT @miblogestublog: Arrogant, ignorant people shouldn't be presidents, says arrogant, ignorant former president https://t.co/G3N0Io5m69 htt…

  16. Agree, the API is unbeatable. I haven't tried every CMS but at least the ones I have tried, everytime it was time for "Hey Mr.CMS, could you please get me this content from over there?". Either there was no clear answer or a solution that wasn't really up to my liking. For example, in Perch, there is perch_custom_content that returns an array with the data which I instantly started hating. Call me lazy, I just don't like how you have to iterate over array within array. You could imagine my shock when I saw Page and PageArray objects working with chained methods and the beautiful one liners you can do with PW. The closest I have experienced to PW somewhere else is with Kirby's own $pages and $page variables that also work much like PW's I think. But, what eventually moved me away from Kirby was discovering PW page and its page tree that just looked like the answer to all my data organization/displaying/retrieving problems. Had never really though about this. My first site with Processwire had to had an ajax and cached Instagram feed. It was implemented horribly, with the libraries in template dir and a php file for ajax right outside site folder, but IT JUST WORKED. No new things to learn, no weird tricks, just plain PHP working as it is intended. I think that's very helpful for people still in the process of learning backend techonolgies, but that can be proficient doing the front end. In Perch they also have a kind of template tags, which I was never really convinced of using.
  17. The only thing I have found in the forums is this post comparing Perch and Processwire. Though from that list we can tick live preview/drafts Edit: Also found this topics with interesting discussions regarding Perch and other CMSs. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2936-processwire-v-perch/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1433-if-you-had-to-use-another-system https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2554-other-cmss I would add that my opinion about Perch in particular goes along with the line of thought in this post:
  18. Great update! I love the modal edit, it is just such a great addition!! Makes using the tree view really smooth!
  19. RT @jordiobdotcom: E-commerce History: How Product Visualization Changed Over Time by @DemoUpCom https://t.co/asQrHFmFUQ vía @B2Community

  20. RT @processwire: New post: ProcessWire ProDrafts now available in pre-release, with a surprise or two as well – https://t.co/RYx07XQYcU

  21. Waiting on the @processwire hype train for the weekly update :D

  22. Thanks a lot Matthew!! I have done a few things with D3.js and it's amazing what can be done, just browsing the examples page is really great! For example, I am a BIG fan of this guy and his work, be sure to check it out.
  23. I...don't use SVG... Could anyone point out to resources of how to properly use SVG? I have read that there are a number of ways of embedding SVG, fallback stuff, etc. Is the IMG tag as tooth-paste mentions, the most practical approach??
  24. RT @YashiroMR: La Ciudad de la Igualdad.. Cuando vengan digo yo.. #Kiss https://t.co/s1LZ3aPW03

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