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Everything posted by SiNNuT

  1. SiNNuT


    I understand what you are saying. I haven't used anything outside of PHP but i have used a few other cms/f products and none of them i really liked. Until i found PW. In the end it's all about using the right tool for the job, but in my experience PW is the right tool for a whole lot of jobs.
  2. SiNNuT


    I'm not sure it's correct to compare RoR to ProcessWire. You would rather use RoR to build something like PW in Ruby i guess, for example http://www.locomotivecms.com/ I think it would be better to compare it to Zend Framework, Symfony or even Django (Python)
  3. I have learned to read a new language called WillyC. This was no easy feat but with some perseverance i finally succeeded. Writing is still to be mastered though.. :0 What's the biggest thing you have learned?
  4. Those curly braces aren't some kind of tags but 'normal' PHP complex string parsing. http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.parsing.complex
  5. It seems localhost:8888/processwire is just an empty directory? Then it's quite obvious that it doesn't work. Maybe you should explain a little bit better how you've got things set up and which files are where. You say you want to simulate, but what exactly do you want to simulate? URL's that come close? What is sometimes do is setup a vhost and adjust my hosts file (windows) That way you can have for example www.mydomain.dev
  6. This is quite an interesting topic. Up until now i have only deployed to shared hosting with all of the stuff directly in the docroot. Sometimes you read that it is considered 'wise' to have as much as possible outside of the document root and maybe only keep an index.php and htaccess and your assets in there. Any of you work this way? That would mean altering the paths in PW but i guess it could be done?
  7. I'm assuming this is for use on the 'front-end' part of your site? Facebook, Twitter and G+ all have ways to use their auth system. They are Oauth based. See: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/web/#login https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/sign-twitter https://developers.google.com/+/api/oauth and http://www.9lessons.info/2011/10/login-with-google-plus-oauth.html I guess you would build from that. What kind of functionality do you want to offer users who login with FB, G+, Twitter, Yahoo id etc. ?
  8. Just to make sure; I assume that http://my-funky-new-site.co.uk/ points directly to your docroot on the webserver? In that case you would upload the contents of your ProcessWire to the docroot and not the directory and it's contents. In other words, normally there won't be a ProcessWire dir on your live site. Only site and wire dirs and ofcourse .htaccess etc. Maybe obvious but thought i'd mention it.
  9. I suspect you are running into the build-in CSRF protection, do you get this exception?: /** * Throws an exception if the token is invalid * */ public function validate() { if(!$this->config->protectCSRF) return true; if($this->hasValidToken()) return true; $this->resetToken(); throw new WireException($this->_('This request was aborted because it appears to be forged.')); }
  10. You are correct, just make sure you supply the correct path in your template code. something like: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>bootstrap/styles.css" />
  11. Can't speak for Martijn. But i can confirm that the behavior Ryan describes does not happen on my platform. If i do a fresh install of PW there are a couple of images belonging to the homepage. If i check the filesystem, in my case 'E:\wamp\www\dev_wcb\site\assets\files\1', there are the originals as well as the 0x100 and the 232x176 variations. Deleting the images from the edit page in the PW admin: The (original) images are gone from the filesystem but the variations mentioned above are still there in E:\wamp\www\dev_wcb\site\assets\files\1 This is on a Win7 Home Premium, 64 bit. Wampserver 2.2: Apache Version : 2.2.21 PHP Version : 5.3.10 Loaded Extensions : Core bcmath calendar com_dotnet ctype date ereg filter ftp hash iconv json mcrypt SPL odbc pcre Reflection session standard mysqlnd tokenizer zip zlib libxml dom PDO Phar SimpleXML wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter apache2handler mbstring gd mysql mysqli pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite mhash xdebug MySQL Version : 5.5.20
  12. I have noticed this before but never gave it much thought because i haven't made any image heavy stuff. But indeed, removing images, doesn't seem to remove any of the size variations you've generated, be it on the back-end (automatically) or in your own templates. I have a feeling this is by design on logical or technical grounds (or both). Maybe it is because there is no sure way to know if a particular image is a thumbnail of an original or an 'original' itself. The db doesn't keep track of this afaik. On the other hand, i can think of scenarios where you would want to delete an 'original' but keep other size variations.
  13. Nice site. Maybe it's by design but some longer text disappears on dark pics. Maybe add some small white drop-shadow.
  14. It depends on what you need. Curious as to what limitations you encounter in Bootstrap. Also, responsive is all the rage nowadays but not everything needs to be responsive. Anyways, some nice ones: http://foundation.zurb.com/ http://www.getskeleton.com/ http://www.gumbyframework.com/ http://www.yaml.de/
  15. Is it possible that you have forgot to also transfer the .htaccess file? Cause it seems that apache rewrite engine isn't working to me. Sometimes the .htaccess file is hidden. If it is there you could try and set RewriteBase / (look it up in .htaccess file).
  16. Definitely! So much great stuff in there. @Ryan, if one thinks he has found an issue do we put it in this thread or via GitHub issues?
  17. especially when someone answers their own question
  18. Nice Job Pete. Before GitHub for Windows i was using SmartGit, which has more features and power but also can be quite confusing at times. So for my basic needs GitHub for Windows works fine. I would recommend adding a small section about contributing to existing projects. It's not that hard an can be useful, even if all you did was correct some typos or indenting in the PW codebase, like i've done in the past being the coding lightweight that i am. All little things count. In a nutshell: Fork - Go to https://github.com/r...ign/ProcessWire - Click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner - Visit your own PW fork page if your not already taken there automatically (https://github.com/MY_USERNAME/ProcessWire) Clone - Click "Clone in Windows" in the top-left corner. - This will open up "GitHub for Windows" and after a short wait you will see a local repo of your fork.Configure remotes Configure remotes This allows you keep in sync with changes made to the original codebase (e.g. Ryan's repo) - In "GitHub for Windows" local repositories view, right-click and choose "open a shell here" - This will open a shell already in the right directory. Type the following commands: git remote add upstream https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire.git # Assigns the original repo to a remote called "upstream" git fetch upstream # Pulls in changes from the original repo not present in your local repository, without modifying your files. Allows you to review first. git merge upstream/master # merge fetched changes into your working files. Syncing and pull request If you've merged upstream changes you can then sync them with your GitHub fork via the 'sync' button. The same goes for changes you made yourself. If you think PW would benefit from these changes you can send a pull request. Go to your fork on GitHub and click the button "Pull Request". - out of time - Anyways, you've put it in pdf but is it an idea to put it on wiki.processwire.com as well?
  19. Since you mentioned oauth in your first post, have you seen this module? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/social-twitter-update/ Looking over the code you can see that it is not even that hard to do nice stuff like this. Not that i am capable yet to do it myself but it does make sense when reading it. You can learn a lot this way, as Soma already mentioned.
  20. I guess you already found it via Google but here is some stuff on PHP OOP, http://www.killerphp.com/tutorials/object-oriented-php/ Can't really judge the quality cause i myself lack knowledge in this department.
  21. er31, Where do you call this code, in your categories template? I'm not sure but i guess the problem lies in the fact that $pages->get returns a Page and not a PageArray. You should alter the $the_cat part is guess, but i could be wrong
  22. Ryan, especially for people like you Sublime has a "Distraction Free Mode" (seriously though, it's nice, image beneath is all you see on your pc screen)
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