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Everything posted by matjazp

  1. Ah, known problem with PFE and jQuery. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/19862-front-end-editor-conflict-with-bootstrap-4/
  2. @celfredFEEL checks if a page is editable, but since $user->editable() return false (actually it's userEditable() method), the link is not displayed. Could you edit FrontEndEditLightBox.module and remove && !$this->wire('config')->ajax from line 82 and see if it work?
  3. I tried with <edit fields="table">test table field</edit> and can't replicate. maybe you should try with the latest PW version?
  4. What PW version? There have been some updates to PageFrontEdit a few months ago. It also looks like jQuery is not loaded before other scripts. PageFrontEdit doesn't play well with Jquery 3 used on the frontend. See https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/609 and https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/574
  5. Looks like extreme-ip-lookup.com can't deal with IPv6 address. And PW is on the same boat.
  6. I prefer buttons or links top left with descriptive text instead of icons...
  7. I can also reproduce, but not always... Chrome on windows, PW 3.0.108, default admin theme and uikit . Also, when you restore a page from trash, the count of the children is not updated.
  8. If I enable "Disable filename truncation for File fields", the download icon is missing. I also have enabled Asset download button and Move to first/last buttons).
  9. Steve, I would like to thank you for your effort on closing stale issues and especially bringing back to life (and to Ryan's attention) those forgotten, but still valid issues, affecting multiple people. Keep up good work!
  10. Hi, @tpr As you may already know, we have Restore tab in page edit, so selectors to hide should be updated with '#_ProcessPageEditRestore, #ProcessPageEditRestore, ' (in .module and with #ProcessPageEditRestore in .js). Also, where in the source are #_WireTabDelete and #WireTabDelete? (I wrote you a PM but I guess you didn't get a notice...)
  11. When I enable AOS and try to move files/images, this happens (incognito mode, no options selected, just enabled module, no js errors): Disabling html.aos{min-width:100vw;overflow-x:hidden} helps.
  12. @Robin S 'requires' => 'ProcessWire>=3.0.83, AdminThemeUikit' doesn't work for you?
  13. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function siblings() on null in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\site\modules\BreadcrumbDropdowns\BreadcrumbDropdowns.module:97 This happen if you have AdminThemeBoss module installed (https://github.com/noelboss/AdminThemeBoss)
  14. 'requires' => 'ProcessWire>=3.0.83, AdminThemeUikit',
  15. Thanks for the answers! Tried that and didn't work. Yes, this works. Well, there are all kinds of folks ? If I can enter "title=foo" I expected I could also enter "id=1234"... What I meant with "What pages to show" is Lister eg. this link: /processwire/page/search/ Maybe this should be the default "result" if the search term is empty and you press enter. Now you get "The process returned no content." and that probably isn't very helpful?
  16. How could I find the page with specific id? I tried id=1234 but shows 0 results. How do I get the previous page search where I could specify "What pages to show"?
  17. @Noel Boss thanks for this module. Installed without a problem. Guess it's not yet in the modules directory? What I don't get is what is Extended Breadcrumbs for? The theme is almost 18 MB in size, seems a lot for a few css files? Just for fun, I took uikit.vibrant.css file and used it in AdminThemeDefault config options (Layout + interface, Advanced) and got the look and feel without using your module. Or I miss something?
  18. A web page is working, the address is not.
  19. I've send you a PM. Thanks.
  20. I'm having the same problem - URL is wrong. After clicking Apply, it says "Can not recognize the mailing address. Please check and try again."
  21. What about the Restore tab? I'm looking at the ProcessPageEdit.module and in ___BuildFormContent() is: if($this->page->template->nameContentTab) { // add InputfieldPageName ... } But in ___BuildFormSettings() the condition is different: if(($this->page->id > 1 || $this->hasLanguagePageNames) && !$this->page->template->nameContentTab) { // add InputfieldPageName ... } Why?
  22. If you disable loading FEEL css, then you have unstyled <a> just like you want it, no need to override anything. That's why I requested this option, so I have full control of button styles. And as a bonus, you also have control of lightbox appearance ...
  23. Created and sent action module to @adrian via PM if he would consider including it in Admin Actions module. Thanks @Robin S!
  24. @Robin S, thank you for your contribution. Your version is handy if you want to target more inputfield types, not just date. Maybe we should not target specific className but rather the class that it extends? In your example, Integer is covered, but Float and Decimal are not. Also, Url is not covered, but since InputfieldUrl extends InputfieldText, required attribute is already available in core. Maybe we should check on what types are specifically not supported, rather than supported?
  25. Thank you @BitPoet In the meantime I found the place to hook - InputfieldDatetime::render. And since I need this for only 2 specific dates, I'm applying the required attribute to the InputfieldDatetime based on the field name (hasField). This way I don't have to save attributes to the field - who knows someday this HTML required attribute might even get it's way to the core (and I'm surprised that it's not there already).
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