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Everything posted by clsource

  1. seems a good framework to have in the toolbox just in case
  2. I found this http://pointnorth.io/ and this http://www.vagrantup.com/ maybe we can make a vagrant pw box for quick development?
  3. I like to read the code, then read the forums, then be happy . It's just a shift in the way to do things in processwire that many people could not understand at first sight because they are used to work with more strict cms. I love processwire because it can fits in any solution, little or big, and gives you the freedom to architect the way you need to. good read @Joss
  4. @Joss and @Kogondo Thanks for all the help! you are awesome.
  5. Yes that behaviour. an admin themes module but for the front-end site. I guess in that case you must develop some module.
  6. thanks, I think that could work. but what if you want to be more scalable. like the processwire admin theme. just create a new folder with the theme files and select the theme from the admin config page.
  7. Hello, I wish to know if you can make a site with different themes. Eg. a blog site with a theme for summer, winter, fall and spring So the admin could select the current theme. Like the Admin Theme Module, but for the Front end. Thanks
  8. clsource


    Glad to know. !!
  9. Can I use MariaDB instead of MySQL? or Processwire will have some issues?
  10. I like linux because flexibility I like mac because iOS (iPhone) I like windows because ... well I don't like it xd
  11. seems pretty ok. I suggest reading http://www.phptherightway.com/ and using alternative syntax instead of echoing html http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3785-alternative-syntax-for-control-structures-a-tip-for-newbies/?hl=%2Balternative+%2Bsyntax
  12. don't know if is useful but here are some chart js librarys https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/treemap?hl=en http://smoothiecharts.org/ http://www.oesmith.co.uk/morris.js/
  13. how so? you mean creating a site with responsive design and use that?. or using processwire for all the data operations, like a JSON wrapper for the MySQL?. I'm trying to create some kind of hybrid between the awesome processwire CMF and the usefull parse.com ecosystem.
  14. Parse.com It's a platform for mobile applications. you have other options like stackmob or kinvey. Basically you got an SDK for different platforms that enables communication, data storage and push notifications. Currently I´m Looking foward integrating Processwire with Parse.com using the php wrapper https://github.com/apotropaic/parse.com-php-library
  15. With very good and free application hosting alternatives like OpenShift I think WebHosts will have a hard time if they do not update their PHP versions.
  16. haha, not just read it.
  17. I want to read this book about IPA Beer http://www.amazon.com/Hops-Glory-Pete-Brown-ebook/dp/B005GUZ0ZY/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1394550363&sr=8-6&keywords=ipa+beer+history
  18. Thanks, this is very helpful for those who want bleeding edge versions of PHP and MySQL.
  19. Yes, works like a charm. But also I discovered 2 issues. 1.- the csv have not \n line endings. 2.- the sql export have all the sessions. that was the main reason it was a very huge sql file (near 12 megas) after the truncate only was 140 kb. wow. Thanks folks!
  20. so I gave up and use a command line script like this http://processwire.com/talk/topic/18-how-do-i-import-lots-of-data-into-pages/?hl=%2Bskyscrapers+%2Bsite
  21. I always prefer paper and pencils but if you have a Mac. this tool can help http://www.omnigroup.com/omnigraffle/ free alternatives to illustrator might be http://inkscape.org/ http://sk1project.org/ http://al.chemy.org/
  22. For the template files you can use the alternative syntax http://cl1.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.alternative-syntax.php <?php if($something): ?> <!-- Html --> <p>My content inside an if </p> <?php endif ?> You can use them with foreach, for, while, switch, etc.
  23. thanks for the great framework. Processwire is just awesome and all the people here are awesome too
  24. Thanks, but if you have a greater number of pages that need to be created, like 10K for example. The script would have O(n) execution times. I tried to use the command line, but for unknown reasons the same script only saved 1 person. There is a way to use javascript to programatically call a page with a chunk of people to save? Edit: I found something with jQuery Queue http://learn.jquery.com/effects/uses-of-queue-and-dequeue/ https://www.inkling.com/read/jquery-cookbook-cody-lindley-1st/chapter-17/recipe-17-5 I will look into it and post the results
  25. Hello, thanks for helping me. Currently I'm using a CSV with all the data. read the 2000 entrys and for each one create a new page // Csv Parsing $system = $pages->get('/system/people'); // 2000 people foreach($people as $friend) { $newFriend = new Page(); $newFriend->template = 'person'; $newFriend->parent = $system; $newFriend->name = md5($friend['name']); $newFriend->save(); $newFriend->title = $friend['name']; $newFriend->save(); }
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