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Everything posted by clsource

  1. Thanks guys, I tested the code and the script was not beign executed, surely because the redirect @soma mentioned if you forgot the trailing slash.
  2. Thanks Soma, But I made a raw php file that echos $_POST and placed outsite processwire dir. <?php foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { echo "$key : $value <br>"; } I successfully receive the post vars. oddly if I try the same script inside Processwire templates directory all $_POST vars are empty. I used the FileLogger class for output a step by step execution of the script and neither that file is generated // Logger Class $log = new FileLog($config->paths->logs . 'EXEC_' . date('YmdHis') . '.log'); $log->save('Script was started'); I think the solution is to have a raw php file in the same folder as index.php and bootstrap processwire for database access.
  3. Hello, I'm doing an API and I need that receives params via POST, I'm using Postman extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman-rest-client/fdmmgilgnpjigdojojpjoooidkmcomcm) for testing purposes and I am not recieving the vars, but I do a curl curl --data "var1=123&var2=asdf" http://mywebsite/function I got them right. On the access logs I got this - - [08/May/2014:18:25:03 -0500] "POST http://mywebsite/function%C2'> 200 - "-" "-" Does Processwire have a security enabled for calls via post without headers? Thanks
  4. Hello, Maybe you should use different routes when using a JS routing engine. example: PW /login-pw Angular /login Never use Angular though, so please post your results
  5. impressive and beatiful great work!
  6. clsource


    Seems a good tool if you need to make something quick, but if you are trying to make something more elaborated I think it´s better to write your own code.
  7. clsource


    Hey nice iniciative one website too could be https://packagist.org/explore/
  8. One last thing you could try using header redirect inside index.php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7467330/php-headerlocation-force-url-change-in-address-bar
  9. hmm thanks for the quick response guys!, maybe I should implement oAuth2 for this kind of thing http://bshaffer.github.io/oauth2-server-php-docs/cookbook/
  10. I wonder why you put the headers in there. and the response time may vary depending of the children in the project. try using a limit
  11. May be you are having problems with the DNS. www is just a subdomain. here's some website http://www.awebguy.com/2011/02/seo-tip-www-or-no-www/
  12. Try forcing the use of WWW in the htaccess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4916222/htaccess-how-to-force-www-in-a-generic-way
  13. Hello, I'm wondering if this aproach is correct, had not been tested yet. What I'm trying to do is Log In an user from one browser and keep the user logged in a different browser. example: I have an app and send a login command to a processwire backend, the backend respons with the user id if the login was successful. http://example.com/login POST (encripted): username password response: 123 The code begin could be $username = $input->post('username'); $password = $input->post('password'); $user = $session->login($username, $password); if($user){ echo $user->id; } Then I read the User Id and open a new browser like this http://example.com/user/123 And the website checks if the user is logged in and opens a section only for logged in members. because PW saves the sessions in the server I think this could work. The code for this would be $userId = $input->urlSegment1; $user = $users->get($userId); if($user->isLoggedin()){ $session->redirect('/private/'); } else { $session->redirect('/'); } Thanks in advance
  14. clsource


    This was a very interesting topic, tha pros and cons of using Vagrant are much clear now
  15. clsource


    thanks, was very helpfull
  16. clsource


    Seems interesting, but its not production ready yet
  17. clsource


    Please, Can you give a detailed example of the drawbacks of using Vagrant? Thanks
  18. So I created a little python script. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/10001724 create a new file and give it execute permissions chmod +x ./pw You can fetch the lastest PW code from git an start a new project. ./pw <new-project-name> Also if you want a specific version ./pw <new-project-name> dev 2.4.0 Will create a new folder with your project name if you need help ./pw help Tested in my Linux machine.
  19. clsource


    FoxyCart seems pretty neat!. But the main diference with Spree is that you need to program the logic on products and stuff, and foxy takes the shopping cart side. So if you need an all in one solution use Spree. maybe if you need something more hand made you could use Foxy + Processwire
  20. clsource


    I think Rails is usefull for certain situations like you need a ecommerce that easily integrates with mobile. http://spreecommerce.com/ I have not find a way better software for ecommerce than that one. Sure it can be done in Processswire, but why reinvent the wheel?
  21. clsource


    I found this the other day http://www.vagrantup.com/ and it's awesome to make a virtual machine with just one command vagrant up and have all you need to code with processwire.
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