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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. Glad you go it sorted Sounds like a caching issue. Even with ProCache turned off, I generally have to resave a page and clear the cache etc.
  2. BTW this might be some help in diagnosing page redirects https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/redirect-path/aomidfkchockcldhbkggjokdkkebmdll?hl=en
  3. +1 What @bernhard mentions. If you're on Plesk there's a Hosting Settings option per website which might be affecting your redirects.
  4. Do you literally mean a shop / retailer powered by Drupal or a web dev outfit?
  5. Doesn't a selector only display X by default to prevent heavy server loads ?
  6. Has there ever been a PW meetup? I know some of the other CMS guys do it. Organise a few days at a hotel with a meeting room. Get to chat with other developers, talk about the roadmap. See some presentations etc etc and examples of work.
  7. That's an important point. Pixel & Tonic were already the developers of several of EEs most crucial extras and presumably had thousands of EE users on their database. When they started Craft they not only had a ready to go marketing list of people who were A) fed up with EEs development but also fans of Pixel and Tonic too. I wont go into details of how they announced Craft at an Expression Engine conference ? Anyway their climb to fame is well deserved but a little unnatural Vs how most CMS grow their profile.
  8. MODX isn't paid. I was surprised to see it listed though as it's last big update was 2014-ish and is suffering as a result. Corresponding 5 year Google Trends chart attached.
  9. Google Trends monitors search queries entered into it's own search engine. It's like a stripped down version of their keyword tool for Adwords where they can tell you that.
  10. One of the easier ways to tell is to search Google Trends https://trends.google.co.uk/trends/explore?date=all&q=processwire Mod note: Hi all, The original poster was a spammer. He's been banned. The forum software has automatically promoted @Peter Knight as the new OP .
  11. Hi all I have a requirement to outsource something. Can't place details here as it's private but you can view details on the Pub board.
  12. I started using LazySizes recently and really like it for large image heavy pages. If you start with the basic lazy loading and get comfortable with it you can then look at the srcset feature which loads different sized images based on the user device.
  13. These are from May 2015 but I think they're still relevant. By using tabs in the Modal marked Choose and Upload, it clarifies the 2 distinct actions available Vs 2 options under one confusing heading. The thing is (and I've yet to resolve), should the Upload tab be the default active one? I think there's an alternative combined version there too (not attached)
  14. That's an interesting one. I always tell my clients during training that they need to add an image to the images field first to make it available within the RTE. Your's seem to go down the opposite route by using the RTE insert image icon. The images part of Processwire is probably the only area of the CMS which my clients run into issues and always in two areas. 1. Image tags They often enter the wrong tag or are not sure which tag to assign to an image. This has been improved just recently with the latest image tagging commits. Haven't tried it yet but really looking forward to less UI friction there for my users. 2. Select V Upload Once a user enters the image modal, there's a very prominent 'Upload image" button and a very subtle "select image" instruction. This leads to a lot of confusion and clients uploading the same image twice. Could easily be solved with some simple changes but it's probably low priority. I hadn't come across your particular bug before but it's a nice find.
  15. I don't find it long winded but appreciate it could be reviewed. Theres a paid media manager module available which stores all images In a single place.
  16. One of the most obvious uses of this is I can finally make my own bunch of SEO fields and apply them to multiple pages. SEO is a core part of every site I develop and MarkupSEO just isn't getting the development it requires.
  17. Thanks guys.. @abdus I'm not familiar with a lot of your method but I'm looking forward to reading up on them and improving my PHP. I'm not familiar with return for example. In the short term I might break down my single PHP block into smaller more manageable blocks and rework it a little. I did try using your example to test it and I got a server error but aside from that am I correct in thinking that the actual Related Product heading isn't based on any conditional. @szabesz and @fbg13 thanks for the tips.
  18. I have a complicated, nested IF statement which I'm trying to clean up. Right now it works and only displays if user=superuser a matrix item of type 'related_product' exists My main issue is I have two of the follwoing foreach($page->related_products as $matrix_item) {} If I delete the first one, the page throws a server error if I delete the second one and it's opening and closing curly bracket, only a single related product displays. In reality there are 4. I shouldn't need two of these in my code but I'm clearly micing up my end curly brackets or something <!-- Gets the related products at the bottom of the page --> <?php // For each related_products in Matrix field set a variable called $matrix_item foreach($page->related_products as $matrix_item) {} // START IF statement: superuser and related product if (($user->hasRole("superuser")) && ($matrix_item->type == 'related_product')) { echo " <div class='uk-section uk-section-muted section-related'> <div class='uk-container'> <h3>Related Products</h3> <div class='uk-grid-match uk-child-width-1-4@s' uk-grid> "; // For each related_products in Matrix field set a variable called $matrix_item foreach($page->related_products as $matrix_item) { // For every child page of the related_random page, output a single random one based on the product template... foreach ($matrix_item->related_random->children('template=product, sort=random, limit=1') as $prod) { // output this echo " <div> <div class='rel-prod-ov-wrapper'> <a href='$prod->url'> <img src='{$prod->images->first()->url}' class='rel-prod-preview'> </a> <div class='rel-prod-ov-text'> <span class='rel-preview-title'><strong>Part No:</strong> {$prod->title}</span> <br/> {$prod->prod_summary} <a href='$prod->url' class='uk-icon-button rel-icon-linky' uk-icon='icon: chevron-right'></a> </div> </div> </div> "; } } echo " </div> </div> </div> "; } // END IF statement: superuser and related product ?>
  19. I always found it easier to have a page select field on my homepage. That way you have a single point for determining the featured page and don't have to trawl through a site tree to determine which page(s) are already checked.
  20. Ah - Debugger I see. I never really know what to do with it. Such a huge array of options I don't fully understand. Ever consider making a video walkthrough? I solved my earlier issue. I thought I needed to make this more complex than it needed. In the end, it was just a case of // For each related_products in Matrix field set a variable called $matrix_item foreach($page->related_products as $matrix_item) { // If the Matrix field content is of type: 'related_product' if($matrix_item->type == 'related_product'){ // For every child page of the related_random page, output a single random one based on the product template... foreach ($matrix_item->related_random->children('template=product, sort=random, limit=1') as $prod){ // output this echo "...
  21. I wonder would Ryan's latest blog posts be any use to you? He's developing a new import/export Module which may help you.
  22. Thanks @abdus I'll see what I can do. By the way, you have a console in your screenshot. Is that a Processwire module or part of Chrome etc?
  23. Thanks @abdus I don't think that's what I'm looking for though? I want to set the page specified in the related_random field as a variable. Then I'd like to echo out values of a single random child page of that related_random field
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