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I want to show you a project that I started developing in summer of 2022 and that went online in january 2023. Kulturhaus Wilster ("Arts Centre Wilster") https://www.kulturhauswilster.de The Kulturhaus Wilster - also called "Wilster's living room" by many visitors - is a socio-cultural center in the heart of Wilster. Wilster is a small City located north from Hamburg, germany. Despite the fact that this is a small venue they offer large amount of events. The events range all the way from concerts to theatre and everything inbetween! The old version of the site was a super simple WordPress website in a black-and-white only color scheme. In my opinion it did no justice to the very colorful program that the Kulturhaus offers so I tried my best to bring some color into the game. The whole website should have a shabby-chique look combined with clean, modern elements. The Homepage offers a preview of the next 8 upcoming events. A blog section is also included and the latest post is displayed next to the event calendar book as PDF download. The event pages offer a quick-reservation form (tickets are not sold online) and a quick look to the next upcoming events in the sidebar. The website features a large event calendar. It was a really nice exercise in using ProcessWires very own paging and selector features. Events can be searched and filtered by type (and month), too. All with a few lines of code only. For example "Look for events that take place in the future in a specific category" $events = $pages->find("select_event_cat.title~|%=$c, template=event, date_event>=today, sort=date_event, sort=time_from, limit=6"); Besides that the website features some colorful content pages with large images, galleries, textboxes and some teaser elements. The editors of the website are able to display all facets of the Kulturhaus this way. Tech Talk: Frontend Framework is Bootstrap 4.6 ProcessWire Modules used on this one are: - WireMail: SMTP (https://processwire.com/modules/wire-mail-smtp/) - SEO Maestro (https://processwire.com/modules/seo-maestro/) - All in one minify for asses (https://processwire.com/modules/all-in-one-minify/) - PageImageSource for webp image srcsets (https://processwire.com/modules/pageimage-source/) - JkPublishPages is used for time-controlled publishing of the blog posts. Please check out this module! Thanks @Juergen - @bernhards great RockFrontend was also used. In this particular project only the autorefresh feature (because this module was brandnew back then and development of the page was almost done). But even "only" using autorefresh makes it worth using it! Please have a look:5 points
This is a reissue of a module of mine called "PublishingOptions", that I wrote a while ago. The big difference is that this module is written in PHP 8 and has some nice additional features. The old module could only publish and unpublish pages depending on date and time settings, but the new version goes much further. So you can decide what should happen after the publication end date has been reached. You have the following options: Unpublish the page - this is what the old version did Move the page to trash - new Delete the page permanently- new Move the page to a new position in the page tree - new The last option will be interesting if you want to move the page fe to an archive after a certain date. You can select the new parent page and after the publication end date has been reached, the page will be moved under the new parent page. You will find a more detailed instruction and download possibility at https://github.com/juergenweb/JkPublishPages This module is Alpha stage and should be tested carefully before using it on live sites. I have planned to add this module to the PW module download section, so everyone is invited to test it out and to report issues directly at GitHub. Thanx2 points
Spatial operations are not trivial and in general not supported by PW. The problem is that you can't do simply "greater than" or "less than" operations like you can do with simple number fields. I think you have two options: 1) Use mysql's spatial functions. That would mean you'd have to create a custom DB table and use spatial analysis functions: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/spatial-analysis-functions.html 2) If you don't have too many pages you could also transfer an array of all coordinates of your pages to the client and then use a client-side libary to check which entries are within the polygon and which are outside. Then you could just add the ones within the polygon to the map. https://github.com/hayeswise/Leaflet.PointInPolygon2 points
That's what ModuleName.info.php was designed for. PW can check dependencies without loading the full module.2 points
As the project processwire-recipes.com went offline quite some time ago now, I took the repository and deployed a browsable version of it over on: https://processwire-recipes.pages.dev/ There is also a new repo: https://github.com/webmanufaktur/processwire-recipes/ ... on which this deployed version is based on. Changes, fixes, updates can be submitted there. Feel free to update links, fork the repo, submit changes for recipes layout or whatever. It uses 11ty for rendering .md to .html and all the other magic. I will add further details in regards to formatting recipes and submitting new content in the future. Further notice: @teppo: you link to the old domain on weekly.pw Changes/Updates: incoming - right now this is WIP (work in progress) Maintainers: feel free to let me know, I'll add you to that repo Details: the repo is on github: see above hosting/deployment: on Cloudflare Pages via 11ty updates: all updates against the master-branch will be deployed within 60 seconds after commit changes: right now only via pull-request maintainers: wanted - see above1 point
I've never worked with mysql spatial functions but I have a little background in GIS so I know things are usually a lot more complicated than you'd think before ? I've done a little research and found some helpful and interesting resources: Youtube video with a good overview over GIS and mysql: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zJ0swD17ow A blog post how to find points contained in a polygon using mysql: https://marcgg.com/blog/2017/03/13/mysql-viewport-gis/ And a little more details about performance (link from article 2): https://www.percona.com/blog/new-gis-features-in-mysql-5-7/ I've done this mysql query on one of my VPSs (3vCPU, 4GB RAM) with - as far as I understand - 50k calculations and got a result in 3.7ms: MariaDB [(none)]> select benchmark(50000, st_distance_sphere(point(-78.7698947, 35.890334), point(-122.38657, 37.60954))); +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | benchmark(50000, st_distance_sphere(point(-78.7698947, 35.890334), point(-122.38657, 37.60954))) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.037 sec) I might be wrong but I think that means that you can expect your calculations to be similarly fast. The same benchmark using 1 million instead of 50k tests took around 500ms. Maybe @Mats knows more? I think he also has a lot of experience with (web) maps?!1 point
These files are third party classes from Manuel Lemos. I first thought to wait until he has updated his files, but a PR would be pretty fine!! ?? (There are already some parts in this third party classes, that we have enhanced and or fixed on our self here.) Thanks @monollonom!1 point
Behind the scenes entries in a PageTable field are just regular pages in a regular PageArray. Lets say you have a field "pagetable" and it is configured to use template "blog-post" for items. You can create a new page with new items in the pagetable field like this: // create page that holds pagetable items $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'basic-page'; $p->parent = '/foo/'; $p->title = "Bar"; $p->save(); // get parent id for pagetable items from field config $parentID = $p->getField('pagetable')->parent_id; // create item page for field pagetable $item = new Page(); $item->template = 'blog-post'; $item->parent = $parentID; $item->title = "Item Foo"; $item->save(); // add item page to pagetable field $p->pagetable->add($item); $p->save('pagetable'); Since the value of $p->pagetable is a PageArray, you can find and manipulate the pagetable items with methods from Pages, PageArray and WireArray. To remove a specific item: $item = $p->pagetable->get('title="Item Foo"'); $p->of(false); $p->pagetable->remove($item); $p->save('pagetable'); You can also use WireArray manipulation methods insertBefore(), insertAfter(), append(), prepend() to add items in a specific order.1 point
I just came across this issue and the solution is pretty simple: replace strftime() with date("YmdHMS", $seconds) I don't really understand the use of strftime() here since there's no use of language-dependent strings... @horst Could you have a look at this or would you rather accept a PR?1 point
Hi all, So I ended up editing the snippet to the following which got me around the null error I was encountering. Figured i'd paste this for anybody else looking for something similar in the future. <?php /** @var InputfieldMarkup $f */ $f = $this->wire->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $f->set('label', 'Development Template Ordering'); $markup = '<ul>'; $blocks = processwire\wire('pages')->get('template=development_template_ordering_settings')->development_template_ordering; foreach($blocks as $block){ $markup .= '<li>'.$block->title.'</li>'; } $markup .= '</ul>'; echo $markup; ?>1 point
I've had a look and found the issue: ready.php is never triggered on frontend editing. You can attach your hook in /site/init.php for example and then it should work. The hooks are the same as for regular page saves: You can hook into Pages::saveReady or Pages::saved for example.1 point
@digitex@torf Just in case you (or anyone else) are still trying to work around this issue: I just had the NaN JavaScript error on one of my sites using LeafletMapMarker that didn't exist a few months ago. In trying to identify the error since there were no PHP errors discovered (though it wasn't in debug mode), I noticed I had, in that time, upgraded the version of PHP from 8.0 to 8.1. On a whim I reverted back to 8.0. This fixed the rendering of the map. Something is apparently not working on the PHP side which is interfering with it passing the parameters to the module's JS initialization constructor. This might not be a proper solution, but maybe a potential workaround (depending on your requirements) until or unless a more formal update to this module, or a successor can be offered. Thankfully (?) there are quite a few people who seem to have used this module, so the need to get it fixed somehow sooner or later will be increased. EDIT: There's a pull request in the module's GitHub repository that might fix this (untested).1 point
Same issue here, unable to log in using forum credentials (or any old information I can think of for that matter). This might need some attention from @ryan — or perhaps @Pete, as I seem to recall that it was him who originally set this part of the site up ?1 point
A note for myself, and people interested on how an install can scale : ProcessWire 3.0.175 adds new database scalability options https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.175/1 point
Another example, clients receipts generated by the terminal are sent on real time to the "receipt app" which can be seen there: https://facture.kingspark.fr/ You can see something more than ~4M pages. This following example, is a dashboard for accouting things, a database of 10gb and more than 11M pages: (traduced by on-browser-google-trad)1 point
Look at this example. Its made with the old version of RestAPI first made by @thomasaull years ago. To get the context, you can navigate to https://kingspark.fr and https://valideur.mykingspark.fr . I am speaking about a system which give the possibility to some of our client use their mobile or a barcode scanner device to give "free of charge parking" of their customer. Its composed with custom hardware, software and devices or mobile apps (you see it on GooglePlay). Image #1: List of Parkings // Image #2: The custom made SAGAS Terminal // Image 3: A configured User / Device available for registration and use. On the first picture, you can see a list of "Parkings", and some can have the "Valideur" functionality. We can configure attached devices and some users with specific role to get access for registration. And then, imagine the following. A customer land on the parking, grab a ticket and go to their rendezvous At the end, the guy in the office use his "Barcode Scanner" to "validate" the ticket of the customer; This mean that the customer will not pay anything when landing on the terminal to exit the parking, and when he will present the ticket on the barcode-reader installed on the terminal (the "black hole" you can see on the center in the picture), it will be recognized by another software and thought a call on ProcessWire Rest API backend. I made you two screencasts, the first is the software which once installed and registered, get the quota (number of validation available) from the user assigned to the license-code, and the second is my mobile which get notification sent from ProcessWire (by this module) from a monitoring system to get real-time information on registration. If you have any question, do not hesitate. There a more example, but you should get the whole idea ?1 point
I am actually wondering if you might be better off not relying on ajax calls for each filter step. Have you considered storing all the details of all trees in a wireCache'd JSON object that you load up when the page originally loads and then filter through that in memory? I have done this before - I have 3MB of data in JSON which is cached, I make sure that data is transferred compressed (so it's only a couple of hundred KBs). The initially page load takes a couple of seconds, but after that, the filtering is instant. I think so long as you know that the data will not expand to an outrageous size, this might be a good approach. PS - Great looking site!1 point
Second edit: hooking after Page::render works <?php wire()->addHookAfter('Page::render', function (HookEvent $e) { header('x: test'); // works });1 point
thanks @gebeer p.s. if anyone wants to do something like that you have to add the gebeer code (without function in my case) and just put this in find selector: $articles = $pages->find("date>=$first, date<$last, parent=[name=blog], sort=date");1 point
You have a $searchdate of format January-2016 and the date that is saved in your page in field date is 12-January-2016? PHP doesn't know by default that 12-January-2016 is a day within the month January of year 2016. So you need to do some date calculations with PHP. Try this to find out if "12-January-2016" lies within January 2016 // example code // convert the saved date of the page to a timestamp // $date = strtotime($page->date); // I assume the date is saved on the page in field date $date = strtotime("12-January-2016"); // convert the $searchdate to a timestamp $searchdate = strtotime("January-2016") + 1000; // get first and last timestamp of the given month and year $getdate = getdate($searchdate); // get the month number (e.g. 1 for January) $month = $getdate["mon"]; // get the year (e.g. 2016 $year = $getdate["year"]; // get first timestamp of that month in that year $first = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year); // echo date('r', $first); // get last timestamp of that month in that year $last = mktime(23,59,00,$month+1,0,$year); // echo date('r', $last); // now check if $date is in the range between $first and $last function check_in_range($first, $last, $date) { // returns true if $date is in month January of year 2016 - else returns false return (($date >= $first) && ($date <= $last)); } var_dump(check_in_range($first, $last, $date)); // either true or false Now you can use check_in_range($first, $last, $date) in your if - elaseif statements. Try the code live here. PS: I don't know what it is, I just like to fiddle around with date calculations...1 point