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140 commits, 55 resolved issues, dozens of new features, eight contributors, and five new pull requests make yet another great new version of ProcessWire. This week I’m happy to announce another new main/master branch version of ProcessWire, version 3.0.210. Like most main release versions, there is a lot here. This post covers some of the most notable additions and improvements— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.210/4 points
Just released the updated version of the german language pack for the just released stable core version 3.0.210 Download ZIP (github.com) @ryan @teppo4 points
Or Check this Post from bernhard: (Important: only works with the new master version 3.0.210 ?)2 points
Hello @ all I want to introduce a module to you which can create placeholder images on the fly. This module was developed a few years ago, but I have completely rewritten the code to PHP 8.1 and added some nice additional features. You can find the complete description and download possibility at https://github.com/juergenweb/JkImagePlaceholder, but I want to give you a brief description about the module. Since 28/01/23 this module is also available in the download section of ProcessWire at https://processwire.com/modules/jk-image-placeholder/ and can be downloaded within your ProcessWire site. Short description: This module uses TrueType fonts for the placeholder text. 2 TTFs are shipped with this module by default (FjallaOne-Regular.ttf and Lobster-Regular.ttf). Allows upload and deletion of other fonts Allows scanning the complete site to find and use other TrueTypeFonts (fe used by templates or other modules) Preview of all fonts in the select font input field - you can see how the font looks like Global setting of various colors: background color, text color,.. Supports adding of text shadow to the placeholder text Set global placeholder text (multi-language) Set global image tag CSS class for the placeholder image tag If you have installed FieldtypeColor or FieldtypeColorPicker you can select if you want to use one of these fields for color inputs instead of a text input. Preview example: The easiest way to create the placeholder image inside your template file: echo $modules->get('JkImagePlaceholder')->render(true); This will render the placeholder image according to your global settings in the module configuration, but you can change every parameter to your needs: echo $modules->get('JkImagePlaceholder') ->setText('Test!') ->setAltText('My custom alt text for the image') ->setFontSize(30) ->setWidth(400) ->setHeight(200) ->setBackgroundColor('#ddd') ->setFontFamily('lobster-regular.ttf') ->setTextColor('#ffffff') ->setShadowColor('#000') ->setXOffset(-5) ->setYOffset(1) ->render(true); Everything is explained in the Readme file on GitHub and in the download section. If you discover issues, please report it directly on GitHub? - Thanx for your help!1 point
The language pack is available at https://modules.processwire.com/modules/german/ or in the github repository https://github.com/jmartsch/pw-lang-de/releases/tag/latest The master branch will (try to) be up to date with the most recent stable version of ProcessWire. The dev branch will (try to) be up to date with the most recent dev version of ProcessWire. If you find any missing translations or errors, please create a PR or submit a bug/improvement. I hope we as a community can work together, to update translatations as soon as a new dev branch is pushed. Please let me know if you want to translate a new dev version, so we are not both doing the same task. If you want to help, you can clone my ProcessWire environment for language packs which provides an easy way for translating a language pack. You simply clone it, make changes to the language in ProcessWire and commit the changes back to your (or the german) language pack repository. This is a boilerplate which could work with any language, but right now it is tailored to the german language pack. Then I am able to quickly release an updated stable language pack when a new ProcessWire stable version is released. Big thanks to @Nico Knoll and @yellowled for their initial work on the translations.1 point
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Fixed in Padloper 008 released today.1 point
Have a look at this Thread and/or Module ? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2458-module-fieldtypeconcatenate/1 point
Check in your template > Advanced tab > List of fields to display in the admin Page List1 point
The new thing in PHP for this is the IntlDateFormatter class: $giornoDellaSettimanaFormatter = new \IntlDateFormatter('it_IT', \IntlDateFormatter::FULL, \IntlDateFormatter::FULL, null, null, 'eeee'); echo $giornoDellaSettimanaFormatter->format($page->getUnformatted('data')); //Domenica https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.intldateformatter.php1 point
Hello @bernhard First of all, thank you for your feedback. ? To be honest, I did not even think about using a svg for a placeholder - but this is also a really cool idea too. BTW thanks for the link - I will take a closer look at this. Referring to your questions: My intention was to use it for real website users (as placeholder images for products, user images and so on). I did not want to use to much different font families on a site. For this reason I thought that it was cool to be able to use the same font for the text in the placeholder image as used for the text of the site. This is possible with this module. Another aspect was that a "real image" could be used without problems with CSS frameworks componentes, whenever an image is needed. I am thinking of the comment component of the UiKit framework. In the markup you will need an image tag for the user image. Of course you can replace the image tag by a div container with text inside or another tag (picture, image tag for svg,..), but you have to adapt the CSS of the framework to get the desired result. Using an usual image tag, as provided with this module, requires no changes. Have a nice weekend!? Jürgen1 point
When I started Joomla was still called Mambo. At that time it was quite easy to modify the code to get the desired result; the examples were freely available. That changed with time. Joomla became more and more complicated and the extensions more and more commercial. Seblod was a breath of fresh air. With that you could make what you wanted if you were willing to spend a lot of time searching and studying. I only used the forum to search existing posts. With Joomla 4 it's all done with freedom and joy. Seblod has collapsed and the owners of Joomla-Seblod websites have nowhere to go. At least that's how it seems. Until I came across Processwire after a lot of searching. It takes time to understand the structure and to get used to the simplicity, but it is easy to do with the different profiles. Yes, Seblod is dead and so is Joomla for me. I've been thinking about posting on the Seblod forum about Processwire. Something stopped me: many users means many hackers. And yet..... this message also goes to the forum of Seblod.1 point
Hi @Java and welcome to the bright side ? I have the same background and switched in 2014 nd could not be happier with that decision (and couldn't thank @gebeer enough) ? I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ? It's kind of funny that people are still using joomla + seblod. It seems that things have not really changed since 2014... For me that was a terrible time - If I had a question and got stuck somewhere my only hope was the seblod forum. But you never knew when (or if at all) you got an answer. Usually it took two weeks and the answers where not even near as helpful as what I'm used to in the PW forum ? It also makes me smile when I read this: I can still remember that I've read that statement back then and I was a little afraid as ProcessWire really looked a little bit too simple for what I was looking for. I was so wrong ? ProcessWire is just really, really good at hiding complexity and making simple things simple but providing the power under the hood to help you build whatever you can think of. @Java so what is your experience of the seblod community at the moment? Is the project dead? Is there any progress? Are maybe more people there looking for an alternative? Mabe we could help them find ProcessWire ? PS: Hey google, can you please let people know, that ProcessWire is a great alternative to Joomla + Seblod in 2023?! ?1 point
Good idea, but maybe it's better to have this optional. I explained this so many times to clients but some of them still would like to have something like an explainer popup. But another topic is the obligation to protocol clicks/sessions (GDPR) for sites which have more than necessary cookies. I messaged @joshua a while ago, but he had no time back then. Maybe someone else could come up with a solution? I don't have the skill to do that, but would be happy to sponsor the work.1 point
I second this. My heart weeps every so slightly that this beautiful module isn't compatible with combo fields (and one presumes other profield types). It would be very delicious if it did!1 point
So i tried the other way around and formatted a date using the IntlDateFormatter. This thread helped me find my way: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71874030/local-language-without-strftime-deprecated-but-with-date So imagine we want to output "today" like this (formatted for german) Mittwoch 8 Juni 2022 This was the old way to to it: echo strftime('%A %e %B %Y', strtotime('now')); Since this will be deprecated in PHP 8.1 and removed in PHP 9 now we have to make use of this instead: $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter('de_DE', IntlDateFormatter::FULL, IntlDateFormatter::FULL ); $fmt->setPattern('EEEE d LLLL yyyy'); echo $fmt->format(strtotime("now")); The only thing that freaked my out about this was the weird formatting pattern. At first sight it makes no sense (to me), but the ICU documentation offers a big list of available options for formatting the date in any way you could imagine: https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/ If you are looking for a "one liner solution" then this seems to be the right way (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12038558/php-timestamp-into-datetime) echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject( new DateTime('@' . strtotime("now")), "EEEE d LLLL yyyy", 'de_DE' ); EDIT: Beware that timezone settings get ignored when you work with timestamps. This might get you into some trouble. My solution was to format the timestamp into a date string: echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject( new DateTime(date("d.m.Y", $timestamp)), "EEEE d LLLL yyyy", 'de_DE' );1 point
ProcessWire Concatenate Fieldtype Fieldtype that concatenates the values from one or more other fields at runtime. The value can contain additional formatting and/or words as needed, which you define in your Concat field settings. Example Problem: Your system has a first_name and last_name field, and you want to have a separate full_name field composed of first_name and last_name, without redundancy. Solution: You would create a new Concat field, click the details tab, and enter "first_name last_name" (the fields you want to concatenate) in the settings. Other Potential Uses Having a field that combines the value of two or more others, without the redundancy of separately stored data. Defining a custom “label field” for select boxes, like those used with the Page field. Defining a custom label for your Page List that includes your own formatting. Defining an alternate variation of a text field that uses a different text formatter. Considerations The value for this fieldtype is generated at runtime and thus no data is stored in the database. This is good because there is no duplication. However, it also means that you cannot directly query a Concat field from $pages->find(), for example. If you happen to change the name of a field being used in a Concat field, you will have to update the name in your Concat field settings as well. By design, Concat fields do not inherit the text formatters of the fields they concatenate. You define these separately with the Concat field. Because this is a runtime-generated field, there is no Inputfield associated with it. How to Install Install the module by placing FieldtypeConcat.module in /site/modules/. Check for new modules on the Modules screen in the ProcessWire admin. Click Install for the Concat Fieldtype. How to Create a Concat Field Under Setup and Fields create a new field using type Concat. After entering the new field name and label, click Save. Click the Details tab and enter one or more field names. Separate them with whatever spacing and punctuation is appropriate. Optionally choose one or more Text Formatters. If you are not sure which, “HTML Entity Encoder” is a good default to use. Save. Add your new field to one or more Templates. How to access the value of a Concat field This is no different than accessing the value of any other field. If your Concat field has the name “full_name” then you would output its value like this: echo $page->full_name; Download PW Modules Site: http://modules.proce...eldtype-concat/ GitHub: https://github.com/r...FieldtypeConcat1 point