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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2022 in all areas

  1. This week on the dev branch are several updates to the comments system including support for custom fields on comments (which we're calling comment meta data). I'm currently working on a site that uses a reviews system powered by BazaarVoice. It's pretty nice but it's also very expensive (I think at least $500/month in this case). The system powers their reviews which include not just a rating and review text, but also a bunch of other criteria that the user can provide. See an example here — click the "Reviews" tab and what you see there now is currently coming from BazaarVoice. But in a couple of weeks you should see the same thing powered by ProcessWire. Think of this like a comments system with custom fields. That's not something that ProcessWire has supported before, but now this week it does. Though I know most don't need this, so have kept it pretty simple, focusing just on adding API methods to make it possible to get and set custom field values for any comment. These include: $comment->getMeta('name'); $comment->setMeta('name', $value); $comment->removeMeta('name'); The name and $value can be whatever you decide. There's also a bonus $comment->meta() method which combines the methods, letting you get or set, kind of like the meta() method on Page objects. If you want to use comment meta data like this, it's exclusively an API feature. So if you are looking to collect custom fields from users, you'll want to implement your own comment form rather than the default. In our case, we'll be using FormBuilder to implement the comment form that includes the review and custom fields. But you could just as easily use a homegrown form. When it comes to outputting that custom data, you'll want to handle it more like you would outputting a repeater, iterating through the $page->comments and then using $comment->getMeta('name'); for each of the custom properties you want to output. Worth noting is that output formatting doesn't come into play here, so if some text in the meta data needs to be entity encoded for output (for example) then that's your responsibility. How about later editing of the meta data? Should you need it, the ProcessCommentsManager module (Setup > Comments) has been upgraded to support editing of comment meta data. Next to each comment is now a "Meta" link, and if you click it, you'll get a modal window on top of the comment enabling you to edit the meta data as JSON. That might seem a little unconventional, but I'm trying to keep it simple and flexible. Most will probably use this to view meta data rather than edit it, but the ability is there when/if needed. I didn't think it would be worth spending the significant time building a full-blown page-editor like environment for editing comment meta data, but also felt like I needed something like this for occasional editing needs. The InputfieldCommentsAdmin module was also updated to have meta data links for each comment. But the reality is if you have ProcessCommentsManager installed, chances are you aren't editing comments in the page editor anyway. So a new option has been added in the comments field configuration (Input tab) enabling you to disable comments in the page editor and instead link to the editor in the comments manager. When enabled, your Comments field in the page editor would instead look like this: This is worthwhile because the comments manager is just a better place to view/edit comments in the admin since it is paginated, supports editing of all properties, and lets you sort/filter as you see fit. Whereas a big list of comments in the page editor just slows it down. This week the CKEditor version has been upgraded to 4.19.0 (see release notes). I'm also emailing with the people at CKEditor about getting us a license to use CKEditor 5 with ProcessWire. As you may or may not know, the CKEditor 5 license (LGPL) isn't compatible with ProcessWire's license (MPL2 and MIT), so we are working on a license agreement to make it possible. Since CKEditor 4 will reach EOL in 2023 it's a good time to start planning for CKEditor 5 and I'm excited to work with it. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    6 points
  2. This module has been superseded by SearchEngineFileIndexer and there will be no further development for it. --- This module is an optional — and experimental — add-on for SearchEngine. It adds support for indexing PDF file contents. While SearchEngine is technically able to index file fields and contained Pagefile(s), it will natively only store the name and description of each file (and hopefully soon custom field values as well). This module hooks into Pagefile indexing and, if said Pagefile looks like a valid PDF document, attempts to extract human-readable text from the file itself. Getting started is straightforward: install and configure SearchEngine, install SearchEngine PDF Indexer, and choose which PDF parser library you'd like to use. The rest should happen automagically behind the scenes. GitHub: https://github.com/teppokoivula/SearchEnginePdfIndexer Composer: composer require teppokoivula/search-engine-pdf-indexer --- Now, as you may or may not know, PDF files are notoriously difficult to process programmatically. For this reason a) we're going to rely on third party libraries to handle parsing them, and b) things can still go wrong, so please consider this module an early beta release. It did work in my early tests, but there's little guarantee that it will work in real life use cases, and as such I'd recommend backing up your site before installing/enabling this module ? Also: while this module can be installed via the admin or by cloning/downloading module from the GitHub repository, please note that you need to run composer install in the module's directory — or preferably install the whole module via Composer. This is mainly because I really don't like bundling dependencies with the module, especially when there's a bunch of them. (... although if you dislike Composer or for whatever reason can't use it, feel free to load either smalot/pdfparser or spatie/pdf-to-text manually. Just make sure that they're available by the time the module's class file is constructed.) -- If you get a chance to use this module, please let me know how it went ?
    4 points
  3. I wonder if PW should check the memory limit during install? Done: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/449
    2 points
  4. Modules directory: https://processwire.com/modules/page-render-find-replace/ GitHub: https://github.com/teppokoivula/PageRenderFindReplace This module applies replacement patterns defined via TextformatterFindReplace globally to page rendering. All the heavy lifting is done by TextformatterFindReplace (thanks, Ryan!) so this module is just a wrapper around said module plus a bunch of config settings — a few options for selecting matching pages, an option to log replacements as they happen, etc. Long story short, on recent projects I've been running into issues with temporary (development) domain creeping into URLs here and there. While not a major issue, this is annoying and takes some time to correct. Originally I was thinking of building a module that would handle text replacements and log them so that they can be manually fixed later, but TextformatterFindReplace already handles the replacement part quite nicely, so I figured I'd just make use of it, apply replacements to rendered page content instead of individual fields (works better for my use cases, where content is often rather dynamic), and add some logging. Hope someone will find this useful. Please note, though, that this module is not well tested yet so there may be bugs etc. ?
    2 points
  5. Now in the module directory: https://processwire.com/modules/process-indie-auth/ IndieAuth lets you sign in to applications using your domain name and grant access to read/write to your site. This module adds IndieAuth support to your ProcessWire site, enabling two main things: Authentication: When you visit a site like indielogin.com and enter your domain name, you will be taken to your ProcessWire admin area to sign in and approve the request. If you approve the request, you will be returned to the site and logged in as your domain name. Authorization: When you visit an application like Quill, it needs to also get your permission to post to your site. You will be taken to your ProcessWire admin area to sign in and approve the request/scopes that the app is requesting (create, update, delete, etc.). If you approve the request, you will be returned to the app, logged in as your domain name, and the app will have an access token for your site. Features Browse the applications you have granted access tokens to. See when each one was granted, last used, and will expire. Revoke any application’s access tokens Set the default expiration period for new access tokens. The initial default is 14 days. Automatically remove expired tokens During authorization, confirm and change the scopes granted to the application. For example, an app may request “create” and “delete” scopes, but you can grant only “create.” During authorization, you can also choose to grant an access token with no expiration Installation Navigate to Modules > New. In the Module Class Name field, enter ProcessIndieAuth Copy the template files from the module’s directory /extras/templates into your site’s /site/templates directory. Verify that the plugin installed pages: IndieAuth Metadata Endpoint Authorization Endpoint Token Endpoint Token Revocation Endpoint IndieAuth page under the admin’s Access menu Look up the user(s) that you want to allow to use IndieAuth and assign them the “indieauth” role Update your home page template to add the link elements inside the <head> element: <?=$modules->get('ProcessIndieAuth')->getLinkElements();?> This should result in three <link> elements in the source HTML: <head> <link rel="indieauth-metadata" href="/indieauth-metadata-endpoint/"> <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="/authorization-endpoint/"> <link rel="token_endpoint" href="/token-endpoint/"> </head> Sign In To test signing in with IndieAuth, visit indielogin.com and enter your domain name. Follow the prompts to authenticate and you should end up back on indielogin.com with a success message. Sign In and Authorize To authorize an application with IndieAuth, your site will first need a module that uses access tokens. I have a Micropub for ProcessWire module in development that does that. Micropub is a standard that lets you publish to your site using third-party clients. If you’d like to try it out, follow the instructions on GitHub to install it. After installing, visit Quill and enter your domain name. Follow the prompts and note the additional fields for “scope” and “expiration,” since you are authorizing an application to interact with your site. After successfully authorizing, try to post a short note from Quill. Quill should redirect you to the new post if it was successful. For a list of other Micropub clients you can try, see https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients. Admin and Options In the admin, you can see which applications you have granted access tokens to. You can see when each token was issued, last accessed, and its expiration. You can also manually revoke a token at any time. Navigate to: Access > IndieAuth. There are a couple options in the admin at: Modules > Configure > ProcessIndieAuth: Default access token lifetime (in seconds): This defaults to 14 days and is what appears in the authorization screenshot above. Automatically remove access tokens after expiration (enabled by default): When enabled, the site checks approximately every six hours and removes expired access tokens. Regardless of whether this option is enabled, the module will reject any application attempting to use an expired access token. Since access tokens cannot (currently) have their expiration extended, I recommend keeping this option enabled so the admin list stays tidy and current. Finally, this module writes some admin logs. Access those at: Setup > Logs > indieauth More About IndieAuth If you’re interested in more details about IndieAuth, I recommend the article “OAuth for the Open Web” by Aaron Parecki (or the video presentation). If you are interested in implementing IndieAuth in your project, see the IndieAuth specification. Originally published at: https://gregorlove.com/2022/07/indieauth-for-processwire-released/ Previously: 2021-10-07: This post was originally about alpha testing the plugin before I submitted it to the modules directory.
    1 point
  6. Integrate plausible analytics or umami into your ProcessWire backend https://processwire.com/modules/rock-analytics/ https://github.com/baumrock/RockAnalytics Quickstart: Install the module Setup plausible analytics (either self hosted or paid cloud) Copy the tracking code into your site's markup Copy the share URL to your module's config Donations ??? About plausible analytics Plausible is a "simple and privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative". It is open source and you can either self host it or buy one of their hosted services. A live demo of their dashboard and its features can be found here: https://plausible.io/plausible.io Tracking Snippet When you add a website to your plausible dashboard it will show you a tracking code that you can paste into your site that you want to track. This is what I use to make sure that we only track users on the live site (not on local development) and only logged in users: if(!$user->isLoggedin()) { $src = "https://plausible.verdino.com/js/plausible.js"; echo "<script defer data-domain='{$config->httpHost}' src='$src'></script>"; } Providing a dynamic domain is handy because during development you can add a second website to your dashboard and see if everything works without messing up data of your live site account. Example: We want to track the site "example.com", so we add this site to our plausible dashboard. Then we add the snippet with the dynamic domain attribute. On local development we have the host "example.com.ddev.site" so all visits will not show up in the plausible dashboard for example.com; Now we add another website to plausible with the domain "example.com.ddev.site" and voila - we will see our dev-websites' visitors in realtime. Backend Menu Item By default RockAnalytics will create a menu item at the top level of your backend menu, but you can move that page to any place you like. For example you could move the analytics page under the "setup" page at the top of the screenshot. You can also rename the page if you don't like the label "Analytics".
    1 point
  7. ProcessWire does not use a favicon in the admin backend. I usually insert a PNG-based one of the ProcessWire P logo to differentiate the frontend and backend of a site, however I upgraded my technique to use an SVG-based one, which has the added benefit of being able to quickly set the fill color. This is a nice trick, especially if you're working in multiple admin backends of different sites and want to be able to quickly identify which tab belongs to which site by the ProcessWire favicon color alone. Insert this in /site/templates/admin.php: wire('adminTheme')->addExtraMarkup('head', "<link type=\"image/svg+xml\" rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='256' height='256' viewBox='0 0 256 256' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath fill='#EB1D61' fill-rule='nonzero' d='M234.02346,56.2065308 C226.258185,44.611679 213.340949,31.3634673 200.370381,22.7873303 C173.426584,4.33370224 142.216153,-2.21573572 114.611028,0.642976614 C85.8219124,3.7470262 61.1714319,14.5951995 40.9049183,32.6861551 C22.1317268,49.454423 9.73715371,69.9560838 4.27586162,89.5083961 C-1.24942998,109.060708 -0.513435538,127.162331 1.45988289,140.794549 C3.53986718,154.629436 10.4304818,172.037714 10.4304818,172.037714 C11.8384712,175.376434 13.7904564,176.731123 14.8037821,177.296465 C19.8384108,180.048509 28.105015,177.627137 34.4516337,170.50169 C34.7716313,170.06435 34.9422967,169.45634 34.7716313,168.944332 C33.000978,162.128223 32.3609828,156.997474 31.7316543,153.029411 C30.2916651,145.178619 29.65167,132.026409 30.6116627,119.866214 C31.0916591,113.284776 32.3716494,106.244663 34.6116325,98.8632122 C38.9422665,84.281646 48.0728642,69.0600695 62.3447564,56.4092007 C77.715307,42.7876498 97.4271581,34.3715154 116.16835,32.1954806 C122.738967,31.4061347 135.240206,30.6487893 150.290759,34.3608485 C153.501401,35.1608613 167.282631,38.7555854 182.023853,48.7397449 C192.754438,56.0358614 201.394373,65.0386719 207.346328,73.9454809 C213.404949,82.44695 219.986232,96.783179 221.916885,107.279347 C224.647531,119.226204 224.647531,131.88774 222.706212,144.218603 C220.30623,156.570801 215.975596,168.581659 209.24498,179.152495 C204.605015,187.344626 194.983755,198.171465 183.613174,206.299595 C173.362585,213.510377 161.66134,218.715793 149.650764,221.595839 C143.57081,223.035862 137.469522,223.95321 131.218903,224.15588 C125.661612,224.32655 118.291001,224.15588 113.117706,223.2812 C105.427098,222.054513 103.82711,220.091815 102.067123,217.425106 C102.067123,217.425106 100.840466,215.505075 100.499135,210.36366 C100.616467,163.376243 100.595134,175.920443 100.595134,151.525387 C100.595134,144.63461 100.371136,138.383844 100.435135,132.709086 C100.755133,123.396937 101.54446,116.996835 108.20041,110.063391 C113.01104,104.953976 119.741656,101.87126 127.154934,101.87126 C129.405583,101.87126 137.160191,101.977929 143.97614,107.642019 C151.282751,113.74345 152.509409,122.084916 152.797407,124.314285 C154.461394,137.359827 145.842792,147.077316 142.536151,149.541355 C138.440182,152.613404 134.760209,154.106761 132.274895,154.981442 C126.984268,156.752137 121.170979,157.264145 115.944352,156.922806 C115.144358,156.869472 114.41903,157.392147 114.259031,158.19216 L112.499044,167.322972 C110.781724,174.256417 114.632361,176.795124 116.872345,177.691138 C124.029624,179.899173 130.376243,180.816521 137.896186,180.251179 C149.426765,179.440499 160.797346,174.896427 170.450607,165.893616 C178.663878,158.085492 183.346509,148.453338 184.946497,137.679832 C186.546485,125.722308 184.466501,112.847436 179.015875,101.945928 C173.021254,89.9244028 162.674665,79.8869091 149.042768,74.393488 C135.272206,68.9747348 124.317622,68.7827317 110.195062,72.3881226 L110.035063,72.4414568 C100.861799,75.5988406 93.0111915,79.4922361 84.8405865,87.9297042 C79.2406288,93.7537973 74.6539968,100.804577 71.8593512,108.762037 C69.0860388,116.783498 68.3393778,122.767594 68.2113788,132.069076 C68.0407134,138.959853 68.3713775,145.359955 68.3713775,151.354717 L68.3713775,190.832681 C68.3713775,203.462216 67.9447141,205.648918 68.3713775,212.145022 C68.6060424,216.454424 69.2033713,221.329168 71.091357,226.566585 C73.0326757,232.337344 77.1073116,238.257439 79.9019571,240.988149 C83.8165942,245.158882 88.7978899,248.508269 93.693853,250.588302 C104.904435,255.569715 120.125653,256.359061 132.466893,255.879054 C140.637498,255.569715 148.85077,254.439031 156.904042,252.529667 C173.010587,248.700272 188.477137,241.734828 202.077034,232.070673 C216.658258,221.798509 229.330162,207.782285 236.327442,195.878095 C245.298041,181.733869 251.100664,165.861616 254.119308,149.552022 C256.839287,133.210428 256.711288,116.452827 253.063316,100.356569 C250.183338,85.4229975 242.492729,69.0387358 233.61813,55.8118579 L234.02346,56.2065308 Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A\">"); Replace the fill color (#EB1D61 -- the PW pink color) with your own brand color if needed. Note: this is not tested on Safari (doesn't support svg favicons) so make sure to implement a proper fallback if that's important to you.
    1 point
  8. @virtualgadjo check this, it may also be useful in your project: https://processwire.com/modules/connect-page-fields/
    1 point
  9. No worries, this is always an interesting topic to discuss, as off-topic as it may be. My answer will be a bit lengthy, so I'll wrap it in a spoiler tag (feels overkill to split this into new topic) ?
    1 point
  10. Hey @teppo thx for sharing! A bit offtopic sorry but do you have any good reasons for that? I recently took the opposite route and added some dependencies to one of my modules because I did not like the extra step of composer for making the module work. The dependencies where small in my opinion, only around 200 or 300kB but others might judge differently. I'd be happy to hear your thoughts about that topic!
    1 point
  11. To those who liked it: please do not forget add your thumbs up to the GitHub "issue".
    1 point
  12. This surprises me. To debug this, it may be useful to look at the generated SQL. You can do this easily with Tracy Debugger (I guess you would have to enable it for guests temporarily?), but you can also do it in code:
    1 point
  13. Hi Andreas, Thank you so much! This was exactly the answer I hoped to hear! Best, Toni
    1 point
  14. Bump. This is now in the modules directory! ? The first post has been updated with current details.
    1 point
  15. BTW, you don’t need write “name=” here, $pages->get('reports') should be sufficient, unless you like the added clarity.
    1 point
  16. Looks like access control issue ? Can you try: $pages->get("name=reports")->children("check_access=0,report_meta_details.report_type.title=Global")->each("report_meta_details.report_type.title"); I wonder, if you try this one, does it behave the same way? $pages->find("parent.name=reports, report_meta_details.report_type.title=Global")->each("report_meta_details.report_type.title");
    1 point
  17. Take a look at these alternatives: Laragon (much better and easier setup than Xampp) was my favorite before I stumbled upon ddev (which requires Docker Desktop and WSL2) VSCode (way better for programming than Sublime)
    1 point
  18. I think you could use just $page->references('template=adebate') to get the debates that reference this speaker. See the blog post ProcessWire 3.0.107 core updates
    1 point
  19. That's awesome! Locally, I'm using Windows 11, with Xamp, Sublime Text and Filezilla. The server runs standard Linux. Years ago I had some practice with Git, but it's been so long that I forgot a lot of it. I know enough PHP and Vanilla Javascript to get into trouble, but not enough to get out of trouble in most cases. But I'm trying! I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the confidence boost.
    1 point
  20. Yeah mate! I was there in your exact same position, way less inexperienced when I arrived here barely knowing programming, web development, etc.. and here I am, breaking less things by the day thanks to everyone around here. ? Let me know how it goes! By the way, what development environment are you using??
    1 point
  21. Hello @toni, yes this is possible with the Repeater Matrix fields. They are part of the commercial ProFields, but I think they are worth their money. I use the Repeater Matrix for almost every project nowadays. ? Regards, Andreas
    1 point
  22. Generally speaking I second what Bernhard said above. Custom tables are rarely a good idea — though there are some exceptions ? Now, as for your error: As the error states, the problem is not that you don't have access to $database — that part works just fine. The issue is that in this case $database does not provide a method called "getIndexes". This method was added in ProcessWire 3.0.182, so the first thing to check is your ProcessWire version. If it's earlier than 3.0.182, this error is expected. If it's a later one, then we can continue debugging from there. Also, as a loosely related note, the use of getIndexes() seems a bit odd here. Usually one would use $database->getColumns() (which, just for the record, was added in ProcessWire 3.0.180) to display column names/labels ?
    1 point
  23. Just created a PR in case you don't get notifications ? https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/pull/77
    1 point
  24. Just a quick update this week. The dev branch version is now at 3.0.202 as of today. Relative to 3.0.201 this includes 22 commits of various fixes, issue resolutions, improvements and additions. While there's nothing major that's new to report in this version, there is nonetheless quite a bit there, and if you are already running on the dev branch it's a worthwhile upgrade. For full details be sure to see the dev branch commit log. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    1 point
  25. Great module, @Sebi! As it is out there for almost 2 years now, maybe someone found an elegant solution for caching the generated output (and rebuilding that cache if a page or child page is updated)? I have seen @toni´s approach and could build something on top of that for my specific use case, but I guess there are a lot of people having similar needs and would love to see something that is more ready to use. I am not experienced with ProCache, but I think being able to use ProCache to cache API output would not only be the most elegant way, but also one of the fastest possible.
    1 point
  26. Mine was also ? This helped me and may also help others: https://youtu.be/EeCNlB7v08I?t=161
    1 point
  27. I had this problem today and solved it. In my case I had multiple pages with children, and want to show parent pages titles as group labels, and their child pages as group options. // $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldSelect'); /* here we have some array of pages and foreach loops */ /* inside inner foreach fill $group_options array */ $f->addOption( $group_label, // $parentpage->title (I had troubles here, use var_dump to check that value!) $group_options, // $group_options[$childpage->id] = $childpage->title $opt_attr // array for option attributes ); If this is confused, here is part from some my custom field module where parent pages use "blank" template: $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldSelect'); $opts = wire('pages')->get(1078)->children(); foreach($opts as $opt){ if($opt->template->name == 'blank' && $opt->numChildren()){ $group_options = array(); foreach($opt->children as $option){ $group_options[$option->id] = $option->title; // <= main part to get group options } $group_label = $opt->title . ''; $f->addOption($group_label, $group_options, array()); } } $f->attr('name', $name . '_widget[]'); $f->attr('value', $widget); Regards.
    1 point
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