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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2022 in all areas

  1. This module lets you add some custom menu items to the main admin menu, and you can set the dropdown links dynamically in a hook if needed. Sidenote: the module config uses some repeatable/sortable rows for the child link settings, similar to the ProFields Table interface. The data gets saved as JSON in a hidden textarea field. Might be interesting to other module developers? Custom Admin Menus Adds up to three custom menu items with optional dropdowns to the main admin menu. The menu items can link to admin pages, front-end pages, or pages on external websites. The links can be set to open in a new browser tab, and child links in the dropdown can be given an icon. Requires ProcessWire v3.0.178 or newer and AdminThemeUikit. Screenshots Example of menu items Module config for the menus Link list shown when parent menu item is not given a URL Advanced Setting child menu items dynamically If needed you can set the child menu items dynamically using a hook. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('CustomAdminMenus::getMenuChildren', function(HookEvent $event) { // The menu number is the first argument $menu_number = $event->arguments(0); if($menu_number === 1) { $colours = $event->wire()->pages->findRaw('template=colour', ['title', 'url', 'page_icon']); $children = []; foreach($colours as $colour) { // Each child item should be an array with the following keys $children[] = [ 'icon' => $colour['page_icon'], 'label' => $colour['title'], 'url' => $colour['url'], 'newtab' => false, ]; } $event->return = $children; } }); Create multiple levels of flyout menus It's also possible to create multiple levels of flyout submenus using a hook. For each level a submenu can be defined in a "children" item. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('CustomAdminMenus::getMenuChildren', function(HookEvent $event) { // The menu number is the first argument $menu_number = $event->arguments(0); if($menu_number === 1) { $children = [ [ 'icon' => 'adjust', 'label' => 'One', 'url' => '/one/', 'newtab' => false, ], [ 'icon' => 'anchor', 'label' => 'Two', 'url' => '/two/', 'newtab' => false, 'children' => [ [ 'icon' => 'child', 'label' => 'Red', 'url' => '/red/', 'newtab' => false, ], [ 'icon' => 'bullhorn', 'label' => 'Green', 'url' => '/green/', 'newtab' => false, 'children' => [ [ 'icon' => 'wifi', 'label' => 'Small', 'url' => '/small/', 'newtab' => true, ], [ 'icon' => 'codepen', 'label' => 'Medium', 'url' => '/medium/', 'newtab' => false, ], [ 'icon' => 'cogs', 'label' => 'Large', 'url' => '/large/', 'newtab' => false, ], ] ], [ 'icon' => 'futbol-o', 'label' => 'Blue', 'url' => '/blue/', 'newtab' => true, ], ] ], [ 'icon' => 'hand-o-left', 'label' => 'Three', 'url' => '/three/', 'newtab' => false, ], ]; $event->return = $children; } }); Showing/hiding menus according to user role You can determine which menu items can be seen by a role by checking the user's role in the hook. For example, if a user has or lacks a role you could include different child menu items in the hook return value. Or if you want to conditionally hide a custom menu altogether you can set the return value to false. Example: $wire->addHookAfter('CustomAdminMenus::getMenuChildren', function(HookEvent $event) { // The menu number is the first argument $menu_number = $event->arguments(0); $user = $event->wire()->user; // For custom menu number 1... if($menu_number === 1) { // ...if user does not have some particular role... if(!$user->hasRole('foo')) { // ...do not show the menu $event->return = false; } } }); https://github.com/Toutouwai/CustomAdminMenus https://processwire.com/modules/custom-admin-menus/
    2 points
  2. I always do wire version switches including this steps: with old wire version, make a db dump, but for all caches use drop table, create table, without inserts. Or, if you are able, remove the inserts in the live db. remove all files within the cache disc subdirectories switch wire folder, load the admin for 2 or 3 times Then its done for me in 99%.
    2 points
  3. I was thinking about this argument and this is something I also wish that could be improved. There doesn't seem to be a roadmap anymore. The current roadmap is from 2019: https://processwire.com/about/roadmap/ I think it would be nice to revive the roadmap or at least make a poll for what the community is wishing for the most. The last poll was at the beginning of 2021. The current approach that a feature will be added if @ryan has the need for it on a project is not bad, but that leads to many developer centric and less client centric features, which I personally often don't use, because there are already so many developer centric features. ?
    2 points
  4. Interesting discussion, and I'll add a rather ironic perspective. I inherited a largely non-functional website project that someone else had built in Craft, about 3 years ago, and at the time I found the Craft documentation wasn't particularly clear, whereas I worked out how to use ProcessWire after about 20 minutes of reading the documentation. I converted the whole project to ProcessWire, and actually got the project functional. I had to write several custom modules and deal with a lot of hooks and set up CRON jobs to interact with a third party API, and I found ProcessWire a pleasure to work with. That said, I can understand that there are pain points for some people with ProcessWire, and it's always good to look at other systems to see how they do things in case there's something useful that could be incorporated into ProcessWire. My personal preference other than ProcessWire is Umbraco, which is built on ASP.Net rather than PHP, but in many respects is similar, so I don't have a problem jumping between PHP for ProcessWire and Razor syntax and C# for Umbraco. It also is an open source project, but with commercial add-ons like a form builder (which makes ProcessWire FormBuilder look cheap). Now that .Net and SQL Server run on Linux, it's potentially even more appealing to me, although ProcessWire is still my first choice. Currently I'm a solo developer, but as my workload grows, and also clients are starting to ask for an insurance policy in case something happens to me, the potential to be able to manage collaboration on projects is something that's increasingly on my mind, and out of the box, this isn't something that ProcessWire handles, although there are third party solutions like RockMigrations by@bernhard
    2 points
  5. Hi guys! ( @howdytom @olafgleba ) Please are you able to post your setups / configs to this github-issue? I think this would be of great help for Ryan. Please put in your image sizer config settings, the lines of code how you use and where you use it. (template-file, repeater, etc) Also please only issues with the core image field. I had posted example code there, to help reproduce the issue in an automated way, but I think that Ryan now think that the issue only is with my special code. !! Many thanks!
    1 point
  6. Well, in the end all it took was another minute, another try. If anyone has the same issue, here's the solution: just enter this... parent=page.id ...in the field's selector string. Ta-da!
    1 point
  7. Hello, @tires! Code 250 OK means that everything went well and your message was delivered to the recipient server. It is possible that privacy settings block receiving of messages.
    1 point
  8. In the past when a client has asked us to show PDFs in the browser rather than being downloaded we've used Mozilla PDF.js and then created a link that passes the doc name in the form pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=whatever.pdf In this day and age though I'd question whether this is really necessary. Most browsers have built in pdf viewers anyway : https://caniuse.com/pdf-viewer and if you're overriding the users choice as to which pdf viewer they use then it's probably not great for usability.
    1 point
  9. Back with more! Prepare for incoming wall of text... I mentioned adding custom directives to our .htaccess file and wanted to share some more detail on that as well as some other tips. I was reviewing our 404s as a matter of maintenance so to speak to ensure that we had redirects in place as necessary. While reviewing that I found a lot (a lot) of hits that were bogus, clearly bots and even web crawlers for engines we have no interest in being listed for. What I found was in just 48 hours we had 700 total 404s and I imagine on some websites that number could be higher. By analyzing that log and writing custom directives I was able to take 700 404s logged by ProcessWire down to 200 which are "legitimate" in that it's traffic that to be redirected to a proper destination page. I'm sharing my additional directives here as an example. Again, ANY bot/security directives should be at the very top of your .htaccess file. As always, test test test, and modify for your use case. # Declare this at the top of your .htaccess file and remove or comment out all other instances of this directive elsewhere RewriteEngine On # Block known bad URLs # Directories including sub-directories RedirectMatch 404 "\/(wp-includes|wp-admin|wp-content|wordpress|wp|xxxss|cms|ALFA_DATA|functionRouter|rss|feed|feeds|TKVNP|QXXLZ|data\/admin)" # Top level directories only - There are no assets served from these directories in root, only from /site/assets & /site/templates RedirectMatch 404 "^/(js|scripts|css|styles|img|images|e|video|media|shwtv|assets|files|123|tvshowbiz)\/" # Explicit file matching RedirectMatch 404 "(1index|s_e|s_ne|media-admin|xmlrpc|trafficbot|FileZilla|app-ads|beence|defau1t|legion|system_log|olux|doc)\.(php|xml|life|txt)$" # Additional filetypes & extensions RedirectMatch 404 "(\.bak|inc\.)" # Additional User Agent blocking not present in 7G Firewall <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> # Chinese crawlers that cause significant traffic to bad URLs RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Mb2345Browser|LieBaoFast|zh-CN|MicroMessenger|zh_CN|Kinza|Datanyze|serpstatbot|spaziodati|OPPO\sA33|AspiegelBot|aspiegel|PetalBot [NC] RewriteRule .* - [F,L] </IfModule> Details on this additional config: It blocks some WP requests that get past 7G My added directives redirect to a 404 which tells the bot that it flat out doesn't exist rather than 403 forbidden which could indicate it may exist. I read somewhere that this is more likely to get cached as a URL not to be revisited (wish I could remember the source, it's not a major issue). Blocks a lot of very specific URLs/files we were seeing Blocks Chinese search engine bots, because we don't operate in China. These amounted to a lot of traffic. Blocks common dev files like .bak and .inc.* which aren't protected by default. Obvs you want to eliminate .bak altogether in production, but added safety fallback. I have not seen this cause any issues in the Admin. Also consider if directives could cause problems in another language. Customize by reviewing your logs Additional measures 7G and the directives I created are a healthy amount of prevention of malicious traffic. Another resource I use is a Bad Bot gist that blocks numerous crawlers that add traffic to your site but may or may not generate 400s-500s HTTP statuses. This expands on 7G's basic list. Bad Bot recommendations: Comment out: SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^AdsBot-Google.*" bad_bot There's not really a good reason to block a specific Google bot If you make Curl requests to your server then comment this line out: SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^Curl.*" bad_bot Reason: this will block all Curl requests to your server, including those by your own code. Be sure that you don't need Curl available if leaving this active. This is included in the list to prevent some types of website scrapers. If you want to leave this active and still need to use Curl, then consider changing your User Agent. Comment out: SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^Mediapartners-Google.*" bad_bot Again, not necessary to block Google's bots, might even be a bad idea for SEO or exposure (only they know, right?). Testing There's no such thing as too much testing. These directives are powerful and while written well, may have edge cases (like 'null' mentioned previously). There's no replacement for manual testing, specifically it would be a good idea to test any marketing UTMs or URLs with GET strings you may have out there just in case. For automated testing I use broken-link-checker which can be called from the terminal or as a JS module. I prefer this method to using some random site scanning service. This will detect both 404s and 403s by scanning every link on your page and getting a response which is useful for ensuring that your existing URLs have not been affected by your .htaccess directives. broken-link-checker recommendations: Consider rate limiting your requests using the --requests flag to set the number of concurrent requests. If you don't you could run into rate limits that your managed hosting company, CDN, or you (if you're like me) have built into your own server. This terminal app runs fast so if you have a lot of links or pages those requests can stack up quickly. Consider using the -e flag, at least initially while testing your directives. This excludes external URLs which will help your test complete faster and prevent any false positives if you have broken external links (which you can handle separately). Consider using the -g flag which switches the request to GET which is what browsers do. Shortcut, just copy and paste my command: blc https://www.yoursite.com -roegv --requests 5 If you have access to your Apache access log via a bash/terminal instance then you may consider watching that file for new 404/403 entries for a little bit. You can do this by navigating to the directory with your access log and executing the following command (switch out the name of your log as needed): tail apache.access.log -f | grep "404 " You may consider also checking for 403s by changing out the HTTP status in that command. "This seems excessive" I think this is good for every site and once you get it dialed in to your needs can be replicated to others. There's no downside to increasing the security and performance of your hosting server. Consider that any undesirable traffic you block frees up resources for good traffic, and of course reduces your attack surface. If you need to think about scalability then this becomes even more important. The company I work for is looking to expand into 2 additional regions and I'd prefer my server was ready for it! If you get into high traffic circumstances then blocking this traffic may prevent you from needing to "throw money at the problem" by upgrading server specs if your server is running slower. Outside of that, it's just cool knowing that you have a deeper understanding of how this works and knowing you've expanded your developer expertise further. This isn't meant to be an exhaustive guide but I hope I've helped some people get some extra knowledge and save everyone a few hours on Google looking this up. If I've missed anything or presented inaccurate/incomplete information please let me know and I will update this comment to make it better.
    1 point
  10. I had to comment there as well, because I couldn't leave this unfair comment alone. But in my experience this is normal for the heise community and a reason why I don't like to read articles there. ?
    1 point
  11. the author of that article, Daniel Berger, once in 2015 or 2016 has written a good article about PW in c't. It was over 4 or 5 pages and was very detailed. https://www.heise.de/ct/entdecken/?jahr=2016;ausgabe=25;sort=seite_auf;seite=6 https://www.heise.de/ct/ausgabe/2015-7-Websites-betreiben-mit-dem-Open-Source-CMS-ProcessWire-2562549.html
    1 point
  12. The article is not very interesting, except for absolute beginners ? It only describes how to install PW and then create a "web business card" with 2-3 fields. The comments are the typical WordPress comments ? And yes, I have already left my thoughts as a comment ?
    1 point
  13. I have read his comment but cannot understand his issue, because I don‘t care how many tables the database has. ? But the heise-community is sometimes toxic in my experience. Not as friendly like here. ?
    1 point
  14. There is a long comment (in german) from a guy, he's complaining about PW. Part of the stuff, he's talking about, is beyond my knowledge (MySQL, queries). He mentions, that he must work with PW, maybe that's why he is unhappy. https://www.heise.de/forum/heise-online/Kommentare/WordPress-Alternative-Websites-flexibel-gestalten-und-verwalten-mit-ProcessWire/Bitte-nicht/thread-7053784/#posting_40820682
    1 point
  15. So @horst is correct about ProCache. ProCache renders HTML files to disk and uses some pretty clever directives in .htaccess file to detect a URL that has a corresponding page on-disk. If one exists then that HTML file is returned and the PHP interpreter never boots. We're currently running 7G and ProCache on the current site at our company. Unless you are configuring specific caching directives for HTML files in your .htaccess then you shouldn't see any problems. If you plan to use 7G or any bot blocking, it should be at the very top of your .htaccess so that it's directives are parsed before the rest that are there to serve legitimate traffic. The sooner the bots/malicious requests are deflected, the less impact on your server. While I've used 7G on many websites in production with no problems, it's important to test as noted by @nbcommunication in the comment above. He mentioned URLs with "null", while I've never seen any issues pop up with that since "null" isn't too common in English, I still keep the directive unchanged because that is there to detect malicious GET strings and similar undesirable things. 7G blocks a good deal of WP related requests however I wrote some additional directives that addressed requests that weren't caught. I'll share some of the additional customizations I've made that further filtered out traffic based on our 404s and web crawlers that we don't care for. If you're willing to get your hands dirty and write some custom htaccess directives you can dial it in even more.
    1 point
  16. As far as I could see, it uses no PHP, only .htaccess rules for apache. And there are other around that uses it, like @FireWire and @nbcommunication . Maybe we can ask them about their experiences? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/24230-7g-firewall-tweaks-required/
    1 point
  17. A few weeks ago I told you about a new module I was working on that automatically saves front-end form submissions and can send email reminders for the user to finish their form. The module is called FormAutoSaver. This week I finished up that module and have released it both in the ProDevTools board and the FormBuilder board, and it's available for download now. Note that it is first release/beta test version right now. This module can be used with or without FormBuilder. Though when used with FormBuilder it is more of a turn-key setup that can be done in the admin. I've put together a dedicated FormAutoSaver documentation and information page on the site, so rather than repeating a lot of information here I'll point you to that, if you are interested in it. I also wanted to mention that a new version of FormBuilder has also been released this week (v52). There aren't any major feature additions to write about here, but there are several small improvements and bug fixes. By the way, I've added FormAutoSaver to one FormBuilder form on this site: the site submission form. There's not much to see, since it silently works in the background. But if you want to try it out, fill-in some or all of the form (making sure to fill in your email address), but don't submit the form. Feel free to leave the form or even switch devices. You should get a reminder email in 5-10 minutes with a link to finish your form. While you are there, please submit recent sites you've built in ProcessWire, we love seeing your work! My kids are starting spring break from school next week, so I'll be mostly offline and likely won't have any updates next week, but will be back to core updates after that and hopefully getting ready for a release candidate of our next master version shortly after. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    1 point
  18. @prestoav In the newly released v0.1.3 there is a config option to prepend $config->urls->root to URLs that start with a forward slash.
    1 point
  19. Hi @cosmicsafari Just look in the cache directory for a file called LazyCronLock.cache. If it is there for more than half a minute (or however long you estimate your code should run for) then delete it to unjam LazyCron. If this keeps happening, then there could be something in your hook method that is timing out and leaving the lock file there. Here's some code to return the location of the file if you want to do it programmatically... function getLazyCronLockfileName() { return wire('config')->paths->cache . "LazyCronLock.cache"; }
    1 point
  20. I just created a module that might be useful to those interested in this topic: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9496-restrict-tab-view/
    1 point
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