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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2022 in all areas

  1. @fruid Not 100% sure what's going on, but running grep in the site/modules/wireMailSmtp/ folder shows it's using mcrypt functions on lines 67, 68 and 79 of smtp_classes/ntlm_sasl_client.php - but mcrypt was removed from PHP7.2. It might be that @wbmnfktr isn't running into the issue if his setup is connecting to an smtp server without using ntlm_sasl. Is the SMTP server you are connecting to using Windows by any chance? (This might be a wild-hunch) Looks like that file was originally part of PHPMailer - and there are some posts about fixing it to work with NTLM that are more recent. Like this one: https://cheesefather.com/2017/06/phpmailer-ntlm-ms-exchange-smtp-authentication/ (though for a different hash() issue). You might be able to use that to patch your local copy - or otherwise look for a more recent version of the ntlm_sasl_client class.
    3 points
  2. ProcessWire 3.0.195 contains a few fixes and optimizations relative to the previous version. While there aren't major additions, if you are running a previous version of the dev branch it's a worthwhile upgrade. Version 3.0.194 added the lazy loading fields, templates and fieldgroups, but there were still a few cases where PW would load them all. This version corrects those few cases. So if you considered 3.0.194 to be a nice upgrade, 3.0.195 is an even better version of it. There are also some useful bug fixes in this version. One notable bug fix (found by Adrian) was that the $pages->findMany() method was lagging due to some changes a couple versions back (limited to dev branch). That's been fixed so now findMany() is fast again. Also a notable addition: the included site profile (site-blank) now includes a /site/classes/ directory with an example HomePage.php file/class that serves as both a placeholder (to ensure the directory exists in Git) as well as an example custom class for the “home” template. I thought this was a good idea because many might not even know about the custom page classes feature without that obvious pointer to the feature. More core updates and additions next week. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    2 points
  3. The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files. Usage Example: $icsgen = wire()->modules->IcsGenerator; // set properties $icsgen->setArray(array( 'date' => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 12:00'), 'dateEnd' => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 13:00'), 'summary' => 'Event title', 'description' => 'Event description', )); // get path to a temporary .ics file // (using wire()->files->tempDir) $icspath = $icsgen->getFile(); // send email with ics file $mail = wireMail(); $mail->attachment($icspath, 'calendar.ics'); $mail->to($user->email); $mail->subject('ICS Demo'); $mail->body('This is a ICS demo.'); $numSent = $mail->send(); For more infos see GitHub Readme or Modules Page. If you experience reproducable issues please open a GitHub issue.
    1 point
  4. Hello, I would really appreciate your comments on this blog post I am preparing for our site. =========== Creating a dynamic search with very little code in ProcessWire is easy. This search cannot compete with engines like Elasticsearch, Solr, and others. However, it is suitable for most "showcase" sites. Here is how we did it on the Spiria site using the small library htmx and its companion hyperscript. The goal The recipe Inclusion of libraries htmx and hyperscript (the latter is optional). A field of type textarea integrated to the page models that we want to index. A code for indexing the existing content in the file `ready.php` A search controller which we name here `api.php`. This controller will also be a page with the `api` template. A form placed in the pages requiring the search. Content indexing Before we can program, we need to index the content on which we want to apply our search. In my proof of concept, I have developed two strategies. This is probably overrated, because I am not sure of the gain in speed. Index for a single term search Indexing for a multiple term search To do this, we need to introduce two fields in each model where we want an indexation. The `search_text` field which will contain only one occurrence of each word on a page. The `search_text_long` field which will preserve all sentences without HTML tags. We place a hook in the `ready.php` page in this way: <?php namespace ProcessWire; pages()->addHookAfter("saveReady", function (HookEvent $event) { $p = $event->arguments[0]; switch ($p->template->name) { case "blog_article": $french = languages()->get('fr'); $english = languages()->get('default'); $txt_en = $p->page_content->getLanguageValue($english) . ' ' . $p->blog_summary->getLanguageValue($english); $txt_fr = $p->page_content->getLanguageValue($french) . ' ' . $p->blog_summary->getLanguageValue($french); $title_en = $p->title->getLanguageValue($english); $title_fr = $p->title->getLanguageValue($french); $resultEn = stripText($txt_en, $title_en); $resultFr = stripText($txt_fr, $title_fr); $p->setLanguageValue($english, "search_text", $resultEn[0]); $p->setLanguageValue($english, "search_text_long", $resultEn[1]); $p->setLanguageValue($french, "search_text", $resultFr[0]); $p->setLanguageValue($french, "search_text_long", $resultFr[1]); break; } }); And function stripText($t, $s) { $resultText = []; $t = strip_tags($t); $t .= " " . $s; $t = str_replace("\n", " ", $t); $t = str_replace(",", "", $t); $t = str_replace("“", "", $t); $t = str_replace("”", "", $t); $t = str_replace("'", "", $t); $t = str_replace("?", "", $t); $t = str_replace("!", "", $t); $t = str_replace(":", "", $t); $t = str_replace("«", "", $t); $t = str_replace("»", "", $t); $t = str_replace(",", "", $t); $t = str_replace(".", "", $t); $t = str_replace("l’", "", $t); $t = str_replace("d’", "", $t); $t = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $t); $t = preg_replace('/\[\[.*\]\]/', '', $t); //$t = preg_replace('/\?|\[\[.*\]\]|“|”|«|»|\.|!|\&nbsp;|l’|d’|s’/','',$t); $arrayText = explode(" ", $t); foreach ($arrayText as $item) { if (strlen(trim($item)) > 3 && !in_array($item, $resultText)) { $resultText[] = $item; } } return [implode(" ", $resultText), $t]; } If you have the ListerPro module, it becomes easy to save all the pages to be indexed in batch and any new page will then be indexed as it is created. The `stripText()` function aims at cleaning up the text as we want. Note that, in my example, I distinguish between French and English. This little algorithm is entirely perfectible! I have commented a shorter way to clean up the text, but at the expense of comprehension. As mentioned before, it is probably unnecessary to create two search fields. The most important thing would be to optimize the text as much as possible, as many small words are useless. The current code restricts to words longer than three characters, which is tricky in a computing context like our site where names like `C#`, `C++`, `PHP` compete with `the`, `for`, `not`, etc. That said, perhaps this optimization is superfluous in the context of a simple content and not and limited in number. So now see the process and the research code. The structure structure.svg This scheme is classical and needs few explanations. The `htmx` library allows a simple Ajax call. The form code01.svg The form has a `get` method that returns to a conventional search page when the user presses the `enter` key. A hidden field with the secret key generated on the fly enhances security. The third field is the `input` of the dynamic search. It has a `htmx` syntax. The first command, `hx-post`, indicates the method of sending the data to the API. Here, it is a `post`. `htmx` allows to handle events on any DOM element. So we could have several calls on different elements of a form. The second line indicates where the API response will be sent when received, which is `div#searchResult` below the form. The `hx-trigger` command describes the context of sending to the API. Here, when the user releases a key, with a delay of 200 ms between each reading of the event. The `hx-indicator` command is optional. It tells the user that something is happening. In the example, the `#indexsearch` image is displayed. This is automatically handled by htmx. We have the possibility to pass other parameters to the search with the `hx-vals` command. The given example is simplified. We send the search language. The last command comes from the `hyperscript` syntax. It indicates that if you click anywhere outside the search field, you will make the contents of `#found` disappear, which will be described below. It is clear from this example that no javascript is called, except the [htmx] and [hyperscript] libraries. It is worth visiting the web site of these two libraries to understand their philosophy and possibilities. The Search API The API resides in a normal ProcessWire page. Although it is published, it remains "hidden" from CMS searches. This page allows requests to be answered and the correct functions to be called. Several requests to the CMS can be gathered in this type of page. <?php namespace ProcessWire; $secretsearch = session()->get('secretToken'); $request = input()->post(); $lang = sanitizer()->text($request["lang"]); if (isset($request['CSRFTokenBlog'])) { if (hash_equals($secretsearch, $request['CSRFTokenBlog'])) { if (!empty($request["search"])) { echo page()->querySite(sanitizer()->text($request["search"]),$lang); } } else { echo __("A problem occurred. We are sorry of the inconvenience."); } } exit; In this case : We extract the secret token of the session, token that will have been created in the search form page. We then process everything that is in the `post` query. Note that this is a simplified example. We compare the token with the one received in the query. If all goes well, we call the SQL query. Our example uses a class residing in `site/classes/ApiPage.php`; it can therefore be called directly by `page()`. Any other strategy is valid. The following code represents the core of the process. <?php namespace ProcessWire; public function querySite($q, $l) { $this->search = ""; $this->lang = $l == 'en' ? 'default' : 'fr'; user()->setLanguage($this->lang); $whatQuery = explode(" ", $q); $this->count = count($whatQuery); if ($this->count > 1) { $this->search = 'template=blog_article,has_parent!=1099,search_text_long~|*= "' . $q . '",sort=-created'; } elseif (strlen($q) > 1) { $this->search = 'template=blog_article,has_parent!=1099,search_text*=' . $q . ',sort=-created'; } if ($this->search !== "") { $this->result = pages()->find($this->search); return $this->formatResult(); } return ""; } protected function formatResult() { $html = '<ul id="found">'; if (count($this->result) > 0) { foreach ($this->result as $result) { $html .= '<li><a href="' . $result->url . '">' . $result->title . '</a></li>'; } } else { $html .= __('Nothing found'); } $html .= '</ul></div>'; return $html; } The `formatResult()` function is simple to understand and it is here that we see the `ul#found` tag appear which, remember, is deleted by the _hyperscript_ line of the form. _="on click from elsewhere remove #found" Actually, I've commented out this line in the production code so far. Instead of clicking anywhere, it would be better to add a background behind the form when doing a search in order to focus the `click` event. But again, all strategies are good! In the current code, it is not necessary to add CSS to display the result. It is placed in an empty `#searchResult` tag, so it is invisible at first. As soon as it is filled by the search result, everything becomes accessible, the CSS being targeted on the `ul#found` list and not on its parent. Conclusion The purpose of this article was to demonstrate htmx and the possibilities that this library allows. There is already an excellent search module for ProcessWire, SearchEngine, which can coexist very well with the code described here.
    1 point
  5. You are right about that. Almost standard connection with only SSL enabled.
    1 point
  6. Just stumbled into this package and reminded me of this discussion, thought it might be worth dumping it here, maybe the goals it means to solve resonate with the ideas exchanged here: https://fractal.thephpleague.com/
    1 point
  7. @adrian now I replaced InputfieldAssistedURL.js and it seem to work…
    1 point
  8. Hello @aagd, me and some others had this issue as well: I thought that it would have something to do with the language pack, but I think it was a caching issue because nowadays this error didn't occur to me anymore. Regards, Andreas
    1 point
  9. Just tossin' more info in the thread... https://github.com/salsify/jsonstreamingparser https://www.jsonfeed.org/version/1.1/
    1 point
  10. Hey @Clarity Some features of Wireframe do need to be initialized for components to work: paths, autoloader, etc. In practice this shouldn't make a difference: those features will be loaded behind the scenes, but you don't have to use the structure provided by Wireframe, i.e. you can render the page in whatever approach you choose. This used to require calling the initOnce() method of Wireframe manually, but I've just committed an update that should make it a bit easier: as of version 0.21.3 calling the static factory method for components (<?= Wireframe::component($component_name, array $args) ?>) will automatically initialize necessary parts of the module if it hasn't been done yet. If you don't want to use the static factory method, you'd still have to get and initialize the Wireframe module at some point.
    1 point
  11. If you want, you can filter them out and focus more on your essentials. But first things first. There is a whole list of different PHP errors, warnings and hints (notices). The one we are interested in is E_DEPRECATED. These messages indicate that a used PHP function somewhere in the code is no longer supported in a future, i.e. higher PHP version, not the actual used one. Example: The days (February 2022) I have changed my developer machine to use the latest PHP version 8.1.2. The last PHP 7.4+ is still supported for 9 months from today on, PHP 8.0 still for 1 year + 9months, PHP 8.1 for 2 years+ 9 months, and all other PHP 8+ versions each plus one more year. So the point is clear now, right? It will be year(s) before PHP 9 is on the schedule. ? Currently in v8.1.2, depending on what code I run, I get notices that certain PHP functions will no longer be available starting with PHP 9. (PHP 9! see above). So currently these functions are safe and supported functions, as in past versions as well as in all further PHP 8+ versions(!). No matter how many additional PHP 8+ versions there will be. ProcessWire by default allows us to suppress ALL output, or show ALL output, by the boolean configuration variable "$config->debug". This is good and right, because on a production site you should always suppress all those outputs. On a developer machine it usually shouldn't bother you if there are also E_DEPRECATED hints included. But if it does, you can filter them out as follows, for example. In your site/config.php you can define a own error handler function and load / bind it on your developer machine only. As a proof of concept or simple example, I added the following function to my site/config.php /** OWN ERROR HANDLER FOR DEPRECATION NOTES **********************************************/ function myLocalDevDeprecationErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if(!isset($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'])) { $GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'] = []; } if(!is_array($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'])) { $GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'] = []; } $GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'][] = [$errfile, $errline, $errstr]; return true; // true | false = suppress further processing } /** OWN ERROR HANDLER FOR DEPRECATION NOTES **********************************************/ With the following call, also located in my developer machines site/config.php file, I bind it to all raising E_DEPRECATED warnings ONLY! So we are sure and free from all other types of errors, warnings, hints, etc. // preceed the callback function name with the PW namespace, // and define the error types that should passed to the function set_error_handler('ProcessWire\myLocalDevDeprecationErrorHandler', E_DEPRECATED); (read more on php.net) Now you will not see any of the deprecated notices any more, cluttering your screen. Neither in the front end nor in the backend. But they are all collected in our bag. ? A simple loop in the site/templates/admin.php, before the controller.php is called, can display any of it, maybe to the superusers only, for example: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // IF WE HAVE CACHED PHP DEPRECATION WARNINGS, SHOW THEM IN THE ADMIN, FOR SUPERUSERS ONLY if(isset($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG']) && is_array($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG']) && 0 < count($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG']) && $user->isSuperuser()) { foreach($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'] as $deprecatedMessageItem) { $deprecatedMessageItemMSG = "PHP DEPRECATED (v". PHP_VERSION .") = \n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; $deprecatedMessageItemMSG .= "{$deprecatedMessageItem[0]} : [{$deprecatedMessageItem[1]}]\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; $deprecatedMessageItemMSG .= "{$deprecatedMessageItem[2]}"; $this->message($deprecatedMessageItemMSG); } } require($config->paths->adminTemplates . 'controller.php'); If you want to show them on the front end to, it belongs to how you have organized your output strategy. I use a delayed output with _init.php and _main.php, where I have a special function for adding all kind of debug messages, that gets displayed on the end of the site, after the footer. Simply adding the whole collected array is enough for my information: if(isset($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG']) && is_array($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG']) && 0 < count($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'])) { mvdr(['DEPRECATED ('. PHP_VERSION .')' => $GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG']]); // add it to the debug output region var } The outputs in admin then may look like this Or the very basic info for me on front end
    1 point
  12. This week we have some improvements to the $pages->findRaw() method. Most of these are based on requested improvements in either GitHub (like #427) or the forums: Support for selecting parent properties/fields in the return value, i.e. $pages->findRaw("selector", "parent.title"); // Example 1 $pages->findRaw("selector", [ 'title', 'parent.title', 'parent.parent.title' ]); // Example 2 Support for selecting page 'meta' data in the return value, i.e. $pages->findRaw("selector", "meta"); // example 1 $pages->findRaw("selector", [ "meta.foo", "meta.bar" ]); // example 2 Support for selecting "references" in the return value. References are other pages that reference the found page(s) via Page reference fields, just like the $page->references() method. $pages->findRaw("selector", "references"); // example 1 $pages->findRaw("selector", [ 'references.title', 'references.url' ]); // example 2 If you want the references to be indexed by field name, just include "references.field" in the requested fields: $pages->findRaw("selector", [ 'references.field', 'references.title', 'references.url' ]); Support for selecting title and/or value from options (FieldtypeOptions) fields, i.e. $pages->findRaw("selector", [ 'my_options_field.*' ]); // example 1 $pages->findRaw("selector", [ 'my_options_field.title', 'my_options_field.value' ]); // example 2 Support for a new "flat" option that flattens multidimensional arrays in return value. This is best explained by an example. Let's say we did this: $pages->findRaw("categories.count>0, limit=1", "title, categories.title" ); And it returns an array similar to this for every matching page: [ 'title' => '2-factor authentication coming to ProcessWire', 'categories' => [ 1035 => [ 'title' => 'Security' ], 1288 => [ 'title' => 'Users' ] ] ] Now let's try the flat option: $pages->findRaw("categories.count>0, limit=1", "title, categories.title", [ 'flat' => true ]); (side note: you might already know this, but fields and options can also be bundled in the selector like this below, which is identical to the above): $pages->findRaw("categories.count>0, fields=title|categories.title, flat=1"); It flattens any multi-dimensional arrays in the return value to be indexed in the same way that you requested them in the $fields argument: [ 'title' => '2-factor authentication coming to ProcessWire', 'categories.title' => [ 1035 => 'Security', 1288 => 'Users' ] ] In addition to these updates for the $pages->findRaw() method, this week there have also been updates to the $sanitizer->float() method and InputfieldFloat module. Now both support numbers with E notation such as 1E-2, 10E-14, -1.253E-5, etc. There are also some new values for the getString option on the float sanitizer. I don't work with this kind of stuff very often, so thanks to @MetaTunes on GitHub for helping to figure it out. Lastly, the ProcessTemplate module also went through a refactoring with some minor improvements this week. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend!
    1 point
  13. I'm not sure if this requirement is common enough it that will be considered for the core, but you can easily extend those Fieldtypes by yourself. These are untested, but they should work. It should even be possible to switch an existing FieldtypeText or FieldtypeTextarea to a non-indexed type.: FieldtypeTextNoindex <?php namespace ProcessWire; /** * ProcessWire Text Fieldtype without Index * * Fieldtype equivalent to FieldtypeText but * without creating an index on its text content * to preserve storage. * * Only use this Fieldtype if you will never search * through the contents of the field. * */ class FieldtypeTextNoindex extends FieldtypeText { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Text Noindex', 'version' => "0.0.1", 'summary' => 'Field that stores a single line of text, not indexed' ); } /** * Return the database schema in specified format * * @param Field $field * @return array * */ public function getDatabaseSchema(Field $field) { $schema = parent::getDatabaseSchema($field); unset($schema['keys']['data_exact']); unset($schema['keys']['data']); return $schema; } } FieldtypeTextareaNoindex <?php namespace ProcessWire; /** * ProcessWire Textarea Fieldtype without Index * * Stores a large block of multi-line text like * FieldtypeTextarea but without an index on its * text content to save storage space. * * Only use this Fieldtype if you will never search * through the contents of the field. * */ class FieldtypeTextareaNoindex extends FieldtypeTextarea { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Textarea Noindex', 'version' => "0.0.1", 'summary' => 'Filed that stores multiple lines of text, not indexed', 'permanent' => true, ); } /** * Get database schema used by the Field * * @param Field $field * @return array * */ public function getDatabaseSchema(Field $field) { $schema = parent::getDatabaseSchema($field); unset($schema['keys']['data_exact']); unset($schema['keys']['data']); return $schema; } }
    1 point
  14. Dates are stored as timestamp not in the format you specify. It will be formated when output. So you would have to use a timestamp to use in the selector. For recieving page of today, you would have to create a start and end time range and use them in the selector. <?php $start = strtotime( date('Y-m-d') . " 00:00:00"); $end = strtotime( date('Y-m-d') . " 23:59:59"); $items = $pages->find("template=linkmain,publishdate>=$start,publishdate<=$end,sort=-userid"); haven't tested it but should work along these lines
    1 point
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