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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2019 in all areas

  1. New v2.0.0 is out on github. I renamed the module to ImageReference (as suggested by @bernhard) to avoid the naming conflict with @theo's module ImagePicker. Version was bumped to 2.0.0 because it introduces breaking changes due to renaming. So if you have an older version installed, you need to first uninstall it and then install v2.0.0. Sorry for the inconvenience. The new version also adds a new option. You can now choose images from any page on your site (similar behavior to choosing images when inserting into CKEditor). Please give it a try and let me know if you run into any problems. After some more revision, I will add this fieldtype to the modules directory. I would like to thank everybody who contributed their ideas to this module and wish everyone a good transition into the new year.
    6 points
  2. I've uploaded a new version (0.9.5) to GitHub. It tries to handle DB connection loss errors and it has a basic profiler to optimize your import routines. See the wiki for more details. Note: TaskerAdmin needs some fixes in its JS-based task executor. Don't use this feature atm. (Cron is always the preferred task execution method.)
    3 points
  3. For me, uploading a file/image from URL works by simply copy paste the URL into the upload inputtextfield. The browser / OS does all necessary then.
    2 points
  4. Hello. I'd somewhat rewritten WireMailMailgun a while back, to implement some more features and implement PW coding guidelines etc. My version has been somewhat in limbo, although there's been various discussions in the thread linked above. I've decided to release my version as a separate module called WireMailgun, as it has breaking changes and a slightly different implementation. I've also got it using the email validation v4 endpoint. For simple usage, either module will do what you need it to do. If you need to do some more advanced things e.g inline images or adding data, this module will help you with that. Here's the readme... WireMail Mailgun Extends WireMail to use the Mailgun API for sending emails. Installation Download the zip file at Github or clone the repo into your site/modules directory. If you downloaded the zip file, extract it in your sites/modules directory. In your admin, go to Modules > Refresh, then Modules > New, then click on the Install button for this module. API Prior to using this module, you must set up a domain in your Mailgun account to create an API key. Add the API key and domain to the module's settings. Usage Usage is similar to the basic WireMail implementation, although a few extra options are available. Please refer to the WireMail documentation for full instructions on using WireMail, and to the examples below. Extra Methods The following are extra methods implemented by this module: Chainable The following methods can be used in a chained statement: cc(string|array|null $email) - Set a "cc" email address. Only used when $batchMode is set to false. Please refer to WireMail::to() for more information on how to use this method. bcc(string|array|null $email) - Set a "bcc" email address. Only used when $batchMode is set to false. Please refer to WireMail::to() for more information on how to use this method. addData(string $key, string $value) - Add custom data to the email. See https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/user_manual.html#attaching-data-to-messages for more information. addInlineImage(string $file, string $filename) - Add an inline image for referencing in HTML. Reference using "cid:" e.g. <img src='cid:filename.ext'> Requires curl_file_create() (PHP >= 5.5.0) See https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/user_manual.html#sending-inline-images for more information. addRecipientVariables(array $recipients) - Add recipient variables. $recipients should be an array of data, keyed by the recipient email address See https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/user_manual.html#batch-sending for more information. addTag(string $tag) - Add a tag to the email. Only ASCII allowed Maximum length of 128 characters There is a maximum number of 3 tags allowed per email. addTags(array $tags) - Add tags in a batch. setApiKey(string $apiKey) - Override the Mailgun API Key module setting. setBatchMode(bool $batchMode) - Enables or disables batch mode. This is off by default, meaning that a single email is sent with each recipient seeing the other recipients If this is on, any email addresses set by cc() and bcc() will be ignored Mailgun has a maximum hard limit of recipients allowed per batch of 1,000. Read more about batch sending. setDeliveryTime(int $time) - The (unix)time the email should be scheduled for. setDomainName(string $domain) - Override the "Domain Name" module setting. setRegion(string $region) - Override the "Region" module setting. Valid regions are "us" and "eu" Fails silently if an invalid region is passed setSender(string $domain, string $key) - Set a different API sender than the default. The third argument is $region which is optional A shortcut for calling setDomainName(), setApiKey() and setRegion() setTestMode(bool $testMode) - Override the "Test Mode" module setting. setTrackOpens(bool $trackOpens) - Override "Track Message Opens" module setting on a per-email basis. Open tracking only works for emails with bodyHTML() set setTrackClicks(bool $trackClicks) - Override "Track Message Clicks" module setting on a per-email basis. Click tracking only works for emails with bodyHTML() set Other send() - Send the email. Returns a positive number (indicating number of emails sent) or 0 on failure. validateEmail(string $email) - Validates a single address using Mailgun's address validation service. Returns an associative array. To return the response as an object, set the second argument to false For more information on what this method returns, see Mailgun's documentation. getHttpCode() - Get the API HTTP response code. A response code of 200 indicates a successful response Examples Basic Example Send an email: $mg = $mail->new(); $sent = $mg->to("user@domain.com") ->from("you@company.com") ->subject("Message Subject") ->body("Message Body") ->send(); Advanced Example Send an email using all supported WireMail methods and extra methods implemented by WireMailgun: $mg = $mail->new(); // WireMail methods $mg->to([ "user@domain.com" => "A User", "user2@domain.com" => "Another User", ]) ->from("you@company.com", "Company Name") ->replyTo("reply@company.com", "Company Name") ->subject("Message Subject") ->bodyHTML("<p>Message Body</p>") // A text version will be automatically created ->header("key1", "value1") ->headers(["key2" => "value2"]) ->attachment("/path/to/file.ext", "filename.ext"); // WireMailgun methods $mg->cc("cc@domain.com") ->bcc(["bcc@domain.com", "bcc2@domain.com"]) ->addData("key", "value") // Custom X-Mailgun-Variables data ->addInlineImage("/path/to/file-inline.jpg", "filename-inline.jpg") // Add inline image ->addTag("tag1") // Add a single tag ->addTags(["tag2", "tag3"]) // Add tags in a batch ->setBatchMode(false) // A single email will be sent, both "to" recipients shown ->setDeliveryTime(time() + 3600) // The email will be delivered in an hour ->setSender($domain, $key, "eu") // Use a different domain to send, this one in the EU region ->setTestMode(true) // Mailgun won't actually send the email ->setTrackOpens(false) // Disable tracking opens ->setTrackClicks(false); // Disable tracking clicks // Batch mode is set to false, so 1 returned if successful $numSent = $mg->send(); echo "The email was " . ($numSent ? "" : "not ") . "sent."; Validate an Email Address $mg = $mail->new(); $response = $mg->validateEmail("user@domain.com", false); if($mg->getHttpCode() == 200) { echo $response->result == "deliverable" ? "Valid" : "Not valid"; } else { echo "Could not validate"; } I hope it is useful! Cheers, Chris
    1 point
  5. https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessModuleToolkit It allows bulk automated migration installation and upgrading of modules (and their config settings) from one PW install to another, so it should be very handy in setting up new sites with your standard collection of favorite modules and settings. Allows includes batch installing by a list of module class names. Go to the Setup > Module Toolkit and follow the prompts. During the import, you can choose which modules from the collection to import. You can optionally import the module config settings from the source install. The one caveat is if a particular setting includes a reference to a page, template, or field ID, it won't work, but you can easily update this setting on the destination install. Batch install new modules directly from the modules directory with a list of module classnames or URLs to module zip files. You can optionally, automatically update all of the imported modules (if they are in the ProcessWire modules directory) to their latest available versions. It copies the module files so you can use it to migrate modules that are not available in the PW modules directory, or on Github. Great for all those custom helper modules you've created. Full restore feature in case something goes wrong / you change your mind. I maintain a dedicated test PW install for installing and configuring modules which I can then export for use in my projects using this tool. Please test and let me know what you think!
    1 point
  6. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! This week we take a look at two new modules released this week: LoginRegisterPro and FileValidatorImage. Plus discussion of upcoming plans for new FileValidator modules and how they are useful in PW. Then a brief highlight of two great new ProcessWire-powered websites— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/new-modules-and-great-websites/
    1 point
  7. Yes, I know, the title is strange, let me explain. I have files field where users in admin upload attachments, like pdf, zip, doc, etc. I render those attachments in my template, nothing fancy here. But sometimes there is a need to display a link to some file (document) that is not part of PW. Now, the user has to download the document and upload it to the files field (and add some description). Ideally, there would be another button along with the "Upload file" eg. "Insert link" that would upload some dummy file and then I could use custom fields support for file and image fields to add the URL. Any other ideas? I know I could use repeaters, but I would like to make it simple.
    1 point
  8. I can't believe I only discovered this great module today. Great stuff!
    1 point
  9. OK. It was time to update the wiki ? I've uploaded a new DataSet version (0.9.5) to GitHub. It contains many improvements for data type conversions, page reference handling and several bug fixes. It also has a new profiler to optimize the import routines. Tasker is also updated.
    1 point
  10. What if – in the future – Ryan decides to implement a core module with the same name? We thank you! ?
    1 point
  11. @ryan Are there any plans to include SSO features in LRP? e.g. allow a new user to sign up with his Github/Google/FB/Twitter... account? Single-sign-on registration / login can (at least in some use-cases) significantly optimize onboarding. I certainly wouldn't see it fit for new superusers, but for any other kind of custom-defined user-type, it would be a very cool feature to have. If there are currently no such plans, how complicated would it be to add SSO to LRP? Would it be possible with hooks?
    1 point
  12. Sorry for being off-topic, but I have noticed this on the ProcessWire Sites directory too, but not on my UIkit based websites. I don‘t know what causes this, but the Chrome task manager shows a high CPU percentage although nothing happens. @Macrura Great website. ?
    1 point
  13. Hi @Fanni, a little late and only litte information but here is my guess. As you say the error message points to thumbnail creation from pdf. Behind the scenes following modules are most likely used: Imagick (Php Extension) Ghostscript (PDF Interpreter) and maybe ImageMagick From other non-processwire projects I've experienced a similar behavior caused by the used ghost script version. So ghostscript is where I would start. (You can read about a similar issue here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53560755/ghostscript-9-26-update-breaks-imagick-readimage-for-multipage-pdf) You could check your gs version under linux with something like ` /usr/bin/gs --version 2>&1 on a shared host phpinfo() might tell you the used version as well. If not your hosting provider will for sure tell you.
    1 point
  14. Why not use the dev version of PW instead? It's going to be released as the new stable/master version probably within the next week anyway. Would save you the effort of going back to 7.3.
    1 point
  15. I hope that you have had a great week! I’ve been working hard on finishing up the LoginRegisterPro module this week and actually have it ready. But I’ve been told I have to get off the computer in 20 minutes, so so I think I’ll wait till Monday to release it. But I do have the new info page (which is kind of like last week's blog post) and new documentation page now online. The documentation page in particular is pretty comprehensive. In last week’s post there was a form to request more info once it’s released, so if you are interested in this module and haven’t filled out that form, please do. That’s how I’ll be sending out the introduction coupon code this time around, for those that want it. There have also been some core updates this week, but it was just a few commits, so not enough to warrant a version bump today. That’s actually a good thing, as no major new issues turning up means one step closer to merging onto the master branch. There will be a new master version before this year is done! Thank you for reading and I hope that you all have a great Christmas and/or holiday week next week!
    1 point
  16. Hey folks! I've been a bit quiet here, but that's mostly because I've been busy building stuff with ProcessWire and Wireframe ? Just wanted to give a quick heads-up for a new feature called components that I'm currently testing (it's in the dev branch of the module already), in case anyone wants to comment on it before it gets merged to the master branch. Wireframe components are classes extending an abstract base class (\Wireframe\Component), and they can either render output directly by implementing the render() method, or they can be rendered using a separate Component View file. This is probably a familiar concept to most, but the general idea is that while partials ("dumb" files with no way to process params, and no clean way to separate code from markup) are enough if you just have some relatively static snippet that you need repeatedly, components add an extra layer where you can a) specify which params they accept, b) process those params, and c) include any additional "business logic" that should be triggered when the component is rendered. Here's a simplified example of how this comes together: /site/templates/components/Card.php (class for the Card component) <?php namespace Wireframe\Component; /** * Card component */ class Card extends \Wireframe\Component { /** * Constructor method * * @param \ProcessWire\Page $item Page related to current Card. */ public function __construct(\ProcessWire\Page $item) { // Pass properties to view $this->title = $item->title; $this->summary = $item->summary; $this->image = $item->get('image|hero_image'); } } /site/templates/components/Card/default.php (default view for the Card component) <?php namespace ProcessWire; ?> <div class="card"> <?php if ($image): ?> <img src="<?= $image->size(640, 480)->url ?>" alt="<?= $image->description ?>"> <?php endif; ?> <h3><?= $title ?></h3> <?php if ($summary): ?> <p><?= $summary ?></p> <?php endif; ?> </div> ... and for fetching and rendering the component, there's a little static helper in the Wireframe module class: <?php foreach ($cards as item): ?> <?= Wireframe::component('Card', [$item]) ?> <?php endforeach; ?> Note that Wireframe::component() actually returns an instance of the component class, not a string, but since \Wireframe\Component::__toString() calls \Wireframe\Component::render(), what we're doing here is essentially the same as echoing out the result of (new \Wireframe\Component\Card($card))->render() ? So, anyway, that's basically what I've been working on here. I'd be happy to hear if you have any comments on this addition – I haven't yet merged it to master since I'm still experimenting with it, and I'd like to avoid as many breaking changes in the master branch as I can. So far this has worked great for me, but to be honest my requirements have been pretty basic. Thoughts?
    1 point
  17. Hey there Jim, welcome to the forum! I've seen a few other reports related to the developer directory pop up lately as well. @Pete, you aware of these? ?
    1 point
  18. Hello everyone, while building an app-interface for a page, I developed some changes and improvements to this module, which I made available as a pull request. But @thomasaull and I are not quite sure if it makes sense to transfer these basic changes into the main module as well. Therefore we would like to hear your opinion: What do you think of the new module version? Which features would be useful for you? I have developed several new features that allow the administration of Api accesses via the ProcessWire backend. I also revised the authentication and added a new Double-JWT option that works with long-lasting refresh and short-lived access-tokens. New Features: New menu item "Restapi" in the ProcessWire menu under "setup Management of Api accesses (applications) outsourced to the new menu item Apikeys now authorize api-access Creation of multiple applications with different auth types possible Double-JWT Authentication, renewable tokens token-sessions can be viewed and deleted in the backend Improved exception handling: Each endpoint can throw exceptions, which are then output with the appropriate HTTP status header and message.
    1 point
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