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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2019 in all areas
I never submitted the newest iteration of my own business site which already is 3 years online, promoting my webdesign/UI/UX/Frontend stuff. "Just" a Onepager, content managed by PW, usage of D3 for the circles and a completely handwritten gallery at the top. But as always, way more hours went into this as expected ? https://siebennull.com3 points
Welcome to the forums @skoskie ? The Comments fieldtype already includes a star rating option: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.21-upgrades-comments-more-on-pw-3.x/#new-star-ratings-for-comments-fields3 points
After making more App stuff (UI/UX/SPA) lately I finally made a website again ? It is the Website of the German Association of Osteopaths. Information about the Association, Osteopathy, workshops, search for Osteopaths (Members) as well as a Membership description plus application form. Mentionable: 100% 100% 100% 100% Lighthouse score with only 121 KB transferred data/8 requests for the start page. Processwire-wise usage of ListerPro (for managing Members and workshops), Form Builder for application of members. Croppable Image for the images. Managing pages with flexible teaser blocks, built with ASM select and core functionality. Pretty fun project especially because client delivered his part on time and we ramped up the thing in 4 weeks (me working part time). https://vwod.de2 points
Thank you for that suggestion. However the headache is part of learning the platform, so I'm accepting it.2 points
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Just pushed an update to make the currently edited page available to the rendered PHP file: // before $editPage = $pages->get($input->get('id', 'int')); echo $editPage->path; // now echo $editPage->path; thx to @psy for the idea1 point
I just recreated it with a new installation. Install multilanguage profile Create the imagefield, add to template home Create a template for the image field, add field summary Go to home, add an image, fill in title and summary Switch your profile to german language or finnish, and edit home again All entries show up, except default language! Only additional fields are affected. Standard image description works. You can do all this as superuser. To clarify again: What you type in an as empty shown field is saved to the database! But the field is shown as empty, as is the language tab.1 point
Hey Guys, thanks a lot for your replies. Back after work, I have just checked your answers and I'm closely suprised. It is the indication of the absolute path that the image outputs immediately. Bernhards snippet - an excerpt, I took again. Then I only changed one line as in the code-snippet below, that solved the problem. . $mpdf->WriteHTML('<div>Showing image ' . $img->filename . '</div>'); As in the Screenshot beside, the seond Path(last line) is the right one. Thank you bernhard, horst and jens - your all commitment is just great!1 point
I have a pretty basic testsite(intermediate profile) with no additional modules and no hooks whatsoever. But... it's a multilingual site, German as default plus English. Now: If I set my profile to english my german fields are empty. English field content is shown. When I edit the content and save, the content is saved(I see it on frontend AND database), but on reload of the page(after the save action) the german content is gone. Well, not really gone, but not shown... Then I set the profile language to German(default language) everything works as it should, and all field are shown and saved. This happens to me as superuser. Strange...1 point
Nice to know, thx. I haven't been working with pdf for some time but I remember I've always had issues with the correct file paths... I think paths did somehow not work, but not sure. I think they didn't work in older versions of mpdf. There you had to define relative paths (not public urls) to a root path that was set in the module's config. Maybe things have changed to the good ?1 point
Hey, lets pull it down to this: serving the full filesystempath should work everytime, if the file is_readable(), URL „may“ work most of the time, as the pdf-lib will expand it to the full filesystempath. In both scenarios finally the full filesystempath is needed to read, parse, import the imagefile into the pdf object. ?1 point
@buster808, just a heads-up that I've merged your question to the Markup Simple Navigation support thread. When you have questions regarding an existing module, you can find the module-specific support forum thread from the modules directory entry for that particular module ?1 point
Well, is there a logic behind it? Icons per page-tree / category? How do you plan to use icons? Inline SVGs? With :before or :after pseudo-selectors in CSS? Icon-fonts? The easiest is to use your own classes and then style items with pseudo-selectors. Or you could use attribute selectors: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Attribute_selectors e.g. .nav a[href^="https://mysite.tld/blog/"]:before {}1 point
This is my code fragment that is currently working.. but I save the image to file because my case // here I load the SVG file $svg = file_get_contents("https://www.domain.com/site/templates/images/$image.svg"); // here goes code to modify some elements, colors and texts in the svg .... // here I set the SVG var to Imagick and save to a PNG file ready for download $im = new \Imagick(); $im->readImageBlob($svg); $im->setImageFormat("png24"); $im->scaleImage(1024, 1024, true); $im->writeImage("../downloads/$filename"); $im->clear(); $im->destroy(); $file = "https://www.domain.com/site/downloads/$filename"; echo $file; I implemented it as a service that is called by AJAX and returns the URL to the generated image.1 point
Thank you all! I waited a few hours before pronouncing the verdict ^^ The problem was indeed the change of IP. I added this line in: /site/config.php $config->sessionFingerprint = 1; /* 1 or true: Fingerprint on default / recommended setting (currently 10). */ by $config->sessionFingerprint = 8; /* 8: Fingerprint only the useragent */ I was able to test this solution on all the sites I created. It works. Thx you to everyone !!!1 point
What about this: <div class="masthead" data-bg="<?php echo $page->mastheadImage->url; ?>"> <span>My Text Above Image</span> </div> and this: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('[data-bg]').each(function() { $(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + $(this).attr('data-bg') + ')'); }); }); </script>1 point
Hey guys, Czech Language Pack was updated for PW 3.0.123. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/czech/ You can download it from Github. If you need older translation, just take a look at releases.1 point