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A terminal for running server commands: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-terminal/ https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessTerminal NOTE: It does not support interactive commands like vi, nano, apt, etc. DO NOT attempt to use these as they may result in you needing to restart apache. This is a bash terminal that lets you quickly execute commands on a server. In addition to normal commands like: ls, cd, cat, mkdir, rm, chmod, chown, etc, you can also do mysql command line calls which is very handy if you need to add a new user, create a mysqldump etc. Note that for mysql commands you need to issue them individually - you can't simply start "mysql" and issue commands from there - each call needs to include your username and password and the command to be run, eg: mysql -u root -p mypassword -e "CREATE DATABASE newtablename"; There is also an upload and download command, eg "upload test.txt" which will spawn a file selector dialog on your machine to upload that file to your server with the given name. It also has arrow up and down for command history as well as tab autocompletion of commands and file names. This module was separated from Tracy because some shared hosts were flagging it as spam. This is because it uses system_exec to run server commands. This can certainly be dangerous, but in my opinion it is no more dangerous than the HannaCode module or the Tracy Console panel which both allow you to run system_exec. The key thing is that ProcessWire's htaccess rules prevent the shell.php file from being run directly and because this is a process module it uses PW's permissions to restrict usage to superusers.9 points
Hi Charles, I've enjoyed reading the PW Review website over the last couple of days. The interview with Ryan is illuminating, and the technical information and videos are thorough and clear. It's obvious that you've put a lot of time and effort into the site and it will be especially helpful to new PW users. Thanks! I have a bit of feedback about the appearance of the site. Please take or leave it as you see fit - nothing that follows had any significant impact on the readability of the site. 1. It would be nice to make the header a bit more visual - maybe use the PWR logo in the header to give the site some clearer branding? 2. A favicon would be a nice touch. 3. There seems to be a styling glitch that is pulling the main content to the left on some pages: I'm not sure what's causing it because I'm not very familiar with Uikit but maybe someone here who is a regular Uikit user will have some advice. 4. Some of the headings are not immediately recognisable as headings. I think this is because the lower-level headings like h5 and h6 are as small or smaller than the body text and use the same weight as the body text. My suggestion would be to use a bold weight for the smaller headings so they are more recognisable as such. One of your tutorials explains how you modified the Uikit CSS so some headings have different colours: IMHO this is not such a good idea because it makes it a harder for the reader to know what is a link/clickable and what is a heading because there isn't a consistent colour to identify headings. True story: the Page Clone article was one of the first pages I read on the site and I clicked the "Related Source Documentation" text because I thought it was a link. This is all minor stuff. I'm looking forward to reading more as you add new content to the site!5 points
@tthom_pw - thanks for the updates. Looks like this is going to be an ongoing problem, so I have separated it out into its own module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-terminal/ It can be run standalone, or via the Terminal panel in Tracy. Hopefully this will help to make it available if you run your own server / VPS, but not cause problems for those Tracy users on shared hosting.4 points
No problem, thanks for taking the time to comment. I'm learning as I do this, so I would be remiss to not listen. 1. I played around with having the PWR image being prominent, at the top, on the bottom and also no image at all. The logo came about because I needed something on the podcasting host for each episode. I just ended up reusing that image elsewhere and it became the logo. 2. I will make that happen. Need to add that process to my checklist. 3. I saw that at the end of putting the website together. By that time, I was tired and just wanted the website online. Even though it's a mistake, I smiled and said I would still go with it. I eventually just looked at it as a reminder that life is not perfect and we sometimes have imperfections that we should be able to live with. It's on my fix-it list. 4. You made a good point. I will put some effort towards getting something in place that works. The intent was that only the blue colored text would be links or clickable. I otherwise use buttons for other types of links.4 points
Related to links, I would also consider adding an underline – or some other obvious visual feature – to links. It's a little thing, but can make a notable difference in terms of accessibility: colour should never be the only thing separating text elements. Same thing goes for things like menus, i.e. active state shouldn't be communicated using colour alone ? Keep up the great work! Looking forward to featuring PW Review in the Weekly. How I wish that clients would sometimes say this too... ?3 points
Hi @androbey many thanks for pointing me to this. I add it to my todo list with an urgent flag. ?2 points
You have defined this field as editable in the frontend. Check the field settings in tab "input" at the very bottom. Only logged-in PW admins with the necessary rights see these additional tags.2 points
I do hear everyone and I am extremely grateful for the genuine positive comments that are offered by this community. I will make a change.2 points
Here's a little Hanna Code snippet I wrote that allows you to insert a tag that contains any HTML element of your choice along with any attributes. The only defined Hanna Code variables are "element" and "comment". If you leave element empty, it will automatically use the "div" HTML element. The "comment" variable is optional and doesn't get outputted on the frontend. It is only for internal use and if you want to actually describe what the Hanna Code is doing. Import these two into Hanna Code: "tag" !HannaCode:tag:eyJuYW1lIjoidGFnIiwidHlwZSI6IjIiLCJjb2RlIjoiXC8qaGNfYXR0clxuZWxlbWVudD1cImRpdlwiXG5jb21tZW50PVwiXCJcbmhjX2F0dHIqXC9cbjw/cGhwXG5cL1wvaWYoIGVtcHR5KCRhdHRyW1wiZWxlbWVudFwiXSkgKSByZXR1cm47XG4kcmV0dXJuID0gJzwnLiRhdHRyW1wiZWxlbWVudFwiXTtcbmZvcmVhY2goJGF0dHIgYXMgJGsgPT4gJGEpIHtcbiAgICBpZiggJGsgPT0gXCJlbGVtZW50XCIgfHwgJGsgPT0gXCJjb21tZW50XCIgKSBjb250aW51ZTtcbiAgICBpZiggIWVtcHR5KCRhKSApICRyZXR1cm4gLj0gJyAnLiRrLic9XCInLiRhLidcIic7XG59XG4kcmV0dXJuIC49ICc+JztcbmVjaG8gJHJldHVybjsifQ==/!HannaCode "end-tag" !HannaCode:end-tag:eyJuYW1lIjoiZW5kLXRhZyIsInR5cGUiOiIyIiwiY29kZSI6IlwvKmhjX2F0dHJcbmVsZW1lbnQ9XCJkaXZcIlxuaGNfYXR0cipcL1xuPD9waHBcblwvXC9pZiggZW1wdHkoJGF0dHJbXCJlbGVtZW50XCJdKSApIHJldHVybjtcbiRyZXR1cm4gPSAnPFwvJy4kYXR0cltcImVsZW1lbnRcIl0uJz4nO1xuZWNobyAkcmV0dXJuOyJ9/!HannaCode Now for some examples: Example 1: Section [[tag element="section"]] will output... <section> Example 2: Section with class [[tag element="section" class="myclass myotherclass"]] will output... <section class="myclass myotherclass"> Example 3: Section with id [[tag element="section" id="myid"]] will output... <section id="myid"> Example 4: Section with inline styles [[tag element="section" style="color:red"]] will output... <section style="color:red"> Example 5: Section with any attributes you want (data attributes for instance) [[tag element="section" my-custom-attribute="test-value" data-something="cool"]] will output... <section my-custom-attribute="test-value" data-something="cool"> Example 6: Same as above with "element" not defined (defaults to "div") [[tag my-custom-attribute="test-value" data-something="cool"]] will output... <div my-custom-attribute="test-value" data-something="cool"> Example 7: Same as above with "comment" set (which does not get outputted) [[tag my-custom-attribute="test-value" data-something="cool" comment="Don't remove this line or your page will get totally messed up!"]] will output... <div my-custom-attribute="test-value" data-something="cool"> Example 8: Close section tag [[end-tag element="section"]] will output... </section> Example 9: Close div tag [[end-tag]] will output... </div> Example with a common Bootstrap rows and columns scenario: [[tag class="row"]] [[tag class="col-sm-6"]] This is the first col. [[end-tag comment="end of first col"]] [[tag class="col-sm-6"]] This is the first col. [[end-tag comment="end of second col"]] [[end-tag comment="end of row"]] -- Note the following article regarding the terms "element" and "tag": http://perfectionkills.com/tag-is-not-an-element-or-is-it/1 point
Good Morning ProcessWIre Community, PW Review is a website that has a lofty goal of covering ProcessWire on a regular basis. That may seem like an impossible task, however I believe I'm up to the challenge. First, this is a strictly non-commercial endeavor and a project I believe in. This is not Wired Magazine or anything like that. I'm not a serious programmer or pretending to be one. My goal is to cover the modules (commercial and non-commercial) that may not get that much press or attention. I will also be covering modules that maybe you haven't heard about in awhile. There will also be screenshots, information and videos regarding the Commercial modules. I've been with this community since 2012 and have benefitted tremendously from ProcessWire. So this is my way of giving back, which is important to me. It's my hope that over time that what I'm doing myself will get some community participation. One person that I've had nothing but positive support from is Ryan Cramer. That's enough to keep me going at this for some time. That's it. Have a nice day and I hope you find something to like with PW Review. If not, please send me an email. I'm a great listener. Best Regards, Charles1 point
Well, that's easy to spot: For some reason there's a margin-left override: @media (min-width: 1200px) { .uk-grid-large { margin-left: -70px; } } default being -40px or... make the body background color white ?1 point
I guess what you want is: $planet->planet_foto->httpUrl instead of prepending url it with $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ? (not sure)1 point
In addition to @louisstephens response: I think number 2 is more likely to be an input place for other meta tags (see overview). There you can also find info about what "robots" tag is used for and also info about "canonical". As for your other question on how to "improve your SEO": you may find more info when looking up the meta tags. Not all of them are used by search engines for the ranking (if this is your primary concern).1 point
Hi @horst, I just wanted to draw attention to a problem that might affect some in the future if TLS (or STARTTLS) is used. I wasn't sure where to put my concerns, so I decided to write them down in the support forum. Some email hosting providers will shut down TLS 1.0 support in the future (or already did so). The way your module currently relies on the SMTP class (when using PHP version >= 5.6.7) it only (and exclusively) supports TLS version 1.0 (see here https://github.com/horst-n/WireMailSmtp/blob/master/smtp_classes/smtp.php#L1295). The issue is better described by one comment on the PHP forum: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-socket-enable-crypto.php#119122. Can you maybe integrate an option to allow specifying one of the available PHP crypto type constants? Hopefully I don't bother you with this and maybe it is useful for somebody. Thank you for your work in any case!1 point
Thank you @bernhard I knew there would be a faster way to get the job done. PW is geeting better and better to me ?1 point
My final solution to output all fields as a JSON-Object: <?php $planets = $pages->find("template=planet, sort=-title"); $planets_array = array(); foreach($planets as $planet) { $moon_array = array(); $moons = $planet->planet_moons; foreach($moons as $moon) { $moon_array[] = $moon->title; } $planets_array[] = array( 'title' => $planet->title, 'created' => date("H:i:s d.m.Y", $planet->created), 'modified' => date("H:i:s d.m.Y", $planet->modified), 'type' => $planet->planet_type, 'age' => $planet->planet_age, 'color' => ucfirst($planet->planet_color->title), 'moons' => $moon_array, 'summary' => $planet->planet_summary, 'foto' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $planet->planet_foto->url, 'planet-reference' => $planet->planet_reference[0]->title ); } $planets_json = json_encode($planets_array, true); echo $planets_json; ?> Output (JSON): [{ "title": "Merkur", "created": "20:25:29 16.04.2019", "modified": "14:06:19 17.04.2019", "type": "W\u00fcstenplanet", "age": "800.812", "color": "Brown", "moons": ["Merkur Mond 1", "Merkur Mond 2"], "summary": "Beschreibung gibt es noch erst eine sehr kurze. hier gibt es noch nicht viel zu lesen...", "foto": "extranet\/site\/assets\/files\/1045\/merkur.jpg", "planet-reference": "Earth" }, { "title": "Mars", "created": "17:54:58 07.04.2019", "modified": "14:06:08 17.04.2019", "type": "Terrestrial moon", "age": "4.500.000.712", "color": "Red", "moons": ["Phobos", "Deimos"], "summary": "Mars is the fourth round planet from the Sun...", "foto": "extranet\/site\/assets\/files\/1018\/mars.jpg", "planet-reference": "Merkur" }, { "title": "Jupiter", "created": "17:28:14 07.04.2019", "modified": "14:05:52 17.04.2019", "type": "Great Gas Giant", "age": "4,5 Billion", "color": "Yellow", "moons": ["Io", "Europa", "Kallisto", "Ganymed", "Amalthea", "Himalia", "Elara"], "summary": "Jupiter is the fifth planet...", "foto": "extranet\/site\/assets\/files\/1017\/jupiter.jpg", "planet-reference": "Mars" }, { "title": "Earth", "created": "17:13:23 07.04.2019", "modified": "14:05:40 17.04.2019", "type": "Terrestrial Planet", "age": "15.56 Billion", "color": "Purple", "moons": ["Moon"], "summary": "Earth (or the Earth) is the third planet from the Sun...", "foto": "extranet\/site\/assets\/files\/1016\/earth-1.jpg", "planet-reference": "Jupiter" }]1 point
You're right, a select-input would be a neat workaround to prevent a user to assign multiple pages. I agree, issue should be fixed. As a newbie tat behaviour was a bit confusing to me. Thanks to everybodies help: @Robin S @adrian @BitPoet @bernhard ?1 point
I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for @flydev's topic. Interestingly it seems that not everyone is happy about free private repos on GitHub: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/01/free-github-accounts-now-offer-private-repos/1 point
1 point
More on this: https://www.i-programmer.info/news/81-web-general/12700-google-attempts-to-fix-amp-makes-it-worse.html Quote: "AMP is a walled garden under construction." Sadly, macOS too: https://www.i-programmer.info/news/201-ios/12681-is-the-walled-garden-about-to-close-around-macos.html Quote: "Beginning in macOS 10.14.5, all new or updated kernel extensions and all software from developers new to distributing with Developer ID must be notarized in order to run. In a future version of macOS, notarization will be required by default for all software. (A notarized app is a macOS app that was uploaded to Apple for processing before it was distributed.)"1 point
You are saying "parent" here, but according to your explanation you are not looking for the "parent" (in the PW meaning), but for the page containing the reference to istanbul, correct? Such things depend a lot on your setup of the page tree. This might be a good read: If you have a setup like this (I guess that's your setup?) /countries (tpl=countries) /countries/austria (tpl=country, referenced cities: vienna,salzburg) /countries/turkey (tpl=country, cities: istanbul, ankara) /cities (tpl=cities) /cities/vienna (tpl=city) /cities/salzburg /cities/istanbul /cities/ankara And you visit page "vienna" the selectors could be: $page; // vienna $country = $pages->findOne([ 'template' => 'country', 'cities' => $page, ]); $siblings = $country->cities("id!=$page"); But it might make more sense (or might not) to sturcture your pages like this: /countries (tpl=countries) /countries/austria (tpl=country) /countries/austria/vienna (tpl=city) /countries/austria/salzburg /countries/turkey /countries/turkey/ankara /countries/turkey/istanbul Then it would be: $page; // austria $country = $page->parent; $siblings = $page->siblings("id!=$page"); This setup would have the benefit, that you can never assign one city to two countries. Well - if that is what you need, the other approach could make more sense (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_divided_cities) @elabx s is also correct, but $page->id is actually not necessary, because when you put your $page variable in the selector string, it will automatically return the page id ? Other than that it's a matter of preferance if you use array syntax or not or if you use "id!=$page" or ->remove($page) ?1 point
Thanks for bringing this to my attention @szabesz! My favourite: Best wishes to him, best wishes for ProcessWire and of course best wishes to you @cstevensjr and your project! ? PS: @cstevensjr is there a way how we can subscribe to new topics on your site?1 point
Hey Charles, I've just read The Inerview: https://pwreview.com/series/interviews/featured-professionals/ryan-cramer/ big thanks for that, too! My favorite messages in it: "...just go with the flow..." "...working through the issues... ...it's about solving mysteries..."1 point
Hi everyone! And thanks for Processwire! A small bug found in this great admin theme. It concerns the datepicker behavior. If we have two date fields one below another, the first field datepicker may slide below the input field of second field. The problem can be resolved by changing the AdminThemeBoss\uikit\dist\css\uikit.(color).min.css from: .pw .ui-datepicker#ui-datepicker-div { z-index:2 !important; background: ... to: .pw .ui-datepicker#ui-datepicker-div { background: ... Thanks again for this nice theme!1 point
Not in this particular case, but there are times when a str_replace would suffice. In this case it would be a bit hacky .... Btw, is a 'summary field' like this a common feature of Blogs? Anyway, your question got me thinking, so thanks for asking ....Given your example, there's maybe 3 options to enable you to inject your custom fields inside Blog Markup (i.e. modify the markup server-side). Option 1. Add an post_extra_fields => array() I could add an 'array option' in renderPosts() 3rd argument, i.e. $options for specifying any extra fields (that return strings) that a user might want to inject in their markup (e.g. your post_summary field), i.e. a post_extra_fields => array() $options = array( 'post_small_image' => 3, 'post_small_image_width' => 250, 'post_comments_label'=>'', 'post_extra_fields' => array('post_summary' => 1, 'post_teaser' => 4, 'post_other_field' => 3); ); The numbers in the values inside 'post_extra_fields' (e.g. 1 in 'post_summary') refer to the position (see illustration below) where you want that extra field to appear within the Blog Post Option 2. Add other methods to output various parts of Blog Posts In this option, those who wish to use renderPosts() can do so but those who want finer control can use these other methods, i.e. renderPostTitle() renderPosByline() renderPostBody() renderPostCategories() renderPostTags() .....but hold it right there. What is wrong with this picture? renderPostTitle()! Why create a method to do what ProcessWire already does ($page->title) and does well!? Option #2 (and probably the first one too) is dead in the water and I'll show you why in option #3 below. Option 3. Use both native ProcessWire methods/properties and MarkupBlog methods as applicable I will need to put this in the Blog Docs as well. What I should have been clear about in the Blog Docs is that you do not have to use renderPosts() to output the main content of your Blog Post (i.e., post title, post body, etc). You can, if it suits your needs, use native PW methods/properties, especially if you want full control over your Posts structure and Markup. Nothing stops you from combining these with MarkupBlog methods. For instance, you can use MarkupBlog to render your Blog's tags, categories, authors, archives, etc but use ProcessWire methods/properties to render your Blog Post including adding content from any other extra fields you have anywhere on your site. So instead of: $content = $blog->renderPosts($page, '', $options) . $blog->postAuthor() . $blog->renderComments($page->blog_comments) . $blog->renderNextPrevPosts($page);//with post author in your blog-post.php...you can have: $content = $body . $blog->postAuthor() . $blog->renderComments($page->blog_comments) . $blog->renderNextPrevPosts($page);//with post author ..where $body is a variable holding your custom content (blog_body, post_summary, $page->title, etc). I will write a full example in a post below. So, back to the original question. How do we inject extra content or have full control over our Blog Post Markup if we do not want to or cannot use str_replace, etc.? Use option #3. Unless convinced otherwise, this is the option I will be recommending (hence, for now at least, will not be adding option #1 to renderPosts()). OK, let me finish writing the example option #3...1 point
Upcoming update: Blog version 2.2.1. (dev) Summary of Changes: All main methods that render HTML output are now configurable via a parameter/argument $options These changes allow much greater control of your Blog features' layout/output. I will provide examples later but most of the below is hopefully self-explanatory. Please note these changes supersede those introduced in version 2.1.1 and 2.1.0 (some name changes to array indices + some additions). None of the changes will break your existing install if you are using the stable Blog branch. However, if you updated to 2.1.1 on the dev branch, AND started using some of its new optional features, some minor modifications to template files could be required (i.e, following the examples shown in 2.1.0, e.g. for renderPosts(), $featuredImage parameter is now $options and covers all aspects of rendered posts, not just featured images. E.g. to display a featured image on a summarised post, use array('post_small_image'=>xxx) as shown below. I have updated the dev branch for testing/comments, thanks. I will update the docs once I merge to master branch. New Default Options in MarkupBlog Methods renderPosts() //default options for various aspects of posts $defaultOptions = array( 'post_count' => 1,//0=off, 1=on - for the count in: Posts 1 to 5 of 15 'post_count_text' =>$this->_('Post'),//e.g. Posts 1 to 5 of 15 'post_not_found' => $this->_('No posts found.'),//message when no posts found 'post_author' => 1,//display name of post author: 0=off,1=top(below post-headline),2=bottom(in post-foot) 'post_author_text' => $this->_('Posted by'),// 'post_date' => 1,//display post's date: 0=off,1=top(below post-headline),2=bottom(in post-foot) 'post_date_text' => '',//e.g. Posted by author 'on' date 'post_more_text' => $this->_('View More'),//for $small posts - link text to full post 'post_categories' => 2,//display post's categories: 0=off,1=top(below post-byline),2=bottom(in post-foot) 'post_categories_text' => $this->_('Categories:'),//e.g. 'Categories', 'In', 'Filed under', etc 'post_tags' => 2,//display post's tags: 0=off,1=top(below post-byline),2=bottom(in post-foot) 'post_tags_text' => $this->_('Tags:'),//e.g. 'Tagged', 'Related', etc 'post_small_allowable_tags' => '',//holds string of HTML tags for strip_tags $allowable_tags. Needs to be in format '<code><p><img>' 'post_small_headline_tag' => 'h4', 'post_large_headline_tag' => 'h2', 'post_comments' => 1,//show comments info? 0=off,1=comments count top,2=comments count bottom,3=comments count top & bottom 'post_zero_comments_text' => $this->_('No comments yet'), 'post_comments_text' => $this->_('Comment,Comments'),//title in anchor comments icon + post-foot comments text, e.g. '2 Comments' or '1 Comment'. Must be in 'singular,plural' format 'post_comments_label' => $this->_('Comments:'),//this appears in post-foot, e.g. 'Comments': 2 Comments //## featured images ## 'post_image_alt' => 'description',//defaults to $image->description. Otherwise other stated field on the page, e.g. = 'title' 'post_image_tag' => 'featured',//string: image tag to look for in blog_images//@@todo - need translation here? //** small/truncated post featured image ** 'post_small_image' => 0,//display post's featured image: 0=off,1=top(above post-headline),2=bottom(first item in post-body) 'post_small_image_width' => '',//no width manipulation of featured image if this is blank or 0 'post_small_image_height' => '',//no height manipulation if this is blank or 0. Note, if size is true and both width and height > 0, use size() instead /*size: - image will be resized to exact dimensions -> $img = $image->size($x, $y) - where $x = 'width' and $y = 'height'*/ 'post_small_image_size' => false,//if 'size' = true AND both width and height > 0, this kicks in //** large/full post featured image NOTE: for full posts, to avoid duplication we only pull image from blog_images ** 'post_large_image' => 0,//display post's featured image: 0=off,1=top(above post-headline),2=bottom(first item in post-body) 'post_large_image_width' => '',//no width manipulation of featured image if this is blank or 0 'post_large_image_height' => '',//no height manipulation if this is blank or 0. Note, if size is true and both width and height > 0, use size() instead 'post_large_image_size' => false,//if 'size' = true AND both width and height > 0, this kicks in ); renderTags() //default options for tags $defaultOptions = array( 'tags_posts_text' =>$this->_('post,posts'),//come in the format 'singular,plural' for e.g. 1 'post' ); renderCategories() //default options for categories $defaultOptions = array( 'categories_posts_text' =>$this->_('post,posts'),//come in the format 'singular,plural' for e.g. October 5 'posts' 'categories_not_found' => $this->_('No categories to display.'),//message when no posts found 'categories_more_text' => $this->_('View More'),//link text to view all posts in that category ); postAuthor() //default options for author widget $defaultOptions = array( 'author_text' => $this->_('Author'),//text next to author title|name 'author_thumb_width' => 100,//no width manipulation of author thumb if this is blank or 0 'author_thumb_height' => '',//no height manipulation of author thumb if this is blank or 0 'author_thumb_alt' => 'title',//defaults to $author->title. Otherwise other stated field on the page, e.g. = 'title' or if 'description' then $image->description ); renderNextPrevPosts() //default options for next/prev posts $defaultOptions = array( 'prev_post' => '<',//tag/text for previous post, e.g. «, «, etc, i.e. << >>, etc 'next_post' => '>',//tag/text for next post, e.g. ›, etc 'prev_post_text' => 'title',//if title or not empty: will show title of the prev post. Otherwise show specificed text, e.g. 'Older entries' 'next_post_text' => 'title',//if title or not empty: will show title of the next post. Otherwise show specificed text, e.g. 'Newer entries' ); renderComments() - was already configurable; here showing new additions only //ADDITIONAL default options for comments $defaultOptions = array( 'comments_success' => $this->_('Thank you, your submission has been saved.'), 'comments_error' => $this->_('Your submission was not saved due to one or more errors. Try again.'), 'comments_text' => $this->_('Comment,Comments'),//comments text, e.g. 2 'Comments' or 1 'Comment' next to comments count (div#comments). Must be in 'singular,plural' format 'comments_list_empty' => $this->_('No comments found.'), 'comments_list_reply_text' => $this->_('replied to'), 'comments_by_text' => $this->_('Comment by'), 'comments_post_text' => $this->_('Post a comment'), 'comments_prev_text' => $this->_('Back'), 'comments_next_text' => $this->_('Next'), ); renderArchives() //default options for archives $defaultOptions = array( 'archives_posts_text' =>$this->_('post,posts'),//come in the format 'singular,plural' for e.g. October 5 'posts' 'archives_month_view_all_text' => $this->_('View All'),//'view all' that month's archives if limit set on amount to list );1 point