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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello friends, I have been using the wireRenderFile() function a lot. Since the inclusion of the wireRenderFile() method I made all my websites using this pattern. This is a medium post that I made explaining it. https://medium.com/@clsource/the-wire-render-pattern-806bf6d6097a?source=featured---------1 All the files will be uploaded here https://github.com/NinjasCL/wire-render-pattern
    14 points
  2. We discovered a similar problems while debugging our page using Chrome Developer Tools. When you enter the mobile inspector, your user agent changes. If you then happen to use the ProcessWire Backend WITHOUT the mobile inspector, you'll get logged out. I followed the session tracelog and noticed that the fingerprint changed and thats why I got logged out. The fingerprint is dynamically created using a md5 hash with the request user agent & request_ip. Since the user agent changes in mobile inspector, your session fingerprint will be different and therefore processwire logs you out. Took me while to figure this out. Hope this helps others.
    3 points
  3. Very good idea for the module! I like the concept, and in the end also for the end user easier to understand than him unlearn habits. Absolutely helpful would be an own InputField. So you can add assets not only in the text editor, but also the template. Either select from the Library, replace a selected asset or a new upload. Just like the current file InputField, but just connected to the module. Thank you for doing the work. I look forward to the module.
    3 points
  4. Thanks both. In this context I'm using pagetable to allow manual reorder of news or events in the frontend using Fredi (so every items is a real standard page). My client prefer editing in the frontend and I thought about this way to provide this kind of feature. I tried also to standardize the way my client needs to edit almost any content. I'm also using PageTableExtended but in this case I think his preview ability will be not so useful because I would prefer to preview in a separate view just to not complicate too much the list view. Thank you! P.S. BTW Great new front end additions in PW 3!
    2 points
  5. Fredi is friendly frontend editor for ProcessWire. Code and documentation: https://github.com/apeisa/Fredi Module page: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fredi/
    1 point
  6. Would love to see following features in the admin Comments field type. Ability to display more than 10 comments at a time This could be a setting in the field type itself? Ability to bulk - manage comments This could be a checkbox to the right of every comment and a way then to bulk-action These are a clients wish. We moved his site recently to PW and he has approx 6000 comments to moderate and a very active commenting audience. He was on WordPress for years, moved to MODX and now is running ProcessWire. He loves PW btw - this is literally the only admin feature he misses.
    1 point
  7. if(!$page->isTrash()){…} A page, which should be trashed, is moved to another parent, which in turn needs to be saved. That's actually intended behaviour.
    1 point
  8. Perhaps a silly question, but is $page actually the page on which you filled in the Slider1 field?
    1 point
  9. @Mobiletrooper, I think you are right on the money . Been experiencing this a lot lately in Chrome Edit: Welcome to the forums
    1 point
  10. Theres a nice Plesk Extension now for Lets Encrypt
    1 point
  11. When I migrated my WordPress blog to ProcessWire a while ago, I ended up doing it by exporting WordPress to CSV and importing it to ProcessWire with the "Import Pages from CSV files" module. It was a bit of manual work. But I wanted full control and did it in parts. Multiple steps. I wanted to split my tags into new page types, such as directors, ratings and tags. And I split my categories into genres and media type (film, tv). Because I wanted more options, and as you see, it was a movie blog. Because I had around 2700 posts at the time, I did it all locally (MAMP). But first I did a lot of search and replace in the CSV (using Google Spreadsheet). Split content into columns (that became field types). And replaced e.g. my genres with the ID of newly manual created genre pages. Director pages was created automatically during CSV import based on director names. I also imported the images from a local folder using the ProcessWire API and some coding in a template file. Which was what I did last. This is not a step by step guide for how to do it. But I did it after having used ProcessWire for only a few months. So if you got time, get to know ProcessWire a little first, and see the possibilites.
    1 point
  12. @clsource - fantastic writeup - thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  13. PageTableExtended can be used for generating previews: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-page-table-extended/
    1 point
  14. Update: version 0.0.2 As requested by @Macrura, added a markupValue() method to correctly output the field's markup output in listers.
    1 point
  15. Does this help? I use it myself in my Matrix module.
    1 point
  16. This is about viewing large images with a frontend viewer that pans and zooms a view made from image tiles stored on the server. Like you're used to seeing with maps. The module is a work in progress and I'm fishing for advice and suggestions about integration etc. The viewer is OpenSeadragon, which works with lots of different tiling schemes. Examples at the link. Tiles go in folders within the assets/ folder. I'm keeping them in their own branch now (assets/zoom/{id}/{tag}/) but it doesn't have to be that way. The module (patterned after FieldtypeEvents - Thank You!) stores meta information about the tile sets and has a render method to make markup for your template. I have an image for this but the forum tells me: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." It's .jpg Render them like this: $zees = $page->Zooms; if(!empty($zees)){ $spex->addScript($config->urls->templates.'scripts/openseadragon.js'); foreach($zees as $z){ $a = $z->renderZoom(); $spex->docReady($a['js']); echo $a['html']; } } Nothing magic about using spex there. I just happen to be using it. The javascript being handled there should run after the page is loaded. The html markup is just a couple of divs, one for buttons and one for the image, and possibly a label. You could do it in your template code but it seemed handy to build default markup into the module. I already have sets of tiles which were made for an old Zoomify viewer. I've slightly customized the tile loader to handle the different naming conventions so OpenSeaDragon can use them like dzi tile sets. Pretty much anything you need to do like that involves one small JS function which provides the URL to the image. So far, I can put tile files in assets, enter the meta info in the page editor, view the page and see the zooms. The markup has reasonable ids and classnames so you can style zooms individually or globally and multiple zooms on the same page function just fine. Next Steps: People will want to add/replace images. I'm thinking of using an ordinary images field to upload and store the originals and have a scheduled task do the tile making offline. Tiling takes more time and memory than I would want to use in a hook on save approach. I would use the image's tags field as a place for the user to put a name to be used both as a label and as a subfolder name for the tiles. Thanks
    1 point
  17. This is a helper class to using debug log. require_once 'Debug.php'; Debug::init(); Debug::log($myVar); Debug::log($myArray); <?php /** * Helps with the debugging log */ class Debug { protected static $name = 'debug'; public static function init() { if(!file_exists(self::filename())) { self::log('Debug File Init'); } } public static function log($param) { if (is_array($param)) { $param = json_encode($param); } wire('log')->save(self::$name, $param); } public static function filename() { return wire('log')->getFilename(self::$name); } public static function name() { return self::$name; } }
    1 point
  18. Are you calling this from the command line or via http? In the latter case, my guess would go towards script execution time constraints. Are you getting a "saved" message for those failed pages? I don't think there's a limit for the number of page saves. I know I've imported a few thousand pages in one go in my last project, with each import resulting in more than two page saves.
    1 point
  19. I like Ryan's take on that problem, because it seems flexible and clean. The only issue is that the client or CMS user won't be able to see the image he needs, o even worse, won't be able to find it if there's not a descriptive page name. I've been have the same issues that @suntrop describes. I think some kind of visual queue would be more user friendly. The thing is PW won't guess anything about what's in you page (that's great) so it won't classify or make a distinction between a regular page or an image page. This falls somehow short in this kind of situations where you want to select an image page from an assets parent page and it will be hard (for the CMS user) to find it based on a select or text string. Maybe this kind of usage needs another kind of input field. Instead of an asmSelect (and multiple select), there could be an assetSelect, which could display images or uploads to a page in a modal window. Kind of what know Wordpress is using when selecting images attached to a post. I guess this doesn't contradict PW treatment of the data, but enforces the input field concept, which is more presentational and imposes a way of displaying/selecting data. From the distance this would look like an assets manager, but instead the input field turns any page into a an assets manager, without changing any data. Is this making any sense??
    1 point
  20. Great list Martijn, I wholeheartedly agree with 1 3 too. Never saw the need for 2 when, Spotlight's always been good enough for me. Not sure if mentioned yet but textexpander is a real time saver (just seen it's 45 dollars though )
    1 point
  21. Is there a membership system built into PW? A way for visitors to sign up, enter profile info including a few images? Does anyone have any advice on building such a system with PW? Thanks, Sunny
    1 point
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