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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2013 in all areas

  1. Hi folks! First of all, I would like to thank @Ryan for such a flexible and nifty CMS as ProcessWire! However, I am used to Smarty template engine, which PW is lacking, so I have made a module to enable Smarty 3 templating, as well as I have converted the default PHP template to Smarty template. The source code is on GitHub: Smarty Templating for ProcessWire This is the initial version, so please send me your feedback. For syntax info, go to the documentation. Enjoy!
    8 points
  2. No dis' to niutech. On the matter of commercial components Ryan raises; for me, coming from a CMS platform which was excellent in many ways but that had too little focus on the business of sustainability for the project, I welcome what Ryan et al do to develop commercial grade plugins. What they do for the sustainability and health of the PW project is as important to me as the quality of PW. And not unimportantly, from my albeit limited experience, the cost/benefit and quality of Ryan et al's commercial output has been exemplary and puts many commercial-only products I have used to shame.
    6 points
  3. I'd like to go ahead and finalize ProcessWire 2.3 (aka 2.2.13) and get it out there as our main download next week. I think many of us have been using it for months and any major bugs have been worked out. There is always a list of things to do, but I think it would be especially good for new installations to start from 2.3. It makes sense to retire 2.2 which has several [minor] bugs in it that have since been fixed. If anyone has extra time over the next few days, would you mind attempting a fresh install of our 2.3 release candidate (aka 2.2.13) and letting us know how it goes? It is available for download here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/tree/dev I'm particularly interested to know how the new install process goes for people, as there have been several changes to the installer. We also need people willing to upgrade their 2.2 installs to 2.3 to make sure it goes smoothly. Upgrade your own site, but don't yet upgrade your client's mission critical site until we've received confirmation from others that all went well. Here is the upgrade process: 1. Replace your current /wire/ directory, in it's entirety, with the new one. You probably want to backup the old one and replace it completely. I do this by renaming my old directory to something like /wire.old/, and then putting in the new one. If you do that, just remember to delete the /wire.old/ once you don't need it anymore, as it would be a security problem to leave it there. Do not FTP, SCP or RSYNC directly into your existing /wire/ directory because that will result in a monster of old and new files (since some file locations have changed). 2. Replace your existing /index.php with the new one. 3. Replace your existing /.htaccess file with the new one. The new one comes named htaccess.txt, so you'll have to rename it to .htaccess. If you had any custom rules setup in your old htaccess file, remember to copy them to your new one. 4. Load a page from your website in your browser. You will most likely get a Unable to complete this request error. Hit reload and it should be gone. If not, then remove these files and try again: rm /site/assets/cache/Modules.* If it still doesn't work, then look at the last entry in /site/assets/logs/errors.txt and post what it says. 5. Browse your site and make sure everything is working how you expect. Login to the admin and do the same. Please report your experience here. 6. Have a beer. Thanks, Ryan
    4 points
  4. Hi, I'm trying to design http://de.processwire.com as a language specific processwire page prototype (more: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2589-german-community-siteblogwhatever/) Now I want to add a list of some German speaking developers (with link to their website / email / twitter / forum account page / whatever) under the "support" section. So it would be lovely - if you speaking german - to answer here with your name + city + website link or so. Greets from Berlin, Nico
    2 points
  5. I don't have access to a Windows machine at the moment, so was kind of limited on tools. Found a couple others, but they couldn't handle the file size. I tried a few more browser plugins and found one that worked nicely. A Chrome extension called XV seems to do alright with the XML file. It does take about 5 or so minutes to load this large XML file, but once loaded, it works pretty well as an XML browser. I'm feeling lucky--PHP's simplexml loads the file in about 5 seconds and has no problem parsing it. Somebody must have done something right with PHP's simplexml.
    2 points
  6. Great work niutech! Thanks for putting this together. This seems like a really nice implementation you've put together here that plugs in effortlessly. In addition to being a great solution for those that want to use Smarty, it's also a great example of how one can implement a template engine with ProcessWire. Excellent readme too. One suggestion, related to what Soma said. Though this is minor. Your repo has a /wire/modules/ directory, and you might want to move /modules/ to your /site-default/ directory. Ultimately you can run a module from /wire/modules/ but it'll get wiped out every time you upgrade. So it's just a lot safer to keep them in /site/modules/, which gets retained through upgrades. Since people often skim through a readme, they might use your /wire/ dir as a guide rather than the readme. While less important, it might also be better to use /site/ rather than /site-default/, since /site-default/ is just a dir that would be present on an uninstalled copy of PW. Please add this to the modules directory at your convenience: http://modules.processwire.com/add/
    2 points
  7. I was originally thinking it would be something fairly simple where you could just swap out the files from the default profile with new files, and have it ready to go. And that would be plenty useful. But it would probably be better to go further and try to account for most of the elements. At least, I think this would be more useful to people that want to literally use it to build a site from. So it would be nice to have more than what's currently with the default profile... like a template that uses the slideshow (or ability for any template to use it), a contact form, ability to use the various list styles and menus/button bars, tables, captions with images, icons, etc. (we'll need Soma's expertise with configuring TinyMCE for some of this). All the while keeping the layout and look simple and generic enough that someone could also easily build from it as a base. How about you handle the front end and I'll handle the back end? Let me know if that's of interest, or if you have other ideas? Perhaps some of this overlaps with your plans for HTML KickStart too? If we were to collaborate on this, it seems like it would be not just another profile but more likely one to replace the default profile included with ProcessWire (which is in need of replacement). Though I do think it's important that the next default profile be a little more mobile-friendly than the current one is. Anything that takes the default profile further also means we should include a second "blank" profile with PW (which we don't currently do, but I think we should). I was also excited to hear about your plans for HTML KickStart. Thanks for the shoutout too.
    2 points
  8. Sorry jacmaes, I didn't catch that earlier. But yes, ProCache will be able to cache m.domain.com and domain.com separately, so would work well in that type of setup. Support for that is not yet there, but likely will be over the next week.
    2 points
  9. If that's all there was to it, I wouldn't have bothered spending weeks developing ProCache. Likewise, if all a CMS needed to do was save and display the contents of a textarea, then I wouldn't have bothered making ProcessWire. While we use an entirely different method, capturing output from a PHP script and caching it is relatively painless. It's knowing when to save a cache and when to expire, how to maintain and freshen the cache, how to handle the security, URL segments, page numbers, configuration, etc., that's the hard part. There's a reason why this is a commercial module.
    2 points
  10. Thanks for sharing. "Just copy the SmartyTemplating folder to your /wire/modules/" ... That's plain wrong. Never use /wire for modules and such. It's the core and if you provide 3rdparty modules they are always in /site/modules.
    2 points
  11. Flourish for ProcessWire v0.9.0 ProcessWire wrapper around the great http://flourishlib.com'>unframework Flourish. This module has the same version as the framework, so whenever update happens, your http://modules.processwire.com/modules/modules-manager/'>Modules Manager will pick up new version and update the framework to latest version (if you're into that!). Happy hacking. Note: You should checkout the short module's code to see what I consider to be the cleanest approach on how to include other libraries/frameworks into your PW websites. Github: https://github.com/adamkiss/LibFlourish Modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/lib-flourish/
    1 point
  12. Hey, guys. After much reading, learning, and experimenting with ProcessWire, I finally have something to show: humblebump.com It's not totally finished - there are some features I want to add - but I feel good shipping it as is and adding as I go. ProcessWire is great because I can add things as I learn. It's really flexible. Thanks for checking it out. Let me know what you think or if anything looks/works strangely.
    1 point
  13. @ryan - Might make sense to open a new thread for this.
    1 point
  14. Ryan, I ended up just moving the site over to our Rackspace server. It works perfectly well there. Without getting too technical, I think it was a combination of the PHP version, Magic Quotes, and an issue where the php.ini / htaccess methods of turning off Magic Quotes was somehow not allowed by the server. I don't think that you have to worry about this as being a bug that needs to be fixed, I think it was an unreasonable server configuration issue.
    1 point
  15. WHAT IS THIS SPAMFEST?!?!?! Yeah, yeah… joker
    1 point
  16. Hey Ryan, Very exciting to think of 2.3 becoming the official version soon! Over the next day or so, I will run the installation and upgrade steps you describe. I have some test sites running ProcessWire, which are good for this. Looking forward to what happens next. Thanks for all your amazing work, Matthew
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. That's the point! Moreover, you don't give a hammer to a 2-year old and let him loose on your furniture Or to use another analogy, we're currently giving the client a full workshop, when maybe all he needs is a couple of tools. "With great power comes great responsibility", and so on - your clients probably aren't web designers or web developers, if they were, they wouldn't need you. And I would add to this growing list of arguments: WYSIWYG is probably the most common component in any and all CMS - it's the one tool that the client (most commonly) uses to edit the majority of the content on their sites. What I mean is, the majority of user-managed content in any CMS, is probably input via WYSIWYG. Yet, it's one of the most neglected features of any CMS - for the most part, we just pick an existing WYSIWYG and drop it in, with some configuration, or some minimal CMS-specific extensions for uploading/images, etc. I think we can do better than this? @ryan I skimmed through your article, and basically, it looks like you've had many of the same thoughts I'm having. WYSIWYG has been around for so long, it's hard to challenge it. WYSIWYM failed. Markdown (et al) found other niche uses, but couldn't replace WYSIWYG either. I have attempted at least 3 different things in the past, none of which were adequate. I can't seem to let the idea go though - there must be a better way. By the way, the idea I'm hatching is actually a variety of WYSIWYG - I'm not saying a content editor shouldn't show you what you get, I definitely think it needs to do that, for clients to understand and connect with what they're creating. I'm saying a content editor can be richer, more structured, and more user-friendly - it should be able to drive meaningful decisions, produce beautiful, consistent output, and, well, all the shit you don't get from an HTML WYSIWYG
    1 point
  19. Here are all of my experiments, which are a little larger (after you click on them), but not much. There was also another thread here that had some nice examples from Diogo, Mademyday and others, but I can't seem to find it.
    1 point
  20. Quick Idea: The smarty cache could be cleared when a page is saved, hooking after Page::save. What do you think? Cheers
    1 point
  21. Thanks for this module Adam! What most people don't know is that Adam doesn't just write in Markdown, but also speaks in Markdown.
    1 point
  22. In the demo site http://processwire.com/skyscrapers/ let's say for example that every skyscraper has its space, for example SunTrust Plaza want to manage page http://processwire.com/skyscrapers/cities/atlanta/suntrust-plaza/. My question is: Is it possible that the various companies of skyscrapers can manage its own page with admin and password, clearly giving the fields pre-set? If you can do, how can I structure the system? Using $ user and rules? Thanks
    1 point
  23. Nice update, thanks Nik. This module puts a smile on my face every time I use it.
    1 point
  24. Greetings niutech, Thanks for putting this together. There has been much debate here regarding template engines. Personally, I like getting as close as possible to "pure" PHP. No matter which side of the template engine side you're on, being able to use Smarty (for example) will help make ProcessWire more appealing for people who are accustomed to those systems. I suppose the goal could be like the attitude at Symfony, where Twig works naturally but developers can also just use PHP as needed. Thanks, Matthew
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Making that change should be fine. I can't think of any potential side effects.
    1 point
  27. @Soma, I have fixed the Readme, now it's /site/modules. @Wanze, You can easily handle PHP logic inside Smarty templates, using {assign} and {function}.
    1 point
  28. Update: The menu system on the Bootwire Starter Profile is now fully functioning with unlimited sub-menus. DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/jsanglier/Bootwire-Starter-Profile However, to use this as a properly responsive system that works with touch devices, I do not suggest that you use sub menus, but just the main dropdowns by limiting the scope of your pages. If some kind person would like to check the download and let me know if it is okay, I will then add it to the Modules. Joss
    1 point
  29. @Nico: oh, well done... But hey: I just started using PW, and all of a sudden I‘m on such a website, mentioned as "German Developer"... OK, OK, I won‘t complain.
    1 point
  30. I must have been living under a rock, I'd totally missed Soma's Modules Manager. Thanks Soma and thanks adamkiss for using it and linking to it.
    1 point
  31. Also, shameless self-plug here: for even easier way to install, use & manage your Flourish install, checkout my new micro-module: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2756-libflourish-%E2%80%93-flourish-auto-loader-for-processwire/
    1 point
  32. I was planning to add something a bit more at once, but as there never seems to be enough time I decided to release what I had ready. Just pushed these minor improvements to GitHub. Version 1.11: Added: all field and template data shown + cached at template level Added: fields inside a fieldset are wrapped into a new subtree (page data only - fields inside a template are in a flat list)
    1 point
  33. I came across this article, which highlights a number of issues with Joomla - it still seems to me that the root cause of most of these issues is WYSIWYG, and that basically any CMS suffers from many of the same issues. I quickly jotted down some notes here which captures in more detail what I've been trying to say in this thread...
    1 point
  34. As i said, i really don't like to give the costumers too much possibilities and try to avoid the WYSIWYG as much as possible - guess you all know why: ( Source: http://kopozky.net )
    1 point
  35. Great idea to build that site, Nico! Christian Schindler mediakreativ.de (very old homepage - no time to build a new one... )
    1 point
  36. Hi steve and welcome! Sounds like for some reason the Database Host is not recognized. Can you check those database settings in /site/config.php (at the bottom of the file): Is everything correct there? $config->dbHost = ''; $config->dbName = ''; $config->dbUser = ''; $config->dbPass = ''; $config->dbPort = '';
    1 point
  37. Awesome idea... something I have been thinking about for a while now too. I'm in. I would love to hear your ideas. I don't think this would take that long. I do it every time I build a website. @siulynot - Keep up the good work! I am excited to see your projects evolve.
    1 point
  38. the world famous Lorenzo von Matterhorn
    1 point
  39. To start, get a fresh copy of ProcessWire and install it (with the included basic profile). Then get a fresh copy of HTML Kickstart and unzip it. You'll want to take these dirs/files from HTML Kickstart (below), and move them to the root of your ProcessWire installation (where ProcessWire's /index.php file is located): /css/ /js/ /style.css I've taken the example.html that comes with KickStart and converted it into starter ProcessWire templates for you: html-kickstart-processwire.zip Unzip the attached file to replace the files in your ProcessWire's /site/templates/ directory. This includes these files: head.inc foot.inc basic-page.php home.php Now view your site. You should see HTML Kickstart's example.html file powering your ProcessWire site. Navigation should be using HTML Kickstart's horizontal menu and both bodycopy and sidebar should populate. I've left several static elements from the HTML Kickstart example.html as well, so you've got more to experiment with here. Let me know how it goes and if it makes sense. This thread is also related.
    1 point
  40. Building off of this discussion, it would be extremely helpful if there was automatic backup of db files AND site template files, either via a module or built into processwire. Backups could be scheduled and work in the background. The wordpress plugin BackWPup is superb at this. A user can automatically backup to several different places: the current server, another server, dropbox, by email, amazon services, etc.
    1 point
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