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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2012 in all areas

  1. I found the parseTags() routine from Ryan's Login Notify plugin pretty useful in a couple of modules I wrote recently and will probably reuse it again in other modules. I thought others might find it useful too, especially if it were slightly more flexible in the setup of the context from which it pulled the values to use in its substitutions so I rewrote it as a Textformatter. Originally parseTags() would turn something like this... "Date: {datetime}\nUser: {name}\nIP: {REMOTE_ADDR}" …into something like this… Date: 12th September 2012, 14:45 User: ryan IP: ...using a User as the context for the substitutions. This text formatter extends this to allow an array of WireData instances to be used as the context for substitutions and extends the tag format from simply {fieldname} to {context.fieldname} to allow substitutions from specific places. This could allow you to use data from, say, a User and a Page when parsing your string. Something more complex can then be parsed successfully; like this... Hello {user.name}, where have you been? It's {datetime} now and we haven't seen you in two weeks. Your last edit was on page '{page.name}' from address {REMOTE_ADDR} ...where the name field from both the supplied User and Page can be substituted into the text. It's entered in the modules directory here but most of the documentation is in the readme file on github. There is also a handy Process module that allows you to experiment with it from within the PW admin (thanks to Nik for the idea as it's based on his Test Selectors module.)
    4 points
  2. Just a quick note to say that I'm going to attempt to set up my "online visibility / seo" business site (thatcriticguy.com) using this profile / processwire. I'll likely be back offering my suggestions soon. Might even slap up a review on CMS Critic while i'm at it.
    4 points
  3. New site made with PW: http://yogacentergreenwich.com/ [edit - should have provided some details...] - formbuilder for contact form - image gallery pagination code from here - pw logo from here - ecwid for shopping cart - campaign monitor for the newsletter -marc
    3 points
  4. Hi, I just rebuild my website using ProcessWire: http://nico.is/ Should be working on all major browsers (that excludes IE). Two things: - The "browsers" are build with pure CSS3 (not the arrows) - Have a look at the footer / Nico
    3 points
  5. I just wanted to share that I just published a ProcessWire review on CMS Critic. If you have anything to contribute as to why you love ProcessWire, please share in the comments. Thanks guys!
    3 points
  6. I have gone ahead and added this capability to the dev branch. Now pages with repeaters can access images within the repeaters, and repeater pages can access images from their containing pages.
    3 points
  7. There's no fieldtype or module for this, because PW already has all the things you need to do flexible and powerful tagging. Using page reference and the powerful inputfields it offers is the way to do it in PW, it's not an "alternative" way, it IS the way. It is far more flexible and powerful than what you have in MODX and most other CMS'. Everything else that stores tags in a textfield comma separated isn't going to give you the power you usually need with tagging. You won't easily be able to use that in selectors and so on. If you're building a new fieldtype, inputfield for tagging, you don't really understand what PW offers already and you will using the same approach at the end anyway. There was already lots of discussions and people were trying to come up with modules or fieldtype for it, but none of them really is a better solution. You can now install the Autocomplete module that comes with PW and use that to search and create tags on the fly. It has even improved from Ryan's blog profile, to create new tags without saving the page. The interface is simple and clients have no problem with it. As mentioned before, I also mostly use ASM select and the Autocomplete feature. Takes couple minutes to setup and can flexibly be used to later expand and use the tag pages for different stuff like listings,sorting and filtering etc. The page find selectors are there to do powerful stuff with page fieldtype already. Further you can use the tag pages later on to expand it with additional fields for and image or description. Possibilities are endless and a feature I love the most in PW (one of the big reasons I love to use PW).
    3 points
  8. http://conclurer.com Design + Code Another page I have created with Processwire. This is "our" own portfolio + contact and news. The contact page was created with Ryans experimental Contactmodul. So far, our site has gone through 3 stages. First we had our old Typo3 installation and the first design. You can find the remains here. Then we just migrated the design and content to Processwire(2nd Page). Finally, I've rebuild the site from skretch with Processwire last month. Not perfect but I have the feeling that I'm getting better with every website I make.
    2 points
  9. I tried to come up with something better but failed. I think ProcessPagePin is pretty accurate and concise. Good enough in my books.
    2 points
  10. By the way, this is my first ProcessWire logo usage: http://www.spreadshirt.de/t-shirt-selbst-gestalten-C59/product/106913128/view/1/sb/f A shirt which I’ll wear on the 1st CMS Night Nürnberg event, where I’ll tell people a little bit about how wonderful developing with ProcessWire is.
    2 points
  11. It was fine for my purposes, the two API points I'm using do use the abstraction - not consistently, but in the two conditions that affect my module. Here's the module, by the way: https://github.com/mindplay-dk/ProcessPagePin This is another one of those small features I think should be standard - I wouldn't ship a solution without this module. I think it's more a matter of developer preference than client preference - the client, I think, would either prefer this behavior, or perhaps not care if they didn't know it was an option. I'd prefer to see something like this already available to install out of the box, but I know you're a minimalist, and I actually appreciate that about you, so - hopefully those who want this behavior will find my module. It's such a small thing, it almost seemed silly to do it as a module though... but it was educational, and I feel increasingly like I can make PW do just about whatever I want - something I've never felt with another CMS!
    2 points
  12. Michael van Laar was kind enough to make a vectorized version of the ProcessWire logo with several variations, and he sent them to me. This is the first time the PW logo has existed in a vectorized format. Now I'm thinking I need to have some coffee mugs, hats, t-shirts, or airplane banners made. Attached is a ZIP file of the logos he put together, in case anyone wants them to make their own "powered by ProcessWire" banner or anything like that. This will probably become part of a more formal media kit at some point. ProcessWire-logo-michael.zip
    1 point
  13. Hiho, my first try with PW. Not finished yet, some stylings still to do and some texts are still missing. Hope can get some feedback http://www.herxheim-ecommerce.de I´ve used twitters Bootstrap as core css framework and the microsoft metro buttons from ace-subido.
    1 point
  14. Version 1.1.1 now available. Just fixed a bug that occurred if multi-byte support was not installed on your host. (Thanks to renobird for finding that.)
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. No, I've been aware of that for a long time - it just doesn't really work for me. Most of the time, I intuitively hit the PAGES link when that's where I want to go. Having to first think about where to click seems counter-intuitive to me. Going back to the page list is possibly the most common and frequent operation, so I don't want to have to stop and think just to do that. Every UI makes assumptions - I don't like the assumption that I would need to go back to the sitemap having absolutely nothing open at all. How often do you edit one of your root pages? In my experience, they are the least likely to be edited - much more likely you're going to edit, say, a few articles in the same folder, a few products in the same category, etc. I've already had a couple of people tell me how annoying it is that you return to a fully collapsed page list all the time, which tells me that other people intuitively click the same place too - it just doesn't seem like something you should need to think to do. Anyhow, the module is working nicely on two sites already, so I will tag this as 1.0.0 and submit my first official module listing, woo hoo Oh, before I submit this, one quick question - you guys think the name makes any sense?? I'm open to ideas.
    1 point
  18. Perhaps you could look at Ryan's blog profile. The way he uses pages to create tags in the blogpost is very taglike. In fact from a backend POV it couldn't get any taggier. I've used his example in a gallery and the client really liked it.
    1 point
  19. Hi Ryan, It is a great module! However, I also got the same problem as Sevarf2. I have confirmed that everything should be setup, but when I clicked on "Type a URL query string here to test:", it does not have any response. When I access my web with "service-pages/?template=basic-page&sort=-modified" it returns HTTP 500 "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request" but I could access the data after appended the "&debug=1". I thought the 404 page mentioned above is Sevarf2 did not setup the custom error page for HTTP 500 page. If you need my phpinfo() or any other details, I could send those you by PM, thanks for your help!
    1 point
  20. Bumped to version 1.1.0 with the addition of tag transformations. You can now do things like making a user's name all uppercase... Hello {user.name>upper}, how are you? You can choose 'upper', 'lower', 'title', 'strip', 'base64' or 'url' transformations on any tag. They can also be chained like so... http://blahblahblah.com/index.html?p={page.title>lower>url} Which would first lower the case of the page title and then url encode it.
    1 point
  21. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! I'm really digging Ryan's tracks, a good mix of beats and spaciousness. Sunvox looks cool, my wife just got an iPad so I should check it out. TBH I'm banging away on an 8-1/2 year old HP Pentium 4 PC at the moment. I'm exploring both the Default and Blog PW site profiles, things are starting to make sense. Also I just got Robin Nixon's PHP/MySQL/JS/CSS book. Thanks again!
    1 point
  22. Thanks for the quick reply! I think that will do the trick, I'll try it out.
    1 point
  23. I've set memory_limit same as post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to recreate the case on test server. In conclusion, memory_limit is the cause of upload failure. Memory_limit should be increased to accommodate upload and other functions. It is why small files upload just fine, but large files not. Problem solved.
    1 point
  24. So, to put it short you're trying to create new admin area where admins can create new users? Why can't you just give them access to PW users page in admin, or am I missing something here? If you'd provide a bit more background info I might be able to provide more helpful response.. Anyway, if you wish to create users with your own code, you should first check out examples on $user page. At the bottom of that page you can find a simple example for creating new user. And for allowing users access to certain pages they're not usually allowed to view, this post by Soma could be helpful -- what he's doing there is giving users edit access to pages, but that code could quite easily be converted to only allow view access.
    1 point
  25. Minor misunderstanding: when you said "I cannot simply put the .php file in the styles folder and include it in my templates", I thought you meant "include" literally -- using PHP include(), that is. Sorry, my mistake. Anyway, including content of style.php inside <style> tag (instead of linking to it with <link> tag) definitely is one way to do this, but not what I meant. That way user would have to download those styles again for each page they view instead of letting the browser cache the stylesheet file on first load. What Soma was explaining above is pretty much exactly what I meant with option 1: put your style.php into root or a folder in it, at the same level with /site/ and /wire/ directories. Let's imagine that your site lived in /example.com/ directory: /example.com style.php /site /wire This way you can link it to any other template with <link> tag. With option 2. above I meant a structure like this: /example.com style.php => only things you'd put in this file would be CSS header and "include(./site/templates/style.php);" /wire /site /templates style.php This second method is no "better" than first method, mostly just more complicated. It'd let you put your style.php inside templates folder, though, if that's what you want; I myself prefer to keep all template-specific content there, so I always know where to find them when making changes. This method isn't pretty but it does allow for style.php to live inside templates directory and still get referenced with direct URL. By the way, if I may ask, what kind of stuff are you using PHP for in your stylesheet? I'm just trying to wrap my head around exactly why you'd wish to use PHP in your stylesheet but not have it as a PW page -- wouldn't it be nice to be able to, for an example, manage possible variables directly from PW?
    1 point
  26. Ok, not sure what's going on as I tried it again and it does work. I might have left the .com off the end of my domain previously.
    1 point
  27. This is my first post on PW forum. I'd like to say Hi to everyone and express my thanks to Ryan and Crew for givining us this amazing tool. I've been looking for CMS of such kind for some time now without satisfactory results but after discovering PW few days ago I'm content. Thanks again! Oh, and I'm looking forward to see some new tutorials Cheers!
    1 point
  28. Users don't represent viewable pages on the front-end so you may want to connect them with some other template by way of URL segments. i.e. $username = $sanitizer->pageName($input->urlSegment1); if(empty($username)) throw new Wire404Exception(); $page = $users->get($username); if(!$page->id) throw new Wire404Exception(); // prevent superuser or users that don't have a specific role from being viewed if($page->isSuperuser() || !$page->hasRole('some-role-you-want')) throw new Wire404Exception(); $page->of(true); // now you can continue just as if this were the user template // as $page now represents a user As for finding users by role, try adding "check_access=0" or "include=all" to the selector. Those user pages are going to be protected from normal access, so adding one of those to the selector makes them accessible to the find().
    1 point
  29. The fonts in the logo are Avenir (Process) and Mahalia (Wire). The Avenir is either the Heavy or Black weight (can't remember which).
    1 point
  30. Just a note: The rule of thumb of moving Drupal to PW is: do it ASAP.
    1 point
  31. Hello everyone! First, I just want to thank you for processwire and all your hard work. I have a quick question that I figured would be ok to ask here, since its sort of a starter place for most people learning processwire like myself. What is the recommended way to develop for a real project for processwire. So I usually develop locally then port everything to my server, but processwire is a bit different in that fact. It seems I just need to develop templates, stylesheets, js, and images locally. Then once I have all that together start working on the live server, as the fields and such don't carry over directly when I upload the files. Is this pretty much how everyone else is developing with processwire? Or is there a better way? Thanks! -Joe
    1 point
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