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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2012 in all areas

  1. Sure! Mike over at CMSCritic is a good guy and I'd support anything he's doing over there. I'd encourage anyone that wants to vote for ProcessWire in any of those categories to please do so! I know I will. My experience is these guys are pretty hard to get through to. I've personally talked to Eric Meyer and Jeremy Keith about ProcessWire and gave them a card with the URL on it. Even had lunch with Eric Meyer (he sat down next to me at an AEA event), and he's about the nicest person I've met. But I think he was relieved to talk about family and kids rather than webdev. These guys get hounded with everyone they meet telling them about their project, and it's pretty much all noise to them (as most of it probably should be). The mention of a "CMS" is especially noisy, as nearly every developer has dabbled into making their own CMS at one time or another. I'd venture to guess these guys hear about some new CMS almost every day. They make a genuine effort to act interested, but they really aren't. They need to hear about something many times, or from one they know really well, before they will take the time to investigate. Ultimately I'm just interested in making sure ProcessWire is the best tool of its kind. Whether its "known" or not is beside the point. Granted, I'd like to share it with as many people that will benefit from it as possible, but would rather let folks find it at their own pace. I think ProcessWire is a real competitive advantage for many (at least is for me), enabling us to get things done quicker and at less cost. So if everyone was using it, it'd be harder for me to get work.
    5 points
  2. Thanks for that Ryan! The goal with these awards is to help spread the word on both lesser known systems and systems that don't just win by playing the numbers game and having their huge communities vote like mad. I have been very vocal about my disappointment with Packt's awards and decided to get out own going. This is our first year and I've already lined up financial sponsors for next year so we can fork out some pretty amazing cash prizes. Plus, you can win a Nexus 7 by voting or nominating so why not take two seconds and jump in? best of luck to Processwire!
    4 points
  3. i.am first you can puut this in your head.inc tamplate or some includeded file before.u are doing $page->url $pages->addHookAfter('Page::path', null, 'hookPagePath'); function hookPagePath(HookEvent $e) { $page = $e->object; if($page->template == 'article') $e->return = "/blog/$page->name/"; }
    2 points
  4. זה לא ניתן לגשת לקבצים באתר /site/templates/ תבניות באופן ישיר. הנח את התסריט שלך במקום אחר. וכך יהיו
    2 points
  5. Sorry for the excuses that are annoying after that period of time. BUT: It is not abandoned, it was rather postponed because of a lot of work, holidays and moving to a new office. I use the dashboard already in several projects, but have to clean out a lot of things before going public. Already talked to Ryan because of a potential core change I believed was necessary, but turned out it isn't. Give me at least 'til the end of september and I will release something. More or less polished, promised! (will be my first release, so I want it to be good ;-) )
    1 point
  6. ... and all to help Google "encrypt" scanned books.
    1 point
  7. soundas pdfcompsar have.meinor problemo yo.must edit /site/config.php, changes $config->debug=true; to $config->debug=false;
    1 point
  8. Hello all, A bit dense today, so hopefully someone can help me. I'm trying to show a list of all the roles a user has using the API. $users = $pages->find("parent=/processwire/access/users/"); foreach ($users as $user) { echo $user->name . " - " . $user->roles . "<br />"; } $user->roles returns a page array, so I get something like 1015|2263|2273 What I need is the name of the role instead of the page ID. Duh! $user-roles is an array, need to use foreach to return the name. Sorry, told you I was being dense today. As you were.
    1 point
  9. Also want to mention that you don't need to do the $pages->find(); because ProcessWire already provides you with a $users API variable. The $users API variable is like a special $pages API variable that only acts on users. Though unlike the $pages API variable, you can foreach($users).
    1 point
  10. Have a look at the code in the file head.inc that is in the templates directory: <div class='sidebar_item'> <?php // if the current page has a populated 'sidebar' field, then print it, // otherwise print the sidebar from the homepage if($page->sidebar) echo $page->sidebar; else echo $homepage->sidebar; ?> </div> </div><!--/sidebar--> head.inc is included by the basic-page.php template file. <?php /** * Page template * */ include("./head.inc"); echo $page->body; include("./foot.inc"); You can: a) copy and paste the contents of head.inc into a new file. Delete the sidebar code i showed above and save it to head_noside.inc or whatever you like. Afer that change basic-page.php contents to include("./head_noside.inc"); Be aware, keep the other code in there the same. b) Make some logic in head.inc to not output the sidebar if the page template is basic-page.php. c) alot of other options
    1 point
  11. Thank you! I followed this exactly and I get the multilingual works at the new website. Too happy that I have to share...
    1 point
  12. I think that's "you must move your PHP script outside site/templates" at a guess. I'm sure I remember something like you can't run other PHP scripts from inside the templates directory, so move that _php folder so it's at /site/_php, change the URLs and give it another go.
    1 point
  13. Quite superb. Thank you very much indeed Ryan!
    1 point
  14. You need to shave reno, your beard tickles in irc...
    1 point
  15. ryan, a thousand times +1 for something like that Director-ee I know you're not talking about specifics, but I'm not sure about paying 30 to list a job as per that site. I kind of see what they're trying to do there, but it seems a bit steep just to put off "time-wasters" (which is pretty subjective - some people's needs can be very small). Also their skills matrix doesn't really work when there are apparently over 500 people in the directory who can do EVERYTHING on the skills matrix and are available to work immediately - even just being that talented to be able to do all those things is unlikely. I like the idea of it though, but maybe have a trimmed down version and have people pick a set number of specialisms? Not sure how you could do it and have it so people don't just tick all the boxes to get an enquiry. I love the idea of that directory though - can anyone think of a similarly amusing name? @Gazley - I'm doing all new websites in ProcessWire and have converted a large one and some smaller ones to it. I've used MODx before I got into PW last year, and various others including some home-grown before then but this is really a dream come true. Development times are so much shorter, but I tend to shoot myself in the foot a bit by making improvements elsewhere with the spare time, not that that's bad as occasionally I'll release a module or two when something pops into my head The only time I wouldn't is for certain e-commerce sites, but for literally EVERYTHING else web-facing I've always been able to confidently say that ProcessWire fits my needs - so far at least.
    1 point
  16. OT Funny thing: in German, you compare apples and pears as well (if I get this right from Dutch).
    1 point
  17. I've been reading about ProcessWire off and on for the past couple of months to see if it's right for me or if I should stick with WordPress. I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of the concepts; I'm not a programmer, but I am eager to learn. There are things I like about both systems, but I keep coming back to ProcessWire's way of doing things every time I read a WordPress tutorial. So after lurking on the forums for a while, I'd like to say hello. The community here seems very helpful and kind to newbies. I've had to read some of the forum posts four times before I understand them, so I'll probably ask some dumb questions, but you all come across as a very patient bunch. I look forward to learning from you. - Tim
    1 point
  18. There's two configs for urls and paths. $config->urls->... returns web urls $config->paths->... returns web server path Mainly for frontend code like including css and script or image you would need ->urls For including libraries or using file_exists, you can take ->paths Also check out the cheatsheet I've done, that will give good reference over the api. http://www.processwire.com/api/cheatsheet/
    1 point
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