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How to use a Different Style Sheet


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That would require some HTML and CSS knowledge as it's not just another off the shelf theme.

For the CSS, you would want to look in site/templates/styles/main.css and for the template layout you would need to tweak site/templates/head.inc and foot.inc

If you're not too comfortable with CSS and HTML then it would be worth looking through some template websites - either free ones or cheap ones like Themeforest and it wouldn't take too much to implement a new template.

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I would recommend just browsing through their Site Templates section.

I believe the others will be tailored for specific CMS systems, whereas one of their normal site templates simply provides HTML and CSS that can be quickly adapted for use with ProcessWire.

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ProcessWire is very different from something like WordPress, where one would browse and install pre-made site themes. There aren't pre-made sites to go (other than the default profile, at present). This is because the audience is one that wouldn't typically use them anyway. Our emphasis veers more towards designer/developer tool, where the needs of the individual site tell the CMS where to go and what to do, rather than the CMS telling the site what to do. This is the opposite of something like WordPress. Though the line can be difficult to envision because ProcessWire can do everything WordPress can do, but WordPress can't do the things ProcessWire can.

Think of ProcessWire as a tool more like jQuery, where it's there to help you build what you want, rather than build it for you. Though I don't want to suggest that ProcessWire is limited to that. But that is what separates ProcessWire from other systems. In the future, I'm sure we'll get into providing ready-to-go sites and themes too (it's easily possible now), but we're most geared towards supporting the professional designer/developer community now. I still think WordPress is the best tool if you want to pick out a theme, and put up a site without developing it. But we will broaden in to this area as we grow too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL, I just stumbled onto this... thanks for making my site the example :D:D... But, I'm sure there are a lot of better examples to model your site after~

Stan, how is your html and css? Even if you're starting out, you'll find Processwire a great facilitator to help you learn these fundamental web languages, especially if you want to learn a bit about php! You won't learn them using Wordpress or Drupal...

And the support you'll receive in the forums is quite unmatched... chances are the creator of Processwire himself (ryan) will respond to your question (like he did with this one) with the most elegant answers imaginable.

Anyways, let us know your background in web dev, and we'll try help you out~

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