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  On 1/18/2015 at 10:28 PM, apeisa said:

Craig, I had used the Facebook login and didn't have a clue what password (if I even had one). I simply did password reset to get local password and used that when joining into directory.

I also registered using facebook. I've tried the same and got a new password but still can't login with my username and the new pw :(

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Really great effort, thanks pete!

Maybe we can bundle some more community functions into one starting page, like Ellis Labs is doing it for EE: https://ellislab.com/community. On their community page you can search for developers, look at showcases, hire someone for a job and have links to more community-driven content like the forum or blogs about the cms. 

I also like their developer-directory with more services being listed and the budget for the target customer. But i do not think the budget is a clever idea to let customers estimate the budget, thats the task for the developer.  I would go instead for the size of the staff, freelancer, mid-sized agency or something the like, so that customers get an idea, how much manpower stands behind it. Also the dropdown with countries may be an side-by-side alternative for the map, when the count of developers gets bigger.

This may be just cosmetic, but i think marketing the brand "ProcessWire" is becoming more and more essential. Bundling all the community efforts in one page is showing the power that stands behind the project and can convince uncertain customers or developers to go for processwire.

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  On 1/20/2015 at 8:29 AM, Soma said:

Actually it would be nicer if those avatars would link to the developer. Instead of justhe a picture.

I made it a row at the end of the profile as a temporary measure I think it could be confusing otherwise as I expect a photo with a link on it to open a larger version of the image or, at most, the website of the developer in this case.

If we add several ways to get in touch with a developer (I'm thinking Twitter, LinkedIn and others) there would be some nice icons to click on and it would be trivial to make the first one be a speech bubbles icon and link to the forums using that one.

@felix - I will get back to you later today - I have to do some other stuff first.

@pideluxe - you are not alone with some of these thoughts. I think EllisLab have some nice categories - what I don't want to do is stray too far from what you can offer that relates to a website built with ProcessWire (Expression Engine's dev directory has a myriad of categories for example that I don't think all apply to their product) but many of those look good to be honest.

I agree with you - budget is something I wanted to steer well clear of. I would rather clients (and devs looking for other devs/designers with PW experience) approach developers based on what they see of someone's work/services than only contact the dev with the lowest prices - it is nonsense to do this as, as you say, every project is different and the dev knows best what their time/skills on a particular project should cost.

It is likely that we would look at the larger ideas further when thinking about a future version of the ProcessWire site as a whole, so some things will take a while. I do aim to add a few more things over coming weeks to the directory in terms of more fields you can fill out, but I didn't want to add too many options to begin with though as the more options you offer the more you have to check during the approval process - and I had no idea how long that was going to take to begin wtih :)

Thanks to everyone for the feedback so far - keep it coming.

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I've used the reset password function to be able to register for the developer directory. But I noticed, that I now have to relogin at least once a day on the forum, while before that I nearly never had to relogin on my main machine. Is this intended this way or at least a explainable sideeffect?

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@vxda - just sent you a message.

Yeah, I need to change the login check as it actually performs a whole login whereas it's only really relevant to check the username and password were correct and not mess with the forum login functionality at all.

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I changed the way the login works the other day so if you are experiencing it still you can logout and log back on via the forums or failing that try clearing your browser cache.

Shouldn't happen again after that though.

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The post count limit has been removed - the only registration requirement is that you need to create a forum account in order to post in the directory.

I've also added a "Sites using ProcessWire" field as some way of us checking you use ProcessWire as well :)

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is it by intention that the directory is not linked anywhere on processwire.com ? or is it already and i can't find it?

what about: "try the demo" - "download latest stable version" - "become/find a developer"

still alone in my country btw :D

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