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Simple Contact Form


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Good day! This module is so promising, but I just cannot manage to install it. I upload it like other modules with classname, install with no error massages. Then inlude the


code in my contacts template and get the "Error: Exception: No Template was found." error as an administrator. The template was not created. I did set site/templates to 777 (tried it on local Windows and on remote Linux server). What am I doing wrong? Are there supposed to be errors when the template cannot be created?

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I'm really sorry, but I can't get it to work. I'm new at processwire, so maybe I did something wrong. I tried to follow all instructions and what I get and see on my contact page is an embedded form, with an unstyled list  of input files (which is ok, styling will not be the problem).

If I click the (empty or filled out) form, the front page of my processwire is loading. And that's it. No mail sent, no error or success message. 

Possibly there is an error in my template. The only difference I made is – instead of

$content = $modules->get('SimpleContactForm')->render();

I had to change to 

echo $modules->get('SimpleContactForm')->render();

In my contact template.

Maybe this causes the error?

Maybe someone can help? 

Thank you very much!

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@Matzze: You installed the module the right way and everything works as expected. This module provides some spam protection methods - and if this fails you will be redirected to the root page (I should add this to the readme!). Have a look at site ▸ assets ▸ logs ▸ simplecontactform-spam-log.txt. I guess there is an error like "2015-03-30 13:38:50 Date difference is out of range." The reason is antiSpamTimeMin (It parses the time the user needs to fill out the form. If the time is below a minimum time, the submission is treated as Spam.) in module settings.

The html list is unstyled, you could/should change the html structure to your own needs as well as adding custom css.

@Mike Anthony, @Ivan Gretsky : I know this is not the best solution, if somebody has an idea to improve this, just let me know! It's really important to enter and save the module settings first because depending on this the template(s) will be created.

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@justb3a: I am still a little confised about the connection between the inputfields in thr template and in the config. I do not know why but I thought that I can simply add fields in the config (separated by commas) and the will get rendered in the template. But it does not work this way in my case. Could you please explain that a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New version 0.1.1 - improved template handling as well as adding optional clear up functionality for uninstalling the module.

  • creating/updating templates after submitting the module settings
  • add and/or remove fields works but you have to check the html structure manually
  • additional checkbox for uninstall: "If you check the following box all data containing files as well as database content will be permanently erased with no chance for recovery. It's recommended to make a backup before uninstalling this module."

@Ivan Gretsky: Now you can add/remove fields in the config (separated by comma). But make sure to check your html structure because I do not know your html structure. It's not that easy to determine the position to insert/remove code.

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i'm getting a sytax error ( Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '[' (line 1151... ) in the SimpleContactForm.module after installation.

When i change line 1151 into ...end($split),1, 0... there is another error occurring ( Call to undefined function boolval() (line 316... )

after commenting that line out, the module works

PW 2.5.24

php 5.3.29

can you reproduce that?

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@Christophe: Thanks now the links should work. The processwire module directory imports the readme from github. The problem is that I have to use absolute links in my github readme to make them work there. Relative links get the process wire module directory prepended (for example [installation](doc/installation.md)leads to modules.processwire.com/modules/simple-contact-form/doc/installation.md which does not exist). It's a bit annoying because an absolute link includes the name of the current branch which has to be master. And so I'm not able to test it before making a new release. The same applies for images.

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had some issues; spent about 2 hrs trying to get this to work; some of the documentation does need improvement, for example it should say to echo the module, or the module should echo.

for one, there should be a way to disable the whole spam thing, besides putting in the ip address.

makes it hard to test;

sometimes i'm trying to test this and it's redirecting to the homepage, sometimes the form just shows again with the fields filled in, i have no idea what is wrong; and then i'm trying to do a simple form and change the markup but it either seems to break, or it triggers the spam thing.

the message area should be a textarea; seems that changing from input to textarea also was messing things up;

i appreciate all of the hard work that went into this, just seems that it could use some additional improvements and some better documentation..

for now i'll have to stick with formbuilder for this site, but have somee friends who need to use this; so we'll have to sort out this textarea thing, and also how to completely disable the spam thing. plus i can fill out a form in way less than 1 minute, so how can that be a real spam prevention technique; doesn't make so much sense; maybe consider some simpler spam prevention like honeypot...

thanks for listening.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 1:55 AM, Macrura said:

had some issues; spent about 2 hrs trying to get this to work; some of the documentation does need improvement, for example it should say to echo the module, or the module should echo.

It should be clear that the module should echo, I removed the echo keyword from my documentation because if you download for example ProcessWire, it contains some basic templates and you will need $content = $modules->get('SimpleContactForm')->render(); to output the form. So if you use a template prepend file or if you use for example TemplateDataProviders it differs.

  On 4/18/2015 at 1:55 AM, Macrura said:

for one, there should be a way to disable the whole spam thing, besides putting in the ip address.

I think about that, for now just enter antiSpamTimeMin = 0 (Maybe I should set this as default?), antiSpamTimeMax = 1000 and antiSpamPerDay=1000.

  On 4/18/2015 at 1:55 AM, Macrura said:

makes it hard to test;

sometimes i'm trying to test this and it's redirecting to the homepage, sometimes the form just shows again with the fields filled in, i have no idea what is wrong; and then i'm trying to do a simple form and change the markup but it either seems to break, or it triggers the spam thing.

This modules creates two log files (→ documentation), have a look there to figure out what is wrong. If you were redirected to the homepage (→ documentation) the reason is always spam protection. If you change the markup make sure to maintain the names of the fields and you have to hide website(honeypot field) and submitted (→ documentation). If you change the number of inputs manually (adding or deleting a field), you have to adapt antiSpamCountAdditionalInputs (→ documentation).

  On 4/18/2015 at 1:55 AM, Macrura said:

the message area should be a textarea; seems that changing from input to textarea also was messing things up;

You enter the fields as a comma separated list, maybe there will be more textarea fields like `message`. How should I know which one should be a textarea and which one a simple input or maybe a date input (for example). This module provides some templates as starting point, you have to change / adapt the html! The honeypot field is also displayed because it's better to add a surrounding div assigning a class and hide it using CSS. 

  On 4/18/2015 at 1:55 AM, Macrura said:

i appreciate all of the hard work that went into this, just seems that it could use some additional improvements and some better documentation..

Feel free to contribute! You could at least help me to improve the documentation!

  On 4/18/2015 at 1:55 AM, Macrura said:

for now i'll have to stick with formbuilder for this site, but have somee friends who need to use this; so we'll have to sort out this textarea thing, and also how to completely disable the spam thing. plus i can fill out a form in way less than 1 minute, so how can that be a real spam prevention technique; doesn't make so much sense; maybe consider some simpler spam prevention like honeypot...

Nobody has to use this module! Go ahead and use formbuilder. You can fill out the form in less than one minute, just set timeMin = 0! It's the same as disabling spam protection. There is much more spam protection and of course there is already a honeypot field.

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ok thanks for all your help and info- i will try it again, i didn't know anything about honeypot and that the website field was the honeypot must have somehow missed that in the docs.

so can i just change the message input to a textarea, and it should work i guess. i will test and post back results.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there. This is a really nice script, and it works really fine! Is there a possibility to use it more than once in my project? I nee a simple contact form and more customized one for other requests. Can i "duplicate" the full script it maybe?

Thanks for helping!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I only can send an input type textarea with a maximum length of 255 chars. In your module you use sanitizer->text. Per default every Text of any inputfield will be truncated at 255 chars. It would nice if i can send 16384 chars in this type of input field (textarea). Is there any solution to fix this? Thanks.

So - kind a quick&dirty - but that solves my problem first.

Line 433 of SimpleContactForm.module

 if($inputfield == "Nachricht"){
        $message[] = $inputfield . ': ' . $this->sanitizer->textarea($this->input->post->{$inputfield});
        $message[] = $inputfield . ': ' . $this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->{$inputfield});

& Line 481

 if($inputfield == "Nachricht"){
              $newEntry->{'scf_' . $inputfield} = $this->sanitizer->textarea($this->input->post->{$inputfield});
              $newEntry->{'scf_' . $inputfield} = $this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->{$inputfield});

Anyway - mayby you could consider this in one of the following versions.

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Do you use the latest version? I know this issue and fixed it already some weeks ago. Have a look at github. The only occurence of $this->sanitizer->text is on line 417 in the function validateFields. Maybe I should change this as well to textarea.

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Hi Congomonster,

you have to change the fieldname. in your case scf_fullName in e.g. scf_Nachname. Be carefull. the prefix scf_ is important.
And you also have to change the values ( input - Tag ) in your form. But here you go without the prefix!
Don´t forget to adapt the fieldnames in your modulconfiguration. also without the prefix.

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hi justb3a,

ok, i will figure this out - Thanks a bunch!

Anonther issue appears shortly:

when i try to call the page scf-messages, a run "max execution time" - error appears.
do you have an idea, how to fix that or what this error causes?



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@itsberni: Have a look into you php.ini file. There is an entry for max_execution_time. Check that value und increase it. And also have a look at max_input_time and memory_limit.

@congomonster: Maybe I should provide a way to write your own email content using placeholders. Then you would be able to add additional text as well. 

Edit: I opened an issue regarding that feature on github, so I keep it in mind  ;)

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