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Custom Upload Names


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Hi @adrian

Thank you for your efforts in this module.

I faced a problem with js in CUN on 67 line

data[i]['enabledPages'] = $(this).find('input[id=enabledPages'+i+']').val().split(",");

bit if I uncomment the previous line it works

if($(this).find('input[id=enabledPages'+i+']').length !== 0) data[i]['enabledPages'] = $(this).find('input[id=enabledPages'+i+']').val().split(",");

Variant with if statement looks more logical for me, but I'm curious is there any reason why you have commented it? 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Zeka - sorry for the delay - hope you read elsewhere that I was away for quite some time.

I have just been looking at this, and I can't find any problems with the current code - can you please explain the problem you are having?

At the moment I also can't see why the version with the check wouldn't be more correct, but I also can't see why it should actually be necessary. If you can let me know more, perhaps I can reproduce and figure out the best approach.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you for the plugin, it works great! Is there any way to have it so that it allows you to put it in a custom folder? This would be great because then it will make a backup of my image directory a lot more organized.

I tried /$page->title/{$page->title}-randstring[nn]

But it removed my slashes in the final output so it was just $page->title-{$page->title}-randstring[nn]

Thank you.

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23 minutes ago, cjrobe said:

Thank you for the plugin, it works great! Is there any way to have it so that it allows you to put it in a custom folder? This would be great because then it will make a backup of my image directory a lot more organized.

I tried /$page->title/{$page->title}-randstring[nn]

But it removed my slashes in the final output so it was just $page->title-{$page->title}-randstring[nn]

Thank you.

Hi @cjrobe - I am glad you are finding the module useful.

Unfortunately I think what you are looking for is beyond the scope of this module. Changing the paths to files/images is an entirely different problem to changing their filenames. I honestly think you should ask why you really want them stored under the title of the page - what if you change the title of a page at some point - then the file will be in an incorrectly named folder. Page IDs (which is how it works now) will always be the same. If you really want to go down this road, have a read here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9544-how-to-change-imagefiletemplate-path/


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Silly me - I hadn't yet realized that ProcessWire stores all attachments from a page in a folder with the page ID! I can then just export to CSV the IDs/Titles of all the pages and I'm sure there's some sort of batch rename tool that can handle that data easily.

Sorry for misunderstanding and thanks again for your plugin.

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  • 6 months later...
1 hour ago, Juergen said:

Hello @adrian

could you please check this notice:

PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in .../ProcessCustomUploadNames.module:194


Thanks @Juergen - late here, so will look at better in the morning, but could you please check if it's $file, $repeater, or $rf that is triggering that?

I am assuming you either have no files uploaded to that field, or no items in the repeater yet.


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Hello @adrian,

sorry for the long delay, but I was 12 hours at work. I am sorry, but I dont know how to check which triggers that.:huh:The strange thing is that the notice disappears if I refresh the same page. After a while the error appears again. This happens on different pages with one or more pictures.

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1 minute ago, Juergen said:

I am sorry, but I dont know how to check which triggers that.

Just do a bd() call on each of those variables just before that line - one of them will likely return null.

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Hello @adrian

I am not sure if I am doing the check right: I added the bd function on line 193 on ProcessCustomUploadNames.module file (remember the notice message points to line 194)

I check the variables by using bd($file), bd($repeater) and bd($rf) on that line. The results are:

1) bd($file):


2) bd($repeater):


3) bd($rf):


I hope this could be helpful to you - but maybe I have done something wrong during the check.

Best regards

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Thanks @Juergen  - I don't really understand why you are getting those results for $file - I can't reproduce, but maybe you could just test this for me:

Replace this:

foreach($repeater->{$rf->name} as $file) {
    $files[$file->name] = $repeater->id.'|'.$rf->id; // add filename with respective repeater pageid and fieldid to array


foreach($repeater->{$rf->name} as $file) {
    if(!$file) continue;
    $files[$file->name] = $repeater->id.'|'.$rf->id; // add filename with respective repeater pageid and fieldid to array

Check that the notice is gone and that everything still works as expected.


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Hello Adrian,

I am using your module and completely clueless about one thing.

Your code has this place

elseif($field->type instanceof FieldtypeRepeater) {
                    foreach($editedPage->{$field->name} as $repeater) {

                        //make sure repeater item actually exists already, which is important when you have added items beyond those initially rendered.
                        //fixes this issue: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1541
                        if(!$repeater->id) continue;

                        foreach($repeater->fields as $rf) {
                            if($rf->type instanceof FieldtypeFile) {
                                if(count($repeater->{$rf->name})) {
                                    foreach($repeater->{$rf->name} as $file) {
                                        if(!$file) continue;
                                        $files[$file->name] = $repeater->id.'|'.$rf->id; // add filename with respective repeater pageid and fieldid to array

However, when I save a page which has a repeater with empty single image, I got a notice

<b>Warning</b>:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in <b>C:\t2cms\site\assets\cache\FileCompiler\site\modules\ProcessCustomUploadNames\ProcessCustomUploadNames.module</b> on line <b>204</b><br />

The reason is that image is empty and is NULL.

I tried to debug your module using PW admin, namely by moving the same page and checking the output. And surprise, there was no notice... Instead of NULL, empty Pagefields object had been passed.

Is there a hook in PW or your module which returns empty Pagefields array instead of NULL for single empty image. For me the issue is only reproducable for image inside a Repeater.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi @simonsays - firstly, that is just a warning coming from PHP 7.2. I need to adapt that code to handle the way the 7.2 now works with `count()`. I am curious though, because the warning you are getting says line 204, but the count is on line 202 in the current version. Are you running 1.0.9 or an older version?

Despite the line number difference, I can't replicate the error. Typically outputformatting is off in a module, which means even a single image field will return an array, but in this module I do turn it on when creating the new filename so that dates/times are formatted as expected. Perhaps this is what is causing the issue. Could you please send me your settings for CustomUploadNames and also the settings for the image field in question so I can try to replicate?


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14 hours ago, adrian said:

Hi @simonsays - firstly, that is just a warning coming from PHP 7.2. I need to adapt that code to handle the way the 7.2 now works with `count()`. I am curious though, because the warning you are getting says line 204, but the count is on line 202 in the current version. Are you running 1.0.9 or an older version?

Despite the line number difference, I can't replicate the error. Typically outputformatting is off in a module, which means even a single image field will return an array, but in this module I do turn it on when creating the new filename so that dates/times are formatted as expected. Perhaps this is what is causing the issue. Could you please send me your settings for CustomUploadNames and also the settings for the image field in question so I can try to replicate?



Sorry about the line number confusion, I did insert two debugging lines when trying to reproduce/debug (I use the latest module version).

And yes, it is PHP 7.2. Should have mentioned as well.

There are actually two workarounds for my problem - either mark output format as an array in admin (a quick fix) or set repeater outputFormatting to false before saving the page (more bullet proof).

This helps me for now, but I am still curious, why this does not happen when I use PW admin. As if outputFormatting for the repeater (not for the page itself) is explicitly set to false elsewhere

Here are my settings:


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@simonsays - not sure exactly what is going on, but I just noticed that with this module running it's sometimes possible to upload more than one image to a single image field in a repeater - I think this might be the cause of the issue. I just commented out line 160 of this module:


and it seems to be behaving better but I am not sure of other ramifications just yet. Would you mind doing a quick test at your end though and let me know if that solves things please? Be sure to return the image field to automatic and any other things you may have tweaked.

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On 9/16/2018 at 11:34 PM, adrian said:

@simonsays - any luck with that change noted in my last post?

I think that is probably your issue and I'd like to commit the change if you can confirm it works for you.


Sorry, @adrian will get back to you asap. Rather busy with current sprint ?

Just tested. Without explicitly going through all the repeaters prior to save and setting their formatting to false, I got exactly the same result.

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On 9/18/2018 at 5:21 AM, simonsays said:

Without explicitly going through all the repeaters prior to save and setting their formatting to false

I'm afraid I don't understand this - how are you setting them to false? Are you saving pages via the API, rather than the admin backend? 

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The module was working great...until it stopped working so great.

Now when I hit 'Save' on the template (with "Rename on Save" is checked) the page clears the image fields on template that are targeted for renaming. The image fields are blank, 0kb images.

I tried disabling the part of the module that was renaming the images and uploading at least went back to normal. Uninstalling and re-installing, the problem persists.

The The HTML Entity Encoder was enabled on all the image fields, but the name of the last image that 'broke' the module for me was named something like "Artist-Name-------------Oil-on-Canvas------32-in-x-45-in-$1000.png" is that helps.

My renaming convention for the images was just the page title:  img-{$page->title)


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Hi @PCuser - sorry you're having problems.

I just tested with an image with exactly that filename and it worked just fine.

I wonder if there is something else at play here. Any chance you could do a little debugging? Firstly try on a clean PW install and if that works, see if it's some other module that is conflicting. Or perhaps it's specific image field settings at play. Does it work with a newly created image field with default settings?

You get the idea ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/28/2018 at 8:43 AM, adrian said:

Hi @PCuser - sorry you're having problems.

I just tested with an image with exactly that filename and it worked just fine.

I wonder if there is something else at play here. Any chance you could do a little debugging? Firstly try on a clean PW install and if that works, see if it's some other module that is conflicting. Or perhaps it's specific image field settings at play. Does it work with a newly created image field with default settings?

You get the idea ?



I have come across a similar issue.

My filename pattern is {$page->name}-{$file->filesize}-[YmdHis]. Rename on save is checked.

The plan was to avoid caching, both on server side and on the client side, as our prod servers have several layers of cache.

I tested with image field inside a repeater and crop functionality.

Initially the image is uploaded fine and replacing image also works.

However, when I crop it and save the page, the image still gets the old path (which is now broken), both in admin and on the front-end.

I looked into both the DB and the filesystem. DB record (field value) is not updated and stays the same on crop. However, image filename is updated.

Once again - this happens on crop, inside a repeater field.

I tested without a repeater and indeed, it works fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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