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Place to create new template files


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I'm following this tutorial on Windows using XAMPP 1.8.3 and ProcessWire 2.3. Well, "following" means that I am stuck in step 2. There are two folders in the root directory of the website (htdocs), "site-default" and "wire". I created "planet.php" in "site-default/templates" and "site/templates". But when I click "Add New Template" in the admin interface, it says "No new template files were found in: /site/templates/*.php". I'm sure this is a typical newbie thing and I'm really sorry for asking but: what am I missing? Where do I create new templates?

Thanks in advance!


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Hi Hendrik,

Welcome to PW and the forums! Normally, if it has the right setup, PW will rename site-default to site after install. Do you mean to say you have both "site-default" and "site"? Rename "site-default" to "site" and get rid of the other "site" folder. Create your templates files inside "site". Note, you can also create templates without template files but that's a bit advanced for you right now ;)


Martijn was faster :)

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