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My new Portfolio


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Hi all,

I want to present a preview of my new Portfolio.

Actually I'm unsure with some points and the images aren't the final ones and other pieces aren't finished too. But the look is ready and maybe it would be good to get some feedback from the critics here ;-)

The site actually runs on PW 2.3 stable, the used modules are:

  • ImagesManager
  • ImageMinSize
  • Thumbnails
  • FieldtypeTextUnique
  • Minify

I have disabled direct access via .htaccess to portfolio-images that resides in the files folder. Thumbnails and images related to infos and news can be accessed directly, all others have to use a proxy page I have build as PW-template.

With the ImagesManager I initially have created my six categories (albums) and manage all uploads. Via a hook into ImagesManager on upload I'm able to rename the original images and create 3 variations (600px, 900px, 1200px). Also I stripp all Exif and IPTC data from them but populate them with the minimal needed IPTC data. That way I never have custom related infos in the images, neither in filename nor in metadata.

I use serverside mobiledetection and also JS to detect viewport dimensions. This should be used to serve images that fit best to devices and viewport dimensions. But it isn't ready now.

The layout / design is done from HTML5 boilerplate. There are no frameworks or thatlike used / needed.

But there is heavy use of Javascript (jQuery-Libs: Swipe, Stapel, Flexslider), but the site also runs completly in noscript mode. :)

Also the single-image-view in NoScriptMode lets you loop through the gallery and displays the content scrolled down to the image if needed. (That's one of the advantages of old veterans that have build html-pages during browser war 1995/98 :P )

All critic, suggestions etc is welcome: http://pw4.nogajski.de/

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Amazing photography horst! Great colour palette too. I think your portfolio page should be your homepage. It is such a nice page and I really get the feeling browsing your photo's.

Minor bug: the loading image has a different background color. See attachement.


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Cool gallery website! :)

Some critique:

The main menu is a catastrophe in my opinion. The rounded corners on the left and right bottom side plus the margin between the links doesn't look good.

The gallery loader.gif has a black background, which doesn't work with the blue background of the site.

I would switch the keyboard arrow navigation. Right for next img, left for prev. More intuitive that way.

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Very beautiful! I love it!

Two minor issues: 

1. On info pages, on the right side (featured content), when viewing one of those pages, e.g. http://pw4.nogajski.de/de/news/greenscreen/, I see no english flag on the left to choose my language...

2. Is it possible, to dynamically change the HTML language declaration to match the selected language? So, if viewing the page in English, dynamically change this:

<html lang="de" class="no-js">

to this:

<html lang="en" class="no-js">

Only reason I ask is to stop my Google Translate Extension from automatically trying to translate (or asking me if it should translate) the page from German to English even though I have already selected English on your website. It's just a minor niggle from Google, but just wondering... :)

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  On 7/4/2013 at 6:48 PM, arjen said:

Amazing photography horst! Great colour palette too. I think your portfolio page should be your homepage. It is such a nice page and I really get the feeling browsing your photo's.

Minor bug: the loading image has a different background color. See attachement.

@arjen: many thanks for the warm words :)

Yes, I have thought about starting directly with the portfolio page, but was a bit scared because the heavy load on small bandwith. But I will re-think it!

loading image fixed, thanks!

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Hi kongondo,

many thanks for the feedback.

  On 7/4/2013 at 7:20 PM, kongondo said:

1. On info pages, on the right side (featured content), when viewing one of those pages, e.g. http://pw4.nogajski.de/de/news/greenscreen/, I see no english flag on the left to choose my language...

That's right, because there is no english version available. But I don't want to hide all entries that are not available in english. Therefor I display a (only in german) under all those entries in the overview.

  On 7/4/2013 at 7:20 PM, kongondo said:

2. Is it possible, to dynamically change the HTML language declaration to match the selected language? So, if viewing the page in English, dynamically change this:

<html lang="de" class="no-js">

to this:

<html lang="en" class="no-js">

This definitely should set to the current selected language, but is broken. Thanks for finding that!

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  On 7/4/2013 at 6:50 PM, janlonden said:

Cool gallery website! :)

Some critique:

The main menu is a catastrophe in my opinion. The rounded corners on the left and right bottom side plus the margin between the links doesn't look good.

The gallery loader.gif has a black background, which doesn't work with the blue background of the site.

I would switch the keyboard arrow navigation. Right for next img, left for prev. More intuitive that way.

Many thanks for your reply.

the main menu: I'm unsure, maybe, may not, but many thanks for saying it clear! :)

EDIT: I have deleted the margins between them and have added small borders. Maybe thats better.

loader gif: solved!

the arrow keys: the original behave was as you say, but I was confused all the time that way and therefor I have switched it.

Edited by horst
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Nice site thanks for sharing.

Really cool photos. But what is very annoying on mobile is you can't zoom them. Or didi I miss something?

What did you use now for the image scaling?

Does the min size plugin work with ImageManager?

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@soma: thank you!


Really cool photos. But what is very annoying on mobile is you can't zoom them. Or didi I miss something?

Oh, I see. I have changed the settings for Swipe and have not tested on mobile after that.

Normally Swipe displays the images nearly fullscreen, but on desktop I don't want that. Therefor I have hacked it at several points. I think I have to change it once more so that the hacks depend on the setting of var isMobile.



Does the min size plugin work with ImageManager?

I do not use the min size plugin together with the ImageManager. I use it on info pages imagesfields only, not in the portfolio where I use the ImageManager.


What did you use now for the image scaling?

Actually I only select one out of three sizes, depending on the report of the ajax script that sends viewport dimensions (initial and on resize).

Here I stuck a bit, there are some thoughts but not very clear. Maybe I have found an interesting script what I want to analyze and try to combine with the Swipe somehow: http://responsiveimg.com/

But there are other options too.

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I am not sure what you are doing with images (slideshow pictures) but it takes ~30 seconds to load on my latest Chrome browser on my Win7 laptop which run on the LAN cable (not wi-fi).

See attached snapshot.


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Greetings Horst.

Beautiful photos! You obviously have talent, and the imagery in your web site does a great job of showing your skills. I like the way you introduce the various themes for your work.

I have some small comments, which may follow some of what has been said here already:

1. Perhaps add more direct mentions of your themes on the home page?

2. The home page slider should perhaps identify the theme of each of the slideshow images.

3. The home page slider does not "light up" the disk of the current image.

4. The galleries load extremely slowly. Sometimes, images scroll to the next one before they load.

5. It would be great to have some brief statements in writing from you in key places throughout the site -- just a bit more of who you are or what is behind the work we are looking at.

My comments come from viewing the site with Safari and Chrome on an iPad 3. I will take a look from desktop later.

Thanks for sharing,


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  On 7/5/2013 at 1:15 AM, fmgujju said:

I am not sure what you are doing with images (slideshow pictures) but it takes ~30 seconds to load on my latest Chrome browser on my Win7 laptop which run on the LAN cable (not wi-fi).

See attached snapshot.

This must be on your side or slow connection. It takes 5 seconds here with wifi.

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Hi Matthew,
many thanks for the reply and your thoughts! This is very helpful.

  On 7/5/2013 at 2:27 AM, MatthewSchenker said:

1. Perhaps add more direct mentions of your themes on the home page?

2. The home page slider should perhaps identify the theme of each of the slideshow images.

3. The home page slider does not "light up" the disk of the current image.

These thoughts are right, but the slider on the homepage, or better: the complete homepage only was created because I was a bit scared about slow loading of the portfolio page. But the homepage doesn't provide new or other content than that from the portfolio.

So, in the next round (5), I skip the homepage and focus on the images loading first.


4. The galleries load extremely slowly. Sometimes, images scroll to the next one before they load.

Yeah, I need a concept here! Actually there isn't one, only fragments of different approaches that don't fit together.



5. It would be great to have some brief statements in writing from you in key places throughout the site -- just a bit more of who you are or what is behind the work we are looking at.

Yes, this should be. What do you mean with "in key places throughout the site"?

There are some articles under infos that explain some parts of my work. Actually only in german, but I think I let translate (some of) them. Also I want add more to it.

I'm not sure if I should put all under that point?

and also if "infos" is the right name for it?

Anyway, there is some more work to do before official (re)launch. :)

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