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FrontendForms - A module for creating and validating forms on the frontend


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @Andy

I have seen this CAPTCHA and it looks good. I have to test it first to see how it works and if and how it could be implemented into FrontendForms.

But this is not on top of my priority list. At the moment I am working on an upgrade of the FrontendFormsManager to implement an UI for blocked IPs.

Currently this will be handled inside the module config, but I want a better UI outside of the module config. This should help site owners to identifiy and block suspicious IP addresses, so I am working on to include this inside the FrontendFormsManager.

But I will keep the new CAPTCHA on my list ?.

Best regards

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Hi @Juergen

Thank you for your work. I have implemented your form in a working project. And so far it is working without any problems.

Tests show that your project is sufficiently robust.

My advice for the future, it's just an interesting opportunity.

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Thank you @Andy

If you have a live site online with FrontendForms, you can give me a link to your site and I will add it to the "Live examples" section of the readme file. This is a brand new section so there are only 2 examples there at the moment, but I will add more examples over the time.

In this case you get a backlink for free to your site, but I will point it to the page where the form is included.

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Version 2.2.13 comes with an upgrade for the FrontendFormsManager module.

The FrontendFormsManager module shipped with FrontendForms was added a few versions ago. The usage of this module is optional.

This module now also supports the management of suspicious IP addresses. These are IPs that have been temporarily banned due to many unsuccessful form submission attempts (logging must be enabled in this case). A new section for managing these IP has been added.


As you can see, a table of statistical data and a chart have been added to the FrontendFormsManager. When you click on the "Go to all temporarily blocked IPs" button, you will be redirected to a new page that contains all the temporarily banned IPs. The data is taken from a log file. Below you will see a screenshot of this page.


Inside this table you have a button to view more details about this IP and a button to add/remove this IP to/from the blacklist. If you click the "View details about this IP" button a panel will be opened with more information about the IP and the number of blockings.


With this information, you can now decide whether you want to block this IP permanently by adding it to the blacklist or not.

Happy testing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 2.2.14 is out!

This new version comes with a new CAPTCHA type: a slider captcha. Now FrontendForms supports 7(!) different CAPTCHA types and I guess this will be the last one.

There is a fabulous module in the module directory which also creates a slider captcha that can be used with other forms: Slide Captcha. But the slider Captcha in FrontendForms is an extra coded and integrated captcha, that has nothing to do with this module. To be clear: The slider captcha inside FrontendForms is similiar to the Slide Captcha module, but it has nothing to do with it. So there is no need to install the other module. The only thing you have to do is to enable the slider captcha in the module configuration - that is all.


You have 1 additional configuration field where you can select the accuracy of the puzzle piece to the goal. 5 means that the distance of the puzzle pieces to the target must be less than or equal to 5px in order to solve the captcha correctly.

Here you can see the new slider captcha in action:


As always, please report any bugs on Github!

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Version 2.2.15 is out!

This update comes with a small performance upgrade. Now you can choose on which pages you want to embed the JS and CSS files of the FrontendForms module. This means that you can prevent the files from loading on pages that do not contain a form. This also allows these pages to load faster

This version includes a new configuration field in the backend where you can select all the pages where you want the files to be embedded.


 Best regards

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