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DataSet import modules


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I've created a set of modules for importing (manipulating and displaying) data from external resources. A key requirement was to handle large (100k+) number of pages easily.

Main features

  • import data from CSV and XML sources in the background (using Tasker)
  • purge, update or overwrite existing pages using selectors
  • user configurable input <-> field mappings
  • on-the-fly data conversion and composition (e.g. joining CSV columns into a single field)
  • download external resources (files, images) during import
  • handle page references by any (even numeric) fields

How it works

You can upload CSV or XML files to DataSet pages and specify import rules in their description.
The module imports the content of the file and creates/updates child pages automatically.

How to use it

Create a DataSet page that stores the source file. The file's description field specifies how the import should be done:

  Reveal hidden contents

After saving the DataSet page an import button should appear below the file description.


When you start the import the DataSet module creates a task (executed by Tasker) that will import the data in the background.

You can monitor its execution and check its logs for errors.


See the module's wiki for more details.

The module was already used in three projects to import and handle large XML and CSV datasets. It has some rough edges and I'm sure it needs improvement :) so comments are welcome.

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Thanks for sharing your modules @mtwebit!  This looks like it could be really useful.  Is there any way you could include a place to add a url to the file instead of an upload?  For example, I store staff's contact information in a Google Spreadsheet.  This spreadsheets gets updated all the time.  It would be cool to just add the url to csv file instead of having to download the file and upload it into Processwire.  The input could also remember it's previous value so I can run the import over and over again as needed.  Maybe it also could be somehow automated to run the same import everyday?

If not, no worries.  Thanks again.

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  On 1/2/2019 at 8:41 PM, gmclelland said:

Thanks for sharing your modules @mtwebit!  This looks like it could be really useful.  Is there any way you could include a place to add a url to the file instead of an upload?  For example, I store staff's contact information in a Google Spreadsheet.  This spreadsheets gets updated all the time.  It would be cool to just add the url to csv file instead of having to download the file and upload it into Processwire.  The input could also remember it's previous value so I can run the import over and over again as needed.  Maybe it also could be somehow automated to run the same import everyday?

If not, no worries.  Thanks again.


I was thinking about this too...

There was a dev branch that dropped the [file + rules in description] scheme and introduced a fieldset of [rule + (optional) file]. It turned out to be too complicated and it did not work well so I dropped it.

An easy solution is to allow source location override. So... see this commit and use the input:location configuration option.
Not the best solution as it still requires a (dummy) file to be uploaded (to create the import rules in its description), but it works.
You can even use this solution to refer to files uploaded to other pages using this URL scheme: wire://pageid/filename

Hope it helps.

  On 1/2/2019 at 8:45 PM, gmclelland said:

It looks like you might have already considered and built this type of functionality https://github.com/mtwebit/DataSet/wiki/Import-rules#data-conversion-during-import


That's different. It downloads data for a single field (e.g. a file to be stored in a filefield) not for an entire DataSet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

JSON rule format is now supported but I have a small problem with that. It works fine in the global rule field but storing JSON in file descriptions is not possible atm.

Pagefile uses JSON internally for storing multi-language file descriptions so it is not possible to store JSON data there... I could not find a way to overcome this issue (even if multi-language descriptions are disabled Pagefile still drops JSON descriptions).

Any idea?

See Github issue

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  On 1/25/2019 at 12:54 PM, mtwebit said:

Pagefile uses JSON internally for storing multi-language file descriptions so it is not possible to store JSON data there... I could not find a way to overcome this issue (even if multi-language descriptions are disabled Pagefile still drops JSON descriptions).

Any idea?


JSON in the description field is detected if the first character is { and the last character is }, or if the first character is [ and the last character is ]. See here.

So one workaround could be to prefix the JSON with some character...

*{"json": "here"}

...and then trim the first character before the module decodes the JSON.

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  On 1/25/2019 at 10:05 PM, Robin S said:

JSON in the description field is detected if the first character is { and the last character is }, or if the first character is [ and the last character is ]. See here.

So one workaround could be to prefix the JSON with some character...

*{"json": "here"}

...and then trim the first character before the module decodes the JSON.


Yeah, this is a little painful. I use the same approach in Tracy. I think it might be better if Ryan replaces that json detection code with the following which seems to be the most common approach to problem.

     * is the provided string a valid json string?
     * @param string $string
     * @return boolean
    public function isJson($string) {
        return (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE);

PS - actually maybe this isn't useful at all with this issue, but in general I think he should be using a function like this for determining if a string is JSON.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm trying to import 60k pages from a CVS file. 

I installed the DataSet module but the dataset_config field seams not working.

By default it is set as a textarea filed, and the configuration is not valid. There is also a message "YAML is not supported on your system. Try to use JSON for configuration." I installed the fieldtype-yaml module and set it for dataset_config but this is also not working.


Any suggestions? All other modules required are installed.

The formatting on the screenshot for YMAL is wrong, I know. 




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The YAML example converted to JSON with an online tool give us this config :

  "name": "Testing the import",
  "input": {
    "type": "csv",
    "delimiter": ",",
    "header": 1,
    "limit": 10
  "fieldmappings": {
    "title": 1
  "pages": {
    "template": "Data",
    "selector": "title=@title"


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  On 12/25/2019 at 9:26 AM, flydev said:


The YAML example converted to JSON with an online tool give us this config :

  "name": "Testing the import",
  "input": {
    "type": "csv",
    "delimiter": ",",
    "header": 1,
    "limit": 10
  "fieldmappings": {
    "title": 1
  "pages": {
    "template": "Data",
    "selector": "title=@title"



Still with message "DataSet config is invalid."

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  On 12/27/2019 at 8:49 AM, flydev said:


Then add the string "JSON" before the config :

  "name": "Testing the import",
  "input": {
    "type": "csv",
    "delimiter": ",",
    "header": 1,
    "limit": 10
  "fieldmappings": {
    "title": 1
  "pages": {
    "template": "Data",
    "selector": "title=@title"



Thank you for the help ?

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One more question regarding importing data. 

When a row in a CSV file will result in a page with the same 'title' as one that's already exits is there an option to make the title unique and import new page with the same name.

CSV example:


ProcessWire pages:

+Import Folder

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By default DataSet will create a new PW page each time it imports a row. In the above example, two pages will be created with title "Orange" and one with "Banana".

There is no option to change the title for the new page (2nd Orange) if it matches an already existing one (1st Orange).
You can, however, combine several fields in the title making it unique. E.g. you can create the title like this (column #0 always contains the row's serial number):

title: [1, ' (', 0, ')']

The result will be:

Orange (1)
Orange (2)
Banana (3)

You can also update (overwrite or merge) already existing pages. In the "pages" section of DS config you can specify a selector and add the overwrite or merge option.

See the wiki for more details. (Which needs to be updated but it is probably still helpful ? )

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OK. It was time to update the wiki ?

I've uploaded a new DataSet version (0.9.5) to GitHub. It contains many improvements for data type conversions, page reference handling and several bug fixes.
It also has a new profiler to optimize the import routines.

Tasker is also updated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for developing this module, my tests so far have been really positive. I'm developing a PW site that requires import and regular update of 100k+ pages and this will be invaluable.

One question I have (if you have time) is around Page References. I'm unable to modify my source data, so have created a page reference and field that corresponds to that of the source data e.g. 'LED' which is ID 1137. 

My CSV has this 'LED' data, however when I import, I get this result:

Processing data for field 'category'.
Page selector @ field category: templates_id=50, has_parent=1110.
Found referenced page 'First Category Item' for field 'category' using the selector 'templates_id=50, has_parent=1110'.
Setting field 'category' = '1111'.

Page ID 1111 (or First Category Item) is the first Category page. I've also tried setting the category to 1137 within the CSV file and get the same result.

This is when using the below config:

  "name": "Import",
  "input": {
    "type": "csv",
    "delimiter": ",",
    "header": 1,
    "limit": 10
  "fieldmappings": {
    "model_id": 1,
    "title": 2,
    "category": 3
  "pages": {
    "template": "model",
    "selector": "model_id=@model_id"

The other two (text fields) work fine. Any advice would be appreciated!

Edit: I've now found your reference to Page References in the Wiki that changes everything! The default for Page References is Title as you say. I've installed Autocomplete and it's working great. One task for later is figuring out the scheduling side of things. I did wonder, with Page References is it possible for pages to be automatically created if they don't already exist on import?

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  On 1/8/2020 at 12:56 PM, DonPachi said:

Edit: I've now found your reference to Page References in the Wiki that changes everything! The default for Page References is Title as you say. I've installed Autocomplete and it's working great. One task for later is figuring out the scheduling side of things. I did wonder, with Page References is it possible for pages to be automatically created if they don't already exist on import?


I use page references heavily in my projects. Page Autocomplete has a field (Settings specific to ...) on the Input tab of the field settings page that can be used to specify what fields are used during the query. You can even select multiple fields, e.g. a category_ref_by_id field can specify multiple ID fields. This way you can merge individual data sets into a single one. Each source set can have its own ID, and the ...ref_by_id field can use all of them.

I have no plans for the automatic creation of the missing referenced page but it can be achieved very easily. Just create another DataSet using the same CSV file and import the appropriate "category" columns for creating the missing pages. You can also try to use the location attribute in the DataSet config to make a reference to the file uploaded to the original DataSet (see the wiki) to avoid duplicate uploads.

If you need to perform these imports automatically you can create two tasks (category import and the original one) and specify a dependency between them (first import categories then the full data set). See Tasker wiki.

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  • 3 months later...

It's been a while, but I just wanted to follow up with you on a project that's now in its final stages and say dataset and tasker are really exceptional, powerful modules, and definitely up there as my favourites for ProcessWire.

You really covered the edge cases with being able to set task dependencies, merge, overwrites etc, and while it took some time to get my head around I now have a system that calls multiple tasks every hour via cron for fresh data from a specific set of CSV files.

Looking forward to hopefully working on another project that uses dataset/tasker!

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Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to hear that they are useful ? although a bit complex to use.

Tasker has a few small improvements, I think I pushed the latest version to the GitHub repo.
DataSet changed a bit more, and some modified parts still need review and testing. Thanks for reminding me to finish them.

My DataSet project is still running. We have like 150k+ (mostly complex) data pages interconnected with many references and getting to hit the wall with MySQL during imports and complex page reference lookups.

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