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Module: Blog


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  On 2/17/2017 at 10:55 AM, tooth-paste said:

1. Image summary page
My blog index page works but I would like to have the image on the right side. Can I do this with CSS (img.post-featured-image{float:right})?


Yes, that's CSS issue. Try and see if it works ^_^.

  On 2/17/2017 at 10:55 AM, tooth-paste said:

2. blog-post.php 

How can I output the post that is linked to. I mean the page with the full blog-item? I use this code but it does not work.


Are you using the demo template files that come with blog or did you create/or are using a blank blog-post.php? If the latter, then please have a look at the example demo file. It is a bit redundant to have the code you pasted (which is an example code I gave for some other context) within a blog-post page itself (i.e. redundant to use it in blog-post.php which is the template file for a single blog post).

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Yes, I meant AND. Rewriting URL as you suggest is way beyond my capability. I guess I'd have to live with it. In any case it's no biggie.

About the categories, sorry about the confusion.  What I meant was the categories that are displayed at the end of each post. Ideally when you click on it it should take you to the pages with the "news" and "blog" template respectively rather than the page with "category" template.  I hope I'm makes sense.

Thanks for your help.

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Hi. I cannot edit the blog using the dashboard panel, every time I try to save a blog-post (or add a category or edit the blog setting etc) the page re-loads and nothing is saved. This is very strange because it used to work fine. I've tried with both 'blog-author' & 'superuser' roles, checked the logs in PW, check the developer tools on browser, tried with different browsers... I don't see any error message anywhere, I wish I could post more information. On my local machine the blog is still working, on the live server (same files) I have problems. Anyone had this problem before?

PW 2.8.35 - Blog 2.4.0

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  On 2/17/2017 at 4:51 PM, MaryMatlow said:

What I meant was the categories that are displayed at the end of each post. Ideally when you click on it it should take you to the pages with the "news" and "blog" template respectively rather than the page with "category" template.  I hope I'm makes sense.


That's the expected behaviour. When you click on a category, you are taken to its page and are shown a list of all the posts that use that category, i.e. /category/my-category/. I can't remember how you set up, but if your "news" is a category, clicking on a post categorised under "news" should take you to /category/news/ with a list of all posts classified as news items. 

  On 2/18/2017 at 11:12 AM, palacios000 said:

This is very strange because it used to w


Seems something changed in your system? Some autoload module that is affecting save? I have tested and it works fine here. Does the same thing happen if you edit the post page normally? (i.e. not in the Dashboard modal).

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As you suggested I use our demo templates and alter them to my own needs. It works great. Thank you. Can you help me out with the topNav.

On the blog page with all post there is a topNav with selectable Categories. When you click on a single post, the topNav is replaced with a subNav 'See also' and 'Related categories'. Can I remove the subNav and replace it with the topNav? So I would like to always select Categories in stead of 'Related post'. 

In the template file 'blog-post' I removed the subnav. Is it possible to add the topNav(categories) on a single post?

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The method rendering those side menus is renderNav(). It takes as a second parameter an array or PageArray. In blog.post (the template file for a single post, which you wish to edit), around lines 20 - 22, you can see it takes the PageArray made up of the current post's categories (blog_categories) as follows:

if(count($page->blog_categories)) $subNav .= $blog->renderNav(__('Related Categories'), $page->blog_categories);

In the main blog page, i.e. the one that uses the template blog.php, around lines 14 - 15, we see the same function taking a different PageArray; one that is made up of ALL the categories as follows:

$categories = $pages->get('template=blog-categories');// this grabs the parent of all category pages
$subNav = $blog->renderNav($categories->title, $categories->children);// we pass its children, a PageArray made up of all categories

So, the latter code (the lines 14 - 15 in blog.php) is what you need to copy to your blog-post.php to achieve your desired result. Please note that in that demo code, there is no limit set to the number of categories that are returned. If you have lot's of categories you will want to place a limit on the children, e.g. $categories->children('limit=50');

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  On 2/18/2017 at 6:29 PM, kongondo said:

Seems something changed in your system? Some autoload module that is affecting save? I have tested and it works fine here. Does the same thing happen if you edit the post page normally? (i.e. not in the Dashboard modal).


Thanks for the quick reply! Update:

  • I can edit or add pages normally, I have role 'superuser'
  • From the dashboard I can only edit posts, I cannot add new ones.
  • I have re-installed the blog module, with same results
  • I have checked the user permissions, both on the role 'blog-author' & from the blog- templates
  • I've cleared PW cache in /assets/cache
  • probably on the live server, I was never able to add new posts from the dashborad

What else can I check? Thanks a lot for any hint

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Hello to all,

i'm new to processwire and started with an test installation (3.0.42) with multilanguage support and the blog modul. I have write a test post and if I call it at the frontend I get the following error message:

Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to MarkupBlog::renderComments() must be an instance of CommentArray, instance of ProcessWire\CommentArray given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\pwire2\site\assets\cache\FileCompiler\site\templates\blog-post.php on line 54 and defined (line 1059 of C:\xampp\htdocs\pwire2\site\assets\cache\FileCompiler\site\modules\ProcessBlog\MarkupBlog.module) 

I've searched the forum but nothing found. Would it be better to use PW 2.8.35 for a new project?

Thanks for your help!


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  On 2/20/2017 at 9:11 AM, palacios000 said:

What else can I check? Thanks a lot for any hint


Difficult to tell at this point. Could you confirm that the post (meaning the textarea, etc, inputs) are actually sent? JS errors? If it works on your local server but not the live one...that tells us there is some configuration in the live server affecting things. Other than these, I could have look if you are able to grant me temporary access.

  On 2/20/2017 at 5:34 PM, al-ex23 said:

i'm new to processwire and started with an test installation (3.0.42) with multilanguage support and the blog modul. I have write a test post and if I call it at the frontend I get the following error message:


Welcome to the forums and ProcessWire @al-ex23. I am not sure whether that's a file-compiler related problem. Does refreshing several times help? 

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Happy to announce Blog 2.4.1 is now available for testing on the dev branch. Please test and let me know that it works OK, all the way from install to uninstall and everything in between, thanks.

This version is highly refactored, brings in a new cleaner UI (at least I think so), including better sorting of posts/categories/tags, author bios, category description (not sure many know that categories have a field for entering descriptions), etc and one new (frontend) option that enables the control of the 'edit' link that appears for logged in users when viewing a Blog Post. The link can now be placed at the top, bottom or switched off altogether (@thanks to antoiba86 idea).

Here are a couple of screens. I have tested in 2.7.2, 2.8.35 and 3.0.42 and everything seems to work fine. However, further tests are needed before I commit this to master. That's where you come in, thanks.


Blog 2.4.1 - 001.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 002.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 003.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 004.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 005.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 006.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 007.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 008.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 009.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 010.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 011.png

Blog 2.4.1 - 012.png

Edited by kongondo
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Hi @kongondo, I had to reinstall the Blog module as it was giving a problem (it was completely disabled, couldn't perform any action: post, delete etc.). Anyway ,I reinstalled and everything works fine but for the comments. It is giving me this error:


Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to MarkupBlog::renderComments() must be an 
instance of CommentArray, instance of ProcessWire\CommentArray given, called 
in /xxx/html/site/templates/blog-post.php on line 53 and 
defined (line 1059 of /xxx/html/site/modules/ProcessBlog/MarkupBlog.module) 

This is the code I'm using on blog_post.php:


	$blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog");
    $blogConfigs = $modules->getModuleConfigData('ProcessBlog');
    $renderComments = $blogConfigs['commentsUse'] == 1 ? $blog->renderComments($page->blog_comments) : '';

    $options = array('post_date_text' => on, 'post_categories'=>0, 'post_comments' => 2, 
	'post_large_image' => 1, 'post_author' => 1);
    $content = $blog->renderPosts($page, false, $options) . $blog->postAuthor() .
	$renderComments . $blog->renderNextPrevPosts($page);//with post author widget
    //include the main/common markup



I'm using ProscessBlog 2.4 and Processwire 3.0.53


What could be the problem here? Thanks for your help.


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I've moved my site to a other server and getting a fatal error! Please help.

Notice: Undefined variable: class in /var/www/vhosts/website/httpdocs/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/Blog/MarkupBlog.module on line 1443

Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /var/www/vhosts/website/httpdocs/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/Blog/MarkupBlog.module on line 885

Error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found (line 885 of /var/www/vhosts/website/httpdocs/site/modules/Blog/MarkupBlog.module) 


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  On 3/6/2017 at 7:08 AM, tooth-paste said:

I've moved my site to a other server and getting a fatal error!



  On 3/6/2017 at 7:08 AM, tooth-paste said:

Error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found


Seems your new server does not have the PHP extension DOMDocument installed. Ask your host to install it for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Community,

With the module ProcessBlog I have only problems and can not install it right now. Please check this under https://processwire.wpzweinull.ch/blog-9/. There is something missing CSS or the template is not properly installed.

What can it be what has led to this problem? I installed the modules ProcessBlog scratch. Downloaded from the database of the modules, installed, selected the style and then installed the blog with categories and settings.

But something is still quite wrong.

I would be grateful for any tip very.

Thanks in advance.

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@Alex L,

Welcome to the forums.

Please note that for modules that have their own support forums, we do not start other threads but rather post in those support threads. OK, to your question. 

If you want to use Blog's demo template files and styles, it is easiest if you install ProcessWire with a 'blank profile'. What is happening is that the profile you are using (I think it's called 'site-default') is conflicting with Blog's template files. I am in a bit of a rush so cannot explain further.

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Hello @kongondo

Oh, excuse me. I did not know it. I have now installed a blank page profile and the blog as well. At https://processwire.wpzweinull.ch/blog/ it is now. Unfortunately, there is always the error message "class comment not found". So I will then install Disqus comments.

Maybe you can see it at times, what is with this error. I had the last days from the beginning. Otherwise, the blog is installed correctly.

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