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Something inserts "/processwire/" in my form label


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I have a simple front-end password update form like this:

  Reveal hidden contents

In the browser the label of the second field shows up as follows:


new \processwire\password(confirm)



I can't figure out what is changing the label, what is inserting /processwire/ and reformatting the thing. Is this something in PW? A "helpful" thing that browsers do?


The problem disappears if I simply rename the second field to 'Confirm Password'.

So my problem is solved, but I'll leave this here in case this is some kind of bug.

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Valid or not, it is not commonly used and is difficult to read. Nonetheless, it appears you are creating a new password object passing confirm as a parameter. Do you have the namespace set?

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rick, yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Leaving out quotes where they are not necessary is following the html specs by the letter and makes the html a lot cleaner and easier to read than the common quotes within double-quotes within single quotes mess - my text editor gives the classes and ids their own fun colors.

So I guess something in PW somehow interpreted 'new password (confirm)' as code that it has to do something with, instead of plain placeholder text? That bit was inside quotes btw.

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