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GraphQL for ProcessWire


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  On 9/19/2018 at 1:01 PM, dadish said:

Unfortunately I haven't had much time in optimization for this module. I'm very busy so can't promise any timelines when this will happen. The only thing you can do now is to keep your graphql schema as small as possible by unchecking all the unwanted fields and templates in the module config page.

There is supposed to be a way to cache the schema (https://github.com/youshido-php/GraphQL/pull/37) I was planning to look into it. But never had a time for it and thus is not implemented in this module yet.


Haven't looked at the inner workings of this yet, but is this something (caching) that Wire Cache could do?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/2/2018 at 1:14 PM, patricktsg said:

How would one go about limiting results in the s: selector query and also paginate?



Ok I figured that out, just pass limit=x into the s:

I'm trying to build a list of filters from checkboxes and pass them into the s: for example- below how would you pass the pf_shade value into here?

  product_single (s: "pf_shade=dark,limit=1")  {
    list {
      product_primary_thumb {


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I've figured this out after some trail and error - new to GraphQL in vue so what I did was create a const that looks at this.filters than use that in my query like this:

The important part is using ${yourvar} inside the `` enclosed query

	myQuery: function(args) {
		console.log('Build query', args);
		const PARAMS = args;
		console.log('const', PARAMS);
		var data = {
		    query: `
		      query Products {
				  product_single (s: ${PARAMS}) {
				    list {
				      product_primary_thumb {
		  return data;

	// Axios request the products
    fetchProducts: function () {
	  console.log('Get Products...');
      this.loading = true;  
	  var data = this.myQuery(this.filters);
      axios.post("http:/yourendpoint.local/graphql/", data)
      .then((response)  =>  {
        this.products = response.data.data.product_single; // dig deep to target the list data make template cleaner
        this.loading = false;
      }, (error)  =>  {
        this.loading = false;

I could probably merge this back into the one get function the reason I split it was to try and get an arg passing when I was doing the trial and error.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have httpUrl as a legal field but I get an error when trying to access this field in my page (using Vue) when not logged in




TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'item.httpUrl')



When I am logged in this error does not occur and the page rendering works fine.


Is this a bug on the legal field?

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As far as I understand, it's not the httpUrl you are having the problem with. It's the "item" in "item.httpUrl". The error "null is not an object" in JS means you're trying to access a property of a null, in this case "item". So whatever the "item" is in your query, you're getting "null" for it from your api. Then in your JS you're trying to access "httpUrl" of the "null" when you do "item.httpUrl". Hence the "null is not an object" error.


So make sure your "item" is not null when returned from the api. If the "item" is a page, make sure the user (in this case guest) has access privileges for that page.

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  On 11/1/2018 at 10:28 AM, dadish said:


As far as I understand, it's not the httpUrl you are having the problem with. It's the "item" in "item.httpUrl". The error "null is not an object" in JS means you're trying to access a property of a null, in this case "item". So whatever the "item" is in your query, you're getting "null" for it from your api. Then in your JS you're trying to access "httpUrl" of the "null" when you do "item.httpUrl". Hence the "null is not an object" error.


So make sure your "item" is not null when returned from the api. If the "item" is a page, make sure the user (in this case guest) has access privileges for that page.



I think I have the correct fields on / enabled and templates in the module settings but when not logged in I get that item.X related error in console the minute it hits the first item reference in my v-for loop, when I look at the conole where I am logging the response from the GraphQl endpoint it is not showing the data array, 


	                    <div v-for="(item,index) in products.list" :key="index">
	                        <div class="uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-small">
	                            <div class="uk-card-media-top uk-animation-toggle">
	                                <div class="uk-overflow-hidden">
	                                    <a :href="item.httpUrl">
		                                    <div v-if="item.product_primary_thumb.length">
	                                        	<img class="uk-animation-kenburns" :src="item.product_primary_thumb[0].size.httpUrl" :alt="item.title">
		                                    <div v-else>
			                                    <img class="uk-animation-kenburns" src="<?=$config->urls->templates?>/img/placeholder.jpg" :alt="item.title">
	                            <div class="uk-card-header">
	                                <h4 class="uk-card-title uk-text-small uk-text-uppercase">
	                            <div class="uk-card-body">
	                            	<i class="fas fa-info-circle pull-right mimic-link" @click="focusProduct(item)" uk-toggle="target: #quickview"></i>

If I remove the above from my code so the error does not block the rest of the load I get null returned for all the product data from the GraphQL endpoint (in a browser I'm not logged into the admin with), seems that unless logged in it's not permitting the correct response.




Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at 10.37.45.png

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	// Build the query passing in the filters
	productQuery: function(args) {
		const PARAMS = args;
		var data = {
		    query: `
		      query Products {
				  product_single (s: ${PARAMS}) {
				    list {
				      product_primary_thumb {
				        size(width: 800, height: 600) {
		  return data;

FYI: The {PARAMS} part is where I am taking in some vue object data from checkboxes, I set some default params through PHP.

I then use axios post like so


	// Axios request the products
    fetchProducts: function () {
	  console.log('Get Products...');
      this.loading = true;  
	  var data = this.productQuery(this.filters);
      axios.post("someendpoint.dev/graphql/", data)
      .then((response)  =>  {


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  On 11/1/2018 at 10:55 AM, patricktsg said:
	// Build the query passing in the filters
	productQuery: function(args) {
		const PARAMS = args;
		var data = {
		    query: `
		      query Products {
				  product_single (s: ${PARAMS}) {
				    list {
				      product_primary_thumb {
				        size(width: 800, height: 600) {
		  return data;

I was able to reproduce the similar response from your api. Seems like your guest user might not have access to one of the fields of the "product_single" page. You'll have to go to each of the "product_single" page fields that you are querying and make sure Access is enabled and the guest user has a view access to it.

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Please test your query in a Graphiql. Insert your query in the Graphiql and confirm that the "product_single.list" is an array of nulls. Now remove every field inside the list and leave "id" and confirm that the list now contains objects with single "id" property in it. If that was successful then keep adding your "product_single" fields one by one. Whenever you see that the list is an array of "null"s, it means that exact field is causing this issue.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I'm new to GraphQl, try to wrap my head around it and I couldn't find it in the docs or here in the forum. So here's my question:

Is there a way to "reverse" find and list pages which reference a page?

For example, I want to get a list of speakers with all the needed fields (name etc.) and their talks at conferences. The problem is, that I don't link the conferences on the speaker template, but reference the speakers on the conference template.

  speaker {
    list {

How can I output the conferences for every speaker, when I'm querying the speakers? Is this possible?


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  On 12/17/2018 at 4:34 PM, Torsten Baldes said:

For example, I want to get a list of speakers with all the needed fields (name etc.) and their talks at conferences. The problem is, that I don't link the conferences on the speaker template, but reference the speakers on the conference template.


AFAIK the only way to ask PW to get you conferences that has particular speakers in it, is to pass which speakers exactly you want. The selector looks like

"template=conferences, speaker=1234|1235|1236..."

So, you need get the speakers before you can query the conferences. My only solution is to query all your speakers first. Then make another query of all conferences that has those speakers in it. Query them all at once. And then, in the client when you are listing conferences for each speaker, just filter through them.

I know, it's not a great solution, but I can't think of another way. I haven't used ProccessWire in a while, so there might be some better way.

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  On 12/17/2018 at 4:34 PM, Torsten Baldes said:

Is there a way to "reverse" find and list pages which reference a page?


Have a look at the Connect Page Fields module. This will let you simultaneously add conferences to speakers when you add speakers to conferences.

You can also get pages that reference a page via the API with $page->references() since PW 3.0.107.

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  On 12/18/2018 at 7:45 AM, bernhard said:

don't know about the benefits of using graphql over direct SQL


Graphql is a query language you most often use for frontend/backend interaction or even public apis (kinda an alternative to rest). You wouldn't want to give random users direct access to sql though.

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  On 12/18/2018 at 8:55 AM, LostKobrakai said:

You wouldn't want to give random users direct access to sql though.


Sure, I'm not talking about giving public users access to SQL but executing the query directly via SQL (and not via some php code like regular $pages->find() operations do). Don't know how GraphQL works in this regard. That's what I was interested in.

Because it would also be possible to use RockFinder as some kind of service endpoint quite easily:


I guess I need to try GraphQL and hope to find some time for that soon...

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