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Admin Hot Keys


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ProcessWire2.+ Admin Hot Keys 0.0.7

This modules adds hot keys functionality to PW backend. The keys can be configured in the module settings in the admin.

I created a repo here for download and if anyone interested in picking it up.


Currently it supports

  • Save : ctrl+s
  • Add New : ctrl+n
  • View Page : ctrl+v
  • Open Pages search : alt+q (search field can be configured)
  • Open Templates search : ctrl+shift+t
  • Open Fields search : ctrl+shift+f
  • Goto Pages : ctrl+shift+p
  • Goto Setup : ctrl+shift+s
  • Goto Modules : ctrl+shift+m
  • Goto Access : ctrl+shift+a

Note: If you're inside a text input it will ignore the hot keys, as to avoid problems with already defined key.

Tip: If you open up templates or fields autocomplete search `ctrl+shift+f|t` press `shift+tab` to focus on the link in the label previous to the search input box. Now hit enter to get right to the template or field screen. (If using FF make sure to enable tab focus for all elements in MacOSX: http://support.mozil...enus or buttons)

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Your welcome. Thanks.

Little update after playing around a little.

  • changed to use save hot key for all edit screens to save not only page.
  • added "Add new" hot key support for Template, Fields, Users, anything that has a "Add new" button.

Have fun.

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Added several new actions.

Added shortcuts to admin main pages.

The most fun is to open a autcomplete search to find and edit templates or fields. Now you can wherever you are press "ctrl+shift+t" or "ctrl+shift+f" and get something like this:


Once open you can type and select, hit enter and directly go to edit screen.

Enter a char and hit backspace to show all.

Have fun.

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Thanks all!

Little update for 0.0.6

- added View Page to the list "ctrl+v".

- Also, I was thinking about adding a shortcut to the Template and Field pages.

I figured simplest is to add a link in the label in front of the searchfield. If you open the dialog, you can now simply press "shift+tab" to focus on that link and hit enter.

Edit: lol, just figured that "shift+tab" doesn't seem to work in FF. Back to the drawingboard :D¨

Edit2: Ok this seem related to OS setting in MacOSX. If in FF make sure this in enabled http://support.mozil...enus or buttons

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  On 7/19/2012 at 9:18 AM, Pete said:

Soma - CTRL+V is paste on a windows PC so not sure whether there are any issues there? Just a thought.

Yeah I know, you can change it in the settings. I also thought the same but couldn't decide what would be best.

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I don't know whether you could work around it by checking if an input field or textures is selected before deciding on the action? If a field is selected it would make sense to leave it as paste, else view page in a new window maybe.

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Ok lol funny, it seems the hotkey jquery plugin already is ignoring commands if inside text inputs! So this already is solved this way. I thought it would be unnecessary to implement and I'm not sure it really is the best solution, but will help avoid problems in first place (as it also stated in Resigs plugin) . It would be nice to not needing to leave input focus to be able to save or do other actions while typing. But guess not really an issue.

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Hello, just commited a new update.

  • Added new action to search for Pages using PW internal ajax search "alt+q". You can even select template to filter.
  • Added setting to change the fields used in page search. Default "title body". Search uses %= (SQL like)
  • Changed dialogs to position fixed so they appear right where you are and page doesn't jump
  • Added check so it doesn't get initialized on login screen



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Great update Soma! I'm really liking the new ajax page search. Only thing I wanted to mention though was the default key assigned to this ALT+Q can't be assigned in OS X because it's the application Quit command. I did it, and it immediately quit the browser, closed all windows, etc. I changed it to CTRL+Q, which seems to work well, but am thinking you chose alt+q because ctrl+q has the same problem on windows? Maybe there is some other default for this that would be safe across platforms? Maybe something like CTRL+. or CTRL+[ or CTRL+-

I love everything about this module, except that I'm confused by the templates/fields search. Probably because I'm just accustomed to clicking, rather than typing template/field names in the admin. In most sites, the quantities here are small enough to make the search seem overkill. So if there were a most wished for feature on my part, it would be that either: 1) it showed a list of templates/fields rather than a search box. Or; 2) that the field/template search boxes showed all of the fields/templates (that you could click to edit) and then filtered (rather than created) in the list as you type.

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Oddly in Windows it's Alt+F4 to quit an application, so Alt+Q probably starts your car by that logic ;)

Not saying Macs make any more sense mind, requiring a key with a fruit on when they ran out of letters and numbers that by all rights should produce an apple when pressed. :P

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Thanks Ryan for the suggestions. I'm not sure what u mean by this is quit application. On my mac command q is quit alt q is a special char. I sent you from my phone so keeping it short.

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I'm actually using a 1987 IBM Model-M keyboard with my Mac, so I have an ALT key rather than an Command (Apple) key. But unless I'm mistaken, ALT and Command (Apple) are just platform specific names for the same thing. Macs also have something called the Option key, which I don't think has an equivalent on the PC. In my case, I just have Option mapped to my caps-lock key since I'm using an elderly PC keyboard. Regardless, I think that anyone on a Mac that uses this module would find the default search command (ALT-Q) causes their browser to quit. :) Though given that my setup isn't conventional Mac, it might be good for someone else on OS X to confirm.

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The Alt key (also called the Option key) on Macs is normally used for special characters and adding umlauts and accents on letters. The default command for quit is CMD + Q. For me, the Alt + Q is not used for anything important (well it creates this nice character - œ )

Great module soma - very useful.

Did you think of a way around the issue with it not working when the field is in focus? I’d really like to be able to edit a field and then Ctrl + S to save - at present there is no way to quickly get out of the field so the shortcuts will work, without using the mouse. Maybe if you could press escape to exit the field and then use the shortcut? Or could you bind the plugin to all input fields? I am guessing you might also have some issues with Tinymce which has its own keyboard shortcuts. Probably not a simple solution to this one.

I like the search overlays, it’s like a quick launcher - pressing Escape to close the overlay dialog would be useful.

If you are looking for inspiration for more shortcuts I always thought the Gmail ones were very good


A way to navigate the tree would be great (although the “quick launcher” way is probably much better). Or a way to open next and previous items in the tree.

And a help overlay mapped to ? which shows current shortcuts would be useful during the Shortcut learning phase (and for clients)

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