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Tracy Debugger


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Hey @Zeka - I have a fix for you, although I think you'll have to do it in your module - I haven't figured out how to do it from the Tracy side yet.

Add this to the top of your TemplateFile::render hook:

    if(strpos($event->object->filename, 'TracyDebugger') !== false) return;

I haven't had a good look (too busy atm), but if someone else has an idea on how Tracy could remove/cancel a TemplateFile::render hook when running code via Console/Snippet Runner I'd be happy to do it from Tracy's side instead.

PS - here's another possible option instead of the above:

    if(str_replace('site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/', '', $event->object->filename) !== $this->wire('page')->template->filename) return;

This will ignore your hook if the template file from the hook event is different to the template file for the current page. I am not sure about this in your situation, but if it works it's obviously more flexible than just blocking Tracy template files.

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Quite a noob question about WireExceptions. 

Have two exceptions ( output of PW logs) :

exceptions 2018‑03‑02 15:34:22 | admin | http://test.local:4000/shop/Method | TemplaterLayout::render does not exist or is not callable in this context (in D:\laragon\www\test\app\wire\core\Wire.php line 519) 

modules | 2018‑03‑02 15:31:10 | admin |http://test.local:4000/shop/ | Failed to ready module: Templater - Method TemplaterLayout::setTemplateFile does not exist or is not callable in this context

The first one generates full report like


The second one is only visible in PW logs panel without full report.

Why are they handled in different ways? 



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Hi @Zeka

I am not totally sure about why, but from what I can tell errors that show up in PW logs, but are not picked up by Tracy because the error is triggered in PW before Tracy is loaded. I have asked @ryan about adding a special method to allow loading Tracy earlier - he initially sounded supportive, but he hasn't gotten back to me since my follow up request. I think it's  only ever a problem when doing something in init() so it doesn't happen that often.

How did you go with those snippets to fix the Console panel problem?

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  On 3/3/2018 at 2:17 PM, Zeka said:

Do you have a future request on git, so I can support it? 


No - it was a PM that I sent to Ryan - I didn't want to bug him about it publicly. I just tried to add you to the PM, but it said you couldn't be added - not sure, I haven't used that feature before.

Thanks for the module link - I'll take a look.

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  On 3/7/2018 at 9:59 PM, Robin S said:

Hi @adrian, just wondering if Tracy should create the "tracy-debugger" permission on install to save the user creating it manually? 


Only reason I didn't do this for Tracy is that I doubt many people use this option - just figured it was one extra permission to clog up the list that perhaps only a very small percentage of users will actually apply to a role in their system.

Does that seem fair enough? Or are lots of you actually using to to give Tracy access to non-superusers? If so, I can add to the install routine.

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  On 3/7/2018 at 10:08 PM, adrian said:

Does that seem fair enough? Or are lots of you actually using to to give Tracy access to non-superusers?


Yes, that's fair enough. I don't give anyone but myself access to Tracy, but need it sometimes when testing from non-superuser roles on a live server. But not all that regularly, and it doesn't take long to create the permission manually.

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Hi @adrian,

I just installed the MarkupLoadRSS module and all kinds of stuff started happening with Tracy. :D

First, I noticed that I can't place the mouse in the snippet name field. As soon as you click in the text box the cursor is immediately placed back in the console window. This is fresh PW.94 localhost install and Tracy.25 is the only other module installed.

Second, I now get the following:

Exception: Objects returned by MarkupLoadRSS::getIterator() must be traversable or implement interface Iterator in /var/www/tgp/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/panels/RequestInfoPanel.php:181
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/tgp/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/tracy-master/src/Tracy/Bar.php(159): RequestInfoPanel->getPanel()

Lastly, I cannot scroll the results pane horizontally. There is no scroll bar.

I have uninstalled the rss module, shutdown pw, and restarted... the behavior is consistent. So I am not sure whether this was present before I installed the rss module.

I am not sure if this is related, but on another localhost development site (never had rss module installed), I upgraded Tracy from .23 to .25 and got this error:

Failed to init module: TracyDebugger - Tracy\Debugger::dispatch() called after some output has been sent. Output started at /.../wire/core/FileCompiler.php:980

And the behavior is identical as seen with the other localhost site.


Edit: Additional Info...

I am not able to select any text from within the results pane. It behaves as if some selection is already in progress. When attempting to make a selection, either by mouse or keyboard, the selection starts at the very beginning of the results pane content and selects wherever the mouse or keyboard control was initiated. I have seen something like this before quite a while back. If I remember correctly it was a JS issue. I do not remember how it was resolved.

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Hey @rick - sorry you've hard a bad run with Tracy here.

1) I believe the issue with MarkupRSSLoad to be a bug in that module. Replace this line:



    protected $items = array();

and this function:



    public function getIterator() {
        return new ArrayObject($this->items);

If that works and you find the module still works as expected, perhaps you could post an issue for Ryan on that module's github page.


2) As for the snippet name field in the Console panel - that is fixed in the latest version just committed.

3) I am getting a horizontal scrollbar in the Console panel here. Maybe there is some specific I am not doing to reproduce - can you provide more details?



4) I have seen the "Failed to init module: TracyDebugger - Tracy\Debugger::dispatch()" error a few times - it can happen when some error is output to the browser before Tracy is called. I am keeping my eye on this to see if it's something that can be fixed, but not sure it can. Let me know if you continue to see it on a regular basis and if something specific triggers it.


5) I can select text from the results pane, but maybe I just fixed that at the same time I fixed the snippet name focus issue. Let me know if you still have problems with this.


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Hi @adrian,

I haven't had a bad run with Tracy at all. On the contrary, I nominate Tracy for module of the year. And you have done an excellent job of maintaining this indispensable tool.

I've made the changes to the rss module. I don't see anything crop up yet. Thanks for those.

Upgraded to Tracy.26 on both local installs and all is functioning well.

I appreciate your time and help!

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A couple of tweaks today.

1) The "Template Info" section in Request Info panel now properly shows the data for the template being edited when you are editing the settings for a template in the admin.

2) The User Switcher now has an option to limit the list of available users by restricted roles. I had a site where I was using the Users system to store details for frontend members so the list was ridiculously long. Now I can exclude that member role to keep the list concise and easy to use.

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  On 3/14/2018 at 1:10 AM, Gideon So said:

@adrian How can I debug a module?? I get bd() is undefined error.




Most of the time you can debug modules just fine - it all depends on the load order of things. I have asked Ryan via PM if he'd consider a special hook so that Tracy can be loaded earlier so that it's always available for all modules.

Perhaps we need a Github feature request for this?

Maybe it should come from someone other than me?

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  On 3/14/2018 at 3:32 PM, Gideon So said:

@adrian Here you are. Please take a look. I am not sure I put it well enough.



Thanks for that - I have commented on your request and also provided a very simple hack this get it working right now by including the tracy core file in the index.php at the root of your site. It seems to work brilliantly - great for debugging PW core files even.

Would be great if others could add their +1 to this please!

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Is there an easy way to enable/disable Tracy debugger via API? As I am still on my way to create test with PHPUnit it would be awesome if there's an easy way (ideally via config.php) to disable tracy if it's called from the phpunit testing scripts.


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Hi @adrian,

I'm seeing an issue in the Console panel where the indentation (tabs) of saved snippets gets lost when the page is reloaded. In the screen capture below I save the snippet with the correct indentation and I can load that snippet again okay until I reload the page. After that the snippet doesn't load with the correct indentation.


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