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  1. I have pages with normal PW fields and a Google Map Marker field. I need to allow users to login in the front-end (custom login form) and update a page that is linked to the user's profile. Is it recommended or possible to embed the form for a PW page into the front-end? Should I add a user-field to the pages to define which users are allowed to edit it or is there some better way? All best-practices advise is appreciated!
  2. I have a processwire dev site, running 2.4.8, and I can no longer access users...When i go to access users, i get this error, and no users displayed: Unknown Selector operator: '' -- was your selector value properly escaped? with debug turned on TemplateFile: Unknown Selector operator: '' -- was your selector value properly escaped? field='roles', value='', selector: 'roles' (and another ~70 rows of errors..) Spent a few hours looking at the database and comparing it with another PW database to see if there is something amiss, but can't seem to track down this problem; the problem may have started after attempting to import some pages with page migrator- i'm thinking that something setting or part of the database got corrupted...? TIA
  3. Hi! I was looking into learning to code a module for PW. I must admit I'm not very savvy with PHP, but somehow I can get some things done I was thinking about doing something simple, but something I would need for my projects. I came up with the idea of a Like button that would let any registered user to like a page. Maybe the module can have some configuration options, like the user roles allowed and which templates should get this functionality. I've made some quick evaluation of how easy/difficult this would be, and maybe it's too big of a task for me right now. Either way I wanted to share it with all of you. This is more or less the functionality I've laid out: A Likes.module with the main function "like($page)". A code for the button to place it where ever on the page template to trigger the like. A way to trigger this function via a jQuery call > This I have no idea how to accomplish. A configuration section for the plugin: Templates allowed and user roles allowed (maybe later...) An admin section inside Setup with a table that displays all liked pages. I've been struggling with how to accomplish this since I want to attach a "like" to a page but I don't want this to be a field displayed in the editor, since this is more like a metadata attached to the page, but not editable by the admin. I guess this is possible, right? Maybe someone can send me into the right direction. BTW, isn't this similar to the Recommend button down at the modules section of PW?
  4. I'm signed-in as admin with guest, superuser roles, but cannot edit any content within Body or Sidebar. This is despite the Access page apparently showing I have permission to do all this. I'm really keen to get started with PW, but this is extremely frustrating.
  5. Is it possible to block another user from logging in when someone else is logged in already? The reason I am asking this: I'm setting up a test site for prospective clients. I have arranged it so the site gets set back to the original state every time someone logs in (DB gets restored from a backup copy). If someone else tries to log in at the same time though, things get messed up and have to reset things manually. So I would like to make it impossible to log in if someone else is logged in already and show a message to that effect. My problem is I haven't figured out how to detect if another user is logged in before logging in. (I am using the PageEditSoftLock module, but for this it is not the right thing, even with the hard lock turned on. I need to keep other users from logging in, not just from editing pages.)
  6. Hi, I'm working on creating a user driven ratings system where: A user can rate an item only once There is only one item on one page The user needs to login before rating The user can update /change his rating For doing this, I am planning to create a new page for every rating which will save the item, user and rating. However, if I have 10,000 items and 10,000 users and assuming everyone rates, there will be 100 Million pages created. Is this the best way to approach this, or is there a better way? Note: I am not using repeaters since they are not infinitely scalable.
  7. Hello, I am starting to build a project for a client that wants a customer portal. I have begun playing around with the FrontEndUserProfile module and all is working. My question is essentially wrapping my head around exactly how to setup my "tables/fields" so that I can have a many to one relationship. (most of my experience is with MSSQL and asp.net) Basically I need to create a table that holds donation amounts for users. Each user can have multiple donation amounts. And I want to be able to call "Select * donations where $user->id == $donationId orderby dateAsc" (I know that this context is off but I hope you get the idea) I am still wrapping my head around exactly how PW makes these api calls and how the fieldtypes work, and I am probably making this harder than it has to be because it seems that PW has an easy answer for nearly everything. Can someone point me in the right direction on how best to accomplish this with PWire? Thanks!
  8. I want my site to have front end users able to register. Question: How should I handle registration information that is unvalidated? My idea was to make a sub group of pages called unvalidated users, and once they validate move them to validated users. Or I could name them unvalidated_username, and then rename it Or I could have a field checkbox for validatation. I guess in each of these scenarios, there would need to be some cleanup work... if a user stays unvalidated for x many weeks, delete the page? How would you do this. I expect to have thousands of front end users so I don't want to do anything manually. And yes, this is my first time building a custom dynamic website of any sort, so I have no prior experience with handling unvalidated users. Many thanks, aloha.
  9. Hi, I've created a frontend login form and redirect to a site where I want to offer some PDFs for registered users. I uploaded the files to a fields called pdf_files und looped through them to show them on the site. No Problem so far, BUT: The direct URLs to the PDFs are public reachable. Is there a way to solve this problem? Many, greets, DV-JF alias, Jens.
  10. Hi all, given that "customfield" is unique without spaces and 64 characters long, this returns a null page: $myuser = $users->get("customfield=eebc849774d363186b6ebc4e3bc86a03be2a03b6d4411a4a91b3a70faa4a39b2"); The page/user still exists with that equation ("customfield" is set to "Text" and added to the Users-Template, in Admin the user is shown with the right "customfield". Is there a maximum parameter size for a selector? Regards, Thomas
  11. Hi there I'm developing a PW site in conjunction with someone else who is offsite they are using their own local machine then I'm copying stuff over onto our main dev server via SFTP and phpmyadmin (ie I'm dumping a new copy of the site folder each time and then dropping all tables and importing new ones from his DB export) one issue I have run into this way - we have different login credentials setup and these keep getting nuked each time we do this is there anyway to maintain the current user credentials and still update the DB and site files? I can't even find where PW is storing user credentials (especially for the superuser) which would be a start
  12. Hello, Not long ago I asked about the ability of using ProcessWire to run the national website of a political party. (See http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2529-replacing-nation-builder-with-processwire-for-justice-party-political-party/) I now have an additional question related to member/user/staff permission. Our staff will need permissions based on two factors: 1) Location 2) Role in party Most CMS have group permissions so I could do (1) or (2) but not both. Let me give an example. Location will be based on each state. So we need 50 (51) of them. Role in the party will be something like... 1) Supporter 2) Member 3) Town Staff 4) District Staff 5) State Staff 6) Regional Staff 7) National Staff I might want to break it down further but that is the jist. In ProcessWire Admin section, we want the ability for staff to be able to do the normal CRUD functions on people that register. We will also create custom reports. For example reports that list users by street name. Reports that print out all users telephone numbers. For location, we want to limit a staff's access to only registered users that are in their own town, state, region AND below. So, if I am town staff of Norwich, CT and login. The only users I would see in ProcessWire would be users from Norwich, CT. If I were the district manager, I would see everyone in Norwich as well as all users from within my district. If I were state staff, I would see everyone in my state. And so on. For the above, I would just limit reports based on group level (staff level)? How about the location? Anyhow, I just need to know if I will be able to limit access and displaying or reports, etc in the backend of ProcessWire as I am thinking. I'm a bad PHP coder (former EE users) so I am worried this might overwhelm me. lol Thanks! Carlos
  13. Hi all, I am creating a site that will have multiple users in ProcessWire and I want to be able to limit the ability to edit pages so users can only edit the pages that they themselves created. I noticed the default functionality allows you to assign roles yet anyone with this role appears to be able to edit whatever pages and templates have access to that role. Thank you for your help!
  14. Hi all, I would like to redirect the session after successful login for a specific role. I want to keep a specific role in the front-end most of the time and upon successful login, would like to redirect them to the front page instead of the Pages section in the back-end. How would you suggest hooking into the login function and redirecting that role upon successful login? I know I'll need to use $session->redirect(). Thanks!
  15. I was wondering why that is and how I would alternatively show the user name on the frontend on a "created by"- or "modified by"-notice without showing only the db-key-like $user->name. I know I could create a custom user template and manually connect it somehow with the user name, but perhaps there is something I am missing.
  16. As a check for my form, I'm looking to do an 'in_array' check for the username input but I can't seem to output all usernames into an array. I'm sure I'm missing something really stupid but can't seem to get the desired result!
  17. Hi, folks! We're working on our first big website project using ProcessWire. We're no longer in "fiddle and play with PW" mode. We're committed. My question: The site will have a directory of organization members, each needing a login/pw and a profile page. We're planning to use the existing Users/Roles model of ProcessWire, but we need to generate several thousand users from a pre-existing text file. Now, I won't have a problem writing a plain PHP script to parse the text file and interacting with the database. BUT i could use some help understanding how the user details and fields are laid out in PW's default install. I'm discovering, as many of you already know well, that even users are just pages. This, however, makes it a bit less than obvious how one might generate users programmatically on the fly. I would welcome any input or guidance you might have in helping me know *where* to insert *what* into the DB schema. I'd also welcome any anecdotal experiences you may have had doing something like this yourself. Caveats?
  18. Hi, I'd like to create a permission that allows users of a certain role to create users of another role -- in this case, the business owners ('editor' role) to create users with a 'vendor' role. What's the best way to achieve this, without making them a superuser? Too complicated, easy? Thanks! -evan
  19. Lately I’ve been building a little script for a local journalist who manages a open Google Docs spreadsheet where Swiss journalists can enter there social media data like Twitter names etc. The script updates a Twitter list with the collected Twitter names in the spreadsheet, means it gets the document feed through Google Docs API and updates the list through Twitter API. Long story short I’ve been dealing with the oauth authentication mechanism. I started thinking about creating a module for PW to connect user accounts with oauth providers like Twitter. Could be helpful in more community focussed projects.
  20. I need to create an admin area where the admin processwire can enter data (create several new account username and password) in the mysql database. Once he has created access data, it can associate the access to different pages that are created by the admin panel for example admin create user: creative pass: madolo user log as user: creative pass: madolo and can display www.sitename.com/page1 that other users can't show... admin create user: pomodoro pass: rosso user log as user: pomodoro pass: rosso and can display www.sitename.com/page77 that other users can't show... and so on ... As you suggested me to do?
  21. Hi all, Does anyone know of a way to create a Role that can be given access to the Trash? In normal circumstances, I agree with Ryan's decision to allow it only to Superusers, however I'm using PW as a the admin for a contest app on Facebook, and I need the company we have handling moderation of the submissions to be able to access the Trash. Any ideas welcome! Thanks.
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