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  1. Hi. I've been trying to tackle this problem all day. I have my image upload script working well. On computers, I can upload just fine and have the images resized. But when I try to upload from my phone using the camera, I see the file get uploaded to the server, but then when it comes to the resizing portion, it completely fails. No errors to trace. At first I thought it was iPhone related, but reproduced it on my Android phone. It seems to happen with camera taken images (even DSLR). I can create a photoshop image that is a larger image size, and that works. I'm able to call the image itself it and it displays the original image data, the original file is on the server, the code is pretty basic. I first try getting the URL of the first (and only) image: Start $user->avatar->first->url End Result: Start /site/assets/files/1525/profile.jpeg End BUT when I do this: Start $user->avatar->first->size(100,100)->url End I send up with: Start It simply dies with no error to trace back. Even when I have debug turned on, nothing. For the life of me, I can't seem to pinpoint the issue. Has anyone else come across this?
  2. Hi community, i'am not a pro in module creation and i need someone, who build it better. What my stuff at this time does: there is a page "Standard". This Page can upload into OR select Images from "Image Library". The pages inside "Image Library" are simple pages with a imageField (single) inside. The page "Standard" looks like this: "Select existing Images" ist a pageField. The Inputfield is a AutocompleteField with preview oh the selected pages (from "Image Library"). "Image (add if not exists)" is a imageField (multiple) this two fields togehter and some hooks are the core of my project. select a image form the list, or upload a new one. The Module has to parts: The new Autocomplete Inputfield for FieldtypePage and a processing for the imagefield via hooks. Lets start with the ImageField: Upload a Image(s) like everytime in Processwire. After hit "Save": a "Page:saved" hook is checking if the image is already in the Library is checking the basename. if basename already exists, the code compares the two images by pixelanalysis(!) if in Library already: then add the existing Page with this image to the PageField field if not: create a new page with template "Image", add the image there, and add the new page to PageField after all: remove the image from this page (because we linked the image via a page) The pageField is a clone of the existing InputfieldPageAutocomplete, but i extended that with little new function: display images in ___rendeListItem() and the javascript-version after AJAX loading. In my module, you can use as a new label specific string img:{a_image_field.url}:img. This pageField automatically controls the imageField. The selected Parent and Template is the path for new Pages and there Templates. I'am testing a lot with this new components. Works fine. I Like this solution for pages where many images are allways the same (like a product-catalog). Download the zip and have a look. Installation Follow this steps: Install module "InputfieldPageAutocomplete2" install module "ImageUploadOrSelect" create a Template "Image" now we need a unique name for three fields. For example: "loremipsum". create a field of type image, call it "imageuploadorselect_imagetarget_loremipsum". this field is single image field. no array output! add the field "imageuploadorselect_imagetarget_loremipsum" to template "Image". create a field of type image, call it "imageuploadorselect_imagestemporary_loremipsum". this field is multiple. array output! add this field to a template you decide. For example "basic-page". create a new field of type Page, call it "imageuploadorselect_pages_loremipsum". set up this field like in the image above. Parent: a page you decide (where pages with template "Image" will be created) Template: Image Labelfield: custom Custom page label format: {title} img:{imageuploadorselect_imagetarget_loremipsum.url}:img Inputfieldtype: "PageAutocomplete2". add this field to template from step 8, where the imageField also is. I would be very happy if someone could help. How i sad before, i'am not the pro. I looking for somebody who could help me to merge this stuff in one module to share it in the community. I commented all the things in the files. There are a lot of detailed information. Have nice weekend! modules.zip
  3. Hi, i don't understand why this problem only appears when im trying to edit the root page (home). All subpages are working. I made a video of the problem: Video My boss made an update yesterday from php version 5.3.29 to 5.6.17-1~he.2 (At the moment i am not able to downgrade the version) Maybe this is the reason? My Processwire Version: 2.7.2 MySQL-Version (PHPMYADMIN) MySQL-Version (phpinfo();)
  4. I am trying to use `showif` on a field accompanying an image field. It's supposed to only be present if an image was uploaded. So far, so easy. `image.count>0` does the trick. But when I open the page for editing, the field stays closed, even though an image was uploaded before. What am I missing? Thanks, thomas
  5. I have a repeater that consists of an image, url, and a checkbox. When I add an image, the image itself is saved, but when I enter text in the description area and click Save, the description field blanks out. I'm using processwire 2.7.2.
  6. Hello! We are currently using ProcessWire 2.7.2 for one of our sites and we're having a bit of a problem with an Image field. The field is configured to display images using the "Rows" view, display thumbnails in page editor and it has a maximum of 1 allowed file. However, when the field is rendered within a Repeater item, it defaults to the "Grid" view, completely ignoring that I had selected the "Rows" view while configuring the field. I feel that this is bad UX for the user, because if he/she wants to use the little trash can icon to delete the uploaded image, the user *needs* to know that he/she has to click the View Toggle icon first, in order to get to the "Rows" view. I want "Rows" view to be the default, so the user immediately sees the trash can icon once an image is uploaded. What do you think?
  7. Hi, I really like this module. I was wondering if it is possible to add featured image field to blog posts? I'm sure it is possible but don't know in which template file should I add new image field so it is available in all posts as featured image right after title of post. Thanks.
  8. Hi, We've recently moved hosting from a shared server to a VPS and for some reason now when I try to import an image the progress bar reaches 100% but the image doesn't appear and doesn't get added to the page (see attached image). The image field itself is part of the blog-post template in the ProcessBlog module, but it seems to be a fairly standard image field. It used to work fine on the shared hosting, so my guess is that there may be a missing PHP module in the VPS setup that's prohibiting the image from importing fully. Does anyone have any idea what's causing the problem and any possible cure? Thanks in advance, Tony.
  9. Hi folks, I have a production site which has been fine for the first few months but the client is now experiencing an issue with uploading further images to a repeater field. I've replicated the problem myself and get the same result. They have uploaded the first 9 items but can't upload the 10th and beyond. The repeater field uses an image uploader then two text fields for each item to form an image gallery. We have 9 items uploaded with no problem but when we try and a 10th (and 11th etc.) the image gets uploaded OK on editing but when we go to save the page (and the admin page refreshes) the the image is gone leaving just the text fields populated and the text 'No file chosen' next to the image upload button. One thing I have noticed when looking at the site/assets/files directory folder is the last image that loaded OK is at ID 1091 and there are already folders at IDs 1092, 1093 etc. I'm not sure how PW issues new IDs but I thought it might be related. I've used repeaters for these things before (up to 43 items on one site...) but I'm foxed by it here. Host: Fasthosts Ignite PW: 2.7.2 Can anyone give me guidance or has anyone seen this on their own sites? Thanks!
  10. Hi, ProcessWire is great and I love it. Thanx to Ryan and all the other developers. Nevertheless, I have a question and need help. In Wordpress (I am absolutly not a fan of WP) when ever you insert an image into an article or define an image as the articles image you will be diverted to the media page. There, you can select an image an insert it either as article image or directly into the article. In ProcessWire it is also possible to create a template and a page and collect all images in this page. In other pages you can select the images from this page. So you can insert images from this page directly into the text on any page. This is fine. But it is not possible to insert images from the "image page" into an image-field on any page or make reference to them. That means whenever you want use a defined image you have to upload it. On each page which uses this same image. This is really not the best way. Because in my case I must use a special image in several pages and I don't want to upload it on each page. Is there any other solution? Thanx for your answers Kekko
  11. Running PW 2.7.2 I've built several sites using PW. One question that I have is is there a module, or planned upgrade in the core to refuse (fix) uploaded images that don't meet the Min width or Min height? In the description PW says "Optionally enter the minimum width and/or height .. images that don't meet these minimums will be refused." (the field /image upload is required) example: Currently, if I set Max width to 320, Max height to 260 and leave "refuse images exceeding max dimensions?" unchecked. This is fine, if they upload a 1024x768, I'll let PW scale/crop it down to 320x260. In the next section I set Min width/height for uploaded images to 320x260. however, when a user uploads a 800x200 image, for example, PW won't refuse it. PW will just scale the image to 320x200 (for example)...when the minimum is set to 320x260. Something, with the settings enabled above, just seems to be off. Maybe PW (in the PHP core) is not checking the dimensions of the dimensions after the user uploads it and PW scales/crops it?
  12. Hi, I am new to using Processwire. How do you insert a single image into a page. I tried using this <img src="<?php $config->path->templates?>images/b1.jpeg"> or <img src="assets/images/b1.jpeg"> nothing display on the page. I am not understanding something. Can someone help please. Thank you
  13. Hey there, I am thinking about using processwire for an art event, where people can register themselves and upload images. these images shall then be shown in an gallery and voted for. is processwire a good selection for this task? especially the user registration and image upload process? maybe with the front end editing off 3.0? Thanks for any comments and suggestions Joerg
  14. I have a content field (CKeditor) where I want the editor to be able to insert galleries with photo's anywhere in the content. Like the image insert functionality already present but with the option to add multiple images and have them transform into a gallery using Javascript. The javascript is not an issue but I'm not sure how to get the images nicely in the CKeditor field. I kind of like the solution Wordpress has for galleries... Any module like that available for Processwire?
  15. Hey, I was wondering if there is an alternative to the default Processwire ImageSizer. Although it comes in really, really handy (I have actually never used any Content Management Framework that comes with a default Resize module) I am not quite content when it comes to resizing large images. Check this image: http://imgur.com/KNS9VWB You can clearly see a difference in sharpness of both images, after resizing the image comes out a bit blurry (Yes, quality is on 100). Has anybody else encountered this? If so, is there any good alternative (in form of a Module). Much love to anyone that's willing to help <3
  16. Hey all, I have an image and text field in a repeater. When I iterate over repeater using foreach loop, image is not returned (null is returned instead), but text field is. Some (I guess) useful information: I am using ProcessWire 3.0.17 Image field supports svg format (jpg in not returned either) Image filed is limited to one file and is without description Image field's format is set as 'single or null', but array with field->first or field->eq(0) also doesn't work Images are uploaded to server I used the same approach foreach($page->repeater as $item) $item->image->url a dozen time before in older versions, so I wonder if something maybe changed in v3? I ran out of ideas what could be wrong and what I need to change, so I hope you'll be able to help me Thanks! Žiga PS. I also noticed that I cannot add description to .svg images. Is there a special reason for this?
  17. Fieldtypecropimage has been used extensively for years by us. This is essential when trying to control the aspect ratio of an image in a responsive environment. A good example of this is a slideshow, where you can allow the client to upload a 4:3 image and it display a letterbox shaped crop on the front-end. However, neither FieldtypeCropimage or Croppableimage modules are working on PW 3.0.17 You can browse your computer for images but they just do not load. Any ideas as I am stuck. If there is no solution, can anyone help me downgrade my PW installation to 2.7 ?
  18. Hi, i'm quite new to processwire and have been getting on very well with it. I've noticed an issue when I upload an (exported from Photoshop) PNG with alpha via the image field. The original file was only 34kb, but after uploading its now 138kb? Can anyone help me figure out whats going on? I've searched Google and the forums, but could not find an answer. This doesn't seem to happen with JPEGS. Thanks in advance!
  19. The current use of relative urls (in my opinion) is great. However, I have a project that requires image paths to be absolute (using the source code module so the code can be dropped in different pages outside of processwire), ie: http://example.com/files/1024/fileName.jpg . Is this possible to do in processwire? I had searched around but couldn't find anything regarding the topic. Sorry, I forgot to post this. I am currently calling images like so: <?php echo $page->headerImg->url; ?> which produces: <img src="/testing/site/assets/files/1035/header.jpg" >
  20. Hi folks, I have a responsive portfolio page with lots of image variations (srcset). Some of the resized images would benefit from less compression (depends on the project though), the rest would be fine with the compression level defined in the template. Is there a smart way to override the image quality set in a template? Maybe even a way to make it user selectable? I suppose this could work with repeater fields? Can't wrap my head arround this! Cheers! Phil
  21. Hey, I'm currently working on a script that automates the import of certain Facebook posts. The script basically requests all the Facebook posts (combined with Images). It loops through all the posts and stores these within Processwire. I did this because I experience the Facebook API as very slow. I will run a Cronjob on this "hidden page" that imports the posts every 10-15 minutes. These posts are then loaded directly from Processwire so the API doesn't affect the loading speed of the page. I experience a minor issue that keeps me from importing all posts correctly. Some images (from the Facebook API) are given through some kind of "safe-image url" - like this: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=xxxxx&url=https://www.facebook.com/ads/image/?d=xxxxx Regular images (in comparison to this one) are given like this: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/xxxxxx.jpg?oh=xxxxxx&oe=xxxxx Processwire has no problems with storing the images with the url as stated above this line. The "safe-images" however are causing some problems as I experience the following error: Error: Exception: Unable to copy: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=xxxx&url=https://www.facebook.com/ads/image/?d=xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx=> C:/wamp/www/abelle/site/assets/files/1335/d_aqksuwuaixz-djme44retrvs0th_wzpccib0ojqqb9lknelwusfkjvchyncx0pywb4q8k6iac9rf25kolvgy7nczw96myatyf8u6ap4gi2_cvdj-escwqhmb8dgb.com_ads_image__d_aqksuwuaixz_djme44retrvs0th_wzpccib0ojqqb9lknelwusfkjvchyncx0pywb4q8k6iac9rf25kolvgy7nczw96myatyf8u6ap4gi2_cvdj_escwqhmb8dgbafl1ikir_cs1gmmxhwwwfo_nlxez (in C:\wamp\www\abelle\wire\core\Pagefile.php line 117) I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this same problem before. I am using the following little script to store the image within the back-end of my project. foreach ($array["posts"] as $post): // Get the specific id $id = $post["id"]; // See if there is any pages with the ID yet $spider = $pages->find("title=$id"); if ($spider->count() != 1): // Set the counter echo "<li>$i: New record found</li>"; // Set all the information $new = new Page(); $new->template = "news"; $new->parent = $parent; $new->save(); // Parse the variables, check valid if needed $new->title = $post["id"]; $new->post_id = $post["id"]; // Check for these if (!empty($post["message"])): $new->post_message = $post["message"]; endif; // Check for these if (!empty($post["story"])): $new->post_title = $post["story"]; else: $new->post_title = $post["id"]; endif; // Declare the time $new->post_date = date_format($post["created_time"], "d-m-Y H:i:s"); // Check for these if (!empty($post["message"])): $new->post_message = $post["message"]; endif; // Check for these if (!empty($post["full_picture"])): // Grab the url $url = rawurldecode($post["full_picture"]); // Parse it to the backend $new->post_full_picture = $url; echo $url; endif; // Save the page $new->save(); else: // Set the counter echo "<li>$i: Original record found</li>"; endif; // Increment the counter $i++; endforeach;
  22. Hello, I am building a frontend form following Soma's great example on a PW 2.7.2 stable install. The pages that I edit with the form already exist. My form includes a single image field, CKEditor fields and some normal text fields. The form renders fine, all CSS and JS is in place. I can even use the pwImage plugin on the CKEditor field and it loads the image from that page. When there already is an image present in the image field and I submit the form, I get this error: Fatal error: Exception: Method Pageimage::path does not exist or is not callable in this context (in /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Wire.php line 358) #0 [internal function]: Wire->___callUnknown('path', Array) #1 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Wire.php(398): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Wire.php(333): Wire->runHooks('callUnknown', Array) #3 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Wire.php(337): Wire->__call('callUnknown', Array) #4 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Wire.php(337): Pageimage->callUnknown('path', Array) #5 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile.module(119): Wire->__call('path', Array) #6 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile.module(119): Pageimage->path() #7 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Wire.php(459): FieldtypeFile->hookProcessInput(Object(HookEvent)) #8 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Wire.php(333): Wire->runHooks('processInput', Array) #9 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/InputfieldWrapper.php(636): Wire->__call('processInput', Array) #10 /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/core/Inp in /var/www/utgpwnew/index.php on line 248 If the image field is empty, I get this error on submit Fatal error: Call to a member function path() on a non-object in /var/www/utgpwnew/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile.module on line 119 If I change the image field to hold more than one image, I don't get the error and the form submits fine with and without one or more images in the field From debugging I see that the error is triggered from $form->processInput($this->input->post); So the code does not work on single image fields. Is there a way to fix this? Any help would be much appreciated.
  23. Right now this doesn't seem to work: $url1 = $image->size(100, 100)->url; $url2 = $image->size(100, 100, array('upscale' => false, 'cropping' => false))->url; This is because a filename like image.100x100.jpg is created for both settings. Is there a workaround for this? If not, maybe an additional MD5 hash of the settings could be added to the filename: image.100x100.d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249.jpg ?
  24. When i'm uploading multiple Images in backend everything looks fine first. - All Images are uploading - All Images are shown as Thumbnails but after saving, about 50% of the images are gone. For Example: I upload 10 images, every image is shown in the form, but after saving i have just 5 or 6 images assigned. I don't get any errors, not in Developer Console, not in PW logs, no PHP Errors If i drag and drop them one after on the upload area (same files) and wait until thumbnail is shown and then save the form, everything works fine. If i try the same form local on a XAMPP installation, everything works fine. Any idea ?
  25. Hi guys, I'm trying to create a function to show the first picture of a page based on the rendernav function in _init.php. I'm succeding at showing all the images, but i can't find a way to show just the first image. Thanks in advance for anyhelp & merry christmass !!! function renderNavImages(PageArray $items) { // $out is where we store the markup we are creating in this function $out = ''; // cycle through all the items foreach($items as $item) { //trying to render 1st image foreach($item->images as $image) { //$imagen = $page->image->first(); $out .= "<img src='$image->url' />"; } // render markup for each navigation item as an <li> if($item->id == wire('page')->id) { // if current item is the same as the page being viewed, add a "current" class to it $out .= "<li class='current'>"; } else { // otherwise just a regular list item $out .= "<li>"; } // markup for the link $out .= "<a href='$item->url'>$item->title<br />$item->image</a> "; // if the item has summary text, include that too if($item->summary) $out .= "<div class='summary'>$item->summary</div>"; // close the list item $out .= "</li>"; } // if output was generated above, wrap it in a <ul> if($out) $out = "<ul class='nav'>$out</ul>\n"; // return the markup we generated above return $out; }
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