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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. In some tests, I was getting the same error (Page 1001 is not valid for select_page) with other Page Multiple fields select types, not just this new module. The issue (I can't find the thread atm), was connected to the template custom selector. IIRC, it was an issue about the status of the pages you want to select via the Page Select. Are they published? are they hidden? etc. Try with a normal page and see if it works. This module has worked for me in dev version as long as those pages are published, not hidden, etc. I hope this makes sense; typed quickly Edit 1: The forum discussion I referred to is here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4222-custom-field-to-select-unpublished-pages-selectable-but-doesnt-save-selection/ You also contributed to that discussion . Ryan was supposed to fix this and suggested a change (see his post in that thread). I don't know if he merged the changes Edit 2: Hmm. I have tested with a "normal" page and I still get the error. Am confused
  2. I think it is a mixed bag. I have never really understood/liked the chrome console, e.g. how it logs ajax requests. I find it hard to navigate or read the information. Firebug also has persist. Maybe chrome also has this, I don't know. This enables me to log some requests even if page is refreshed. So, it is a mix of preference (looks) and functionality (where is this or that kind of thing..).. Thanks. Added to my to watch list.
  3. Thanks for this. One of the two or three things that I still go to Firefox for is Firebug. Chrome dev tools have never really worked for me. The live editing is awesome though.
  4. Reviving this old thread. Luckily, since I'm only getting into PHP now, by going straight to OOP, I've not really had to unlearn some procedural PHP in order to grasp OOP. I found the following helpful: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/object-oriented-php-for-beginners/ http://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/php_object_oriented.htm http://phpro.org/tutorials/Object-Oriented-Programming-with-PHP.html http://www.codewalkers.com/c/a/Programming-Basics/ObjectOriented-PHP-Fields-Properties-and-Methods/ http://www.massassi.com/php/articles/classes/ http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/from-procedural-to-object-oriented-php/ http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/real-world-oop-with-php-and-mysql/ PHP Academy tuts - videos
  5. Menu Builder As of 29 December 2017 ProcessWire versions earlier than 3.x are not supported Modules Directory Project Page Read Me (How to install, use, etc..) For highly customisable menus, please see this post. If you want a navigation that mirrors your ProcessWire page tree, the system allows you to easily create recursive menus using either vanilla PHP or Soma's great MarkupSimpleNavigation. In some cases, however, you may wish to create menus that: 1. Do not mirror you site's page tree (hirarchies and ancestry); and 2. You can add custom links (external to your site) to. That is primarily where Menu Builder comes in. It is also helpful if you: 3. Prefer creating menus via drag and drop 4. Have a need for menus (or other listings) that will be changing regularly or that you want to allow your admin users to edit. The issue of custom menus is not new here in the forums. The difference is that this module allows you to easily create such menus via drag and drop in the Admin. Actually, you can even use it to just create some list if you wanted to. In the backend, the module uses the jQueryUI plugin nestedSortable by Manuele J Sarfatti for the drag and drop and is inspired in part by the WP Custom Menu feature. Please read the Read Me completely before using this module. For Complex or highly-customised menus, it is recommended to use the getMenuItems() method as detailed in this post. Features Ability to create menus that do not mirror your ProcessWire Page Tree hierarchy/structure Menus can contain both ProcessWire pages and custom links Create menu hierarchies and nesting via drag and drop Easily add CSS IDs and Classes to each menu item on creating the menu items (both custom and from ProcessWire pages) or post creation. Optionally set custom links to open in a new tab Change menu item titles built from ProcessWire pages (without affecting the original page). E.g. if you have a page titled 'About Us' but you want the menu item title to be 'About' Readily view the structure and settings for each menu item Menus stored as pages (note: just the menu, not the items!) Menu items stored as JSON in a field in the menu pages (empty values not stored) Add menu items from ProcessWire pages using page fields (option to choose between PageAutocomplete and AsmSelect [default]) or a Selector (e.g. template=basic-page, limit=20, sort=title). For page fields, you can specify a selector to return only those specified pages for selection in the page field (i.e. asm and autocomplete) For superusers, optionally allow markup in your menu titles, e.g. <span>About</span> Menu settings for nestedSortable - e.g. maxLevels (limit nesting levels) Advanced features (e.g. add pages via selector, menu settings) currently permissible to superadmins only (may change to be permission-based) Delete single or all menu items without deleting the menu itself Lock down menus for editing Highly configurable MarkupMenuBuilder - e.g. can pass menu id, title, name or array to render(); Passing an array means you can conditionally manipulate it before rendering, e.g. make certain menu branches visible only to certain users [the code is up to you!] Optionally grab menu items only (as a Menu object WireArray or a normal array) and use your own code to create custom highly complex menus to meet any need. More... In the backend, ProcessMenuBuilder does the menu creation. For the frontend, menus are displayed using MarkupMenuBuilder. Credits In this module's infancy (way back!), I wanted to know more about ProcessWire modules as well as improve my PHP skills. As they say, what better way to learn than to actually create something? So, I developed this module (instead of writing PW tutorials as promised, tsk, tsk, naughty, naughty!) in my own summer of code . Props to Wanze, Soma, Pete, Antti and Ryan whose modules I studied (read copied ) to help in my module development and to Teppo for his wonderful write-up on the "Anatomy of fields in ProcessWire" that vastly improved my knowledge and understanding of how PW works. Diogo and marcus for idea about using pages (rather than a custom db table), onjegolders for his helpful UI comments, Martijn Geerts, OrganizedFellow, dazzyweb and Mike Anthony for 'pushing me' to complete this module and netcarver for help with the code. Screens
  6. Hi celfred, I assume the "All Players" page is dynamically displaying all the different scores via its template file which pulls the results from the individual players' pages? In other words, I am hoping you are not individually editing those scores by hand in "All Players" page. Hope this makes sense. I'll try to comment on your other issues later...
  7. Thanks Ryan, I was hoping to use this to fetch the whole PW tree. Without pagination though, that may not be ideal...
  8. Is it possible to use this in a method in a module? I tried the following code but got not output and no errors $test = $this->modules->get('InputfieldSelectMultipleTransfer'); $test->label = $this->_('Test Pages'); $test->columnWidth = 65; $test->description = $this->_('Select Pages to add.');
  9. I'm using the 64-bit windows ST3 Beta and it is blazing fast! It is too fast my eyes are still adjusting
  10. I'm still not sure I get the full picture (i.e. whether you will have pages with different parents or not). This module allows you to select a single parent to import into. If you don't select one, all your pages will be imported into the root path (home). On the other hand, it is not currently possible to import into different parents simultaneously. You would have to do the imports for each parent. Adrian is working on a module that would allow to replicate your pages tree structure and import that into a different install whilst maintaining parent-child relationships, etc in one go...Other than that, depending on your skill level, you can also use PHPMyAdmin to export your db and import that into a different install and perfectly maintain multiple parent-child relationships of your pages.
  11. Davo, Welcome to PW and the forums. Note that if you have multiple pages or images in a field, PW will return an array. Hence, you would need to loop through them. Many people use foreach to loop through such arrays.
  12. Sometimes it is best just to try and see but check for weird results (e.g. when doing some math). That's how I learnt about curly braces. Sometimes I output something and nothing appears, I add curly braces and voila, it works. So, feel free to try
  13. Bingo! Btw...while we are at it... $size = 3;//this is not a string... $size = "3";//this is a string
  14. I suppose horses for courses.....there's a tool for everyone ....I like your determination though...you've not given up and are willing to learn. I like the site you recently created. On the other hand, reading up on the basics of PHP does help. I'm talking from experience..... This is an example PHP string..."I am a string. I don't have curly hair though, sorry. In fact, I don't have any hair...hence the hat"; It will be output as is without any evaluation....i.e. literally..
  15. No offence intended but, If you don't have a grasp of what a string is in PHP then you have a bigger problem than curly brackets . Jokes aside, a string is one of the data/variable types in PHP...others are integers, floats....
  16. I made my decision. ST it's gonna be. The functionality, packages and licence terms are just too attractive. Finally got won over after watching Jeffrey Way videos on ST. Thank you all for your suggestions. This looks like it will be one of the best 40 quid I've ever spent .
  17. Hi flod. Welcome to PW and the forums... Since PW builds the URL based on the name of the page, and the name is built based on the title, theoretically, if you imported titles, you should get the same name and URL "structure" (depending on what you mean by structure), I should think. Then again, you may be looking for something different as Adrian has suggested
  18. Ignore my utter nonsense from before It works fine here on both stable and latest dev branches
  19. Nice one Soma! I reckon you got "tired" of answering questions on the forum on how to find out what the ID of a page is
  20. What, all these posts and no one actually welcomes u to PW? Welcome to PW and the forums Gregory!
  21. I totally understand what you mean but just to clarify for those who may not ....Diogo is not saying things are not democratic here at PW..just that final decisions are made by the lead dev... . I don't need to remind us all that Ryan is very quick to listen and thoughtfully respond to requests, criticisms, etc. Sometimes I feel he bends over backwards to accommodate our many requests.... That has been my experience. Anyway, I digress, again, sorry
  22. Well-said Ryan. Please, let no one show up at your door with anything other than pizza .... The bit about prejudices (big 3) reminds me of a post I read today when voting for PW over at CMS Critic....someone was asking Mike why bother with such awards; that everyone should just adopt the big 3.....Battling attitudes is one of the most difficult things, I bet, known to man . Big doesn't mean they'll always be around..look at what happened to Nokia...
  23. Thanks for this Ryan! Would it be possible to paginate really long lists? (similar to the Page Tree). Maybe I missed it but will this be shipping with 2.4 or we'll always have to install it ourselves?
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