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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. That was my thinking too but wasn't sure what your use case was...Glad you sorted it out..
  2. Welcome gyaani! Note that if the field is an array, then echoing it out will not help you much; you will need to loop through the field (e.g. fields such as images where the field accepts multiple images, multiple pages reference fields, etc...)
  3. kongondo

    JSON parser

    If you are looking for pretty: http://www.json-generator.com/ and http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/ ...and cool: http://jsonmate.com/ ...and complicated? http://jsoneditor.net/
  4. Roope, Would this help? - "Page Edit Per Role" module by pogidude. There's a couple of similar modules there, FYI.
  5. @tiptronic, Apologies if I sounded somewhat brash in my earlier posts. It was late here. Again, welcome to PW. You will love it, am sure. And of course, don't shy away from asking questions...keep 'em coming...they help us too cheers, k
  6. OK, it seems we are crossing wires here... Above was in response to this: ....what's in the core is now pretty obvious, no?
  7. I see Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/ On the left side menu there is core Also if you install PW, in the in-built Module "section" - there are three tabs - site | core | new Enjoy!
  8. I feel your frustration....I can't speak for Ryan but I believe this is an oversight...no intention to confuse really...
  9. Lance, That page has not been updated.... Here's the actual requirements (aka officially supported) https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire http://processwire.com/about/news/introducing-processwire-2.4/ Although, I think I read somewhere in the forums that some people have managed to use it with PHP 5.2.x... Edit: Squeeze seems to be Debian 6?
  10. Tiptronic, first, welcome to PW and the forums... Which languages module are you referring to? If you are talking about LanguageSupport and family, they are part of the core. It would be worrisome if they were not compatible with 2.4 http://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/ As for Admin Themes, are you seriously contemplating using an older version of PW just so that you can use Teflon? That's some serious love right there! Jokes aside, in the interim, why not just use the core admin themes that ship with PW? The benefits of PW 2.4 far outweigh not using Teflon in the interim... And now I must go and hide before Soma.....
  11. In a function you want to use wire('page') or $wire->page....same is true for other PW variables...Something about PHP scope whose name I always forget... If in a class (module)....there's also $this....
  12. Yes...there are modules for this here: http://mods.pw/2y - hide/unhide http://mods.pw/2U - delete http://mods.pw/2z - publish/unpublish
  13. I didn't know that, thanks....I use Dropbox, GDrive and Amazon Drive to manage different bits and pieces of my life. I had sugarsync too but removed that. I have never really used what Microsoft gave me (Skydrive) - it just sits there doing nothing.
  14. Er, isn't this explained in his elaborate post? He's clearly stated the changes he'd like to see..
  15. Ahhh..I see,... I agree about your suggestions for improving it though
  16. I am using the core Admin themes + the test site is not multi-lingual...those are the only differences I can think of between your test and mine Edit: and works everywhere...editing pages, fields, templates, user access....
  17. Working fine here... Edit: Let me check in Latest dev.... Edit 2: I can confirm working fine on dev (version 2.4.1) Edit 3: Tested with almost all types of fields (except comments) and it works fine...
  18. Hi SadlyMistaken....I am sorry that you are "sadly mistaken" about two things [sorry, I couldn't resist!] : You are not disturbing me and you shouldn't apologise - you are too kind! The module is not RIP - it is a bit dormant though.....but we will get back to it sometime. Wanze (see posts above) and I who were working on this are currently very much occupied and haven't had much time to give some love to this module. Hopefully this will change soon. Meanwhile, you can have a look at the helper class on Wanze's Github. Currently, there is no Admin interface for the module. This alpha version is primarily for developers. Eventually, an Admin UI (Process Module) will follow... Cheers /k
  19. I can vouche for Google Drive! But I like Dropbox too, especially since it keeps old versions of documents up to 30 days I think (more if you have paid version, IIRC)...
  20. I read this yday and didn't get it. I have re-read it today and still don't get it fully. Why would you add a pagefield (the reference to the image) on the tag template? Shouldn't it be the other way round? You tag images not "image tags" if that makes sense. So, I would do it this way: 1. Tag templates - 1 field only = title [the tag, e.g. Oz] 2. Images templates - 3 fields (at least) - title; image and multiple pagefield for the tags In the selector, all I need is to $pages->find("template=images");//Here's your array. It includes page references to the tag pages associated with each image page... Of course, you can filter further in the selector, e.g. find only images tagged with Oz. This sounds too basic....so I feel like I am missing something here and you are actually after something else
  21. True....but they are just not Windows... Nothing out there currently beats Word and Outlook & exchange server combo....
  22. That's cool Ryan! Thanks; goodness, you are productive!
  23. Normally, you don't want PHP inside your HTML files as the code will not be executed (unless you configure your server to do so)...there could be other issues/perspectives as well. But, HTML inside a PHP file is OK and the preferred way....though the debate never ends about how much HTML should be in your PHP file I use inline CSS styles only when it is absolutely necessary...
  24. Just! Phew.... Back to the questions...yeah, @PWired, why not just use foreach? Why do you have to identify the images by index? Note, there is also last(), FYI PHP starts anywhere you have this <?php......and ends here ?> Btw, do you have to use those inline CSS styles?
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