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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. The new admin theme is a module. You change it's settings in its module's configuration screen. Check under the Core tab in Admin/Modules - you'll see "Default Admin Theme". Click on the Settings button to select the option you want, Submit and enjoy
  2. You don' need to uninstall the core admin theme for your custom one to work...that's the whole idea with admin theme modules...multiple themes can be installed on the same site at the same time. You say you see it listed. Where? In modules or under users page? Have you actually installed the module? If yes, you should then go to access/users and select your theme there. Maybe you've done this already and my questions seem pointless but your post is not clear, sorry
  3. kongondo

    New Logo

    Been seeing that too...not just about page...this happens on all the side menus...maybe some js issue? Edit: attached screenshot
  4. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4883-searching-pages-with-date-like-someday/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3290-sort-by-date-range/
  5. Clarify... Today (your title) or certain date and time? Modified or Created? Those two are different things ...hehe...I thought Soma is on to Something!
  6. That's the easy bit...I don't want to spoil ur fun...hint, check MM module Apeisa was right; once you create a ProcessModule, "your life will never be the same again!"
  7. - for jQuery DT - u can use Soma's module/helper class...if u want..
  8. Well Google does...it means you are using Drupal...hehe, just kidding . Googling that error returns Drupal stuff in the first few results... From what I see (and this is not very helpful)....something seems to be resubmitting the form? i.e. trying to create another page with the form using same name as one that already exists, or just created? (as in your step #1 in first post)....
  9. I thought that looked familiar, hehe!
  10. Thanks for the update Ryan! Great job!
  11. This should get you started... http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2331-doing-additional-logic-after-saving-a-new-page/?p=21881
  12. Aaah, I see. sorry for my rumblings then....In that case, like Horst said, you would need a hook, maybe in an autoload module...
  13. Edit....if those sub-pages will never be published, then, via their template (the sub-pages), you can remove guest role view....that way, whether published or not, guest role (the world) will never be able to view them... setup/templates/ access tab - then "do you want to manage view and edit access..." - select yes. Then, under "what role can access....", deselect guest under view pages. Save and you are done....You can always change the settings or move sub-pages that you want to be viewable to another (similar/clone) template... Above can be done in combination with limiting children of the parent whose sub-pages you want to control to only be able to use your particular template with the access controls (as explained above...) - "allowed template(s) for children" under setup/templates/ family tab... Edited: additions + clarified stuff.
  14. As far as I know: A hidden page does not make it invisible. If one has the URL AND the page has a template file AND the page is not a child or other descendant of the Admin page AND the page's "who can access this page?" setting allows guest role to view it, the page can be viewed on the frontend via its URL A hidden page status does not cascade to its children...a child of a parent with a hidden page status can be viewed too! The hidden status only blocks the page from searches and lists (e.g. selector; but can be overridden with include=all or include=hidden) Unpublished pages cannot be viewed via their URL Children of unpublished pages are still visible via their URL. Then again, you probably know all these already... References: http://processwire.com/api/selectors/#access_control http://processwire.com/api/variables/pages/ - scroll to "NOTE ABOUT ACCESS ROLES AND PAGES"
  15. Interesting, similar question was asked today (and has been asked before), so will refer you to that thread from today... Remember pages are also rows in the DB....whether a million, ten million or more
  16. Advantage with pages is that you can easily use PW API to select, manipulate, etc..the records.But there's nothing stopping you from creating custom tables to store the ratings and associate those with your users. [e.g. storing user ID together with their ratings]. Btw, there is nothing wrong with 1 million pages , per see...viewing them in the tree might be an issue though..in terms of scrolling through (but theres' search). If you have lots of pages, you can hide them under some parent page, e.g. in admin, and create a module to list them in a table with links to edit them. I am just thinking out loud here....Undoubtedly you'll get better ideas soon ...
  17. Just reading this quickly...There's a rating systems module somewhere here in the forums...I think....or maybe that's not what you are after... Edit: have a look at these: http://bit.ly/1pTvGnM
  18. I thought we had already sneaked it in....didn't even bother to confirm since it's the first one I normally go for...assumed it was one of @Adrian's links above
  19. .....and a tree structure is one way of viewing it..[the object]....(it makes most sense to view in a tree...)....you can also view it in a grid/table....
  20. .....a page is a db record ...too. Yes, you need to read up first. And, it seems you are getting confused between the page tree (just a visual representation of some db entries) and the frontend website pages (views)....Pages are infinitely scalable....Oh, btw, PW will work just fine with you storing your data NOT as pages; you just won't have access to parts of the great Page API in that case....I need some coffee, there could be mistakes
  21. Pieter, You have specified the dependent module "MarkupAdminEditableTable" as permanent...hence, it cannot be uninstalled - . I guess this was a mistake?
  22. Pieter, I've had a bit of play with this module; excellent! Thanks for sharing. Maybe link to this thread as the official support thread from the module's page in the modules directory? Cheers
  23. Yes, but it is free membership. The advantages of filing at Github are: 1. Ryan will definitely see it 2. Changes can be tracked 3. Progress can be followed. I am not saying that Ryan will not pick it up from here; but there are chances that he can miss it too. On the other hand, a verified bug can also be filed on your behalf by someone with a Github account in these forums. Finally, you don't have to be a dev or module contributor to join Github
  24. Normally filed on Github. Click on create issue to file a new bug report. You'll need an account (free) with Github Thanks for the find!
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