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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Thanks for sharing Jenn! Very nice and clean site... If you can spare some time, it would be nice to write a case study about the site - to help those still learning the ropes (although we all know there are different approaches to coding PW sites)....
  2. Get the image, then echo its description...e.g. $images = $page->photos->find("sort=name"); foreach ($images as $image) { echo $image->description; } The above assumes multiple images/array...if not, just echo directly without foreach. Code also assumes you have a field called photos. The code can be shortened too - so you are on the right track but probably need to iterate an array... http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/ Edit: Adrian was faster
  3. That was not meant to be a solution...."in the meantime...." I said... ....anyway, back to topic; sorry I digressed and sort of hijacked this thread..
  4. No...you are not ...I was missing something, thx for clarifying. I don't have access to the directory hence didn't consider offsite hosting Edit: In the meantime, maybe host on your account on Github? Not sure if frowned upon though...
  5. ...actually thinking about this, I think one of the problems is that the modules directory doesn't support images at the moment so we can't add screenshots here whidh is why I tend to think of the forum thread as the main spot for documentation. Ryan - any chance we could add support for images in the modules directory? @Adrian, you mean as in plural (images?)...if you mean images in general...hmmm..., am confused as some do have single images and other multiple... ...
  6. I don't have figures about migration in (and out of) PW but there's several ex-MODXers in these forums In my case, I learnt (or am learning!) to code modules by looking at other modules, starting with the simpler ones. Trying and breaking things! Not ideal I know, but atm, that's what we have ....you never know, some modules documentation may soon appear...magically
  7. Well MODX has been around longer than PW and it has a bigger crowd...I used MODX before..In fact, I wrote a documentation for WayFinder... Seriously though, yes, there is need for better documentation about some things in PW but we are working on it....and it is a community effort. At the moment, PW has specifically focused documentation that will help you understand the system quickly. That's the API docs and the cheat sheet.. Documentation about modules is still limited. Have a look at the wiki though for a start....and the HelloWorld module...Some modules like ModulesManager, Batcher, etc have their documentation within the read me. Also, "Markup Simple Navigation" has excellent documentation. What module were in interested in specifically? I am not getting you about how to "achieve the create button"? PW has methods that will help you easily create markup; mostly used by people making modules, but can also be used for your frontend needs. But, I would focus on understanding PW first. If you get that, then understanding how to create modules will be a smoother road. How comfortable are you with PHP? You will also need that to get to know how things work, especially behind the scenes. Back to the blog profile, if you read it's support forum, you will see it is also a "demonstration" about one of the many approaches things can be achieved in PW. There is also an explanation within the Blog Profile pages itself how it works! Did you read that? Besides that, it is dead easy to make a blog in PW without using the Blog Profile. You just need to understand the basics of PW - page, templates, template files and fields - and of course some PHP, HTML and CSS... There is no one method to coding in PW. That makes PW very versatile and powerful, but also a source of frustration for some who are used to being directed on how to do things (e.g. WordPress crowd)...I hope that came out right; I don't mean to offend...
  8. Welcome to PW Damienov There's a several videos on YouTube There's videos here:http://processwire.com/videos/ - some are a bit old.. And here is the blog profile: http://mods.pw/2M
  9. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3105-create-pages-with-file-upload-field-via-api https://gist.github.com/somatonic
  10. Facepalm!!!! I am having one of those weeks...I did stare at label...but it didn't register...thx!
  11. @Adrian, Do you get the user names or their IDs? Have tried this b4 but I get the user ids in the page select instead...I must have read about this b4 but can't recall where...
  12. http://processwire.com/about/news/introducing-processwire-2.4/ https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire#upgrades
  13. Hi Vigilante, Welcome to PW an the forums... Adding to what Joss said, if you know your PHP, you will absolutely love PW...but you only need the PHP basics to work with the system... Think of templates as controllers and template files as views...You can even have one template, one main template file and several other .inc or .tpl to help with views. See this thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/740-a-different-way-of-using-templates-delegate-approach/ All your PHP code goes inside template files. A page is mostly something abstract...it just helps you to input content which you can later retrieve.... Very important to remember in PW - it is very flexible; there is no one coding style! So, if you look at different "profiles" - see modules section, as well as the default install, plus other examples on the forums, you will notice differences! Blank profile: http://mods.pw/19 Sorry, the above is somewhat erratic. You being a programmer, I'd say, get the basics of PW first. If you get this - http://processwire.com/api/ - you can do anything....I'd even dare to say, forget the videos for now...you are a coder, so look at some code..., try things. PW gives you the tools to accomplish a lot, easily, fast and consistently... -------------------- I'll probably edit this post in the morning
  14. ? Never experienced this b4...I'm sure am not getting you ......are you talking two different non-connected browser sessions with same user logged in?
  15. Really difficult to say much without much info... PW version? Server environment? Any hooks doing things in Admin? Any modules doing stuff in the background? etc?
  16. This has not been my experience. Maybe provide a few more information? Upgrade from which version, your server environment, etc? PW 2.4 is much faster than other versions - not only my experience, but others...
  17. Hello Spammer! It's been a while; long time no see!
  18. I now see what you mean...I'll edit this post in a minute EDIT 1. There are two CORE user modules a. "Users" b. "User Profile" "Users" module has a module settings page that "allows" adding fields. It says "What fields should be displayed in the page listing?". By default, there are three fields - name; email, roles. You can add extra fields here. "User Profile" has no such settings OK, so we are dealing with the core module "Users" You add your field "images" to the module "Users" and press submit. You then go to /setup/access/ "your user name" but you don't see the field you just added, right? Well, I don't know why that is so. I haven't checked the logic behind it, or whether it's a bug...Plus, the user (e.g. "your name" is a page, and it is connected to its template (i.e. "user"). So, fields added to the template show up when editing a page using that template....However.... You can still add an image to a user by adding an image field to the "user" template, i.e. Allow display of system templates, then add your image field to the "user" template. This will then appear for each user when you go to /setup/access/ "your user name". Adding images this way works fine....Which brings me to the question; why not use this route?
  19. Ah...I see you are using this module? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2567-user-profiles-for-pw/, no? OK, that's a third party module but hopefully you can get answers here, although it would have been better to post in the modules support forum (it looks quiet over there though...) EDIT Ignore above - I got confused Troubleshooting: Are you getting any errors? When testing on your local install change config->debug to true. Also check for errors in /site/assets/logs/errors.txt..
  20. OK, I think I get what you are saying...somewhat... 1. You've edited the admin template (admin/setup/template/admin 2. You've added an image field to the admin template 3. You've gone to admin/page/profile page and added an image there? Is that it? or is #1 = admin/setup/template/user ? What I am not getting is "user profile". Do you mean the user page? Also What list is this? What does this mean? The text is not visible or it is not working? What does modify mean? Delete it? What do you mean by server? Remote or Local install? Sorry, just trying to understand exactly what's happening. I have tried adding an image field in my "user" template, then uploaded an image in that field when editing the "superuser" page and it works fine. PW 2.4...
  21. Hi Mike, Welcome to PW and the forums! In a hurry, so, maybe missing something - maybe the image field is set to accept only 1 image? Change that to "0" to accept multiple. I'm curious, why do you want to add more than one image to a user field? ..... You'll get a better answer soon...
  22. Something to get you started: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1932-security-sql-injections/?p=18127 http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4426-pushing-pw-in-web-design-agencies/ And more.... http://bit.ly/1fxHHux Good luck with your talk! I know you'll do PW proud!
  23. Success it seems! Good! I'm glad you didn't give up...here's the same issue reported elsewhere: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1962-cant-reach-admin-page/?p=49524 http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4807-fixes-for-pw-installation-on-a-shared-server/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2439-htaccess-issue/?p=49862
  24. @Macrura - that was the post horst linked to ;-)
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