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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. The exercise about commenting out the lines is to find out which rule is causing problems. By now you should be able to tell. Are you saying that you need to comment out every rule in the PW .htaccess in order for the site to work? That would be crazy. Could you find out exactly which rules in the .htaccess are causing problems and post those here? It's a pain but you will have to test commenting out each line until you find the offending line(s)...Or, talk to your host and tell them about your 500 errors...They'll normally tell you which lines to look at. Some hosts allow you to edit .htaccess files within their file managers in control panel. That should save you the uploading!
  2. That shouldn't be the case. You should only have one under /yoursitefolder/. There shouldn't be another under /site/. Sometimes hosts include their own .htaccess files too. You need to confirm that you are using PW .htaccess.
  3. It seems the problem is a directive in your .htaccess file. Have you tried to comment out these rules/directives one line at a time, saving and reloading the site as suggested above? That will help you figure out which line is the problem. Do that and let us know how it goes...I'd suggest to first try the ones I mentioned above... Edit: The bit about renaming .htaccess to htaccess.txt was to find out if that was the problem. You need to rename it back to .htaccess - then, proceed as I suggest above..
  4. You will have to edit your post using the full editor in order to edit the subject line...
  5. Well-done Neeks! That's a really beautiful site! I am glad you are enjoying PW! Is the site complete? Currently all (?) links seem to be taking me to the contact page? - sorry, my bad Btw, may I suggest that you rename the title of this thread? E.g. Principled EDU?
  6. Yes...repeaters, behind the scenes have their own templates You have to enable "show system templates" under : admin/setup/templates filters. Select radio button "Yes" to show system templates (you can disable this later). Then, under admin/setup/templates system, you will see your specific repeater template named "repeater_nameofyourrepeater" - you know what to do from here...
  7. @Adrian, I was looking for that module to point to but I couldn't remember the name nor find it in the modules directory ...Yes, that's a good place to start
  8. If uploading to a sub-directory, you may want to sort out the RewriteBase directive as Adrian pointed out in the links..E.g. see this. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4917-the-admin-cannot-be-reached-in-new-installation/?p=47780
  9. Hi Hari, Creating fields using the API is very easy in PW. Have a look at various modules. See also this thread:http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1051-adding-and-assigning-fields-without-using-gui/. Of course, you will have to adapt the code for a module (essentially a PHP class).... The ___install() method is only called when the module is installed. Use this if you want to create something only one time, e.g. custom tables in your database that your module will be using. For "creating" other fields that will be used when the module runs in the admin (e.g. for process modules) you can throw those other methods in your module class, e.g. ___execute(). - [this one is executed when module is called]. Again, have a look at the various modules out there... If you will be creating a module, what is the need for a template and a template file? This bit I don't get Hmm...I like this idea about a blog module... Edited multiple times for clarity and sanity!
  10. What I meant is, if it is a Field created in the PW admin, (e.g. a text, date, email, textarea, etc.) - not via API. Is this still the case? Could I create a Field in the admin, say, called summary but have that store its data in Amazon S3, flat flle, etc?
  11. Nice one..! Only issue for me is that it could be somewhat "tiring" [can't get a better, more subtle word] to navigate after some time since one needs to scroll down to view the content....which just peeks at the bottom of the screen... Uh, missing image [carcallen-values.jpg] here: http://www.carscallen.com/firm/core-values/
  12. Hi John, Welcome to PW and the forums. 500 internal errors like that normally point to an Apache error, i.e. something on your server. In addition to Adrian's suggestions, note that some web hosts don't allow some rules in .htaccess file, e.g. these: Options -Indexes Options +FollowSymLinks Options +SymLinksifOwnerMatch Comment those out one by one and see if your site loads. If not, also, check /site/assets/logs/errors.txt although I doubt you'll see anything there at this stage.... Other: if you have access, check your Apache error log Are the folders in your /site/assets/ writable? You actually have a .htaccess file? If you do, rename it temporarily to htacess.txt. Does the problem vanish? If yes, then Apache is definitely unhappy with some rule in your .htaccess file. Are you installing in a sub-directory? Version of PW?
  13. To expound on what Apeisa has said... There's a very good write-up by Teppo about Fields and Inputfields over at his blog http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/anatomy-of-fields-in-processwire/ A bit more here: http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/ http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/validation-fieldtypes-vs-inputfields/ All Fields have a corresponding table in the PW database named like so.. field_title, field_body, field_myfield, etc. Have a look in phpMyAdmin or something
  14. David, Welcome to PW and the forums. This module is now part of the core so you don't need to install it this way. If you are using PW 2.4 (i.e. the latest version) you should see it under the "Core" tab under /modules/. I believe its called "Languages Support - Tabs" (see category Language)
  15. I'd say this has been a resounding success! Very good idea this one!
  16. OK. Sorry, I can't help much further; I don't know how to accomplish conditional styling in the admin...
  17. OK...now waiting for the "all will become clear soon" bit....
  18. Would you believe me if I said I was just testing something similar
  19. Martijn is right about storage though; they are stored in the fieldgroups_fields table
  20. Maybe this? (see Soma and Adrian's replies) - http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3338-echo-field-label/
  21. You know you can now (PW 2.4) use font awesome icons with PW? E.g. "fa-search, title" in the "List of fields to display in the admin Page List" would, in the page tree, display the title and the search icon next to the pages that use that template. Is that what you are asking? Edit: Hmm.., reading this again, it seems you want to use custom icons?
  22. Hehe...what I'd want is a notification/or marked as unread if a post has been edited ....I don't think that is possible at the moment, no?
  23. MikeB, welcome to PW and the forums! Thanks for your input. I can understand why things seem to be confusing regarding structure of the file system/layout. I'll give you a straight answer. When it comes to profiles (e.g. the blog profile) and templating, there are no standard or recommended structures of the file system/layout . That is all down to the developer's preference! So, in the blog profile, that is Ryan's preference for structuring the file system/layout. The blog profile is not part of the core. Have a look at the other profiles as well to see the differences in approaches. If you look in the default profile (the default install) that ships with ProcessWire, it is also different (although that is necessarily so to align to a common structuring approach that would be familiar to those coming in to PW with some PHP background). Have a look at the followings thread for discussions about the different templating approaches people use. Some even mix approaches depending on need. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/740-a-different-way-of-using-templates-delegate-approach/ So, in a nutshell, some of us prefer .tpl, .inc, others don't, others prefer to have a /views/ directory inside /site/templates/, others don't, etc., etc. Having said that, when it comes to naming modules, there is a recommended approach: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/741-a-guideline-for-module-naming/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2394-how-to-present-your-module/ Edit: Members' attempts at MVC http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4892-an-almost-mvc-approach-to-using-templates/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3587-templates-mvc-recursion-etc/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4947-the-pw-mvc-project/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4507-pw-best-practices-application-structure-form-handling/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4507-pw-best-practices-application-structure-form-handling/?p=44338
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