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Everything posted by LostKobrakai

  1. @Ralf That's exactly the key of this module. There is no url associated with each file, hence the secure nature. You can only "request" the file to be sent to the browser by $file->download() in your code. How the user can request the file from the website is up to you, like Wanze showed above.
  2. Then this part: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/LICENSE.txt#L4-L8
  3. Something to read on the topic of page setups: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ Here is the forum topic about the mentioned file module: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10671-fieldtypesecurefile/
  4. https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEditImageSelect/ProcessPageEditImageSelect.module#L10
  5. That's currently not as easy. You can limit the PageList by selecting a parent and only showing that specific branch or just children, but the Page::listable, while being a often requested and discussed thing, is still not working how one would imagine. You could take a look at how some of the access controlling third party modules are handling the issue.
  6. I'd suggest creating a page for each graphic, so it's easy to store metadata. You can also use a pagefield to link graphics to users. For the file storage I'd suggest using the FieldtypeSecureFile module, which allows you to store files anywhere on your system (just need write permission) so you're super flexible and outside the webroot the files cannot accidentally be accessed directly.
  7. Thanks. Exactly the type of explanations I hoped for.
  8. It's true, that the functionality is already part of the RTE workflow, but it's also deeply integrated into the CKEditor plugin / cropping and probably hardly usable for creating a new inputfield with it. If you want to take a look: /wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEditImageSelect/. It's not that quite copy&paste job like it sounds like.
  9. Do you have any (even short) info about the use-cases for those engines? Even a "Just an alternative. Mostly comparable to … in speed/performance/quality" would be helpful for anyone looking at those.
  10. Is this tested with cloning a whole branch of the page-tree? Maybe running an sql statement would be more fail save in case someone tries to clone hundreds of pages. If that's not a problem then I'm with bernhard.
  11. That's a nice hack to show what's possible with css, but it doesn't support any kind of fuzzy matching, which isn't optimal.
  12. list.js looks good, but I need to search in multiple lists (the faqs are grouped).
  13. Just got that on a local json endpoint using ProCache. TTFB is surely improved, but there's still data to download.
  14. @Soma Thanks for the hint, this whole string scoring topic yielded a lot more options to test. Hopefully there's one, that matches what I need it to do. But to answer your question: These FAQ items are quite simple – an id, an sentence of a question and a short paragraph of an answer. And I need some way to get the most fitting or relevant item.
  15. To make things work by template or user-selection is something you'd need to implement on your own, but you can set the options per resize call. $options = array( 'quality' => 90, 'upscaling' => false, 'cropping' => 'southeast' ); $img = $image->size($x, $y, $options); Works with width() / height() as well.
  16. Has anyone here a recommendation on a simple fulltext search library in javascript? I've ~30 FAQ item that should be searchable, but somehow all the libraries I've tried are missing even fullword hits at times. Either they are to fancy and miss those basic hits or they are to simple and have a hard time with fuzzy search terms. Tried out libs: lunr.js fuzzy.js elasticlunr.js fuze.js fuzzyset.js
  17. That's not going to work like that. First of all $pages is not pageFinder, $pages->pageFinder() is. Also the first argument is typehinted to Selectors, so putting a string won't work as well. That's why I've not mentioned it as I find it more confusing to use instead of the simple "add those options". If there would be a companion function in the Pages class it would be nice. $pages->pageFinder()->findIDs(new Selectors($selector));
  18. Move all section template files in a folder "sections" and include them like that for rendering in other templates: $markup = wireRenderFile("sections/section-article", array( 'page' => $pageToRenderOf )); Because the files are no longer stored at the default template path these pages do no longer show up as viewable.
  19. The returnVerbose is something I found in the PageFinder class. Not sure how much it's needed.
  20. Short answer? Build the Markup on your own. You could still use the form api to potentially parse any incoming data.
  21. It's your account. Nobody will prevent you from deleting it
  22. $pages->find($selector, array('returnVerbose' => false, 'loadPages' => false));
  23. If that's enough for you that's fine, but you wont get far if you want to select by "ratingOverTime>300", which is the dynamic number after your calculations. These would have to be custom selector implementations (extending the selector parsing / page loading, not just a custom selector string) or raw mysql queries.
  24. I can see your intend, but the topic follow can easily generate a lot of emails. I'd support this as default if we can have some kind of "daily activities" email, which aggregates to a single email per day / week.
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