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Everything posted by LostKobrakai

  1. It's normally not the job of the user to care about markup. That's normally a one time job as your styling does depent on it. And by no means it's "hacking" as you can change the markup from whereever you want to output comments. It's shown here how to do it in different ways: http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/comments/ The only thing that's hardcoded is the default markup. If it's about the ease of just calling ->render(). You could always make a own function or hook the render method itself to inject an array with markup. It's up to you.
  2. I've used the reset password function to be able to register for the developer directory. But I noticed, that I now have to relogin at least once a day on the forum, while before that I nearly never had to relogin on my main machine. Is this intended this way or at least a explainable sideeffect?
  3. FileZilla doesn't automatically rename files. The processwire installation process does include renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess.
  4. Strange, thought I had the problem some time ago, where it hadn't worked with $page.
  5. One issue in your code is that uncache is a method of $pages not $page.
  6. Take a look at this, it's related to what you're trying to build. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4263-effects-of-uncaching-a-page/
  7. It would be really nice so see how you're doing some of these "custom" admin stuff. It's not your first screenshot, that made me curious about this.
  8. Maybe this fits your needs. Appeared just today on my twitter timeline. http://nicolasgallagher.com/flexible-css-cover-images/
  9. You could use a autoload module like this https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/extending-page-save-process/ and use it to change the order of the images on page save. This way you client still has to hit save, but at least it's not manual work. $page->images = $page->images->sort('name'); The other option would be hooking into ProcessPageEdit and adding a javascript file which does the sorting right away.
  10. How about saving the user the wasted pixels and using this: .wrapper { position: relative; background-color: #BADA55; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 (Adjust to your ratio)*/ height: 0; } .wrapper .inner { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } <div class="wrapper"> <div class="inner"> <img src="…"> </div> </div>
  11. I would support such a process, as google is suggesting webmasters to use https. I don't know for sure about the state of improved rankings from https, but as it's a possible factor, it should be taken care of as best as possible.
  12. If it's only about the knowledge, there are more people besides Ryan here on the forums, which have the ability to build such modules. The thing is, there has to be a big enough market to sell something like this to. But maybe this topic can act as a display for the need of such a module in the community.
  13. You can always use client side validation, but server side is a must. You can't rely on validated data being sent to your server, as everyone how can read your form can potentially send whichever data he wants to your server. Even if it's not a security risk per se, would you want users to be able to save a 10 star rating on the server side, when there should be a maximum of 5 stars possible.
  14. That's quite a hefty feature set you're talking about, especially with the "smart programming" and "different binding" options. I'm not aware of any similar modules out there, but by now I think you would need to build such a thing by yourself. It doesn't necessarily need to be a new fieldtype as you could also use the existing fields and do the logic in a autoload module, which runs on page save.
  15. It's strange that the error of basicpage now switched over to search. So either there was something messed up already, but the error on basicpage stopped the script, before the one of search would be displayed. The other variant would be, that something is messing things up while processwire is loading. Could be a module, could be some of your code. Did you ever do something with the templates from the api?
  16. diogo is talking about symlinks. Have a look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link or try google. This way your filesystem can pretend that the wire directory is in fact in all three places, while in fact it's only in one place.
  17. The error means, that there are somehow two templates with the name basicpage. This is of course not supposed to be like that. But without knowing what you're doing in this template I can't tell you where you're potentially producing it.
  18. This setup is meant to work with all your site directories in the same folder. Means this should look like below and all three domains (domain1.com, domain2.com. domain3.com) have to point to the same physical location. Here this would be /home/web1/public_html/. For this setup the index.config.php kongondo posted would do the expected job. /home/web1/public_html/ ⌊ site-domain1 ⌊ site-domain2 ⌊ site-domain3 ⌊ wire Maybe your setup would work if you symlink the wire director to all your public_hml folders and all the public_html folders containing the index.php and .htaccess. But I can't tell if the symlinked wire directory would find the site directory.
  19. To make myself mor clear. "localhost/web1/" is not a domain, it's a full path. The domain would be only the "localhost" part. This would work if you setup "localhost" and "dev.localhost" or any other domain, but you can't use subfolders in the array. Also both domains have to point to the same processwire installation with the difference of two different site folders. This should look like this: htdocs ⌊ site-web1 ⌊ site-web2 ⌊ wire
  20. You should at least take care about the comments directly above these lines in the file: * Some Examples (you should remove/replace them if used). * Just note that the values must begin with 'site-'. Also you should try not to suddenly add http:// in front of the domain and a subfolder, as they are not a part of a domain. So this does not work without real domains (which you can set up locally, too). Processwire does compare the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] with the keys of your array, to get the corresponding site directory.
  21. With $input->pageNum you'll get the current page number, so you can differentiate between first page and all the others. I just don't see how this is related to a TextFormatter. Do you use any special one or are you trying to build one?
  22. @Eelke Feenstra Especially for rich media sites I would suggest going for flexibility. So using pages would be the better plan. Drag and drop can still be managed with a pagetable.
  23. Without the slice there's a correct NotificationArray returned?
  24. There's not much to find about it, as it's not a very old Fieldtype. Ryan released it, if I remember correctly, together with ProcessLister. That module makes seemingly the most prominent use of the fieldtype. Maybe it takes a topic like this, to make people more aware of it and it's usecases.
  25. You're right, but extending the FieldtypePage and replacing mostly sleepValue() and wakeupValue() (maybe others, too) should do the job. Edit: Or just use this: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-page-with-date/
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