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Everything posted by LostKobrakai

  1. @kathep Usability is of course a part of design, but for me it's much related to functionality than to look and feel, which is what I meant to convey. I've yet to find a framework which doesn't restrict me in styling while still doing a great job of providing solid building blocks for the web. OOCSS or inuitcss kinda go in a way which I can see really useful. But something like bootstrap never appealed to me.
  2. Yeah I found a few github repos with that feature added, too. Updated all those snippets to work with the new version of chosen and here we go. Inline adding and sorting is now working.
  3. I wouldn't reinvent much, I would just add the ability to add new tags and in the background, as this works kinda like asmSelect, it would just add items to a select input. To the request of sorting these. It's not possible out of the box, as the library is meant to be a progressive enhancement for selectboxes, where you're normally not able to sort stuff. I'll see if this would be addable with a little jQueryUI's sortable.
  4. You would need to implement an extra field, eg. textbox or selectfield, for that selection. That's not implemented in this module. The getThumbs() function just needs to get a string with a valid format name.
  5. @adrian Shoot, renamed the module locally from InputfieldPageTags to InputfieldChosenSelect, that's why it was still there Fixed it. @kongondo With inline I mean really in the field where the tags are, so that new pages are also shown in a tag ui if you hit tab or enter. Currently you can only use the autocomplete in this field and add pages below.
  6. If you job consists of doing custom websites, then any framework which does include styles in any way is just an obstacle. You can framework functionality, but you can hardly framework design, if it's supposed to not look like each other.
  7. The only thing remotely like your wish is the InputfieldPageAutocomplete. It's in the core but by default it's not enabled. It's like the PageListSelectMultiple, but instead of a pagetree you've only a autocomplete textfield to add pages to the field. Edit: You can take a look at it here: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-page-autocomplete/
  8. I had this thought with the Thumbnails module, too. I don't even know if clients would notice, that there's a new tab opened.
  9. // getThumb() returns the url of the thumbnail, everything else stays the same. // E. g.: $page->sideimage->description still works. echo '<img src="'.$page->sideimage->getThumb("portrait")." />';
  10. I've added usage instructions, but the potential stumbling block of first adding the module in the settings of InputfieldPage is now included in the modules installation. So there's really not much left.
  11. InputfieldChosenSelect This topic (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/71-categorizingtagging-content/) showed the need for a Inputfield that would provide a real tagging UI to be useable with FieldtypePage. It uses the chosen library, which can be found here http://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/. It's meant for MultiPageFields and works kinda like asmSelect, but with a different skin. Features: Inline adding of new tags, which will then generate the corresponding pages. Sortable tags. Usage Install the Module Edit your pagefield and choose InputfieldChosenSelect as inputfield. Use Enter or Tab to create new Pages with the currently typed name. Enter will fill in the tab currently selected in the dropdown. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-chosen-select/ https://github.com/LostKobrakai/InputfieldChosenSelect
  12. Yeah found this as well. It looks very much the same, but it's a textfield, while mine is really only another skin for pages multiselect.
  13. You can still use icons. For social media links it's kind of standart. That's neither wrong nor is there a need to do it different. A bigger header has nothing to do with the statement "make it bigger, because we want to look great to the customer". You're currently pinching the most important thing on the website into a tiny headerbar. And if you choose to give the logo more care and it looks nice, than of course make it big, so everyone can see it. It's not that it would displace anything from importance. About the gradient: Fixed backgrounds don't play well with mobile browsers.
  14. I would say "blocky" hits the overall point. But I've also some small things, which as diogo pointed out, do play a big role on minimalistic sites. - Try do find icons which are more balanced in weight / form, currently instagram has kind of a heavy stomage feeling, twitter is a little light and the email icon seems to be slightly off vertical centering. - The header can easily be bigger in the beginning (3-6 times of now). Maybe add a transition to the (smaller) fixed state. - The logo/title of your first version was a unloved, rigid pice of letters. diogos suggestion is quite a nice one. For a make up artist this has to be a alive font in some way. Oswald is better than your first font, but it's still quite solid and in no means playful. - Avoid all those borders your getting from placing the image into a box, followed by boxes. Let the images be themselfes, if needed just have a background for the tags. - The new background gradient looks quite modern. But in my opinion (really just a opinion) it's to widespread from a kinda dark gray to a really light gray. Maybe try it a little mor subtile.
  15. I think it would be best to open a github issue for this, as Ryan doesn't always get things here. @kongondo Yeah, but this way nobody had to think about autocomplete
  16. I just ended up using this: http://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/. It builds on the same inputfields as asmSelect does, so it was just a matter of switching the library. To use this in Pagefield you have to do one additional thing after installing to be able to use it for page fields. You need to add the module in the settings of the InputfieldPage module. This does currently not allow pages to be created inline, but it works with the second textblock which is used by all the other page inputfields as well. Maybe I'll add inline adding later. Edit: The module can now be found here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8955-inputfieldchosenselect/
  17. Yeah, got split up somewhere in the middle. It's more about multi-folder - multi-domain - single wire folder.
  18. What do you mean by "secure"? The normal way to do it would be this: echo "<a href='{$page->pdf_file->url}' target="_blank">PDF</a>"; // or for a multi file field echo "<a href='{$page->pdf_file->eq(0)->url}' target="_blank">PDF</a>";
  19. @Soma We had this already. His sitefolders are distributed in different public_html folders.
  20. I think adrian does expect tags to look like they do on every other site: Combined with autocomplete this wouldn't be that crazy messy, but still typos can be a thing. @adrian You could still make such a thing by yourself. Grab a jquery / js thingy to generate these tabs, create a InputfieldPageTabs module and change up the markup / save process to fit your / the plugins needs. If your not sure how to do this, have a look at the core modules InputfieldPage and the extentions like InputfieldPageListSelect. With extending the base class, you don't have to cover everything the module does, you're just changing what you need to work different.
  21. Just one small thing, do you use InputfieldMarkup or hooks or some custom fieldtype to inject this stuff into the template?
  22. In a way it's sad that companies praise the way of reinventing the wheel. But that's business.
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