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Everything posted by MatthewSchenker

  1. Greetings, Hey Peter, I know what you mean! It's part of my routine to express -- out loud -- how much I love ProcessWire. I say it quietly to myself, I say it in forums, and I say it to clients. You mention your kids in the same context as ProcessWire. Well, my five-year-old daughter knows about ProcesWire already, or at least the amazing community we have here. She regularly enters my office, sees me on the PW forum, and asks to see that "green monster" that shows up on the forum pretty regularly. You came here from WordPress. Many of us have come here from various other systems. I suffered with Joomla for a couple of years prior to ProcessWire. But we're all glad to have arrived here now. Thanks for posting, Matthew
  2. Apparently, this is pretty routine with Bitnami. Certainly a gray area ethically, but what do they say about love and war? Thanks, Matthew
  3. Greetings, I don't want to jump to conclusions either. However, I do think the numbers are a bit funky. Two days ago, ProcessWire was at 510 votes. This morning it is at 585. Now, I have voted myself 10 times in that period. That means that besides me ProcessWire only received 65 votes in two days? By a quick show of hands in this discusion we can probably say this doesn't add up. Perhaps they tally votes in a way that would explain this? Thanks, Matthew
  4. Greetings, In the end, it will turn out to be good (though unintentional) press and attention for ProcessWire! And it is good to see friendly connections between ProcessWire and ModX. It's so easy to have bad relations in the virtual world, but so much better for everyone to build each other up. I have voted often already. Thanks, Matthew
  5. Greetings, Nice detective work, Nik! When I read posts like this, where someone says something is not working correctly in ProcessWire, my immediate reaction is, "You're doing something wrong." Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I have learned to trust ProcessWire that much! I bring the same judgment to myself. I've been in many situations where I develop something in ProcessWire and it doesn't do what I expected. I automatically think, "I must be doing something wrong." When something "wrong" happens, focus on yourself rather than ProcessWire. If you adjust your thinking this way, you can streamline troubleshooting. Thanks, Matthew
  6. Greetings, It's built into all pages you create: $page->createdUser->name Thanks, Matthew
  7. Greetings, Thanks Horst, this is fun! Yes, the DataTables plugin is great (I now use it in a lot of ProcessWire apps). I still thnk it would be great to give more "like-weight" to posts with problem-solving code. Not possible, but nice to think about. By the way, on days when I am too busy to post, I always log in and "like" lots of posts. As always, this is one of the friendliest and most active communities! Thanks, Matthew
  8. Greetings, This is a terrific topic! I have been increasingly using ProcessWire to build front-end admin interfaces. As Peter says, full UI capabilities here would be "glorious"! I'd be very interested in pursuing partnerships with anyone who wants to explore this, as I think it is a core area for ProcessWire. In addition to what Peter says above, I'd also want to look at ways to have back-end validation capabilities in front-end forms. Thanks, Matthew EDIT: corrected Peter. Thanks Manfred! My apologies to Peter for typing before coffee.
  9. Greetings, I am also working on several ways to save "drafts." With ProcessWire, there can be numerous ways to do this. But the methods that I am doing require the user to choose to save (i.e., click a "save" button). Generally, I think web devs are perhaps going a bit too far with everything being "auto-whatever.". As we know, there are entire libraries whose main purpose is to make it so users don't have to hit an "enter" button. Really? Some of this is OK, but I think there's value in creating an atmosphere where users realize their responsibilities. Thanks, Matthew
  10. Greetings, Looking good! You have so much material here on the forum and elsewhere that you should have no trouble making this blog a full experince very soon! Will definitely watch your progress. Thanks for sharing, Matthew
  11. Greetings, pwired: I agree with you about the continuity between the framework and the CMS, and I do pretty much the same thing when communicating about it, except of course when I have a client who doesn't know or care about CMSs and CMFs and frameworks! But I am also talking here about the development community. As I said before, I believe ProcessWire should be discused in the same conversations as other frameworks. There are a lot of frameworks out there. How (and if) they are discussed affects their visibility and adoption. For example, I have spent time with Laravel, and I don't really see that it is generally better than Yii, CakePHP, or others. However, the buzz around Laravel is causing a rapid rise in its adoption within the development community. Thanks, Matthew
  12. Greetings, Nice job! Great way to design a site so the content (photography) takes center stage. The site looks great, it loads fast, and the navigation is clear. Isn't it great when you have good materials to work with? Thanks for sharing, Matthew PS: I need to get that split-tongue image of Sandy Caracciolo out of my head!
  13. Greetings, Been giving this more thought, trying to find a better way to express it. Again, based (lately) on Ryan's post cited above, I'm inspired to think of a way to... 1. Highlight the framework parts of ProcessWire without downplaying the CMS elements. 2. Clarify the difference between ProcessWire and other CMSs like WordPress. 3. Put ProcessWire's framework on an equal footing as some dedicated PHP frameworks. The way I described it in my last couple of points perhaps makes it seem as though I see a separation between the CMS and the framework, and emphasizes "one or the other" too much. I realized this when I read Teppo's last response. Perhaps it's better to say there's a framework that we can access directly via the API, or we can use the CMS that is also built on that same framework. It's not an either/or situation. There is a core and a continuous expression of that core from the API to the CMS. I have been spending time with Yii and Cake lately. It seems to me that the ProcessWire CMS (its built-in admin) can be roughly interpreted like the admin created by Yii's Codebuilder. Bottom line: I'm trying to find a good way to communicate the strenfths of ProcessWire, not just for clients but for the tech community. It should be discussed in the same context as the PHP frameworks we hear so much about. Thanks, Matthew
  14. Greetings Joss, Oh, come now... You know very well it's fun to keep receiving all that Joomla stuff. It's kind of like seeing a fading photo of yourself wearing those bellbottom jeans, or recalling how you drank a little too much at that friend's party in high school. Seriously, though, Joss. If it were not for Joomla I would have never had a chance to meet you. That would be sad. Looking forward to your new sites! Thanks, Matthew
  15. Greetings, Joss: I should emphasize that I'm referring to two different kinds of clients. No doubt, there are the ones who don't know (or care) what a "framework" or a "CMS" or a "CMF" is. I'm not necessarily talking about them. I'm refrrring to the ones (maybe development/design firms, etc) who want and understand frameworks. Teppo: I agree that ProcessWire is unique in its set of functionalities and capabilities, and like you I would not want to pin it down to one definition. I'm saying that the framework part of ProcessWire deserves to be included in wider discussions where people are comparing PHP frameworks. Thanks, Matthew
  16. Greetings Everyone, When I started this topic a year ago, I proposed that ProcessWire be presented more like a framework than a CMS. Over the past year, as I have developed further with ProcessWire, my opinion has strengthened. This recent post by Ryan re-ignited the idea for me: (http://processwire.com/talk/topic/5066-creating-commercial-licensed-modules/?p=49389). It seems that a lot of the discussions around "comparisons" continue to be ProcessWire vs WordPress or vs Drupal or vs Joomla. After working with ProcessWire more, I feel even more strongly that the discussion should shift instead to be more like ProcessWire vs Laravel or vs Yii or vs CakePHP. As Ryan indicates in the above quote, ProcessWire is not comparable to WordPress in what and how you build with it. I have had numerous situations in recent months where I propose using ProcessWire for a project and explain that it is a CMF, emphasizing the framework part. In my own work, I have already shifted my presentation, describing ProcessWire as a framework. Still, clients start from the perspective that ProcessWire is equivalent to WordPress (and other regular CMSs). A shift in the discussion might help explain what the system is for, and adjust expectations for new users. It might help us in communicating with clients. And it might attract more attention for ProcessWire from the community of people looking for PHP frameworks but who tend to avoid "CMSs." Thanks, Matthew
  17. Greetings, Gerhard: and now to blow your mind with potentials... 1. Open the cheatsheet (thanks, Soma): http://cheatsheet.processwire.com 2. Look under "$page" 3. Look under "PageArray/WireArray" 4. Consider that you can often chain 2->3 (replace $a variable with your choice in 2) Use the flexibility wisely! Thanks, Matthew
  18. Greetings, Great concept, and great way to structure lots of information. Your site feels lively and fun, with nice writeups throughout on various subjects for travelers. One quick comment: the tabs on the home page get squashed: Viewing on mobile Safari. Thanks, Matthew
  19. I think perhaps he is wondering what the back-end looks like. Thanks, Matthew
  20. Greetings, It seems improved. I just viewed it to on the iPad and iPhone (Safari). See attached screen shots. Thanks, Matthew
  21. Greetings, Hey, I thought your avatar looked familiar! Of course... gerhard! Welcome to another former Joomla guy. Even better, a former Seblod guy! There are a few of us here. Some links that might be of interest to you: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4844-joomla-vs-pw/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3917-importing-users-and-content-from-joomla/ http://www.noupe.com/cms/processwire-cms-with-a-difference-77309.html http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2129-justifying-diy-coding-vs-installing-modules/?p=20438 I understand what it's all about to transition from Joomla to ProcessWire. If you need help, just post and we'll jump in. Welcome again, Matthew
  22. Greetings, Nice work. Thanks for exposing us to your site! Matthew
  23. Greetings, I agree with Martijn -- and pete. At first, screen-based template work might seem nice, but I think it actually disorganizes your development effort. With an IDE and an FTP app open, it's easy and fast (and formatted better) to edit and save several PHP files at a time, moving from one to the next for fixing or updating lots of parts of a project. Also, you can have your style sheets, general code snippets, and more right there in one place. Thanks, Matthew
  24. Greetings Manaus, Then you can use the code I posted, but specify more fields. For example, where I have this, which specifies two fields in my template called "windsor_count" and "windsor_name": $np2->windsor_count = $sanitizer->text($objArr[0]); // Store the first column of each row in the "windsor_count" field of the template. $np2->windsor_name = $sanitizer->text($objArr[1]); // Store the second column of each row in the "windsor_name" field of the template. You would have four fields: username, email, password, and project_code, and they would reference [0] through [3] in your variable storing the array ($objArr in my example). Thanks, Matthew
  25. Greetings, Good question dragan! Well, my code above assumes that one would want to create new pages from a CSV. If you wanted to just add more pages to an existing parent, it could be easily adapted. Thanks, Matthew
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