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Everything posted by MatthewSchenker

  1. Greetings, But in my case, editor cannot even see the back-end admin. If they try, they are always immediately sent to the alternate */login page. They never see the "Continue" screen. Thanks, Matthew
  2. Greetings, Strange... Here are the two screens in question for my setup... Thanks, Matthew
  3. Greetings, OK, figured it out. There is one more step in the process: 7. From the main admin screen, go to Access / Roles and un-check the "Page-Edit" permission for all roles. It's interesting, because the "Page-Edit" permission is not supposed to be active unless the "edit" right is also granted at the template level. But if you activate "Page-Edit" from the Roles screen, but still do not allow "edit" from the template access setting, some users can at least see the back-end admin area. However, they cannot do anything there. But step 7 above takes care of it. Thanks, Matthew
  4. Greetings, Interesting... When I use this method, and set a specific URL to re-direct to the front-end login page, only super-users can gain access to the admin back-end. Everyone else gets redirected to the front-end login page. They do not see the "Continue" page. It's exactly as if the admin back-end does not exist unless you are a super-user. Thanks, Matthew
  5. Greetings, I build many of my ProcessWire applications entirely with front-end admin areas, and allow access to the back-end only for super-users. If I understand what you are asking, you just need to adjust some access settings for the "admin" template to get what you want: From main admin screen, go to "Templates." Set "Show System Templates" to "yes." Choose "admin" template. Under "Access" tab, set "Do you want to manage view and edit access for pages using this template" to "yes." Under "What roles can access pages using this template..." un-check all roles. Under "What to do when a user attempts to view a page and has no access" choose what you want to do. I use this to redirect to my front-end login page. From the main admin screen, go to Access / Roles and un-check the "Page-Edit" permission for all roles. Of course, this is only good if you want your users working entirely in the front end. Also, if you re-direct to your front-end login page, even super-users will be redirected there. But super-users will be able to then go to the back-end. Thanks, Matthew
  6. Greetings, I switched my main workstation to OS X back in the dark days of Vista. But I never really took to the Apple ecosystem. I'm happy to see Microsoft mounting a challenge. Thanks, Matthew
  7. Greetings, Is it just me, or did Microsoft just kick Apple's ass today? Thanks, Matthew
  8. Greetings, This has come up before, and you can find some answers in various places on the forum. You get deep design/development freedom with ProcessWire. That freedom requires a certain level of coding knowledge. WP and other "drag-and-drop" systems may be easier for people who never want to deal with code, and who just want to check boxes and install plugins. But those systems either don't allow the kinds of customized work you can do with PW. Or those "easier" systems are actually a lot harder in the long run when you need to do custom work. Run a quick Google search on developer attitudes about working with WordPress code! In my mind, WordPress is driven in large part by misinformation from clients about what's "easier." The audience for ProcessWire is people who are more comfortable with code. I think it's a good idea to be clear about this. Generally, with development systems/frameworks, you can either have something that's "easier" or you can have something that's "more capable." ProcessWire comes as close as any system out there to bringing the two together. Thanks, Matthew
  9. Greetings, I actually laughed a bit when I saw this! Sorry... I spent 4 years developing with Joomla, and having all those contributors didn't make the system better than ProcessWire. Just the opposite. That's why I went through the painful steps of converting all of my projects from Joomla to PW. In the long-term, I have more confidence in ProcessWire than in other more "popular" frameworks. Although ProcessWire appears to be newer, its roots actually trace back over a decade, so it already has a solid long-term life! But more important than how old a system is, I look to how carefully and intelligently it progresses. Because of his experience, Ryan makes wise decisions about where PW needs to change (or not), and that kind of careful decision-making builds the system's long-term viability. Sure, other frameworks are more flashy, but I have less confident in their intelligent life because of the way they chase trendy ideas. Ryan does not do this, so I ultimately have more confidence in ProcessWire. Let's be honest: it would be just as easy for me (or any other developer here) to jump over to Laravel, because right now it is the shiny new PHP toy. But I don't, because I have much more confidence in PW. And I agree that we could ask the question about long-term viability about PHP itself. Thanks, Matthew
  10. Greetings, In the US, there is no legal barrier to ad blockers. However, I have read a couple of reports that state that advertisers may choose to take legal action against Apple for ad blockers if it is deemed that Apple is becoming the one who decides who "gets in" and who does not. My sense is, although advertisers might win legally, they would lose the bigger public relations battle, as consumers would be even more annoyed with advertisers who force us to see their ads. I'm not generally a big fan of Apple, but I do think they have stirred up a good debate with their ad blocker decision. Thanks, Matthew
  11. Greetings, I'm curious where everyone stands in the whole debate about ad blockers. It's an interesting discussion, with potentially pretty big implications. Today, the NY Times published an interesting article that puts mobile ads into a clear context of load times, data usage, and costs to users. See the article here What do you think? Thanks, Matthew
  12. Greetings, Terrific! Horst, you should be named "PW Graphics Guru." Thanks for your great work, Matthew
  13. Greetings, I have always liked Tuts+ but this article on ProcessWire is really deeply disappointing. The idea of setting it up as "ProcessWire vs WordPress" is weird and biased from the start. The theme of the article is essentially this: "The way WordPress does things is good. Does ProcessWire do things like WordPress? If not, that's bad." It's the old flawed "more is better" argument: WordPress must be better because it has more plugins, more people in the community, etc. I'm preparing to add my voice of criticism to the responses. If we all write in about the faults of the article, we can turn this into a positive for ProcessWire. They say the community is small? Well, maybe it's smaller than WordPress. But let's show them that smaller community does not mean less energy or commitment! Thanks, Matthew
  14. Greetings, Thanks for this discussion. I have to admit, I still use FileZilla because it works and I never really bothered to make a switch. I started using it all the way back in 2002! Forklift and Transmit both appear to have terrific features and I will give them a try! Thanks, Matthew
  15. Greetings, Yes, it's true that custom fields is often cited as a top advantage of ProcessWire, and having this capability does make ProcessWire better than most other CMSs right from the start. However, custom fields is just the surface of what makes ProcessWire so special. Honestly, superficially, you can get custom fields with a plugin for WordPress or Joomla or Drupal. But with ProcessWire there's more to it than just creating fields: A crystal-clear API for deep querying of data (your fields) in almost any way you can imagine. It allows you to advance your core knowledge of PHP, then use that knowledge directly. You don't have to learn a weird way to implement PHP (i.e., make use of those fields). The system handles the above two points with impressive speed. There are numerous other advantages to using ProcessWire. These are just a few that are directly related to custom fields. Thanks, Matthew
  16. Greetings, Welcome SoccerGuy3! I also was a PyroCMS user back when it first came to life (when it was a CI application and Mr. Sturgeon was still actively involved). PyroCMS is a great system, and I liked it a lot... That is, until I started using ProcessWire! Looking forward to seeing other questions you have. Thanks, Matthew
  17. Greetings Everyone, A friend just sent me this "data video," and I find it to be an amazing example of bringing data to life (or death in this case). Take a look... https://www.facebook.com/kulturologia/videos/825181334197148/?fref=nf Thanks, Matthew
  18. Greetings, Yes, as Teppo said, "pricing projects is hard work"! I think this part of the project development process is a bit of an art. I'm good at designing/developing, but I'm not always great at getting the best price for my work. Lately, I've partnered with a couple of other people who are the opposite -- they are good at negotiating. I've sat in the table and watched them magically get a better price. Thanks, Matthew
  19. Greetings, All right, take a look at this: http://agilitycms.com/ Let me get this straight... - To launch a site using the "basic" version of this CMS is $3,000 / year - For the "pro" version, it's $6,600 / year - In addition to licensing, it's another $3,600 / year minimum to host Just to license and host a site of any complexity would be over $10,000 / year! We haven't even discussed design/development costs. I took a look at the feature set of this CMS, and it is far less capable than ProcessWire. So... what am I missing here? Who is paying this? Thanks, Matthew
  20. Greetings, This is very exciting. I'd be curious to know what this means for ProcessWire. One very noticable point: check out the performance of Drupal in graphic #4! Thanks, Matthew
  21. Greetings, Nico's answer has better separation, but I do this sort of thing all the time right in the template. It's almost silly how easy it is in ProcessWire. For example, to check if the person is a "Super Admin": <?php if ($user->isSuperuser()) { ?> <!-- Add Super Admin Layout Here --> <?php } else { ?> <!-- Add Non-Super-Admin Layout Here --> <?php } ?> And here's how to do it for multiple admin roles: <?php if ($user->isSuperuser() OR $user->hasRole("editor") OR $user->hasRole("manager")) { ?> <!-- Add Admin Layout Here --> <?php } else { ?> <!-- Add Non-Admin Layout Here --> <?php } ?> No limits, anything you want from there! Thanks, Matthew
  22. Greetings, Just found this on Wired, and it is full of really fascinating ideas. It offers some perspective on where we have been, how much has changed, but also how much of what we use today was envisioned all the way back to CRT days of 1968! And what a coincidence that this computer sings the very same song that HAL 9000 sang in (also 1968) "2001: A Space Odyssey." Take a look: http://www.wired.com/2015/02/tech-time-warp-week-1968-computer-sings-daisy-bell/ Thanks, Matthew
  23. Greetings, Thanks for bringing this to our attention dazyweb! I jumped in and added my voice just how. Thanks again, Matthew
  24. Greetings, Excellent news, and I look forward to being a PadLoper customer! Currently, I use a combination of ProcessWire, FoxyCart, and Stripe (or Authorize.net) for most of my e-commerce projects. But I would much rather have a full ProcessWire solution (plus Stripe)!! I'm curious -- can we be fully PCI compliant with PadLoper? Is the credit card information handed to Stripe through the whole process? Keep up the great work! Thanks, Matthew
  25. Greetings, First -- welcome to ProcessWire. I think there might be a simple solution to your situation. But first, tell me this: are you planning to use ProcessWire as your sole CMS for this project, or do you plan to maintain another CMS along with it? If you are planning to make a full switch to ProcessWire, I would suggest doing a one-time conversaion of the database into ProcessWire. Then from that point forward you are all set. Just for background, I have converted Joomla, WordPress, and Shopify databases into ProcessWire. You can do it. Just post here and people will help. As far as learning MySql, this could be a great opportunity to do just that! Thanks, Matthew
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