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Everything posted by MatthewSchenker

  1. Greetings, Interesting to see someone mention Yii here. I have spent a lot of time with Yii, and before that with CodeIgniter and Laravel. I think it is an interesting topic -- integrating framework elements into ProcessWire. But I think it belongs in a separate discussion from "configuring template path." I started one here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3934-integrating-framework-elements-into-processwire/ Thanks, Matthew
  2. Greetings, Over the past three years, I have spent a good deal of time learning and using some PHP frameworks: CodeIgniter, Laravel, Symfony, and especially Yii (my favorite). Then last fall, I began using ProcessWire. Since that time, I have moved my work entirely over to ProcessWire. I have been impressed over and over again with how terrific the "framework" part of ProcessWire works. It reminds me of the best aspects of CodeIgniter and Laravel. In fact, I would say that ProcessWire's syntax and methods are even more efficient than those frameworks. Laravel in particular gets a huge boost from the developer community because of its "expressive" syntax. I wish more of those people knew about ProcessWire! Still, I do see particular libraries from other frameworks that I think would be nice to integrate into my ProcessWire sites. Also, with ProcessWire possibly adopting Composer, this might open amazing opportunities. A while back, I started a topic on ProcessWire's framework -> http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2393-processwire-framework/ Now I'm curious to hear from others about your framework experience. Are there any framework libraries you integrate into ProcessWire? What are your general thoughts about this idea? Thanks, Matthew
  3. Greetings, I'll jump in as well... Not too long ago, I used this module to run the initial import for a TV station project, where I needed to get 550+ pages from an old Joomla site. After getting the data into the right csv format from the database, it was unbelievably smooth and easy to populate the pages. I kept thinking, "Something will certainly go wrong with this," but it didn't! I got all the existing Joomla pages into ProcessWire perfectly. After that, the client used ProcessWire to create new pages. My next goal with this -- build a front-end way for clients to do the imports themselves. By the way, I was prompted to post this after reading and responding to this post: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3917-importing-users-and-content-from-joomla/ Thanks Ryan! Matthew
  4. Greetings, Hey Beluga! First, welcome, and glad to see you here. I seem to recall many Joomla/Seblod conversations with you in the Seblod forums. Now, to your question... How much data are you talking about here? If it's a "reasonable" amount, it may be easier to just re-build the pages. ProcessWire has a terrific import feature that lets you take a csv file and pull the columns directly into ProcessWire fields, creating new pages. I have used it to pull in thousands of listings for a project I'm doing for a TV station (with 58 custom fields). Here are the general steps to follow: 1. Install the csv import module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/import-pages-csv/) 2. Create your "content type" in ProcessWire with all the fields you need 3. Export the relevant tables from your Seblod database 4. Create a csv file from the data in step 3 5. Give your csv file a header row, the top cell of every column containing the exact name of your ProcessWire field 6. Go to admin > setup and run the csv import module (directions are very clear from there) It's really easy -- and fast. After you run this, you will have a set of pages in ProcessWire with the fields and data you need. I can provide more details if you need it. Thans, Matthew
  5. Greetings, I like it! For this kind of client, I think the style you chose is just right. It's very professional, without appearing too "slick." The focus is on the information, with the right level of styling. Makes me trust them! And what a great coincidence on the "PW" thing! Thanks for sharing, Matthew
  6. Greetings, I was just about to post about the same thing that mindplay.dk posted above. When I built my first site requiring image management, I worried about images being separated from the WYSIWYG field. I thought the client would be unhappy with it. But it turned out they actually like the idea of seeing a list of images associated with the page. This surprised me. But now I think it makes sense. Although the images are separated from the text field... 1. This helps users visualize the page better to know what's available 2. At a glance, users can get a sense of the photographic presentation of their blog post or other page 3. Users can upload all the needed images at once 4. After uploading images, it's then simple for users to include them (same process as if they had not done an upload first) 5. I find that users think "page" more often than "site assets" anyway This could be one of those cases where we assume one way is easier, until we actually let users try another way. This is just my experience. Thanks, Matthew
  7. Great Adam! Looks really nice. I'll install this on a test site and report back. Thanks for your work, Matthew
  8. Greetings, Yes, unfortunately, Gretag is gone. I lived througn its demise. They were a good example of what happens when a company refuses to change with the times. They made film-developing machines. When it was clear that film was finished Gretag stuck with it. I remember at one of our final company meetings one of the executives saying that they will not transition to digital because film is better and people will always want what's better. But Gretag is where I made my first "web sites." In 1999, I began building a distributed online help system for their machines. That's when I started using "Macromedia" Fireworks! That was my best non-independent jobs ever. And I really enjoyed traveling to Switzerland. I remember being impressed by how orderly everyone was, that dogs were allowed in restaurants, and the fact that all the clocks in the subways were synchronized. Thanks, Matthew
  9. Greetings, I stayed in Switzerland for a couple of weeks years ago when I worked for a company called Gretag (headquartered in Regnsdorf). I don't think, however, I can make it to this event! If Soma puts on any instructional seminars, please share the video footage with the forum! Thanks, Matthew
  10. Greetings, Thanks Peter. Looking at Ryan's code you quoted, what I am doing is actually even simpler (at the moment): just want to have users log in and be directed to a page I set up with various buttons, actions, and tables for the project. In other words, it does less than the normal admin page, but that's all the client needs. Like everything else with ProcessWire, I'm certain that this it is simpler than it seems at first! Still, this is a crucial piece of a lot if sites. Report back on success! Thanks, Matthew
  11. Greetings, If you have a chance, please post some code on how you accomplish this. What I'm looking for is the best method for directing different users to different pages after logging in. Admins/Super Admins go to the admin page; editors and members (for example) go to a specified URL. In the admin area, we can specify a URL where people go who don't have rights to see the admin page, but that bypasses the login screen. What we need is a way to let them log in, then specify the URL they go to AFTER logging in. Thanks, Matthew
  12. Greetings, Horst, definitely. What I am interested in are the various ways people handle this with ProcessWire. We have several options for different situations. Thanks, Matthew
  13. Greetings, I am also interested in this subject and looking at different methods to accomplish it. Obviously, with community sites, we need to have a login where people go to a certain place (not the admin), and then have rights to edit or create content based on their login. We also need to have the regular admin login. Is the best practice here to set up a second login location, from a different URL? For example, the admin login would be this: www.mysite.com/admin And the "regular" user login would be this: www.mysite.com/login Or would it be better to use the same login for everyone and then detect who has logged in and direct them to a different place? Thanks, Matthew
  14. Greetings, I'm still planning to add some features to this site, so I will get a site profile together just a bit later. In the meantime, I would be happy to answer any questions. Are there particular methods you would like me to explain or share? Thanks, Matthew
  15. Greetings, Thanks Vineet. I'm lulling together information on this and related subjects for a ProcessWire documentation project. There are several sub-subjects within the larger subject of social network site. I am planning to start a new discussion on the subject, but thought I woukd first aee what others are doing. Thanks, Matthew
  16. Greetings, It's been a few months. How is it going Vineet? I'm also in the process of building a couple of social network sites, and I'm sure others here in the PW community are doing similar sites. I think it would be great to have as many details as possible available for the community. Hope you are continuing to meet with success! Thanks, Matthew
  17. Greetings, I would be happy to make this into a site profile if anyone is interested. Thanks, Matthew
  18. Greetings, Excellent discussion topic! Sometimes, I offer a few initial designs, but the client can only choose one. Or more often, after a site is launched, I "experiment" to show the client what's possible. Other times, when competing for a project, I create a couple of designs but don't "win" the bidding war (by the way, I no longer get involved in bidding wars). The problem is, my designs are usually so specific to the project that after I move on it is rare where I can use just that one again. Maybe we could have a "PWDribble" area where we can post these designs? Maybe sharing them would be helpful to others? Thanks, Matthew
  19. Greetings Everyone, I just completed building a site which serves as a companion to a book published by Rutgers University Press. The book is about Holocaust films. The author uncovered these films during extensive research in Russia, Israel, and elsewhere. This site is designed to be used as a college classroom resource. Teachers will go to the site, play movie clips for their class, then use the chapter summaries and discussion questions as further materials. For the video pages, I used the video.js player. Every movie page includes an .mp4 and a .webm file, in order to cover as many browsers (and tablets) as possible. The movies play in regular and full screen. Although the site is launched, I am still planning to build additional sections for "educator resources." I may also make some style changes in the coming weeks. Using ProcessWire made the building of this site very smooth! The author can easily log into the site, add or edit chapter text and discussion questions, and upload video files. She can also easily edit any of the static pages. This is a relatively simple site that will get a lot of practical use in college classrooms. Here it is: www.phantomholocaust.org Thank you, Matthew
  20. Greetings, Terrific work! Really like the big, bold, striking theme of every page. You do a great job of pulling together lots of relevant graphics on each individual page while keeping the design fresh and open, and consistent. The style matches the positive and eager philosophy of the ideas -- exactly what we are always trying to do in our sites. One small point: in the top pull-down menu, I would remove the underscores for the links. I have viewed the site, so far, on an iPad (Safari). I'll view it on a desktop later. Thanks for sharing, Matthew
  21. Greetings, I understand! And I am eager to put it out there. But I also want to make sure the first rendition is strong so it can be a good start, since I expect to keep improving it beyond the initial release. I promise to post here when I make progress. Thanks, Matthew
  22. Greetings, The site looks really nice! Great colors, bright and positive presentation. The home-page slides are fun! Some things I am noticing: 1. The boxes in the "latest-container" seem a bit large. Just my opinion. Maybe reduce them a bit, or perhaps add something unique in each one (maybe a semi-transparent image)? 2. There is an extra ">" character to the left of the "slides" component on the home page. 3. I might be missing something on your structure, but I notice several DIV containers that don't actually contain their nested materials (for example, the "content" DIV). The page still looks fine, so it's just the "underneath" structure. I viewed it on Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Thanks for sharing! Keep us updated on progress as more content is added. Matthew
  23. Greetings, Well, thanks to this discussion, I think my decision-making is moving along! I am liking Kube's approach more and more. I plan to use it on my next ProcessWire project. Another view, and I would be very interested in everyone's opinion... I still like to create and use my own CSS structures. It's interesting to me how development/design has changed in the time I have been doing it. Not long ago (or so it seems to me), the attitude was, "Learn to do it yourself." Today, we have a legitimate attitude of, "Use pre-made code or structures." I understand and see the benefits to this, but I think we should use frameworks like Kube and Foundation, but make sure to also stay fully informed about what all those elements are doing. Otherwise, we run the risk of becoming overly reliant on a few sources for our needs, and perhaps creativity is harmed. I'm not 100% sure about all this -- and I am going to dive into Kube -- but these thoughts keep going through my mind. Again, I wonder what other people here think. On a related front, I came across this odd link today: http://www.starbucks.com/static/reference/styleguide/ Thanks, Matthew
  24. Greetings, Great -- just when I was finally settled on "just using" Foundation, now Kube goes and starts a whole new round of framework experimentation. Thanks, Matthew
  25. Good Morning, Sorry for plain-text code. I'm on mobile. But could you do something with PHP's image detection functions to determine specific extensions? I'm doing this quickly, just to get ideas across: $finfo = new FileInfo(null, '$page->image->url'); // Get MIME of uploaded file switch ($finfo->file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], FILEINFO_MIME) { case 'image/jpg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); break; case 'image/png': $image = imagecreatefrompng($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); break; case 'image/gif': $image = imagecreatefromgif($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); break; } Add whatever other file types there are, and then the code for what to do with them? Thanks, Matthew
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