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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. Lots of ressources (links, articles, downloads) on this beautiful page: http://www.perf.rocks
  2. That would be super useful. This ideas was here on our super-long "do someday" list. Maybe use this http://codeb.it/fonticonpicker/ library and make it an Inputfield. Then the field could for example return the selected icon name which could be used in the template to build the class for the icon(font, image,...).
  3. Depending on your server, you can configure the whole /site/assets/files path to be accessible from a subdomain like files.example.com. Then you make sure that the image url you output matches this subdomain. This might be a small performance boost if the subdomain doesn't use a cookie.The AllInOneMinify modules uses such an option for example. If you want to move them all to a different server/directory you would need to create our own custom FileHandler. PW doesn't have someting like the FileAbstractionLayer from Typo3.
  4. The symlink options works fine. You just have to understand and configure your permissions accordingly. This is how lightning.pw works (We have a /wire/ folder for every PW version and a /site/ folder for every customer install). You can put modules in there too.
  5. It would be possible to add such a function with a custom module. It hooks after the Upload and then hands over the files to the shell. Disregarding any security concerns from the shell_exec which you should be avoided. You could try LazyCron (part of ProcessWire) for longer tasks in the background or use normal Cronjob to perform those tasks. There is cron.pw which is super cool to run functions regulary. Another idea, avoiding the shell_exec: A module that writes the files into a queue (database or file or directory) and then a Cronjob runs your programm that will search for jobs in this queue. EDIT: As we're here in the Wishlist section of the forum: I disagree to put something like this into the core of ProcessWire. Beside security concerns, this can be easily solved with the methods described above.
  6. Always "installed": AllInOneMinify ProcessImageMinimize/minimize.pw (of course ) ProcessBatcher (setting up the site structure for the first time) TextformatterOEmbed or the Youtube Embed Formatter ProCache
  7. What error odes come up? Has the image changed? Server configuration? Make sure that the error is not something on the client side (e.g. AdBlock blocking, firewal, Browsercache). From the ProcessWire perspective, you might want to manually delete the cache (/site/assets/cache) and remove all variations of this image. To do this, go to the folder of the image (under /site/assets/files/<pageid>/, just look at the URL of the image to get the ID) and then remove all files from this image (e.g. image.jpg, image.100x0.jpg image.940x627.jpg,...).
  8. The length for the field "pass" is 128. You can change this, by going to Setup->Fields, then click on the Filters and activate "Show Built-In fields". Now you should see the field pass. The length of the field can be changed under "Input". I agree with you that this limit might be set higher because it makes no sense to limit the password.
  9. The north of Germany just has better designs than here in the south. Great work! Really like the whole site. Only the "folding" Imprint on the bottom seems a little bit misplaced.
  10. Philipp

    How is this made?

    A quick Google search brought up zillions of tutorials and jquery plugins, for example this one here. Technically, if the user starts to scroll, you decrease the height of the header with every pixel scrolled.
  11. We always store this in some hidden pages and then select a Page field to include them in templates. This worked so far even with hundres of entries to choose from. In more detail, I create a template called item only with a title field and then just order them. The Page field then get the right parent as a target. If you really have 30k entries, you might want to build a module that uses the DB directly I think.
  12. That was what I meant with "extending". Sorry for beeing unclear. So I can make a hook to inside a TextFormatter module? Have to try this over the weekend.
  13. You could run the Textformatter manually by following somas reply here. Build a normal image string and pass it to the formatter. I think it would be a great idea, to make this to a module that would extend the PageImage. Using the same configuration, it could provide an easy way to generate markup. On my own sites, I just have another function in my functions.php taht basically does the same stuff when you pass an image.
  14. Oh I was the north of London last weekend. They had a good laugh about Croydon. But my company is here and they pay for my appartment so I can't complain Any good tips on what to do in London beside the tourist stuff?
  15. An not really. My first impression was, that everyone is more polite than in Germany. Now it has normalized but I still like it here. Most people are nice but that does not has to speak for the millions that are around here. FYI, here in Croydon is a larger tech start-up scene. Every week there is something you can attend. Look for the Croydon TechCity and the CroydonCreativ.es at Matthews Yard . In the city itself are hundres of other interessting things of course.
  16. I found another (beginner) tutorial on the Mozilla Developer network. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Tips_for_authoring_fast-loading_HTML_pages In more detail, those rules might be interessited (Beware, they might crash your browser) http://stevesouders.com/hpws/rules.php
  17. Thakns for the Info. We might also have to look into this issue. Maybe our server admin can figure it out and then we can report back.
  18. Philipp

    Joomla! is the best!

    The most annoying one is the in-post ad. Because it make the lines less readable. I'm fine with the larger ones on the right side.
  19. The text ist comming from the label "login_submit" of the login button. I'm not sure how you customized this, so you might either want to remove the label on the template or better, hide it with a custom CSS rule. EDIT: This CSS rule should hide the label: .Inputfield_login_submit label {display:none;}
  20. Couldn't this be done with this Textformatter afterwards? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/email-obfuscation/
  21. I meet a nice group of designers and developers yesterday and some of the mentioned a CMS called Perch. Interested, I’ve looked at their page. A nice and small CMS. Really great introduction and nice copy writing but it didn’t convince me to switch away from ProcessWire J Meanwhile, I’ve found a table that compares their two versions (“normal” and runway). I added ProcessWire to this comparions in my break, that’s what I got: We can really keep up with most of the features. I even think ProcessWire has a wider range of possibilities and scales as easy as them. But maybe we can try to improve the areas, where Perch “would have won” like the CDN/S3 Layer and the Draft,Undo etc. features. I think those features are not something like pre-defined fields and tables but more something that would really improve ProcessWire as a tool for developers and designers. Maybe we can have a look at popular features on other systems (beside the large ones like WordPress) and try to find a solution on how to do this in ProcessWire. Not adding it to the core, but maybe provide it as modules and/or guidelines. EDIT: Maybe I should mention, that a Dashboard-Widget would be really low-priority
  22. While it is called t emplate file, I think it can contain some kind of logic. Some people here are using a MVC approach, where the template.php fetches and processes data, then compiles it into a template and renders the view. But I kind of like the idea of a instant/live changing of possible input selections rather than pre-filtering them after page load.
  23. Ugpraded two sites 2.5 but didn't stumble upon this problem. But you could file a bug on github. Maybe you replaced your index.php and forgot to set the permissions? (Not sure about this one, but worth a try).
  24. Hanna just converts snippets(Hanna code) inside a textarea into predefined HTML. This allows content editors to use more complex structures without learning/writing the whole code. Output is only stripped if you choose (another) Textformatter to do this Where exactly do you want your AdSende code to appear? I'm not sure but as Raymond said, find the right place inside your template file and paste the code. If you want to have it inbetween content (e.g. article with a banner inside) you could use the HannaTextformatter to replace a pre-defined tag (e.g. [[ad]]) with the right Google AdSende code for an ad. This is done in the Hanna Settings window where you define your Hanna Code. (On a side note, while not all modules are marked for 2.5, they usually work fine. Just install it)
  25. Don't call it pages, call it content type. While ProcessWire is using the name or label "Pages", it can be basically everything. A user is a page, the whole admin area consist just of pages and you could create your own content types. What you mentioned is basically there. Use templates for your content types, link them with the Page (PageSelect) field and then you can cross-access values in the tempalte files. Quick Example: Create a template for product, add the needed fields. Create "Products" by creating new pages with that template. Now create a field with of the "Page" type and call it product. This allows you to link pages. Set it to "Single item" and add it to your desired "Page"-Template. Now you can select your product on the other "Page" and access it via API with $page->product->title
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