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Everything posted by OrganizedFellow

  1. Although I am back to Windows for 90% of my hobby/work, I run Debian on an Acer Chromebook C720 and it's perfect! For fun I have a Raspberry Pi3 connected via Ethernet to my router for tinkering and stuff. Looking forward to a simple NAS project.
  2. I am running 3 separate PW installs using Laragon. Do you still need help with setup?
  3. I used to develop solely on Debian for over 6 years. I recently decided to get into 3D printing and much of the desirable software was Windows-based, especially Fusion360 (CAD design). PLUS I still run a *AMP stack through Laragon. Running a full LAMP stack on your PC is ssooo simple. Are you doing well with your setup?
  4. I think it is amazing that you took to writing a tutorial for us this early in your involvement with the community. Good job amigo ?
  5. Thanks for the tip. My php.ini file has this line: realpath_cache_size = 4096k I'll leave that there and see what performance increase I notice ? (but more important this post so I can come back to it later)
  6. Well. I just finally got my localhost WAMP installation to send emails and was able to confirm 'Registration' of a test account using Ryans module. And I am learning how to implement Delayed Output instead of Direct Output for my templates. SO. I want to make it simple for users to Register and create a Profile Page. website.com/ website.com/member/ website.com/member/login website.com/member/logout website.com/member/*USENAME* GOAL: this is a Church website and we want Members to have a Member/Profile page where they can list their favorite scriptures. So a form would be needed that collects their input and is displayed only on their Member/Profile page. I've just started learning about Users and Roles. So they would only be allowed to edit and delete content on their own assigned created page.
  7. OMGOODNESSS! Yesterday I was on XAMPP, earlier today I was on WAMP SERVER ... as of 20 minutes ago I am now on LARAGON - and it is superbly amazing! My favorite feature is the easy at setting up VirtualHosts and the email server? Literally took seconds! THANK YOU ROBIN!
  8. I've developed for years on Debian. I recently made the move to Windows and ... well, I'm not liking it ? So many things require more complex processes to install Nodejs and other things I need for web dev. I will check out Laragon, thanks!
  9. Has there been any progress on this? Wonderful idea, assigning a page to a new user. I'm working on something right now with my limited PHPability ?
  10. I've spent two days trying to get my Windows 10 WAMP server setup to send the confirmation email generated by Ryans LoginRegister Module. It's a fine Module and I struggle with PHP and coding in general. BUT TODAY, I finally set it up and here is my HOW TO GUIDE for the community so no one else has to struggle as much as I did ? STEP #1: download the sendmail executable here https://www.glob.com.au/sendmail/ STEP #2: extract all the files anywhere you like. I chose, 'C:\Users\orgfel\www\_sendmail'. STEP #3: open and edit 'sendmail.ini', insert the following with your credentials: smtp_server=smtp.gmail.com smtp_port=465 auth_username=YourGmailUser@gmail.com auth_password=YourGmailPass smtp_ssl=ssl default_domain=localhost hostname=localhost I have 2-Step Verification set up for my Gmail account. I was incredibly frustrated when I kept trying to configure the module WireMailSmtp to send a test email and it continued to fail. The prompt kept saying I had the wrong password. I KNEW I did not have the wrong Gmail password and it was driving me nuts! I discovered that I needed an App Password ( Sign in using App Passwords). There's a generator process what give you a 16 character password that you put into your 'sendmail.ini'. STEP #4: open and edit 'php.ini', insert the path to where you put your 'sendmail.exe': sendmail_path = "C:\Users\orgfel\www\_sendmail\sendmail.exe -t" STEP #5: restart your Apache server and it should be working! STEP #6: create a simple page + template and paste in the following code for a quick test! <?php $to = 'recipient@gmail.com'; $subject = 'Testing sendmail.exe'; $message = 'Hi, you just received an email using sendmail!'; $headers = 'From: [your_gmail_account_username]@gmail.com' . "\r\n" . 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'; if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) echo "WOOHOO, email sent"; else echo "BUMMER, email failed"; ?> I completed my setup about an hour ago after having tried several other Windows STMP server solutions. They were all overly complex with too many settings that I just didn't need. I hope that's it and that I didn't miss anything.
  11. I am developing this site on an installation of WAMP SERVER on Windows 10. I need some help and guidance. Using Ryans module (https://modules.processwire.com/modules/login-register/) I want to test new user registrations: I've tried both WireMailSwiftMailer and WireMailSmtp modules but I think I need a SMTP server on my Windows machine? I Googled a bit and found https://www.hmailserver.com/ I downloaded, installed and configured. TONS of settings and configurations. I followed the wiki guide but was not able to get either of the above modules to connect to the SMTP server. I tested each and both had errors connecting to SMTP. I even tried using my Gmail as SMTP - found a simple guide, but the modules kept saying I had the incorrect email/pass combination (which is inaccurate). Also tried http://mailslurper.com/ It has a terminal/command-line interface and was far simpler to set up, but still, I couldn't get the modules to connect without error. Finally I found https://mailtrap.io/ and was able to get WireMailSmtp to successfully connect - 'SUCCESS! SMTP settings appear to work correctly.' but I find no email in the address I used to create the new user account using Ryans module (login-register). I checked spam folder and nothing is there. I am absolutely stumped and wish there was a simpler way! ? I don't need the complexities of an email server for my development. Never needed it. And I am wondering, when 'Signing Up' using the Register Form, it outputs, ' Thank you, a confirmation code has been emailed to you. When you receive the email, click the link it contains, or paste the confirmation code below. Is there just a way that I can view that confirmation code? Either on the backend or output to the page itself so I can skip the headaches of setting up an SMTP server?
  12. Hey folks. I want to resurrect this old topic and share my latest finding ? Source: https://www.jqueryscript.net/text/Fast-Word-Highlighting.html file: _main.php ------------------------- <style> .highlight { background-color: #FFFF88; } </style> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>scripts/jquery.highlight.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#content').highlight('<?php echo $q; ?>'); </script> And optionally, I added this to 'search.php' file: search.php --------------------- // did we find any matches? if($matches->count) { // yes we did $content = "<h2>Found $matches->count pages matching your query: $q</h2>"; // <<<<< ADD: $q // we'll use our renderNav function (in _func.php) to render the navigation $content .= renderNav($matches); } else { // we didn't find any $content = "<h2>Sorry, no results were found for $q.</h2>"; // <<<<< ADD: $q } ?
  13. I have a site that I am working on for my Church. I know there's FormBuilder but I'd like to try and tackle this without a module - but sometimes that is not possible I guess. First: I came across plenty of links showing how to make forms via API but most seem out of date? Second: We'd like for our members to be able to register, sign in and share/update their favorite Bible verses. So that's my first goal: I came across this A Processwire module to login, logout and register users / members in the frontend. It hasn't been updated since Sept.2016.
  14. Developing the site is not an issue I just don't know how to proceed. So he has material/content he feels is valuable and wants to charge a fee, which is pretty cool. What services are out there?
  15. I shared very little on my Github account. Just what I don't mind making public, simple projects .dotfiles. However on my Gitlab account, that is where I house all my client websites because of the privacy. I do have one repo that gets pushed to both, though!
  16. I have an upcoming site that will be image heavy with various sized images being served to the proper device based on the device width. How would you go about using a CDN for images?
  17. I am always curious as to how others run their development setups. I'm usually on a LAMP setup on my Debian Thinkpad. I've tried Vagrant but don't want to run an instance for every project. It's simpler enough for me to create a new project by editing my hosts file and adding some lines to my vhost config. A simple gulp boilerplate with the standard minification of css/js files.
  18. It takes time for the developers of the Modules to update their code.
  19. OK, WEIRDEST THING HAPPEN! So I have been saving the code mentioned above to a template, actually 'home.php'. 'home.php' prepends '_init.php'. I moved the code from 'home.php' to '_init.php' and it works just fine. I guess it was having some conflict with something else?
  20. After checking both log files for both my development localhost server and my DigitalOcean server, there are actually '0' errors in either Apache log file.
  21. Sorry Tom, am not sure what that means. How would I know?
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