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Everything posted by OrganizedFellow

  1. I wasn't aware of that requirement. My password contains uppercase and lowercase letters and 1 number.
  2. I have tried each of these 3 snippets. The same result, both on localhost dev environment and DigitalOcean live server. $admin = $users->get('organizedfellow'); $admin->setOutputFormatting(false); $admin->pass = 'PA55W0RD'; $admin->save(); $u = $users->get('organizedfellow'); $u->of(false); $u->pass = 'PA55W0RD'; $u->save(); $users->get("organizedfellow")->setOutputFormatting(false)->set('pass', 'PA55W0RD')->save(); Using PW 2.7.2. The page freezes and does not load. When I remove the code, it loads normally. Is there a new method of resetting password?
  3. If that's the performance of CMS Critic when it was running WordPress, I would like to know what's the performance like now that you are back on ProcessWire?!
  4. Thank you Hector! I gave it a try and it is MUCH smoother than mine.
  5. I don't do much bash scripting, but this works well for me If you can minimize the amount of code, be my guest
  6. I've been developing on Ubuntu and Debian for years now. It's simpler I don't do much bash scripting, but wanted to share this with you all. I know we are always trying to find the best workflow and always modifying how we do things to make our development more stream-lined. #!/bin/bash #---------------------------------------------- # I WROTE A SIMPLE SCRIPT TO: # - RSYNC A DUMP SQL FILE TO REMOTE SERVER # - THEN EXPORT A BACKUP SQL FILE # - THEN IMPORT THE DUMP SQL FILE # - THEN REMOVE THE DUMP SQL FILE #---------------------------------------------- # This work is licensed under a Creative Commons # Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; # see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ # for more information. #---------------------------------------------- ## CD INTO LOCAL WORKING DIRECTORY ## this is where I keep my local dump SQL files. ## the most recent one is always named dump.sql cd ~/www/website.dev/DB ## RSYNC LATEST DUMP.SQL FILE TO REMOTE SERVER rsync -avzP dump.sql _USER_@111.222.333.444:/home/_USER_/website.com/backups wait ## SSH INTO SERVER ssh _USER_@111.222.333.444 /bin/bash << EOF echo "**************************"; echo "** Connected to remote. **" echo "**************************"; echo ""; ## CD INTO REMOTE WORKING NON-PUBLIC DIRECTORY ## where the dump.sql file was rsynced to cd website.com/backups wait sleep 1 ## RUN MYSQLDUMP COMMAND ## save the SQL with date stamp mysqldump --host=localhost --user=root --password=_PASSWORD_ _DATABASE_ > `date +%Y-%m-%d`.sql; echo "***************************************"; echo "** `date +%Y-%m-%d`.SQL has been imported. **" echo "***************************************"; echo ""; wait sleep 1 ## IMPORT DUMP.SQL COMMAND mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=_PASSWORD_ _DATABASE_ < dump.sql; echo "*********************************"; echo "** DUMP.SQL has been imported. **" echo "*********************************"; echo ""; wait sleep 1 ## REMOVE DUMP.SQL FILE rm dump.sql echo "********************************"; echo "** DUMP.SQL has been removed. **" echo "********************************"; exit EOF
  7. I've been developing on Linux for years now. I used to have a script, that when run, would do a $DB dump, store it in a folder, that folder along with all recent changes would get rsynced up to the live website. A few seconds later, I would visit a unique URL on the live website, it would run the latest $DB dump script (it would then delete itself and the dump), so it would remain in sync with my local. Simple. Whole thing took no longer than 10-15 seconds. I stopped using it when I made a copy of a project into another project. Ran the $DB script and overwrote the wrong project, lol. I now do things a little more manual and less automated.
  8. https://github.com/NextStepWebs/simplemde-markdown-editor "A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking. https://simplemde.com " --- Would love to see this as a module!
  9. SublimeText3 with Alignment, All Autocomplete, ASCII Decorator, Bracket Highlighter, DiffView, Emmet, GitGutter, Material Theme, SideBarEnhancements, and ToDo Review.
  10. I left Vagrant in favor of my LAMP setup, as I develop on Linux (actually openSuse right now). I could NOT get Vagrant and my Gulp setup to work, particularly Browser-Sync. While everything else worked as expected, I could not figure this out. But that's okay. My LAMP setup closely matched my Digital Ocean box.
  11. I found this recently https://github.com/leejordan/reflex
  12. Yes, I think I saw this posted elsewhere on here. There appears to be no content.
  13. I bought a Beagle Bone black some time last year. Been meaning to do something useful with it. Perhaps a mini webserver Thanks for the ideas fellas!
  14. I build a PW site for a restaurant/bar and called the admin URL 'office'. Another was for a friend who operates an auto mechanic shop, called his admin 'toolbox'.
  15. He's quite happy with the service he is using. I built a site for him years ago when I used ExpressEngine, and he liked it! Maybe I can convince him later
  16. Hiya friends! A friend running his website on SquareSpace wants to link to a PHP form via iframe. SquareSpace does not allow/support PHP, I guess? https://answers.squarespace.com/questions/64124/linking-to-externally-hosted-php-form.html So I help my friend out and have it working as needed. I've not used iframes since the days of pixel precise table layouts Should I be concerned with some how securing the iframe source to prevent hotlinking or something? For simple testing, I have the page here: http://www.jjaleman.com/thm/ If you view the source, you will see the iframe src is http://www.jjaleman.com/thm/rewards.php How can I make sure (100%) that the rewards.php scripts is ONLY being called from my client URL?
  17. I've been wondering that for a long while now too! I also just write everything mobile first, then add the tablet-up styles. It is a great framework and so quick and easy to use!
  18. Why Vagrant AND Virtualbox? Why not something simpler like WAMP server? I no longer use Windows, err, I did, years ago, and relied on WAMP server for development. Regarding your issue with MS Edge browser, it seems like a security protocol of the MS browser to me. I've heard of this before. MS won't let it connect.
  19. Beautiful looking AND functioning menu. Thank you for sharing!!! How could I echo a class for currently active/selected menu item?
  20. I love beautiful apps. It seems the Mac guys are always getting the cool looking stuff. I discovered this today on reddit and installed it immediately. I develop on Ubuntu and absolutely love the GUI on this thing. Very nice looking. Still putting it through its paces. I don't have any complicated projects to really take advantage of all its features. I've always favored the CLI anyway. But it's nice to visualize my repos That are your thoughts amigos?!
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