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Everything posted by onjegolders

  1. Thanks Alan, I appreciate it.
  2. Cheers Joss! Still possibility of some freelance stuff if you're interested. Dan only really handles the very corporate stuff.
  3. Thanks Statestreet! Just wanted it to always be accessible but still it's still very much open to discussion whether people actually are going to use it!
  4. Hi Ryan, I didn't even get to the install page. I uploaded files and created a clean database, loaded up the root page expecting the installer and got this message.
  5. If no-one has any ideas, could I PM links to two phpinfo()s? The old server works fine with PW.
  6. Hi Benjamin, it's quite a common problem that many of have faced, you probably need to make a change on your htaccess file. See here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/82-install-pw-to-subdir/#entry1220 You will want to try uncommenting the lines beginning with Rewrite Base, try uncommenting the first line of that (removing the hash)
  7. Hi Guys, Have set up a new server and I'm having an issue with setting up a blank pw installation. I have also moved an existing PW installation to this server and had issues but since adding mysqli support, this existing site now works fine. However, when I downloaded a fresh install of PW and uploaded that, expecting the installation screen, I get the following error: Error: Exception: DB connect error 2005 - Unknown MySQL server host 'Config' (1) (in /home/networkd/public_html/wire/core/ProcessWire.php line 96) This error message was shown because Superuser has never logged in. Error has been logged. I've seen other threads on here about possible causes of this in the config file but seeing as this is pre-installation, I'm not sure what can be causing it? Any ideas?
  8. Thanks Diogo. The end user would just find the video id and paste that in? That's sort of what I was doing with the embed codes, just thought the url would be easier for them but if it's just the number bit, probably OK. Thanks for the tip about the text fields, I may try the module on that!
  9. Thanks Alan, I'm using the module at the moment so not sure if there is a preference in there that affects it.
  10. My Youtube also seems to be outputting Flash, is that the default over HTML5?
  11. Thanks Alan, will take a look but I think this approach is what has now been turned into this module. I think what I'm almost after is a youtube or vimeo fieldtype so I don't have to present the client with a tinyMCE field to put his url in.
  12. Is there any way of making this work outside of a tinyMCE or equivalent field, ideally a plain text field or if not a standard textarea field? I gather this is meant more for on the fly inclusion of videos within textareas but I'm looking for something specifically for a video template. In the past I've got them to find the embed code and I've factored that into my templates but the url would be easier!
  13. Also wanted to say Grays that if you've liked EE in the past, chances are you are in the right place. I never liked the big three but I was a big fan of EE. In the end I've found that PW is like the good bits of EE, improved and with none of the downsides. The concept of being free to design first, knowing that the tool won't get in the way is something you'll be glad of every day And yes, I'm the annoying guy Horst mentions
  14. Another great site in the Showcase! The typography's just perfect, really love what you've done here and I very much agree with the last line!
  15. Love it Georgson. It looks immediately professional, I love the type and my favourite part, definitely the navigation! Great job
  16. Wow to you Apeisa, you're one of the big reasons I stuck around long enough to know my ass from my elbow (as we say in the UK)! I love the first part of your comment (I did know I was being annoying by the way ) but I feel very uncomfortable and unworthy of the last bit! Anyway, thanks mate, I'm so happy to be here, believe me! PS Also work with another guy, Ruhul, so can't take all the praise
  17. Really cool design Benby, I like it a lot and it really looks the part. Not sure why a couple of the drawings light up but don't go anywhere and the scroll to top button doesn't appear to be working. Great looking site though!
  18. Jeez, thanks guys, made my day
  19. I read both your messages in the same voice! Don't be affended Now... where did I leave my Joomla badge...
  20. Hi Basil, like the others I really like the design and the ideas behind the site I'm just struggling a bit with the way the scrolling works. Something about it is unintuitive but I really like the layout generally. Need to update your 2011 Copyright
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