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Everything posted by onjegolders

  1. Pete, this is very much the plan, especially as the weekend nears...
  2. onjegolders

    Mad blog profile

    JOSS vs WORDPRESS In cinemas soon! PS: Am loving the content...
  3. Cheers Apeisa, Funnily enough, RWD is the one thing that makes perfect sense to me and that I feel I've got to grips with! I try to know a little bit about each new technology / language and only really get into details when needed or I have time on my hands.
  4. If RWD could just stay still long enough for me to get to grips with it, it would be much appreciated (that applies pretty much for any new web craze by the way!) I feel like the fat guy who finally catches up, wheezing, with hands on knees and bent double, only for the other runners to say "Right, let's get moving again!"
  5. Thanks Philipp, almost by chance, I've been put in touch with a guy who's great with graphics and is looking for someone to turn their beautiful designs into gobbledygook code. Will have to see how it pans out!
  6. Keep it coming! Made me chuckle heartily but think our American and European cousins will have trouble with some of the references. I especially liked the Tom Daley bit... Anyway, when's the book out? You can put me down for a copy or two...
  7. Hi again jploch, the only real systems that support theming ecosystems I believe are the big 3 with WP by far the most active. If you're looking at earning a living from making themes, ProcessWire probably isn't a great fit as, like Joss says Processwire sites can be built in many different ways. You could still sell HTML templates and use them within PW but I know that the market for Wordpress themes is pretty large. For me, the disadvantages that you spoke about (endless plugins and hacking of the core) are just too off-putting to use Wordpress (or Joomla or Drupal for that matter).
  8. Looks great, looking forward to it, though I have to say I keep coming back to Ryan's original admin theme.
  9. Brilliant answer Joss, said everything I wanted to as usual. Welcome Jploch, as someone who approached PW with little or no PHP, believe me you only really need to learn the very basics to get going and once you start it'll make you want to learn more. I would say that WP is ideal for non-designers. If you're a designer, surely you don't want you or your clients to be messing with changing themes? You want to be free to code what you want and then hand it over to a client. Give PW a try, I think you'll find it's a perfect fit for the sort of work you do.
  10. Hi Noose, am currently working on a single-page site from a new agency and really like how it performs. I'm hopeful that in my case the content is all quite similar and about one main subject that SEO-wise it won't take as much as a hit. If you have a site which contains lots of different areas of content and departments, I don't think it would work as well. On the flipside, I've seen many agencies who have links at the bottom of their page to web-design-london, web-design-birmingham and so on and soforth. This will probably give them an SEO advantage but I feel like they're losing a lot of credibility in the process. Sorry I can't give you more of a knowledgable answer, I'm sure others will do but for me, if the theme for the site fits the model, then use it.
  11. Nico, could we have a small example but done from creating them in code to end user, using them in a textarea? This looks great but I can't get my head around exactly how to implement them! Thanks!
  12. Joss, any client I've worked for so far has been in desperate need of a copywriter but the budgets seem to dictate otherwise! Content really is king but it's often the thing that neither the client nor the designer seem to want to handle! If I have something come up, I'll definitely come to you. Good tip Dave, thanks for that, will have a look at the local Job Centre as it's just over the road. And Diogo, lucky you!
  13. Hi guys, Was wondering if any of you had any recommendations for where to advertise for a small agency partner? Ideally someone who's preferred area is graphic design/logos, though not necessarily. The idea is to be part of a two or three man/woman team working with small/medium-sized companies throughout the Midlands/Cotswolds area. Currently have an office in Solihull. Obviously advertising on here too, in case there are any interested parties! Any thoughts/ pointers would be appreciated.
  14. Wanze, you are a legend, have you been reading the Wishlist/Roadmap? Will check this out hopefully tomorrow, have a great Friday evening!
  15. Thanks Ryan, that's a great summary. does ->entities cover all input field types?
  16. Luis, thank you so much. Thanks for taking time out to help me, it's massively appreciated and I owe you a drink!
  17. I put it in that gist to avoid getting the page messy, but here it is: <?php $output = "Pass not filled in"; $pass_updated = "Nope, pass not updated"; $new_pass = ""; $form="<form action='./' id='registration' method='post'> <div class='row'> <div class='four columns'> <label for='username'>Username *</label> <p class='help'>Please ensure your username contains no spaces and is ten or less charcters.</p> <input type='text' name='username' value='{$sanitizer->username($user->name)}' readonly> <label for='first_name'>First name</label> <input type='text' name='first_name' value='{$sanitizer->text($user->first_name)}'> <label for='last_name'>Last name</label> <input type='text' name='last_name' value='{$sanitizer->text($user->last_name)}'> <label for='email'>Email address *</label> <input type='text' name='email' value='{$sanitizer->email($user->email)}'> </div> <!-- /.four columns --> <div class='four columns'> <label for='company_name'>Company name</label> <input type='text' name='company_name' value='{$sanitizer->text($user->company_name)}'> <label for='company_url'>Company URL</label> <input type='text' name='company_url' value='{$sanitizer->url($user->company_url)}'> <label for='company_phone'>Company phone</label> <input type='text' name='company_phone' value='{$sanitizer->text($user->company_phone)}'> </div> <!-- /.four columns --> <div class='four columns'> <label for='pass'>Password *</label> <p class='help'>Only fill in a password, if you would like to change your current one. Please ensure your password is at least 6 characters long and contains at least one digit and one letter</p> <input type='password' name='pass'> <label for='pass_confirm'>Confirm password *</label> <input type='password' name='pass_confirm'> <input class='button success small' type='submit' name='submit_edit_profile' id='submit'> </div> <!-- /.four columns --> </div> <!-- /.row --> </form>"; $headings=" <div id='profile' class='row'> <div class='twelve columns'> <h3>Welcome to your profile page $user->name.</h3>"; include("./header.inc"); echo $headings; if ($user->name == "guest") { echo "<h5>Please <a href='{$config->urls->root}login'>login</a> to access your profile or <a href='{$config->urls->root}register'>register</a> an account.</h5>"; } // end if user->name == guest else { if ($input->post->submit_edit_profile) { if (empty($input->post->username) || empty($input->post->email)) { $message = "Please fill out all fields marked with a *"; echo "<h5 class='error'>$message</h5>"; echo $form; } // end if empty fields elseif (filter_var($input->post->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === FALSE) { $message = "Please include a valid email address"; echo "<h5 class='error'>$message</h5>"; echo $form; } // end if invalid email elseif ($input->post->pass != "") { if (!preg_match("/[0-9]/", $input->post->pass) || strlen($input->post->pass) < 6) { $message = "Please ensure your password has at least one digit and is at least 6 characters long"; echo "<h5 class='error'>$message</h5>"; echo $form; $output .= " Incorrect - not right type!"; echo $output; } // end if password is invalid elseif($input->post->pass !== $input->post->pass_confirm) { $message = "Please ensure that your passwords match"; echo "<h5 class='error'>$message</h5>"; echo $form; $output .= " Incorrect - don't match!"; echo $output; } // end if passwords don't match else { $output = "Password FILLED in and correct!"; $new_pass = $sanitizer->text($input->post->pass); } } // end if password is not empty else { $user->of(false); if (isset($input->post->first_name)) { $user->first_name = $sanitizer->text($input->post->first_name); } if (isset($input->post->last_name)) { $user->last_name = $sanitizer->text($input->post->last_name); } if (isset($input->post->company_name)) { $user->company_name = $sanitizer->text($input->post->company_name); } if (isset($input->post->company_url)) { $user->company_url = $sanitizer->url($input->post->company_url); } if (isset($input->post->company_phone)) { $user->company_phone = $sanitizer->text($input->post->company_phone); } if (isset($input->post->email)) { $user->email = $sanitizer->email($input->post->email); } if (isset($new_pass)) { $user->pass = $new_pass; $pass_updated = "Yes updated!"; } $user->save(); $user->of(true); echo "<h5>Your profile has been updated $user->name.</h5>"; echo $output; echo $pass_updated; } // end if form has been successfully updated } // end if form has been submitted else { $message = "Feel free to make any changes you would like below. Please note that your username cannot be modified."; echo "<h5>$message</h5>"; echo $form; echo $output; } // end if form has not been submitted } // end show actual page ie: someone is logged in and not guest ?> <?php var_dump($output); var_dump($pass_updated); var_dump($new_pass); ?> </div> <!-- /.twelve columns --> </div> <!-- /#profile.row --> <?php include("./footer.inc"); ?> Window size: x Viewport size: x
  18. Thanks Ryan, it can be quite hard at my level to keep all this code organized and remember everything! Which fields should/can you run entities on? Edit: Is it OK to run it as $sanitizer->text($input->post->first_name) ?
  19. If I try and edit the password, the page reloads with just the welcome text "Welcome to your profile page username"
  20. Have stripped it right back and doesn't seem to be doing it for me, though I must stress it could well be something else going wrong. Maybe Ryan can confirm if it's possible to change pass and log back in with the new one?
  21. Your jQuery wizardry looks like a pretty good solution anyway! Currently got my head stuck in forms (the joy!)
  22. Thanks Luis, this looks interesting, think I'm going to build a smaller form to check if it works, as at the moment, there are too many variables!
  23. Think I used modulus (?) to get the fourth item and then apply a different class to it. Or for my money, the best solution - move to Foundation - I find it much more flexible.
  24. Thanks Luis, would it be possible to logout the user then log them back in with new credentials in the same template?
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